Components and supplies
Standard LCD - 16x2 White on Blue
Arduino UNO
Project description
LcdProgressBarDouble Git repository on GitHub
Showcase of LcdProgressBarDouble library: displays a 2 progress bars in a single row in LCD display (from 2 trimmer potentiometers)
Double progress bars demo
LcdProgressBarDouble Git repository on GitHub
Showcase of LcdProgressBarDouble library: displays a 2 progress bars in a single row in LCD display (from 2 trimmer potentiometers)
Double progress bars demo
Downloadable files
Fritzing schemas (with trimmer potentiometers)
For timer example, simply remove the 2 potentiometers connected to A4 and A5 analog entries.
Fritzing schemas (with trimmer potentiometers)
Breadboard (trimmer potentiometers)
Breadboard (trimmer potentiometers)
Breadboard (Timer)
Follow the wires and you'll get the the demo working like a charm :).
Breadboard (Timer)
Fritzing schemas (with trimmer potentiometers)
For timer example, simply remove the 2 potentiometers connected to A4 and A5 analog entries.
Fritzing schemas (with trimmer potentiometers)
Schema (trimmer potentiometers)
Schema (trimmer potentiometers)
Breadboard (trimmer potentiometers)
Breadboard (trimmer potentiometers)
Schema (Timer)
If you prefer, here is the electric schematic
Schema (Timer)
Schema (trimmer potentiometers)
Schema (trimmer potentiometers)
Breadboard (Timer)
Follow the wires and you'll get the the demo working like a charm :).
Breadboard (Timer)
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6 months ago
Hi thi project no working.....say problem ... 'purpose' was not declared in this scope thank you. Αυτή η αναφορά θα παρείχε περισσότερες πληροφορίες με "Εμφάνιση πλεονάζουσα έξοδος κατά τη σύνταξη" Επιλογή από το Αρχείο -> Προτιμήσεις.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Excellent! Looking for this for my project. I tried to use it with I2C LCD but is over my knowledge to modify the library. If, by any chance, do you have some time maybe you will add I2C LCD to this wonderful library! Thanks Wilfried, all the best. Adrian
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Excellent! Looking for this for my project. I tried to use it with I2C LCD but is over my knowledge to modify the library. If, by any chance, do you have some time maybe you will add I2C LCD to this wonderful library! Thanks Wilfried, all the best. Adrian
Anonymous user
7 years ago
How I can set Min Values as -5 for Trimmer potentiometers program limitation?
•3 Projects
LcdProgressBarDouble | Arduino Project Hub
6 months ago
problem for this project.. C:\Users\Qompaq\Documents\Arduino\BAR_GRAPH__2_LINES......FOR_VU_METER\BAR_GRAPH__2_LINES......FOR_VU_METER.ino: In function 'void setup()': BAR_GRAPH__2_LINES......FOR_VU_METER:46:3: error: 'purpose' was not declared in this scope purpose ^~~~~~~ BAR_GRAPH__2_LINES......FOR_VU_METER:61:9: error: expected ')' before 'is' (1023 is maximum value for both bars) ^~ Βρέθηκαν πολλαπλές βιβλιοθήκες για "LiquidCrystal.h" Σε χρήση: C:\Users\Qompaq\Documents\Arduino\libraries\LiquidCrystal Όχι σε χρήση: C:\Program Files (x86)\Arduino\libraries\LiquidCrystal exit status 1 'purpose' was not declared in this scope Αυτή η αναφορά θα παρείχε περισσότερες πληροφορίες με "Εμφάνιση πλεονάζουσα έξοδος κατά τη σύνταξη" Επιλογή από το Αρχείο -> Προτιμήσεις.