Components and supplies
Resistor 221 ohm
Grove - Gas Sensor(MQ2)
Breadboard (generic)
5 mm LED: Green
5 mm LED: Red
Arduino UNO
Tools and machines
Soldering iron (generic)
Apps and platforms
Arduino IDE
Project description
Arduino code for this program
Downloadable files
connection diagram
No need of fritzing.It is just a simple connection circuit diagram.
connection diagram
connection diagram
No need of fritzing.It is just a simple connection circuit diagram.
connection diagram
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Anonymous user
3 years ago
Please tell me if I used Arduino nano in place of Arduino UNO then can the same code be used? Or ther will be some change in coding?
5 years ago
Thanks to my team members for doing this project: Sai nithin,Varun,Chandraharsha
2 years ago
Thanks to my team members for doing this project: Sai nithin,Varun,Chandraharsha