Antenna Rotator controller compatible with tracking software

Simple controller for homemade (or commercial) antenna rotator. Manual command or USB via computer tracking software: Orbitron, SatPC32 ...

Mar 5, 2020


34 respects

Components and supplies


Rotary Encoder with Push-Button


Relay Module (Generic)


Breadboard (generic)


Rotary potentiometer (generic)


Arduino UNO


Power MOSFET N-Channel

Apps and platforms


Arduino IDE

Project description


Potentiometer calibration procedure


AZ / EL Potentiometers limit calibration PROCEDURE for displaying the correct antenna angles and rotation limits ( 0-359ᴼ / 0-90ᴼ) This is plain text, not a code :)

Motor calibration procedure


This procedure sets the parameters for the Antenna Speed-Up / Slow-Down Zone. This is plain text, not a code :)



This code is for DC motors, with soft start/stop PWM output. Use electric diagram for DC motors.



This code is for relay output or AC motors. Use electric diagram for AC motors.

Potentiometer calibration procedure


AZ / EL Potentiometers limit calibration PROCEDURE for displaying the correct antenna angles and rotation limits ( 0-359ᴼ / 0-90ᴼ) This is plain text, not a code :)

Motor calibration procedure


This procedure sets the parameters for the Antenna Speed-Up / Slow-Down Zone. This is plain text, not a code :)



This code is for DC motors, with soft start/stop PWM output. Use electric diagram for DC motors.

Downloadable files

Electric Diagram for AC motors

Make sure you use this diagram with the code for AC motors. Offers dry contacts (ON/OFF). It can be easily interfaced with commercial rotators.

Electric Diagram for AC motors

Electric Diagram for DC motors

Make sure you use this diagram with the code for DC motors. PWM output, Smoother antenna movement

Electric Diagram for DC motors

Electric Diagram for DC motors

Make sure you use this diagram with the code for DC motors. PWM output, Smoother antenna movement

Electric Diagram for DC motors

Electric Diagram for AC motors

Make sure you use this diagram with the code for AC motors. Offers dry contacts (ON/OFF). It can be easily interfaced with commercial rotators.

Electric Diagram for AC motors


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a year ago

Unfortunately, the images with the electrical diagrams are not visible.


2 years ago

HI, i am trying to modify the code for old AZ-Rotators like G400 running from South to South ( 180-180) over North 360/0 in midle of Potmeter Also added "R" and "L" for serial command from PC ( using Rotocraft 1.0) will send you an Email with the details 73 Jasper PA2J

Anonymous user

2 years ago

23/07/22 Bonjour,me lançant sur un nouveau défit concernant le stracking (ISS ou Autre satellites),je me suis lancé sur ce projet avec Arduino + relais pour piloter 2 moteurs alternatifs(Yaesu G450+verrin parabole) pour effectuer une poursuite sat.J'ai déjà testé le programme inclus ci-dessus mais apparement ,Il est éronné Msg d'erreur : LiquidCrystal_I2C.h: No such file or directory #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // (Library for LCD) Et ne maitrisant pas du tout le language Arduino j'aurai besoin d'aide SVP Cordialement Thierry


2 years ago

Bonjour Thierry, Donne moi s'il te plaît, un email, pour approfondir le sujet. YO3RAK@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Can two stepper motors be used for this


2 years ago

Hi Preston, Sure, steppers are great and more precise. There are modules that interface easily with Arduino. I am not very familiar with steppers, the code must be changed a little, but sure it can be a great project. Give me an email if you want more information, because this platform doesn't inform me of new comments, dunno why.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Trying to run the code without success so far I found a mistake in the Circuit diagram- The SDA pin should be connected to the A4 And the SCL pin should be connected to the A5 And not as shown in the Circuit diagram

Anonymous user

2 years ago

There are several different libraries named LiquidCrystal_I2C, the problems related to the LCD in the previous comments are caused by using the wrong library. It would really help if you specified in the code where the particular library you used came from.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I am building a rotor with automotive window regulator motors and I have built the interface to work with your application. It works wonderfully. Congratulations. On the other hand, with Orbitron, I have a problem: With the MyDDE driver, the application works fine, but of course it does not control my TX. On the other hand with SpidAlfa or WispDDE, by configuring easycom, I only receive inconsistent data. If I set up with other rotors, it doesn't spin. I do not know what to do. Do you have an idea ? Thank you


2 years ago

Hi Paulo. I'm sorry for the late answer, this platform doesn't inform me of new comments. You're talking about SpidAlfa or WispDDE for Orbitron, I supose. These are different protocols and will not work with this controller. By TX you mean radio TX? If you want both antenna rotator and radio control, you can use WXtrack, for example, or other similar software. I use PstRotator and it's excellent (but it's not free). Please send me an email (you'll find my address here in the comments), to discuss in more detail.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I would like to drive a DC Servomotor system with a +/- 10 Vdc Rate Error voltage instead of ON / OFF Relay commands. Can you adapt this to do that? Is the output based on Error Angle?


2 years ago

Hey grblake, Yes, it's based on error angle. I don't really understand what type of motor you have. Please send me an email, and I'm sure we can sort it out.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I cannot find where to find your email? let me know how or send me an email. Thank You. I am using a 90 Vdc Servo motor with Field Windings. I have to energize the motor field to create the magnetism before you can apply the drive to the armature. it is much higher power. I am using JUNUS Servo Amplifiers from Copley Controls.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

When I try to compile the code in Arduino IDE I receive this message: Arduino: 1.8.13 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)" C:\\Users\\georg\\OneDrive\\Documents\\Ham Radio\\Pelco\\arduino_uno_antenna_rotator___april_2021_GRB\\arduino_uno_antenna_rotator___april_2021_GRB.ino: In function 'void setup()': arduino_uno_antenna_rotator___april_2021_GRB:124:7: error: 'class LiquidCrystal_I2C' has no member named 'init' lcd.init(); ^~~~ Multiple libraries were found for "LiquidCrystal.h" Used: C:\\Users\\georg\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\LiquidCrystal Not used: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Arduino\\libraries\\LiquidCrystal exit status 1 'class LiquidCrystal_I2C' has no member named 'init' This report would have more information with "Show verbose output during compilation" option enabled in File -> Preferences.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi, Good afternoon. Did you get a solution to your query? I have the same issue. I look forward to hearing from you. Angus

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Greetings. I am working on a version with Analog rate Error output from a DAC in both axes. This is the boards I am using: The Servo Amplifiers can accept both PWM / Direction and +/- 10 Vdc Rate Error Analog voltages. I am partial to Analog vs. Digital commands, but I will use them if I have to. I am using Potentiometer feedback for position. I like the display and the manual function. Is there a JOG function? I would like the LCD to receive Serial Rx data vs. SCL / SDA data. I have LCD's with a Serial adapter board. Can you help? Thanks.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Oh yeah: I also want to use Potentiometer feedback vs. Encoder.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hola buenas tardes, seria posible usar dos encoder lpd3806 en lugar de los potenciometros para sensar la posicion de la antena, deberia modificarse el codigo, pero seria mucho mas preciso o me equivoco. Hello good afternoon, it would be possible to use two lpd3806 encoders instead of the potentiometers to sense the position of the antenna, the code should be modified, but it would be much more precise or am I wrong.


2 years ago

Hola Gonza. It is very complicated to use this encoder as a position sensor, for this project, of course. The code must be modified and, because this is an incremental encoder, it doesn't have a default position, like a potentiometer. So every time the controller is powered up, the antenna must perform a full turn, to discover its limits. So yeah, it's a very good device, but very hard to use with this project. It's not worth the effort. The precision you get from the potentiometers is more than enough. Send me an email, if you want to discuss more.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Okey muchas gracias por tu respuesta, voy a modificar mis sensores, voy a poner dos potenciometros en lugar de los encoders, para probar luego te comento mis resultados no veo tu mail por ningun sitio el mio es desde ya muchas gracias muy amable de tu parte por responderme. Ok, thank you very much for your answer, I am going to modify my sensors, I am going to put two potentiometers instead of the encoders, to test later I will tell you my results I do not see your email anywhere mine is thank you very much very kind of you to answer me.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello Viorel, I used WXtrack and it worked, that's when I discovered the update in WXtrack that was 5 seconds away, in the orbitron as I had changed to 1 second it doesn't work, because it locks the reading pots, so i left it in the orbitron every 5 seconds and it worked, in 1 second it overloads the readings of the arduino.


2 years ago

Hello, Please check again the new code I update recently. It works better and prevents the overload that you mentioned. If you have any problems, let me know.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi Viorel, Wonderful project, thank you very much, in the first version it already worked well, although the arrow above appears four dashes, now with this update it was fantastic. Thanks again.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

ok I found the problem This line should be corrected: // Initiate the LCD: lcd.init (); This should be the correct sentence and not as in the original software lcd.backlight (); that's it ENJOY Yoram


2 years ago

Hello Yoram. Lcd.init and backlight are two different things and should both be used in the right place. If the LCD pins were switched in the diagram, I am very sorry. I am very glad it works for you. All the best 👍

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I'm glad the drawing has been corrected - But the software is not yet Please note that the sentence in line 126 Show like this: 125 // Initiate the LCD: 126 // lcd.init(); This causes the display to not work for me. Should be as follows: 125 // Initiate the LCD: 126 lcd.init(); Best Yoram


2 years ago

Thanks for pointing me the drawing error. I know what you mean with the LCD. I guess it depends on the LCD manufacturers. Indeed, the lcd.init() should be used right there, but the reason it was commented was that sometimes the custom characters (arrow up and down) were not displayed correctly. It gave me head aches, I goolgled and find another mean to initialize the display. This is why I used 93 lcd.begin(16,2); It worked better with my display. I'm not a specialist in Arduino, I have good knowledge of electronics and average knowledge of programming, so this whole code is pretty much adapted from bits of information I found here and there. If you and anyone else could find just even a small piece of useful inspiration in my work, I am more than happy I could help, because I also found useful inspiration in others work, when I was in need. Thank you very much for your input. Sincerely, Viorel

Anonymous user

2 years ago

hello, wonderful Project, managed to create a good rotator base, I was wondering if it is possible to replace the regular motors with Steppers? I am good with crafting but bad when it comes to programming^^


2 years ago

Hello Nubi. If I had steppers in stock by the time I made this project, it would came out nicely for steppers. Odds were I had DC motors. That's why I recommend using DC motors. Yes, you could use steppers if you must, but you have two options: 1. Use the code for DC motors and the module like in the project described here The advantage is that it works right away, without modifications. The disadvantage is that you can't make use of the soft start/stop feature. This is a tragedy, in my opinion. 2. Use the code for DC motors for the start, and modify it in order to work properly with steppers and this module Please use the email if you want more details. As I said before, this platform doesn't inform me of new comments.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello, dear. Congratulations on your assembly. I have a problem with the azimuth setting. It takes a long time to adjust to the angle requested. 73. Ed


2 years ago

Hello Ed. Please describe in more detail the problem you encounter. You'll find my email address here in the comments, if you want more information. 73!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello my friend, a wonderful project! I got a little problem with the replica, but that doesn't bother me. There is no arrow for up or down, but 4 horizontal lines instead. Do you have any idea? I noticed something else. Orbitron sends data via the interface, but there are no changes to the AZ or EL angles but it works great with Satellite Tracking WXtrack! What is wrong ! Thank you


2 years ago

Hey Cool, Please check again the new code I update recently. If you have any problems, let me know.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Good afternoon. I really liked your project. The firmware was successful. Everything works. Please tell me where to fix it in the firmware. By elevation, 0 degrees is 0 volts, and 360 degrees is 5 volts. In your firmware, 0 degrees is 0 volts, and 90 degrees is 5 volts. I need to apply this to the finished design.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Can the same code work with arduino nano ?


2 years ago

Hey George, Yes it can. Same pins, absolutely no changes. Please use the email if you want more details. As I said before, this platform doesn't inform me of new comments.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Buon giorno, Vorrei realizzare questo progetto anche se al momento mi interessa solo il controllo azimutale, però ho provato a verificare il software sulla scheda Arduino e mi da errore di compilazione. Dove posso ottenere i componenti?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

the code is not working can't get to load up stops at r4 and can't find the liberary for the LCD whet to do. sm3uqo


2 years ago

Hey sm3uqo, Please check again the new code I update recently. Here is the LCD library that I used If you have any problems, let me know.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Helo. I have 2 Orbit 360 antenna rotators that use DC motors with reversible leads to control direction. 1Kohm pot is used for direction the stock configuration, a resistor in the controller is adjusted to the direction the antenna is to be pointed to on a paper direction indicator. The resister generates a voltage that is fed into one of the inputs on a 741 op amp. a resistor in the rotator also generates a voltage based on where the antenna is pointed. is there any way to use this software without the encoders?


2 years ago

Hey aa5ao, Short answer ,YES. Just connect the corresponding pins to GND, to avoid random readings. (D2,3,4,5,6) I'm sorry for the very late answer. As I said before, this platform doesn't inform me of new comments. I only now saw your post. Please use the email, I'll reply much faster.


2 years ago

Hello if i want to remove the elevation part and keep only the azimuth part what would the arduino sketch be? thank you


2 years ago

Hello Ecattin. You can use it exactly as it is, no problem. You disregard completely the elevation part in hardware, don't put an encoder for elevation, no potentiometer for reading the antenna elevation (just put the pin to GND). You will get 0 degrees reading on the display. That's all. Fore more information, please email me. yo3rak I answer faster to this one. All the best. Racov

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Dear Viuear i am building your rotator antenna project could you tell me the encoder pins mine has all 5 pins in a row. clk, dt, sw, +, gnd. many thank's (IW5DEJ) Paolo Danesi


2 years ago

Hi Paolo. Please send me a photo of the encoder at


2 years ago

I got it. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

code is not working


2 years ago

Of course it is working. What issues did you encounter?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi I have a problem with the Elevation encoder. It takes two steps every clic on the encoder but Azimuth works fine. I have swithed the encoders between azim/elev and tried another arduino but the problem is the same. Everything else works fine. Is it something in the program ? // Otto


2 years ago

Hello Otto. Yes, I believe it has something to do with the program. The azimuth encoder uses a much more precise code, which uses interrupts. For the elevation, there were no more interrupts available, so the debouncing is not very accurate. That's why sometimes, some encoders jump two steps. I, sometimes, happen to jump back on elevation. Unfortunately, I was not able to find a better solution. Since I plan on using it mainly with computer command, it was not that big issue for me. All the best, Racov

Anonymous user

3 years ago

23/07/22 Bonjour,me lançant sur un nouveau défit concernant le stracking (ISS ou Autre satellites),je me suis lancé sur ce projet avec Arduino + relais pour piloter 2 moteurs alternatifs(Yaesu G450+verrin parabole) pour effectuer une poursuite sat.J'ai déjà testé le programme inclus ci-dessus mais apparement ,Il est éronné Msg d'erreur : LiquidCrystal_I2C.h: No such file or directory #include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> // (Library for LCD) Et ne maitrisant pas du tout le language Arduino j'aurai besoin d'aide SVP Cordialement Thierry


2 years ago

Bonjour Thierry, Donne moi s'il te plaît, un email, pour approfondir le sujet. YO3RAK@GMAIL.COM

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Hola buenas tardes, seria posible usar dos encoder lpd3806 en lugar de los potenciometros para sensar la posicion de la antena, deberia modificarse el codigo, pero seria mucho mas preciso o me equivoco. Hello good afternoon, it would be possible to use two lpd3806 encoders instead of the potentiometers to sense the position of the antenna, the code should be modified, but it would be much more precise or am I wrong.


2 years ago

Hola Gonza. It is very complicated to use this encoder as a position sensor, for this project, of course. The code must be modified and, because this is an incremental encoder, it doesn't have a default position, like a potentiometer. So every time the controller is powered up, the antenna must perform a full turn, to discover its limits. So yeah, it's a very good device, but very hard to use with this project. It's not worth the effort. The precision you get from the potentiometers is more than enough. Send me an email, if you want to discuss more.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Okey muchas gracias por tu respuesta, voy a modificar mis sensores, voy a poner dos potenciometros en lugar de los encoders, para probar luego te comento mis resultados no veo tu mail por ningun sitio el mio es desde ya muchas gracias muy amable de tu parte por responderme. Ok, thank you very much for your answer, I am going to modify my sensors, I am going to put two potentiometers instead of the encoders, to test later I will tell you my results I do not see your email anywhere mine is thank you very much very kind of you to answer me.


3 years ago

hello, wonderful Project, managed to create a good rotator base, I was wondering if it is possible to replace the regular motors with Steppers? I am good with crafting but bad when it comes to programming^^


2 years ago

Hello Nubi. If I had steppers in stock by the time I made this project, it would came out nicely for steppers. Odds were I had DC motors. That's why I recommend using DC motors. Yes, you could use steppers if you must, but you have two options: 1. Use the code for DC motors and the module like in the project described here The advantage is that it works right away, without modifications. The disadvantage is that you can't make use of the soft start/stop feature. This is a tragedy, in my opinion. 2. Use the code for DC motors for the start, and modify it in order to work properly with steppers and this module Please use the email if you want more details. As I said before, this platform doesn't inform me of new comments.

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Can the same code work with arduino nano ?


2 years ago

Hey George, Yes it can. Same pins, absolutely no changes. Please use the email if you want more details. As I said before, this platform doesn't inform me of new comments.

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Helo. I have 2 Orbit 360 antenna rotators that use DC motors with reversible leads to control direction. 1Kohm pot is used for direction the stock configuration, a resistor in the controller is adjusted to the direction the antenna is to be pointed to on a paper direction indicator. The resister generates a voltage that is fed into one of the inputs on a 741 op amp. a resistor in the rotator also generates a voltage based on where the antenna is pointed. is there any way to use this software without the encoders?


2 years ago

Hey aa5ao, Short answer ,YES. Just connect the corresponding pins to GND, to avoid random readings. (D2,3,4,5,6) I'm sorry for the very late answer. As I said before, this platform doesn't inform me of new comments. I only now saw your post. Please use the email, I'll reply much faster.

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Can two stepper motors be used for this


2 years ago

Hi Preston, Sure, steppers are great and more precise. There are modules that interface easily with Arduino. I am not very familiar with steppers, the code must be changed a little, but sure it can be a great project. Give me an email if you want more information, because this platform doesn't inform me of new comments, dunno why.


4 years ago

When I try to compile the code in Arduino IDE I receive this message: Arduino: 1.8.13 (Windows 10), Board: "Arduino Mega or Mega 2560, ATmega2560 (Mega 2560)" C:\\Users\\georg\\OneDrive\\Documents\\Ham Radio\\Pelco\\arduino_uno_antenna_rotator___april_2021_GRB\\arduino_uno_antenna_rotator___april_2021_GRB.ino: In function 'void setup()': arduino_uno_antenna_rotator___april_2021_GRB:124:7: error: 'class LiquidCrystal_I2C' has no member named 'init' lcd.init(); ^~~~ Multiple libraries were found for "LiquidCrystal.h" Used: C:\\Users\\georg\\Documents\\Arduino\\libraries\\LiquidCrystal Not used: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Arduino\\libraries\\LiquidCrystal exit status 1 'class LiquidCrystal_I2C' has no member named 'init' This report would have more information with "Show verbose output during compilation" option enabled in File -> Preferences.


2 years ago

Hi, Good afternoon. Did you get a solution to your query? I have the same issue. I look forward to hearing from you. Angus


4 years ago

Greetings. I am working on a version with Analog rate Error output from a DAC in both axes. This is the boards I am using: The Servo Amplifiers can accept both PWM / Direction and +/- 10 Vdc Rate Error Analog voltages. I am partial to Analog vs. Digital commands, but I will use them if I have to. I am using Potentiometer feedback for position. I like the display and the manual function. Is there a JOG function? I would like the LCD to receive Serial Rx data vs. SCL / SDA data. I have LCD's with a Serial adapter board. Can you help? Thanks.


4 years ago

Oh yeah: I also want to use Potentiometer feedback vs. Encoder.


4 years ago

I would like to drive a DC Servomotor system with a +/- 10 Vdc Rate Error voltage instead of ON / OFF Relay commands. Can you adapt this to do that? Is the output based on Error Angle?


2 years ago

I cannot find where to find your email? let me know how or send me an email. Thank You. I am using a 90 Vdc Servo motor with Field Windings. I have to energize the motor field to create the magnetism before you can apply the drive to the armature. it is much higher power. I am using JUNUS Servo Amplifiers from Copley Controls.


2 years ago

Hey grblake, Yes, it's based on error angle. I don't really understand what type of motor you have. Please send me an email, and I'm sure we can sort it out.


4 years ago

Good afternoon. I really liked your project. The firmware was successful. Everything works. Please tell me where to fix it in the firmware. By elevation, 0 degrees is 0 volts, and 360 degrees is 5 volts. In your firmware, 0 degrees is 0 volts, and 90 degrees is 5 volts. I need to apply this to the finished design.


4 years ago

I am building a rotor with automotive window regulator motors and I have built the interface to work with your application. It works wonderfully. Congratulations. On the other hand, with Orbitron, I have a problem: With the MyDDE driver, the application works fine, but of course it does not control my TX. On the other hand with SpidAlfa or WispDDE, by configuring easycom, I only receive inconsistent data. If I set up with other rotors, it doesn't spin. I do not know what to do. Do you have an idea ? Thank you


2 years ago

Hi Paulo. I'm sorry for the late answer, this platform doesn't inform me of new comments. You're talking about SpidAlfa or WispDDE for Orbitron, I supose. These are different protocols and will not work with this controller. By TX you mean radio TX? If you want both antenna rotator and radio control, you can use WXtrack, for example, or other similar software. I use PstRotator and it's excellent (but it's not free). Please send me an email (you'll find my address here in the comments), to discuss in more detail.

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hello, dear. Congratulations on your assembly. I have a problem with the azimuth setting. It takes a long time to adjust to the angle requested. 73. Ed


2 years ago

Hello Ed. Please describe in more detail the problem you encounter. You'll find my email address here in the comments, if you want more information. 73!

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Dear Viuear i am building your rotator antenna project could you tell me the encoder pins mine has all 5 pins in a row. clk, dt, sw, +, gnd. many thank's (IW5DEJ) Paolo Danesi


2 years ago

I got it. I'll get back to you as soon as possible.


2 years ago

Hi Paolo. Please send me a photo of the encoder at

Anonymous user

4 years ago

the code is not working can't get to load up stops at r4 and can't find the liberary for the LCD whet to do. sm3uqo


2 years ago

Hey sm3uqo, Please check again the new code I update recently. Here is the LCD library that I used If you have any problems, let me know.


4 years ago

Hello Viorel, I used WXtrack and it worked, that's when I discovered the update in WXtrack that was 5 seconds away, in the orbitron as I had changed to 1 second it doesn't work, because it locks the reading pots, so i left it in the orbitron every 5 seconds and it worked, in 1 second it overloads the readings of the arduino.


2 years ago

Hello, Please check again the new code I update recently. It works better and prevents the overload that you mentioned. If you have any problems, let me know.


2 years ago

Hi Viorel, Wonderful project, thank you very much, in the first version it already worked well, although the arrow above appears four dashes, now with this update it was fantastic. Thanks again.

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hello my friend, a wonderful project! I got a little problem with the replica, but that doesn't bother me. There is no arrow for up or down, but 4 horizontal lines instead. Do you have any idea? I noticed something else. Orbitron sends data via the interface, but there are no changes to the AZ or EL angles but it works great with Satellite Tracking WXtrack! What is wrong ! Thank you


2 years ago

Hey Cool, Please check again the new code I update recently. If you have any problems, let me know.

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Buon giorno, Vorrei realizzare questo progetto anche se al momento mi interessa solo il controllo azimutale, però ho provato a verificare il software sulla scheda Arduino e mi da errore di compilazione. Dove posso ottenere i componenti?


4 years ago

Hello if i want to remove the elevation part and keep only the azimuth part what would the arduino sketch be? thank you


2 years ago

Hello Ecattin. You can use it exactly as it is, no problem. You disregard completely the elevation part in hardware, don't put an encoder for elevation, no potentiometer for reading the antenna elevation (just put the pin to GND). You will get 0 degrees reading on the display. That's all. Fore more information, please email me. yo3rak I answer faster to this one. All the best. Racov

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hi I have a problem with the Elevation encoder. It takes two steps every clic on the encoder but Azimuth works fine. I have swithed the encoders between azim/elev and tried another arduino but the problem is the same. Everything else works fine. Is it something in the program ? // Otto


2 years ago

Hello Otto. Yes, I believe it has something to do with the program. The azimuth encoder uses a much more precise code, which uses interrupts. For the elevation, there were no more interrupts available, so the debouncing is not very accurate. That's why sometimes, some encoders jump two steps. I, sometimes, happen to jump back on elevation. Unfortunately, I was not able to find a better solution. Since I plan on using it mainly with computer command, it was not that big issue for me. All the best, Racov

Anonymous user

5 years ago

There are several different libraries named LiquidCrystal_I2C, the problems related to the LCD in the previous comments are caused by using the wrong library. It would really help if you specified in the code where the particular library you used came from.

Anonymous user

5 years ago

I'm glad the drawing has been corrected - But the software is not yet Please note that the sentence in line 126 Show like this: 125 // Initiate the LCD: 126 // lcd.init(); This causes the display to not work for me. Should be as follows: 125 // Initiate the LCD: 126 lcd.init(); Best Yoram


2 years ago

Thanks for pointing me the drawing error. I know what you mean with the LCD. I guess it depends on the LCD manufacturers. Indeed, the lcd.init() should be used right there, but the reason it was commented was that sometimes the custom characters (arrow up and down) were not displayed correctly. It gave me head aches, I goolgled and find another mean to initialize the display. This is why I used 93 lcd.begin(16,2); It worked better with my display. I'm not a specialist in Arduino, I have good knowledge of electronics and average knowledge of programming, so this whole code is pretty much adapted from bits of information I found here and there. If you and anyone else could find just even a small piece of useful inspiration in my work, I am more than happy I could help, because I also found useful inspiration in others work, when I was in need. Thank you very much for your input. Sincerely, Viorel

Anonymous user

5 years ago

ok I found the problem This line should be corrected: // Initiate the LCD: lcd.init (); This should be the correct sentence and not as in the original software lcd.backlight (); that's it ENJOY Yoram


2 years ago

Hello Yoram. Lcd.init and backlight are two different things and should both be used in the right place. If the LCD pins were switched in the diagram, I am very sorry. I am very glad it works for you. All the best 👍

Anonymous user

5 years ago

Trying to run the code without success so far I found a mistake in the Circuit diagram- The SDA pin should be connected to the A4 And the SCL pin should be connected to the A5 And not as shown in the Circuit diagram

Anonymous user

5 years ago

Felicitari ! fain proiect

Anonymous user

5 years ago

code is not working


2 years ago

Of course it is working. What issues did you encounter?