Components and supplies
Arduino UNO
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Apps and platforms
Arduino IDE
Project description
This is code for the interfacing ultrasonic sensor with Arduino uno.
This is code for the interfacing ultrasonic sensor with Arduino uno.
Downloadable files
Circuit digram
This is the circuit diagram for interfacing ultrasonic sensor and Arduino uno made by using the software tinkercad.
Circuit digram
Ultrasonic sensor with arduino
Ultrasonic sensor with arduino
Circuit digram
This is the circuit diagram for interfacing ultrasonic sensor and Arduino uno made by using the software tinkercad.
Circuit digram
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3 years ago
Excellent project. Successfully i could do it. Many thanks. I tried to do with three USS HC-SR04 having 4 pins each connected so as to measure distance on three sides at the same time. First two shows the distance but the last one shows 0.00. please suggest remedy. Thanking you all in advance.
2 years ago
Change the vcc to 5 volts