Components and supplies
Arduino MKR ENV Shield
Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
Apps and platforms
Arduino IoT Cloud
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2 years ago
Sorry for the late response, but here's the link!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
I am building this project currently. I have managed to get the information that the sensors collect in a CSV file on the SD card. However, I am now looking to set up the IoT Dashboard, I have configured my device (MKR 1010 Wifi + Env Shield) and I have updated all its firmware. But the Dashboard on my IoT Cloud stays white. I do not get the option to build a dashboard or anything, at all. I have tried to obvious: - plug out device, plug device back in - reset board - I purchased the monthly maker account, as I thought this might make a difference. - Tried uploading the code above to see if that would work, without success. - I have tried various ways of programming the "void onUvaChange() { // Do something} But this, I am not sure of how it works. I am relatively new to using Arduinos, I have done some very small and simple projects in the past but that was quite a while ago, so I am a bit rusty. Any help would be much appreciated, I have been at it for 2 full days now without any results. I am starting to wonder if there is anything wrong with my Arduino Create Account? I did have some installation issues with the Arduino Create Agent. Some files will just not install, yet it does complete the installation. This is the code after severe reductions have been made. I have removed the option to write to a CSV file on an SD card, using a RTC to date the logs (I had those parts working fine). Thanks in advance #include "thingProperties.h" #include <Arduino_MKRENV.h> #include <WiFiNINA.h> #include <SPI.h> //#include <SD.h> //const int chipSelect = 4; char ssid[] = SECRET_SSID; char pass[] = SECRET_PASS; void setup() { setDebugMessageLevel(4); ArduinoCloud.printDebugInfo(); if (!ENV.begin()) { Serial.println("Failed to initialize MKR ENV shield!"); while (1); } Serial.begin(9600); delay(1500); // Defined in thingProperties.h initProperties(); // Connect to Arduino IoT Cloud ArduinoCloud.begin(ArduinoIoTPreferredConnection); } void loop() { ArduinoCloud.update(); // read all the sensor values float temperature = ENV.readTemperature(); float humidity = ENV.readHumidity(); int pressure = ENV.readPressure(); //float pressure = pressurekPA * 10; float illuminance = ENV.readIlluminance(); int uva = ENV.readUVA(); float uvb = ENV.readUVB(); float uvIndex = ENV.readUVIndex(); // Checking measurements in Monitoring mode. Serial.print("Temperature = "); Serial.print(temperature); Serial.println(" C"); Serial.print("Humidity = "); Serial.print(humidity); Serial.println(" %"); Serial.print("Pressure = "); Serial.print(pressure); Serial.println(" mbar"); Serial.print("Illuminance = "); Serial.print(illuminance); Serial.println(" lx"); Serial.print("UVA = "); Serial.println(uva); Serial.print("UVB = "); Serial.println(uvb); Serial.print("UV Index = "); Serial.println(uvIndex); // print an empty line Serial.println(); delay(10000); }
2 years ago
Great project. Thanks! Leveraging this, along with a pressure transducer with psi output to an 16x2 LCD, to remotely monitor pump house conditions. Can you tell me how to enable the integrated SD card slot? I want to store an index.htm file locally and output sensor values to a webpage. For the life of me, I cannot get the SD card slot initialized...
Anonymous user
2 years ago
diegopagani - I worked with Arduino tech support for over a week, they sent me a new board, same problem. Sent them screen shots, etc - they figured it out! The CPP file in the MRK_ENV library needs to be modified. They sent me a new CPP file and I put in the library and voila - I can get the simple (not to the IoT cloud) ENV sensor sketch to work just fine. The new CPP file will be in the next library update but you can probably contact Arduino support and they can send you the file. I can not get the sketch on this page to work with IoT cloud but I think this sketch is outdated - I have made other sensors with the WiFi 1010 work with IoT cloud and the setup is very different.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
This may be a really noob question but I am a noob to the MKR boards: I bought a MKR 1010 WiFi board and got it going with USB connection to my PC running the IDE. I piggybacked a MKR ENV Shield R2 on top, all pins line up correctly. Installed all the libraries. Upload the sketch, compiles with no errors. But the ENV boards fails to initialize - "Failed to initialize MKR ENV shield!" and never get past the code below So the dumb question: besides the USB connection, do I also need to connect 3.3v to the JST battery connector, or does the MKR1010 provide that when powered by the USB connection to the PC? if (!ENV.begin()) { Serial.println("Failed to initialize MKR ENV shield!"); while(1);
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Dashboard is now showing, I updated the version of Java on my laptop and opened the website using Microsoft Chrome rather than Edge. I also adapted the code by removing the data type before every variable connected to the sensors readings (except for the pressurekPA, uva, and uvb as these were not declared yet)
Anonymous user
2 years ago
I have the same problem, I really don't know what it could be due to
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hello! Great demo of arduino iot cloud! I have some questions: Which is the refresh rate in arduino iot cloud? Can i make this (wifi connection too) with the arduino nano 33 iot? Has Arduino iot cloud integration with google maps? Thanks, Jesús S.
2 years ago
Thank you! What do you mean by "refresh rate"? Yes! You can also use the Arduino nano 33 iot! [Here]( you can find the getting started procedure, which is the only difference (except the hardware connection part) in order to use the nano 33 iot. Yes! It was introduced in April. The property name you have to search for is Location. [Here]( you can find the announcement and a little video showing how it works
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hello! When I am refering to refresh rate, I want to know how many times per second does the sensor value updates. Can I use this integration (iot cloud) to see the speed of a car, connected with arduino? Or it will be laggy? Thanks.
2 years ago
The refresh rate I think it's 10 properties per second. That means you can push 10 property updates every second. Yes! I think you can use IoT Cloud for the speed, but you have to use a GPS sensor and a board which supports a connectivity like GSM/LoRa...
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Very nice, But how do I set it up so I can: "Alexa, what is the humidity?" "OK Google, tell me the lux" etc. ?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
So, you can get the temperature with Alexa by setting the property type to "Temperature Sensor" (Fahrenheit or Celsius) under "SMART HOME", modifying the code for the new property type, and then telling Alexa to find new devices. Set the temperature sensor to a room/group, then you can ask Alexa what is the temperature in a particular room/group. There is no SMART HOME property type for the other sensors though. Will those be added in the future?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi! I would like to display the humidity in % and the temperature in ºC and I see that I can change it in the properties but I am know sure how should I update the code so it is actually reflected. Does anybody know? Thank you!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
How accurate do you find the data. I've got this running, but the temperature seem about 6 degC too high. David
2 years ago
Hello, the instructions are very good, but the temperature is also shown about 3 degrees Celsius too high for me. What can that be?
2 years ago
Hello! [Here]( you can find also the datasheet and documentation regarding the shield. As stated in the datasheet of the ST HTS221, the ic used for the temperature and the humidity, the temperature accuracy should be ± 0.5 °C,15 to +40 °C
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi Arduino_Genuino, I was wondering if this program would work for the Nano 33 IoT board
2 years ago
I am having problems with the board connecting to the serial monitor. Does anyone know how to fix that?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Heyy, great project. i'm trying to replicate it with a few minor changes but using the Arduino MKR 1300 which operates using LORA and not WIFI any idea how i can go about it this ..?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi. Love all your projects, and the ArduinoIOTCloud makes it so easy. Question: How can I access to the RTCZero object defined in ArduinoIoTCloud.cpp ( (line27)? I could create a new one, and initialize it with the WiFiNINA library, but there is already the rtc obj declared in ArduinoIoTCloud.cpp. I could name my object for example myRTC, but it is redundant... If I declare rtc as RTCZero, I got the error: libraries\\ArduinoIoTCloud\\ArduinoIoTCloud.cpp.o:C:\\..\\sketchbook\\libraries\\ArduinoIoTCloud\\src/ArduinoIoTCloud.cpp:28: multiple definition of `rtc'. And if I dont´t declare it, the error " 'rtc' was not declared in this scope", when I simple use it. Any help on using the IOTCloud RTC? I am using a mkr 1010, and writing the data to de Arduino Cloud. Want to keep things simple. RTC is for writing data to SD card with time label, while logging in the cloud. Putting #define ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD does not help.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Thanks!!! Worked perfect! Declaration refers to same object. No issue :)
Anonymous user
2 years ago
I will do so ;):)
Anonymous user
2 years ago
if you run into issues just ping me and I'll test it from scratch, but I do have some code where it is implemented like this and I remember it working well
Anonymous user
2 years ago
hi Harutin I had a similar need and simply declared a new `RTCZero` object with a different name. When you use it it reads from the same memory, just make sure you `.begin()` it but don't initialise the time. Just simply read from it, and it'll have the same data used by IoT Cloud `rtc` :) a starting point, hope it helps :) RTCZero myRTC; /* void setup(){ /* whatever you get from IoT Cloud */ myRTC.begin(); } void loop(){ ArduinoCloud.update(); /* remember that until a proper timestamp is received from the NTP you won't have a real value in the RTC object */ uint32_t rtcEpoch = myRTC.getEpoch(); Serial.println(rtcEpoch); }
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Great! I replied out the top of my head, so wasn't 100% sure. Happy I could be of help. Basically RTCZero is just an interface to the internal RTC of the SAMD21. If you go through the library source there's a lot to learn in there :)
2 years ago
Hi Genuino, do you have a solution to log the data for later evaluation or evaluation within IoT cloud?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi Peter. There are many ways. One is to download the log on the Arduino->Software OnlineTools->Arduino IOT Cloud->Dashboad. There you can download each value as CVS file. Other approachment could be logging on the arduino cloud and sending them to a google cloud, via WebHook. (see []Example marcopass and Arduino_Genuino[/url] ).
2 years ago
Hi, I made almost the same project and connected a temperature and humidity sensor to the Wifi 1010. The serial monitor shows that the Wifi 1010 is connected to my router and to IoT cloud and it shows bothe values. But after configuration of the thing and properties nothing happened on the IoT cloud. It shows always 0 as a value for both. I am a bit desperate and don´t know what to change now. Could be the firewall a problem? Can someone please helt me! Warm regards Peter
Anonymous user
2 years ago
i have found my mistake, now i get values to IOT cloud. But the Values are not exactly. Temp is in real 5°C - board call 15°C. USB is always in -xx like -88 iam not sure, if the board is good. any idea?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
@Peter, my working script:
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi, I have the same issue. Did you use Ubiquitty Wi-Fi? I find since 1H no solution - and I don't know why it will not transferred. mby anyone had an idea, where we can debug, search, anything :) According to debug, the board is connected with WiFi - status code 3. BR Christoph
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Great project. Works well, generally. The tutorial is a little confusing for those of us just jumping into Arduino and IoT (I come with relatively little computer experience). It appears that if you use all the inputs in the tutorial, some data were not updating. When I turned on the Data Logging feature, it would usually be unable to display any data history. However, when I reduced the number of parameters (just temperature, humidity and pressure) I could easily get data reliably, recorded into the historian and even change the variable type to 'float' for increased precision. Accuracy of the board appeared to be as-reported. The tutorial also recommends the 3.3V battery pack but I saw no link to purchase; is that available through Arduino or something else? Thank you very much for your hard work.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
you can buy any Battery with 3.7 Volts, with the right connector. i buy it from amazon and one other from i using LiPo Akkus with JST connector. in Arduino Docs you can read about it - how long your accu will stay. BR
Anonymous user
5 years ago
I am building this project currently. I have managed to get the information that the sensors collect in a CSV file on the SD card. However, I am now looking to set up the IoT Dashboard, I have configured my device (MKR 1010 Wifi + Env Shield) and I have updated all its firmware. But the Dashboard on my IoT Cloud stays white. I do not get the option to build a dashboard or anything, at all. I have tried to obvious: - plug out device, plug device back in - reset board - I purchased the monthly maker account, as I thought this might make a difference. - Tried uploading the code above to see if that would work, without success. - I have tried various ways of programming the "void onUvaChange() { // Do something} But this, I am not sure of how it works. I am relatively new to using Arduinos, I have done some very small and simple projects in the past but that was quite a while ago, so I am a bit rusty. Any help would be much appreciated, I have been at it for 2 full days now without any results. I am starting to wonder if there is anything wrong with my Arduino Create Account? I did have some installation issues with the Arduino Create Agent. Some files will just not install, yet it does complete the installation. This is the code after severe reductions have been made. I have removed the option to write to a CSV file on an SD card, using a RTC to date the logs (I had those parts working fine). Thanks in advance #include "thingProperties.h" #include <Arduino_MKRENV.h> #include <WiFiNINA.h> #include <SPI.h> //#include <SD.h> //const int chipSelect = 4; char ssid[] = SECRET_SSID; char pass[] = SECRET_PASS; void setup() { setDebugMessageLevel(4); ArduinoCloud.printDebugInfo(); if (!ENV.begin()) { Serial.println("Failed to initialize MKR ENV shield!"); while (1); } Serial.begin(9600); delay(1500); // Defined in thingProperties.h initProperties(); // Connect to Arduino IoT Cloud ArduinoCloud.begin(ArduinoIoTPreferredConnection); } void loop() { ArduinoCloud.update(); // read all the sensor values float temperature = ENV.readTemperature(); float humidity = ENV.readHumidity(); int pressure = ENV.readPressure(); //float pressure = pressurekPA * 10; float illuminance = ENV.readIlluminance(); int uva = ENV.readUVA(); float uvb = ENV.readUVB(); float uvIndex = ENV.readUVIndex(); // Checking measurements in Monitoring mode. Serial.print("Temperature = "); Serial.print(temperature); Serial.println(" C"); Serial.print("Humidity = "); Serial.print(humidity); Serial.println(" %"); Serial.print("Pressure = "); Serial.print(pressure); Serial.println(" mbar"); Serial.print("Illuminance = "); Serial.print(illuminance); Serial.println(" lx"); Serial.print("UVA = "); Serial.println(uva); Serial.print("UVB = "); Serial.println(uvb); Serial.print("UV Index = "); Serial.println(uvIndex); // print an empty line Serial.println(); delay(10000); }
Anonymous user
2 years ago
This may be a really noob question but I am a noob to the MKR boards: I bought a MKR 1010 WiFi board and got it going with USB connection to my PC running the IDE. I piggybacked a MKR ENV Shield R2 on top, all pins line up correctly. Installed all the libraries. Upload the sketch, compiles with no errors. But the ENV boards fails to initialize - "Failed to initialize MKR ENV shield!" and never get past the code below So the dumb question: besides the USB connection, do I also need to connect 3.3v to the JST battery connector, or does the MKR1010 provide that when powered by the USB connection to the PC? if (!ENV.begin()) { Serial.println("Failed to initialize MKR ENV shield!"); while(1);
Anonymous user
2 years ago
diegopagani - I worked with Arduino tech support for over a week, they sent me a new board, same problem. Sent them screen shots, etc - they figured it out! The CPP file in the MRK_ENV library needs to be modified. They sent me a new CPP file and I put in the library and voila - I can get the simple (not to the IoT cloud) ENV sensor sketch to work just fine. The new CPP file will be in the next library update but you can probably contact Arduino support and they can send you the file. I can not get the sketch on this page to work with IoT cloud but I think this sketch is outdated - I have made other sensors with the WiFi 1010 work with IoT cloud and the setup is very different.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Great project. Thanks! Leveraging this, along with a pressure transducer with psi output to an 16x2 LCD, to remotely monitor pump house conditions. Can you tell me how to enable the integrated SD card slot? I want to store an index.htm file locally and output sensor values to a webpage. For the life of me, I cannot get the SD card slot initialized...
Anonymous user
2 years ago
I have the same problem, I really don't know what it could be due to
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Dashboard is now showing, I updated the version of Java on my laptop and opened the website using Microsoft Chrome rather than Edge. I also adapted the code by removing the data type before every variable connected to the sensors readings (except for the pressurekPA, uva, and uvb as these were not declared yet)
5 years ago
I am having problems with the board connecting to the serial monitor. Does anyone know how to fix that?
5 years ago
Heyy, great project. i'm trying to replicate it with a few minor changes but using the Arduino MKR 1300 which operates using LORA and not WIFI any idea how i can go about it this ..?
5 years ago
Hi! I would like to display the humidity in % and the temperature in ºC and I see that I can change it in the properties but I am know sure how should I update the code so it is actually reflected. Does anybody know? Thank you!
5 years ago
Hi Arduino_Genuino, I was wondering if this program would work for the Nano 33 IoT board
Anonymous user
5 years ago
Very nice, But how do I set it up so I can: "Alexa, what is the humidity?" "OK Google, tell me the lux" etc. ?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
So, you can get the temperature with Alexa by setting the property type to "Temperature Sensor" (Fahrenheit or Celsius) under "SMART HOME", modifying the code for the new property type, and then telling Alexa to find new devices. Set the temperature sensor to a room/group, then you can ask Alexa what is the temperature in a particular room/group. There is no SMART HOME property type for the other sensors though. Will those be added in the future?
5 years ago
Hi, I made almost the same project and connected a temperature and humidity sensor to the Wifi 1010. The serial monitor shows that the Wifi 1010 is connected to my router and to IoT cloud and it shows bothe values. But after configuration of the thing and properties nothing happened on the IoT cloud. It shows always 0 as a value for both. I am a bit desperate and don´t know what to change now. Could be the firewall a problem? Can someone please helt me! Warm regards Peter
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi, I have the same issue. Did you use Ubiquitty Wi-Fi? I find since 1H no solution - and I don't know why it will not transferred. mby anyone had an idea, where we can debug, search, anything :) According to debug, the board is connected with WiFi - status code 3. BR Christoph
Anonymous user
2 years ago
i have found my mistake, now i get values to IOT cloud. But the Values are not exactly. Temp is in real 5°C - board call 15°C. USB is always in -xx like -88 iam not sure, if the board is good. any idea?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
@Peter, my working script:
5 years ago
Great project. Works well, generally. The tutorial is a little confusing for those of us just jumping into Arduino and IoT (I come with relatively little computer experience). It appears that if you use all the inputs in the tutorial, some data were not updating. When I turned on the Data Logging feature, it would usually be unable to display any data history. However, when I reduced the number of parameters (just temperature, humidity and pressure) I could easily get data reliably, recorded into the historian and even change the variable type to 'float' for increased precision. Accuracy of the board appeared to be as-reported. The tutorial also recommends the 3.3V battery pack but I saw no link to purchase; is that available through Arduino or something else? Thank you very much for your hard work.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
you can buy any Battery with 3.7 Volts, with the right connector. i buy it from amazon and one other from i using LiPo Akkus with JST connector. in Arduino Docs you can read about it - how long your accu will stay. BR
5 years ago
Hi Genuino, do you have a solution to log the data for later evaluation or evaluation within IoT cloud?
2 years ago
Hi Peter. There are many ways. One is to download the log on the Arduino->Software OnlineTools->Arduino IOT Cloud->Dashboad. There you can download each value as CVS file. Other approachment could be logging on the arduino cloud and sending them to a google cloud, via WebHook. (see []Example marcopass and Arduino_Genuino[/url] ).
5 years ago
Hi. Love all your projects, and the ArduinoIOTCloud makes it so easy. Question: How can I access to the RTCZero object defined in ArduinoIoTCloud.cpp ( (line27)? I could create a new one, and initialize it with the WiFiNINA library, but there is already the rtc obj declared in ArduinoIoTCloud.cpp. I could name my object for example myRTC, but it is redundant... If I declare rtc as RTCZero, I got the error: libraries\\ArduinoIoTCloud\\ArduinoIoTCloud.cpp.o:C:\\..\\sketchbook\\libraries\\ArduinoIoTCloud\\src/ArduinoIoTCloud.cpp:28: multiple definition of `rtc'. And if I dont´t declare it, the error " 'rtc' was not declared in this scope", when I simple use it. Any help on using the IOTCloud RTC? I am using a mkr 1010, and writing the data to de Arduino Cloud. Want to keep things simple. RTC is for writing data to SD card with time label, while logging in the cloud. Putting #define ARDUINO_ARCH_SAMD does not help.
2 years ago
I will do so ;):)
2 years ago
Thanks!!! Worked perfect! Declaration refers to same object. No issue :)
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Great! I replied out the top of my head, so wasn't 100% sure. Happy I could be of help. Basically RTCZero is just an interface to the internal RTC of the SAMD21. If you go through the library source there's a lot to learn in there :)
Anonymous user
2 years ago
if you run into issues just ping me and I'll test it from scratch, but I do have some code where it is implemented like this and I remember it working well
Anonymous user
2 years ago
hi Harutin I had a similar need and simply declared a new `RTCZero` object with a different name. When you use it it reads from the same memory, just make sure you `.begin()` it but don't initialise the time. Just simply read from it, and it'll have the same data used by IoT Cloud `rtc` :) a starting point, hope it helps :) RTCZero myRTC; /* void setup(){ /* whatever you get from IoT Cloud */ myRTC.begin(); } void loop(){ ArduinoCloud.update(); /* remember that until a proper timestamp is received from the NTP you won't have a real value in the RTC object */ uint32_t rtcEpoch = myRTC.getEpoch(); Serial.println(rtcEpoch); }
Anonymous user
5 years ago
Hello! Great demo of arduino iot cloud! I have some questions: Which is the refresh rate in arduino iot cloud? Can i make this (wifi connection too) with the arduino nano 33 iot? Has Arduino iot cloud integration with google maps? Thanks, Jesús S.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hello! When I am refering to refresh rate, I want to know how many times per second does the sensor value updates. Can I use this integration (iot cloud) to see the speed of a car, connected with arduino? Or it will be laggy? Thanks.
2 years ago
Thank you! What do you mean by "refresh rate"? Yes! You can also use the Arduino nano 33 iot! [Here]( you can find the getting started procedure, which is the only difference (except the hardware connection part) in order to use the nano 33 iot. Yes! It was introduced in April. The property name you have to search for is Location. [Here]( you can find the announcement and a little video showing how it works
2 years ago
The refresh rate I think it's 10 properties per second. That means you can push 10 property updates every second. Yes! I think you can use IoT Cloud for the speed, but you have to use a GPS sensor and a board which supports a connectivity like GSM/LoRa...
5 years ago
How accurate do you find the data. I've got this running, but the temperature seem about 6 degC too high. David
2 years ago
Hello! [Here]( you can find also the datasheet and documentation regarding the shield. As stated in the datasheet of the ST HTS221, the ic used for the temperature and the humidity, the temperature accuracy should be ± 0.5 °C,15 to +40 °C
2 years ago
Hello, the instructions are very good, but the temperature is also shown about 3 degrees Celsius too high for me. What can that be?
Anonymous user
6 years ago
Thanks for this project @Arduino_Genuino. It works really nicely from the IoT Cloud, once I got the device attached and the Crypto programmed. However, IoT Cloud only allows me to have five monitored values and complains when I attempt to add the sixth. I can code the sketch but I can't see them in the cloud. Your code has seven! Is there a way around that for me? Many thanks, Jason.
2 years ago
Hi Jason, sorry but you can create at most 1 Thing and 5 Properties for now. Later we will add some premium plans to extend those limitations.
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Your Environmental Data on Arduino IoT Cloud | Arduino Project Hub
2 years ago
Hi Arduino_Genuino! First of all, Thanks for this project. Where can I buy the MKR ENV SHIELD? I'm looking for, but I can not find any information about it