Components and supplies
INA219 High Side DC Current Sensor
Single Board Relays
Pressure/Altitude/Temperature Sensor
Simple Water Detection Sensor with Digital Output
Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout
deplex recepticle
3 prong power cord
60W PCIe 12V 5A Power Supply
Reed Switch, Magnet Switch Set
Mobile Hotspot
D8 Marine Battery
Chemical eTape® assembly
DC Converter 12V to 5V 3A 15W DC Buck Converter
2 gang electrical box
DHT22 Temperature Sensor
Analog Accelerometer: ADXL335
Arduino MKR WiFi 1010
Tools and machines
Soldering iron (generic)
Assorted hand tools: screw drivers, plyers, wire stripper
table saw
drill driver
Apps and platforms
Arduino IoT Cloud
Arduino Web Editor
Project description
Downloadable files
Wiring diagram
For project: Is My Boat Safe - An Arduino-Based Boat Monitor
Wiring diagram
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9 months ago
Oh gosh, I'm sorry for the frustation. I'm a newbie at this and I know that some parts of my code had issues. I can say, thought, that it was working (at least for a few days) when I posted the project. I have since made some changes, including to the millis timing stuff (including reformatting those varibles to unsigned long). I've also changed out some of the sensors. This has been a labor of love for the past 2 years, and my progress has been slow. I hope to post an update with new code and hardware soon. Here is a link to a good totorial on getting started with IOT and making a "thing." Good luck with your project!!!!
9 months ago
Hi again, I realized I didn't respond to your question about the secrets variable. You can find this in same tutorial that I linked before. The secrets stuff lets you keep your wifi username & password in a seperate (and secret) tab from your main sektch. This allows you to post a sketch to public spaces and NOT share your private credentials. I hope this helps!!
2 years ago
Hi Tom & all -- great project digging thru it now to learn arduino and your project. My boat "Starlite" is 30ft Mainship Pilot II on Guntersville Lake Tenn River near Huntsville, Al -- Want to do most of what you did and maybe add a few things like monitor fridge - other security related stuff. Something wrong with set up can't follow you via web site???? but will keep eye on your sketch. Thanks for all the work you've done. Still a novice but coming up to speed slowly
9 months ago
Howdie, I've been to Huntsville, Tx, but not in Al. I'm definitely a novice too. In fact, I've been working on this project on and off for two years, and it feels like it's finally coming together. I hope to post a big update of code and hardware soon. Take care!
2 years ago
Holy cow. I have been wanting to make an Arduino-based anchor alarm, and stumbled here.... What is so holy cow-ish, however, is that I am doing this for my trawler: a 32' 1987 Kong Halvorsen Island Gypsy with twin Volvo diesels. My boat looks almost exactly like yours! This is kismet. Great project! Has there been any implementation on the boat, yet?
a year ago
Hi Slacey, that's really cool. I also have a 32' Island Gypsy (single screw w/ Ford-Lehman diesel). I have so far installed the GPS, battery sensor, and cabin temp/humidity/barometer sensors. It has been amazing this summer to be able to track my battery voltage. I need to get to the marina and keep plugging aways at installation! I'm in the California Delta. Where are you?
2 years ago
This is great, thanks for posting. I started building one of these a few years ago with the MKR GSM 1400 board, but got hung up with connectivity issues (I'm in a pretty dead cellular spot) ... I Also have some power issues. I switched to a wifi board (ESP8266) to test the setup. I see you have a wifi hotspot module on the desk there—I was thinking of going that route since it might be a better signal. did you try a GSM module? I'm thinking a hotspot might be better. I've been using as a dashboard / to compile the data. LMK if you have any thoughts on this
9 months ago
I did not try a GSM module, but I thought about it. I got the MKR wifi board for free, so I basically went with what I had. I think I would save money on monthly air charges if I went with GSM. I have not tried I'll have to look into it.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
What a great project! So impressed ! Will be trying this here in Scotland. Many thanks for sharing this!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Congrats on a project well done, Tom! Reading about it was a joy, you covered so many angles. Thank you and... what is the next one? Looking forward to it.
2 years ago
Thank you Gustavo! I haven't decided on next project.... so many options! Cheers!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Ciao, grande progetto, ma credo che il mio editor non sia all'altezza del progetto, arduino ide mi restituisce sempre l'errore della libreria softwareserial obsoleta .....hai percaso qualhe soluzione al problema?...grazie mille in anticipo ho una barca a vela da 8metri e questo progetto ci calza a pennello, se solo mi funzionasse...
2 years ago
Glad to hear of your success!!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
grazie tutto risolto....con il web...fortissimo
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Great project! I was considering a similar project for my antique Chris-Craft however my marina did not install WIFI until last year. One of the antennas is 3 ft. from the stern of my boat so now I can develop a monitor. I have a experience with the Arduino IDE however I have never attempted anything with IOT. Was there a source you used to get started? Thanks!
2 years ago
Thanks!! Getting started with Arduino IoT was amazingly easy. You will need to use their web-based IDE, which I’ve come to really like. Here’s a link to the jumping off point for IoT:
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Wow! what a brilliant set up! Thank you so much for posting this.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Thanks for posting this. I have a similar set-up on my boat which is on the English inland waterways. I started it 8 years ago using Arduinos, and the current version uses a ESP8266 which I can communicate with either via WiFi when it is in a marina, or via SMS when it is in other places. The WiFi accumulates data using Thingspeak, which I guess is similar to Arduini cloud. Like you, I have a set-up at home as well, which I use for making and testing refinements.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Great project Tom ! I'm in the process of doing similar for my sailboat. your project has really given me some awesome ideas and insight. Very nice work and well documented !
2 years ago
Great job I have a boat and need a solution like yours but havent wifi can it be made with gsm and run from a cellphone ?
2 years ago
Congratulations ! You have done a nice work to secure your boat. Have a similar project for my vintage Skanes 575 and I will take inspiration from your project to adapt this solution to my needs. I'm new to arduino but it seems accessible and logical but could I ask you for some advice if I need it? Anyway, you did a great job. I would tell the people around me about it and I would tell you how successful my project was. Have a good day .
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi, Tom Gohring I'm Alison from the Seeed Studio Community Team. Recently, we published the "IoT Into the Wild Contest for Sustainable Plant 2022" contest to gather marvelous solutions for solving challenges in the wild, and your project very fits our "Marine Conservation" topic, we would like to invite you to participate in this contest. We will select 27 winners to get $14,000+ prizes, and the deadline for project submission is September 27th, welcome to join us in 2 steps to win it:
3 years ago
Great project, Tom. I would like to implement it for my boat, which we winter in a dry marina in Greece. Probably I will not need some of the functionality, so I will consider a reduced implementation, although I would like to have the possibility of GSM alarms instead (or additional) to WIFI. Hope to stay in contact and share my findings. I am new to Arduino (although I have some experience with Raspberry PIs) Luis
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Ciao, grande progetto, ma credo che il mio editor non sia all'altezza del progetto, arduino ide mi restituisce sempre l'errore della libreria softwareserial obsoleta .....hai percaso qualhe soluzione al problema?...grazie mille in anticipo ho una barca a vela da 8metri e questo progetto ci calza a pennello, se solo mi funzionasse...
2 years ago
Glad to hear of your success!!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
grazie tutto risolto....con il web...fortissimo
Anonymous user
3 years ago
What a great project! So impressed ! Will be trying this here in Scotland. Many thanks for sharing this!
3 years ago
Wow! what a brilliant set up! Thank you so much for posting this.
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Congrats on a project well done, Tom! Reading about it was a joy, you covered so many angles. Thank you and... what is the next one? Looking forward to it.
2 years ago
Thank you Gustavo! I haven't decided on next project.... so many options! Cheers!
3 years ago
Thanks for posting this. I have a similar set-up on my boat which is on the English inland waterways. I started it 8 years ago using Arduinos, and the current version uses a ESP8266 which I can communicate with either via WiFi when it is in a marina, or via SMS when it is in other places. The WiFi accumulates data using Thingspeak, which I guess is similar to Arduini cloud. Like you, I have a set-up at home as well, which I use for making and testing refinements.
3 years ago
Great project! I was considering a similar project for my antique Chris-Craft however my marina did not install WIFI until last year. One of the antennas is 3 ft. from the stern of my boat so now I can develop a monitor. I have a experience with the Arduino IDE however I have never attempted anything with IOT. Was there a source you used to get started? Thanks!
2 years ago
Thanks!! Getting started with Arduino IoT was amazingly easy. You will need to use their web-based IDE, which I’ve come to really like. Here’s a link to the jumping off point for IoT:
a year ago
The code provided as-is does not work. I am a brand new arduino user and this was quite frustrating. Required some tinkering with brackets around currentMillis and explanation with Chatgpt. Further, and this is certainly my own failing, but there is no explanation of how to build the dashboard or how to go from uploading the code to having a "thing" at all. Also, there is no explanation of what the arduino_secrets variables are for. Can you provide a tutorial or a guide on going from your code to a functioning system? It's a great project and exactly what I'm looking for but I'm really struggling! Thanks for sharing.