Components and supplies
9G Micro Servo
220 Ohm Resistor
Arduino UNO
Ultrasound sensor HC-SR04
Jumper wire
USB 2.0 Cable Type A/B
Red LEDs
Slide Switch
Green LEDs
1k Resistor
Apps and platforms
Arduino IDE
Processing 3
Project description
Radar script for Processing
Radar script for Arduino IDE
Downloadable files
Radar Wiring
Radar Sketch.jpg
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23 days ago
Heyy Here a Buzzer sound i Got very Low too Low how can i fixed It ??? please reply fast i submit project tomorrow
2 months ago
I didn't understand how to adjust the size of the radar screen.
2 months ago
do you mean the distance of the sensor or the radar window itself?
2 months ago
I can't get the processing to work it say com 6 not found but I don't have a com port I have/dev/cu.usbmodem11301
2 months ago
Does your Arduino IDE recognize the COM port you tried connecting? If not, try a different cable or different COM port.
2 months ago
3 months ago
I don't know why my LEDs won't light up
3 months ago
First make sure your wiring matches the provided sketch. If that doesn't work, try running a basic LED project to check if the LEDs aren't faulty nor broken, or try replacing some of the components such as the wires, resistors, or even the LEDs with new ones. Hope this helps!
3 months ago
can you send me this stand for ultrasonic sensor and servo?
3 months ago
you can just glue the sensor onto the servo
3 months ago
I bought the stand a long time ago so unfortunately I can't give you the exact model used in this project, I just came across it when looking through my Arduino things. However, you can search for similar stands on Google or Amazon. Mine came in a small Servo pack, which essentially gives you small accessories for your servos.
3 months ago
As for the base of the radar, I just attached the Servo motor stand to a random empty box.
3 months ago
other than that everything works
3 months ago
For some reason all of my LEDs are on when my machine is on and my buzzer doesn't beep
3 months ago
A great number of factors could cause these errors, I'll try to cover the most common ones. For the LEDs make sure the wiring is done correctly and that there are no short circuits, because that can cause the LEDs to be turned on continuously. For the Buzzer I highly recommend running a very basic Buzzer project to make sure the component isn't faulty or damaged. If nothing else works you can try replacing the components or the wires. If you have any questions, feel free to ask :)
4 months ago
bro pls send radar link
4 months ago
All the required links and components are listed in the project. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask :)
5 months ago
I understand how the electricity runs through the passive buzzer but I don't know why my passive buzzer doesn't seem to be working
4 months ago
You should first check the wiring for the buzzer. If everything is wired correctly try running some simple test programs from the internet before uploading the radar code. If you follow these tips you should be able to find the issue. If the issue is still unresolved, feel free to ask me or the community on Reddit.
5 months ago
how do you create a new file in prossesing
5 months ago
How did you mount the ultrasonic sensor to the servo? Did you use a 3D-printed part, or do I need to purchase something?
4 months ago
Sorry for the late reply, but the black mount for the radar came with a servo motor pack I found on Amazon. You can search for Arduino servo motor kits and you should find one that includes some kind of mount.
6 months ago
I have a starter kid and was wondering if there are any substitutions I can use because I don’t have a slide switch.
6 months ago
The script generates a single sweep per action. With that in mind, you can use a simple button. A single button press will start the sweep which will continue until the loop ends. Pressing the button again will start the loop again. I hope this helps =D
6 months ago
super bro
4 days ago
good job but this is more like a obstacle detector, i got here bcse i actually want to build a radar , for longer distances, not just 20 cm , but no worries, your effort is really appreciated