Sevseg Library On 4 Digit Anode Segment

This library allows an Arduino to easily display numbers and characters on a 4 digit 7-segment display without a separate 7-segment display.

Jan 10, 2018


8 respects

Components and supplies


SparkFun 7-Segment Serial Display - Red


Resistor 221 ohm


Arduino UNO


Jumper wires (generic)

Tools and machines


Mastech MS8217 Autorange Digital Multimeter

Project description


Seven Segment library for Arduino

Latest commit to the master branch on Invalid date

Seven Segment library for Arduino

Latest commit to the master branch on Invalid date

Downloadable files

pinout is for OpenSegment PCB layout

Declare what pins are connected to the digits & segment

pinout is for OpenSegment PCB layout

pinout is for a regular display

Declare what pins are connected to the digits & segment

pinout is for a regular display

pinout is for OpenSegment PCB layout

Declare what pins are connected to the digits & segment

pinout is for OpenSegment PCB layout

pinout is for a regular display

Declare what pins are connected to the digits & segment

pinout is for a regular display

segment names

segment names


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Anonymous user

6 years ago

Hi, I'm trying to wire up my seven segment display to the arduino, but the pictures are very hard to follow. If possible, could you please draw up a schematic or a diagram of the connections. Thanks.