Ultrasonic sensor interfacing with Arduino

By this project you can connect sonar or ultrasonic sensor with your Arduino and measure distance with Arduino and print it on a display

Mar 4, 2021


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Components and supplies


Arduino UNO


I2C LCD display


Male to female wires


Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)

Apps and platforms


Arduino IDE

Project description


Here is the code by which you can print distance on your I2C LCD screen


Please type the code 2 to 3 times so you can get familiar with this code

Downloadable files

I2C LCD with Arduino Connection

You can see this picture and can connect LCD with Arduino and also connect ultrasonic sensor as given in the image

I2C LCD with Arduino Connection

By this you can connect Ultrasonic sensor with arduino and also connect LCD with Arduino!

Connect your sensor with Arduino and you can see the layout on your I2C LCD screen

By this you can connect Ultrasonic sensor with arduino and also connect LCD with Arduino!

I2C LCD with Arduino Connection

You can see this picture and can connect LCD with Arduino and also connect ultrasonic sensor as given in the image

I2C LCD with Arduino Connection

By this you can connect Ultrasonic sensor with arduino and also connect LCD with Arduino!

Connect your sensor with Arduino and you can see the layout on your I2C LCD screen

By this you can connect Ultrasonic sensor with arduino and also connect LCD with Arduino!


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