ArduTester Millenium, the ultimate UNO & MEGA Versions

With modern I2C Protocol for the LCD, minimizing the wiring. A Basic Version with the UNO and a feature rich Version with the MEGA2560.

Apr 2, 2020


28 respects

Components and supplies


Graphic OLED, 128 x 64 Pixels


Alphanumeric LCD, 16 x 2


Through Hole Resistor, 470 kohm


Solderless Breadboard Half Size


Through Hole Resistor, 680 ohm


Arduino UNO


Jumper wires (generic)


Push Button Kit


Arduino Mega 2560


Through Hole Resistor, 10 kohm


I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD Display Module

Tools and machines


Soldering iron (generic)


PCB Holder, Soldering Iron

Project description


Downloadable files

Figure 2.27. TransistorTester circuit with ATmega1280, ATmega2560 or Arduino Mega

This is information from Page 33 of the Manual "TransistorTester with AVR microcontroller and a little more" , Version 1.13k, by Karl-Heinz Kubbeler March 8, 2018

Figure 2.27. TransistorTester circuit with ATmega1280, ATmega2560 or Arduino Mega

Figure 2.27. TransistorTester circuit with ATmega1280, ATmega2560 or Arduino Mega

This is information from Page 33 of the Manual "TransistorTester with AVR microcontroller and a little more" , Version 1.13k, by Karl-Heinz Kubbeler March 8, 2018

Figure 2.27. TransistorTester circuit with ATmega1280, ATmega2560 or Arduino Mega


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5 months ago

Hi, I have succesfully connected the st7735 display, but the response time is very slow. when browsing the menu, the whole screen updates line by line.. does anyone know how can I solve it?


5 months ago

Hi, I have succesfully connected the st7735 display, but the response time is very slow. when browsing the menu, the whole screen updates line by line.. does anyone know how can I solve it?


a year ago

gracias me funciono con el archivo modificado


a year ago

hola tengo un lcd 2004 i2c que cambios tendría que realizar en el código para poder usarlo, gracias


a year ago

Helo Measurement of capacities: The number of the first test terminal is duplicated immediately after the second terminal To fix the problem of showing the 1st pin again next to the 2nd pin number in the capacities measurement. Search for GetESR.ino and find lcd_testpin(lopin); close this line, and add to the bottom line to fix. lcd_data(' '); Another mistake made on Uno and Nano cards is the internal led on the D13 pin. This will cause the led to incorrectly detect the measurements. You need to remove this led.


2 years ago

wiring.c.o (symbol from plugin): In function `__vector_16':


2 years ago

Hi, I would like to upload this program on Arduino Leonardo, (can be with USBasp programmer). The screen would be a 16x02 LCD connected via i2c using a PCF8574N chip. I tried to rewrite the code myself (including adding an AVR_ATmega32U4 microcontroller in config.h etc.), but the screen only displays a filled top line on the LCD. What needs to be changed in the code to make it compatible with Arduino Leonardo? Will the code work without the bootloader? Appreciation for this project. Greetings


2 years ago

I want to display some message before test button is pressed how to do that


2 years ago

i want to display some message on oled before test button was press how to do that...

Anonymous user

2 years ago

sir it not working with i2c lcd but serial monitor is working how can i solve this ??

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi All, Did anyone did any work on implementation of current and voltage sensor(like INA219) so we can use it as complete measuring solution ?


2 years ago

Fix for the "Not Calibrated" Message..... replace code section by this one in file ArduTester_more.ino search on "//measure Zero offset for Capacity measurement" to find where... Then verify, upload and enter Calibrate mode by shorting TP1,TP2,TP3 and Test. After successfull Calibrate, the message "not Calibrated" will disappear. //measure Zero offset for Capacity measurement PartFound = PART_NONE; lcd_clear(); lcd_MEM_string(C0_str); //output "C0 " do { ReadCapacity(TP3, TP1); adcmv[5] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw; } while ((adcmv[5] > 190) || (adcmv[5] < 10)); // add some filtering debug JLG do { ReadCapacity(TP3, TP2); adcmv[6] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw; //save capacity value of empty Pin 2:3 } while ((adcmv[6] > 190) || (adcmv[6] < 10)); // add some filtering do { ReadCapacity(TP2, TP1); adcmv[2] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw; //save capacity value of empty Pin 1:2 } while ((adcmv[2] > 190) || (adcmv[2] < 10)); // add some filtering do { ReadCapacity(TP1, TP3); adcmv[1] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw; //save capacity value of empty Pin 3:1 } while ((adcmv[1] > 190) || (adcmv[1] < 10)); // add some filtering do { ReadCapacity(TP2, TP3); adcmv[4] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw; //save capacity value of empty Pin 3:2 } while ((adcmv[4] > 190) || (adcmv[4] < 10)); // add some filtering do { ReadCapacity(TP1, TP2); adcmv[0] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw; //save capacity value of empty Pin 2:1 } while ((adcmv[0] > 190) || (adcmv[0] < 10)); // add some filtering


a year ago

I replaced this code, but the calibration doesn't complete; it enters into a loop because the values of adcmv[x] are never within the range 190-10. Without this code, calibration completes, but the tester is unreliable, and the "Not calibrated" message still appears. It is not possible to measure capacitors and resistors, only transistors. The code is loaded onto a mega2560. What am I doing wrong?


2 years ago

Of course, thank you for resurrecting and sharing this historic project. I made a version with a stand alone ATMega328P and a 1602 display, it works quite well but I have a couple of questions: 1) Measurement of capacities: The number of the first test terminal is duplicated immediately after the second terminal: as shown in the attached image, by connecting a capacitor between T1 and T2 after the "2" "1" is repeated. If I connect the capacitor between T2 and T3 after 3 the number "2" is repeated. In the code I could not find where the second terminal is printed to try to understand what the error could be. 2) Where is it possible to enter the correction values ​​to carry out the calibration of the resistance and capacitor values ​​using precision components measured with a bench multimeter? 3) I could not get the 1602 display connected via I2C to work, and reading the other answers it seems to be a common problem for many. Can you explain what are the parameters to modify in the Makefile.h file to correctly configure the display via I2C? Thanks for the replies PS Maybe someone can be useful, at the following links you will find the PCB in 1: 1 scale and the arrangement of the parts.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Anyone with lcd wiring /maping to arduino Mega!!! confused between the documentaion and the picture posted by author. the schemtaic in the documentaion shows mega 2560 pins 73-78 which mapped to digital pins 22-27 on arduino mega. did try d8-d13 but nothing on 16x2 display. thanks


2 years ago

the configuration 3 says Express wiring instruction : TP1..3 - A0..A2, RL..RH - A8..A13, Test - D29 GND to GND, VCC to 5V, SDA to SDA 20, SCL to SCL 21 means TP1 = A0 TP2 = A1 TP3 = A2 and so on.... The LCD is a I2C interface type, SDA to D20, SCL to D21

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi, plouc68000 Is there a way to use the OLED SSD1306 I2C with UNO? Kind Regards.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

plouc68000, I first would like to thank you for all of the amazing work and effort you have put into this tester, and your V1.13, your work is truly appreciated. I have also put an OLED IIC display on an UNO, however I noticed that the code simply cycles through and there is hardly a chance to read the data of what I'm testing. Is this because I had to comment out #define WITH_MENU 0 or is this a separate issue. As I am still getting familiar with your program I haven't been able to find a spot to insert a delay so that I can read the data. I have thought about adding a longer delay or simply requiring me to reset the board each time I want to retest. If I was to go with the second option, how would I prevent the program from cycling between testing and display?


2 years ago

you must reduce the code size in order to fit into 32K of the UNO For this, disable the Menu by commenting out the line #define WITH_MENU 0 in the file Makefile.h

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello! I use Arduino UNO + LCD 1602 I2C. The following error occurs during compilation: Arduino: 1.8.12 (Windows 10), Плата:"Arduino Uno" wiring.c.o (symbol from plugin): In function `__vector_16': (.text+0x0): multiple definition of `__vector_16' sketch\\ArduTester_more.ino.cpp.o (symbol from plugin):(.text+0x0): first defined here collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status exit status 1 Ошибка компиляции для платы Arduino Uno.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Thank! Earned! :)


2 years ago

This is the typical error message if you try to enable the FreQ. Counter with the UNO..... The raison is very simple, alltrough you can have the Freq. Counter with the AVR Assembler Code, YOU CANNOT HAVE IT with the Arduino UNO System, means with the .ino files, because these Timer ressources are taken from the Arduino System. If You follow the Makefile:h instructions for the UNO given above for the Millenium Project, you will not get this error...:-) in particular the line #define NO_FREQ_COUNTER // uncomment when UNO Board , FREQ counter function only with MEGA 2560 Board should not be commented out.:-( If you comment out this line with the UNO, you will get this error In function `__vector_16': (.text+0x0): multiple definition of `__vector_16' To have the FreQ. Counter with the ArduTester .ino software running under Arduino System , you MUST use the MEGA Board. :-) But dont worry, there are countless other Benefits using the Arduino System rather then the AVR Assembly Code...:-) , starting by not having to get Headache with the AVR Studio Software and the fuses config..:-)..and other Pitfalls...Like using Linux for the AVR Studio and so on...

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello plouc68000! Many thanks for this project. It's really new life of ArduTester. You did really cool job. I will try to install new version and report my success. Can I ask you, do you have plans to port Markus Reschke version ( to Arduino sketch? I would be nice because this version in active development state right now and this version has some advantages and additional features.


2 years ago

Sorry, I have red their Documentation of the ctester 1.38, they are going the wrong way not using standard Arduino MEGA boards and IDE and all the Arduino libraries and ecosystem available... I smile when I see they are adding 2.6.5 Communication with PC 2.6.6 Serial Output 2.6.7 Automation 2.6.8 VT100 Output which is all included with Arduino Serial Monitor. There is no need to make a PCB with a MEGA when you can have Arduino MEGA from the shell and clones for little money. And you have a standardized solution with the full Arduino ecosystem, you can easy repair and find spare parts and expand, means you can go WiFi, Bluetooth, Modbus, TCP...everything you may imagine... And the simplicity of the Verify , Upload from Arduino, why should beginners fight with a AVR development system and a lot of details they even want not to hear about ? Further, there is no raison to expand the ArduTester to a Component Tester testing I2C Sensors like BMP 180, 280, DHT 11, DHT 22, etc.. , 1-Bit Sensors and other Smart things... Why ? Because the Guy which has the Ardutester takes his Arduino Board ( you can wire the ArduTester in 5 minutes to a BreadBoard you keep with the 6 + 1 Resistors and the push Button ), so this Guy takes his Arduino and wires the xyz Sensor to it, take the Example.ino from the Sensor Library, AND HIS SENSOR is TESTED ! Its really a DIFFERENT Approach to Testing if you use Standard Arduino Boards !!... Sorry for them, but that battle of going with a Proprietary Board is lost from the beginning...

Anonymous user

2 years ago

im banging my head on this sketch for streight 5days Still not working for i2c lcd ALSO NOT GETTING REPLY FROM ANYONE THIS IS WHAT YOU SAY SIMPLE TO USE JUST VERIFY AND UPLOAD

Anonymous user

2 years ago


Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi plouc68000! Thanks for the nice project. I have a question is can it use the same code with a MEGA2560 controller? Or which section should be change? Also, the files size is kind of large, possibly to simplify a little? Thanks Adam

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Thanks so much plouc68000 for porting this. It's my most used sketch for Arduino. For those of you whose 1602 won't work with I2C, I tracked it down to the internal pull up resistors of the UNO (30-60k) being too weak for reliable I2C. DISABLE_PULLUP is also set in the sample Makefile.h, so the I don't think the internal pull up is even used. Spec recommends 4.7k or 10k external pull up on SDA (A4) and SCL (A5) to Vcc (5v). I'm guessing the people who got it working had I2C boards that had built in pull up resistors. The other issue I had with a 16x2 display is that this line should be commented out in Makefie.h instead of set to 0, as the code tests using "ifdef WITH_MENU", instead of "if WITH_MENU > 0". #define WITH_MENU 0

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I have built a UNO version with LCD and all works fine, with all component types under test. Its great. The resister pins on D8-d13. I then rebuilt with Mega and OLED display, changed the makefile, and the display and button works but the component tests are not working, just does not see anything. The Pins are now: Test Pin 1=A0 ( Analog In of Mega ) Test Pin 2=A1 Test Pin 3=A2 RL is 680 Ohm ( Resistor Low), there are 3 of them, RL1, RL2, RL3 RH is 470 kOhm ( Resistor High ), there are 3 of them RH1, RH2, RH3 RL1 is connected between A8 an TP1 RH1 is connected between A9 and TP1 RL2 is connected between A10 an TP2 RH2 is connected between A11 and TP2 RL3 is connected between A12 an TP3 RH3 is connected between A13 and TP3 I have not soldered the two mega pins for Frequency testing until I get something working. Any ideas what's wrong ? Thanks

Anonymous user

2 years ago

and FYI, I tested the MEGA's pins above and all analog pins work perfectly.I think there is something weird with Makefile configuration but it is as stated above, for config 4. Does not having the frequency pins soldered impact all the test functions, is there a dependency ?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello plouc68000, just a small question: Do you intend to review the firmware to update your version 1.13 adding the improvements available since that version ? I have noticed the current version is 1.47 which a lot of very good improvements... Thanks

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello plouc68000, Iam thinking to work in a new version of this tester not using an AVR MCU but ARM MCU instead. I think nowadays we have much more powerfull and cheap modules and microprocessor such STM32F103C6T8. What do you think about that ? Do you have plans to work in some new ARM MCU version of tester ? Thanks, Antonio


2 years ago

wrong Way, bad choice ! Your STM32 has no EEPROM on Board to store the calibration Data.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hey AntonioTesta, The best way we could do this is to refactor the code so that it is pure Arduino instead of an AVR port. This way it would open up any MCU that has an Arduino core, such as the ESP8266, ESP32, and the Arduino Every, which I am stuck with right now.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Sorry but STM32F103CBT6 would be a right way, good choice since it has 128Kb of flash memory that can be used for both program and data. The STM32 basic routines has libraries to handle flash memory as EEPROM...Besides the big 128K flash memory it has 72MHz speed, 12 bits ADC, a lot of I/O pins, low price, and so on... I really do not know why someones still using the jurassic ATmega328

Anonymous user

2 years ago

* STM32F103C8T6

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi plouc68000 - thanks for this port to Arduino. I wanted to build the project and I had a spare Arduino Nano Every, but unfortunately the Every has really big differences in the low level programming for the PWM and ADC. I started to work on modifying the code but the low level pin programming is scattered everywhere in the code. I would love to refactor this so that anything low level is separated out into one file, which would then make it a lot easier to port this to different boards, including being able to use external high precision ADC/DAC and MCUs like the ESP8266 and ESP32, which have Arduino ports. In a similar way, the display code could be refactored further out further so that low level display routines are encapsulated inside a class. Have you thought about this or do you have any plans in this direction? Many thanks

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Compile error for Arduino Uno board. I am getting the message

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello plouc68000! Is there a way to use the OLED 1106 128x64 I2C instead of the OLED1306 I2C? Is there a complete circuit diagram with Rotary encoder etc. or where do I have to set it? Kind Regards kwalter


2 years ago

You said : Is there a way to use the OLED 1106 128x64 I2C instead of the OLED1306 I2C? Have you tried ? I believe its less effort to try then to write here... Probably it works, Millenium is not using silly libraries from Adafruit, LOL For the Rotary Encoder, the Millenium Software for Arduino is the same as the Original TTester, ( I haven't rewritten it )... so please look in the Original TTester Documentation here: Page 13 to 15 , its about Rotary Switch To enable the Rotary Switch, add this line to the Makefile.h ( anywhere in the file and verify and Upload ). #define WITH_ROTARY_SWITCH 4 I have no rotary switch, I tried with the Push Button Up-Down, thats why I use number 4 and it works ! With a Real Rotary Switch, choose the number 1 to 5 as described in the Doc. The Switch 1 of Rotary Encoder is connected to PD3, or where Pin DB7 of parallel LCD Display is. ( with 10kOhm Pull-up ). The Switch 2 f Rotary Encoder is connected to PD1, or where Pin DB5 of parallel LCD Display is. ( with 10kOhm Pull-up ). The Test switch ( Press rotary Switch ) is connected as described in the Millenium above ( A3 of UNO or 29 of MEGA ). Want more testing ?, please send me a real Rotary Switch ! Contact me for the Postal Address. So Guys, try harder, LOL.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I have been struggling with the Rotary Encoder connection on the Mega256. PD1 and PD3 (pins 20 and 18 respectively). Have not had any success yet. Can you advise which Pins would work?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I have a working Ardutester, on a Mega 2560 board, and would like to add a rotary encoder, but I'm struggling. I have added #define WITH_ROTARY_SWITCH 4 to the Makefile.h, as suggested by plouc68000,and tried all the number from 1 - 5, without success. I am connecting the switch outlets from the encoder to SDA20 and TX1 18 on the Ardunio board.The other connections on the encoder are the same as those made to the push switch and that part of the encoder works i.e short press to initiate test and long press to enter the menu. There is an item in the menu called rotary encoder, do I need to do anything with that? Has anyone made a working tester with an encoder? Thanks

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Tengo el mismo problema no logre hacer funcionar el ROTARY_SWITCH con mega 2560, lcd y ic2 Alguien puede ayudar gracias

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Tengo el mismo problema no logre hacer funcionar el ROTARY_SWITCH con MEGA con 1602 con interfaz I2C Alguien que pueda ayudar gracias

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi! What a great and usefull project! I've built it with an UNO and a 2004 I²C Display and it works fine, except for the Test button on pin A3. It does nothing. I tried switching to the internal pullup, I switched the logic from pullup to pulldown and I tried shorting pin A3 directly to GND. Nothing worked. The jumper wire is fine and I also changed the UNO to verify its working. It simply restarts in the "Selection menu" after a few seconds after the measurement. What did I wrong?


2 years ago

sorry, I was testing it again, it works with Test button on A3 as described ( + a 10K pullup resistor ). Beware of the pinout of the button, from the 4 pins, 2 are wired together, its easy to make a mistake with the Button wiring......check with a multimeter the voltage on pin A3 while the Button Connected, its 5V and must go to 0V when Pressed..... Here the code configured for UNO, 2004 I2C

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Okay, I tried a normal 2004 LCD with parallel interface and everything works fine. I²C seems buggy.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello plouc68000! Thank you very much for this beautiful and useful project. I made it (on Arduino Uno board) and even the previous version It works fine, but there is one problem with measuring small resistance less then 10 or 8 Ohms. Firstly, after connection power supply, it works well, but after 2-3 measurements, when the tester is already in [RL] mode, it writes non-senses. With resistors 10 Ohm and higher there is no any problem. You can see this problem on video (problem is in 1:24 min. of this recording) The problem was with both ArduTester_1_13 and ArduTester_more sketches. There is probably sw problem, isn't it? Is there any way to repair it?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I have the same problem. I do the calibration but the settings are not saved. I get a warning all the time saying it's not calibrated.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Now that I have finally managed to load the sketch I am trying a 7565 display, not a 7735, but I can't get it to work. ttester.pdf Table 2.9 pag 34 2560 - ST 7565 SPI pin 22 -PA0 LCD-D4 LCD-REST pin 23 -PA1 LCD-D5 LCD-RS rotary encoder 2 pin 24 -PA2 LCD-D6 LCD-SCLK pin 25 -PA3 LCD-D7 LCD-SI rotary encoder 1 pin 27 -PA5 LCD-E LCD-EN pin 28 -PA7 key signal makefile.h #define FOUR_LINE_LCD 0 #define WITH_LCD_ST7565 1 #define LCD_ST_TYPE 7565 #define LCD_ST7565_RESISTOR_RATIO 4 #define FONT_8X12thin #define ICON_TYPE 2 #define LCD_INTERFACE_MODE MODE_SPI #define VOLUME_VALUE 25 #define DLCD_ST7565_V_FLIP 1 #define DLCD_ST7565_H_FLIP 1 #define DLCD_ST7565_H_OFFSET 4 Of course I tried the display with a test on the same pins and it works. My display in ST7565 not 7735 ttester.pdf table 4.1 pag 50 Display-Type Interface WITH LCD ST7565 LCD INTERFACE MODE Graphic ST7565 4-Bit SPI 1 or 7565 disabled (4) Or do you recommend a display of at least 3 inches? Thanks Vittorio edit: if I add #USE_EEPROM the display shows the characters, but the contrast is at maximum even if I put #VOLUME_VALUE from 25 to zero. At this point I have to believe that it is a contrast problem that I can't regulate.


2 years ago

There is a item Contrast in the menu ( Long Press Key to access the menu ).

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Excuse me my writing error, key signal is in pin 29, the button works, but it is the contrast that always remains high even with any value of #define VOLUME_VALUE

Anonymous user

2 years ago

sorry for being too desperate sir ... it works succesfully compiled for arduino uno uploaded also but nothing will show up on lcd its nt black it shows my previous programm i checked i2c adress its right will u pls suggest what could be the problem??? Thank You

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Today I tried to load ArduTester_more on a mega 2560 rev.3 board, but it gives me an error avrdude: stk500_v2 (): timeout. If instead I try to load ardutester 1.8.12 , same card and same computer, it loads it correctly without errors. I also tried with other sketches and they all load perfectly. My computer is windows10 and arduino IDE is 1.8.12. Of course I had changed the references to mega 2560 in both sketches to makefile.h. Thanks for any response. Kind Regards Vittorio . p.s. I can only load the sketch if I choose Serial Monitor or 1602 display the card is completely disconnected from everything.


2 years ago

I dont think this is a ArduTester Problem... Please submit your Problem to Google and check the solutions

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I had seen that tread before. it is really very strange, the error stk500_v2 () Timeout gives it to me even if I try Arduino WEB Editor. However, if I comment the #define LCD_ST_TYPE line, of any type of display in the Makefile.h, file the sketch is loaded, but I don't know if it works at this point. All the other sketches I load on the MEGA 2560 boards, I have two, load regularly. I will try again thank you for your patience. Kind regards Vittorio

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Fixed it was the fault of the corrupt bootloader on the mega 2560. Thanks Vittorio

Anonymous user

2 years ago

PLs Share I2c Lcd Code Ur Given code is not working

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I'm trying to connect an 1306 SPI display on a Mega256, i'm struggling to find the correct pinout for this. Please help.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Display Connection The original document didn't state clearly how to connect an 1306 SPI OLED, so I found in the code what the correct pins on Mega256 need to be for the display to work. 1306 OLED I2C Pin connection SDA = 20 SCL = 21 1306 OLED SPI Pin Connection RST (Reset) = 22 SCL (Clock) = 24 DC (Data Command) = 23 MOSI (Data Signal) = 25 CS/CE (Chip Enable) = 27

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello , thanks in generall for doing this and sharing it with us. But Somehow i have difficulties to wire the Millenium Edition with an Arduino Uno and a 1602 L2C Display (Configuration 2). I figured out how the express wiring works for the Display so far. But no the part for "TP1..3 - A0..A2, RL..RH - D8..D13, Test - A3". And i cant find a wiring diagram like in the 1.13 Version you made. Help with this would be highly appreciated. Thank you


2 years ago

But no the part for "TP1..3 - A0..A2, RL..RH - D8..D13, Test - A3 ? means: TP1 = A0 TP2 = A1 TP3 = A2 Test Button = A3 ( add a 10K pullup ) RL1 = D8 ( D8 connected to 680 Ohm, the R Low, and the other end of RL1 to TP1 ) RH1 = D9 ( D9 connected to 470 kOhm, the R High, and the other end of RH1 to TP1 ) RL2 = D10 ( D10 connected to 680 Ohm, the R Low, and the other end of RL2 to TP2 ) RH2 = D11 ( D11 connected to 470 kOhm, the R High, and the other end of RH2 to TP2 ) RL3 = D12 ( D12 connected to 680 Ohm, the R Low, and the other end of RL3 to TP3 ) RH3 = D13 ( D13 connected to 470 kOhm, the R High, and the other end of RH3 to TP3 ) A0, A1, A2, A3 is printed on the UNO connector Analog D8 .. D13 is printed on the UNO connector Digital

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Buenas maestros, gracias por este tipo de ayuda, tengo un arduino uno R3 y pantalla LCD 16x2, he intentado instalarlo en el arduino pero siempre me aprece esto: wiring.c.o (symbol from plugin): In function `__vector_16': (.text+0x0): multiple definition of `__vector_16' C:\\Users\\Wilfredo\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino_build_171922\\sketch\\ArduTester_more.ino.cpp.o (symbol from plugin):(.text+0x0): first defined here collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status Usando librería Wire con versión 1.0 en la carpeta: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Arduino\\hardware\\arduino\\avr\\libraries\\Wire Usando librería SPI con versión 1.0 en la carpeta: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Arduino\\hardware\\arduino\\avr\\libraries\\SPI no se que hacer, me podrian ayudar.


2 years ago

This is the typical error message if you try to enable the FreQ. Counter with the UNO..... The raison is very simple, alltrough you can have the Freq. Counter with the AVR Assembler Code, YOU CANNOT HAVE IT with the Arduino UNO System, means with the .ino files, because these Timer ressources are taken from the Arduino System. If You follow the Makefile:h instructions for the UNO given above for the Millenium Project, you will not get this error...😃 in particular the line #define NO_FREQ_COUNTER // uncomment when UNO Board , FREQ counter function only with MEGA 2560 Board should not be commented out.😦 If you comment out this line with the UNO, you will get this error In function __vector_16': (.text+0x0): multiple definition of__vector_16' To have the FreQ. Counter with the ArduTester .ino software running under Arduino System , you MUST use the MEGA Board. 😃

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi plouc68000! Excellent work!... I need your help, when i use the selftest option to autocalibrate it, all the tests finished but i still can see the label: "Not calibrated". I don't know why the program don't save the changes. I use a Atmega328P for the proyect. I hope you can help me.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

what is the difference between this "UNO with 1602 LCD Parallel interface" version and the old 1.13?


2 years ago

none, the Millenium edition has the same features for you, its a 1.13 Software with more Display options. Millenium is addressing people with I2C LCD display and Graphical OLED Display and explaining UNO and MEGA Version selection.

Anonymous user

2 years ago


Anonymous user

2 years ago

With Oled working.Great job!Thank You!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi!I use I2C display and on it nothing.Need I make changes in Makefile.h


2 years ago

How to fix ardutester problems: Capacity measured on empty entry. Do not store configurations.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hallo, Mehrere Bibliotheken wurden für "Wire.h" gefunden Benutzt: C:\\Program Nicht benutzt: C:\\Program Mehrere Bibliotheken wurden für "SPI.h" gefunden Benutzt: C:\\Program Nicht benutzt: C:\\Program exit status 1 Fehler beim Kompilieren für das Board Arduino/Genuino Uno. Finde leider keine Lösung dafür... Grüße aus Deutschland ;-)


2 years ago

Ihre Arduino Installation ist wahrscheinlich Problematisch... Alles Deinstallieren, Loeschen und neu installieren, Auch "meine Dateien", "Dokumente" (den Arduino Ordner Loeschen ). Oder das Online Tool "Arduino Create" benutzen...zum Edit, Verify, Upload ( Clicken auf OPEN CODE )...

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hey plouc68000, Thanks for the super simple to use Arduino component tester. It is exactly what I've been looking for for ages! I am currently using it as part of my final year project at University. Was hoping to also be able to run my own scripts on the same Arduino Mega and call the component tester to output the type and properties of the component back to my main script. (either through serial or a variable) I have written my own library file that I can use, but when placing it in with your script, it will never run in the loop and obviously only runs once if I put it in the void setup above the rest of your code. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on how to combat this, or maybe have a version of this as a library that I can query with my own simple sketch? Cheers, Jack

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hallo plouc68000, Ich habe mir diese Projekt mit Arduino UNO und ein "White 0.96" I2C IIC Serial 128X64 128*64 OLED LCD " Display gebaut. Unter Makefile.h ich habe natürlich ARDUINO UNO eingegeben und für Display ich habe selbe wie auf dem dritte Bild Aktiviert. Alles geuploadet und Neu gestartet. Jetzt Sehe ich garnix auf dem Display Das Display ist GND auf - VSS auf +5V SCL auf A5 SDA auf A4 Kannst du mir sagen was muss ich noch anpassen? Vielleich die Helligkeit oder Contrast? Das Display mit ein andere Projekt läuft 1A. Danke Lg


2 years ago

es brauch ein Mega 2560 mit dem OLED 1306 I2C, das case ist beschrieben in dem Artikel unter Kapitel 4; Mit den UNO wird es nicht gehen. Configuration 4, MEGA with OLED & Freq.Meter : MEGA with 1306 OLED128X64 withI 2C interface

Anonymous user

2 years ago

How would I go about implementing support for another graphical display? I have the display from Nokia 3310 (same as Nokia 5110) which has PCD8544 inside it. The resolution is 84x48 pixels monochrome. I am a programmer and I made a project that used this display successfully using a library. Also, the project (which is a less useful clone of the ArduTester 1.13) already has support for the PCD8544 using U8glib library. Based on that I tried implementing it destructively in ArduTester 1.13 code using the U8glib library, but I am facing odd problems (can only draw bitmaps to first 10 lines or so). My code works fine outside of ArduTester 1.13 code. The PCD8544 is using SPI and ArduTester 1.13 is sending commands to displays directly. Could I simply define a new set of commands based on the documentation of PCD8544? The documentation is available here: Anyone else has any idea?

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Hello plouc68000, just a small question: Do you intend to review the firmware to update your version 1.13 adding the improvements available since that version ? I have noticed the current version is 1.47 which a lot of very good improvements... Thanks

Anonymous user

3 years ago

I have built a UNO version with LCD and all works fine, with all component types under test. Its great. The resister pins on D8-d13. I then rebuilt with Mega and OLED display, changed the makefile, and the display and button works but the component tests are not working, just does not see anything. The Pins are now: Test Pin 1=A0 ( Analog In of Mega ) Test Pin 2=A1 Test Pin 3=A2 RL is 680 Ohm ( Resistor Low), there are 3 of them, RL1, RL2, RL3 RH is 470 kOhm ( Resistor High ), there are 3 of them RH1, RH2, RH3 RL1 is connected between A8 an TP1 RH1 is connected between A9 and TP1 RL2 is connected between A10 an TP2 RH2 is connected between A11 and TP2 RL3 is connected between A12 an TP3 RH3 is connected between A13 and TP3 I have not soldered the two mega pins for Frequency testing until I get something working. Any ideas what's wrong ? Thanks

Anonymous user

2 years ago

and FYI, I tested the MEGA's pins above and all analog pins work perfectly.I think there is something weird with Makefile configuration but it is as stated above, for config 4. Does not having the frequency pins soldered impact all the test functions, is there a dependency ?

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Anyone with lcd wiring /maping to arduino Mega!!! confused between the documentaion and the picture posted by author. the schemtaic in the documentaion shows mega 2560 pins 73-78 which mapped to digital pins 22-27 on arduino mega. did try d8-d13 but nothing on 16x2 display. thanks


2 years ago

the configuration 3 says Express wiring instruction : TP1..3 - A0..A2, RL..RH - A8..A13, Test - D29 GND to GND, VCC to 5V, SDA to SDA 20, SCL to SCL 21 means TP1 = A0 TP2 = A1 TP3 = A2 and so on.... The LCD is a I2C interface type, SDA to D20, SCL to D21

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Thanks so much plouc68000 for porting this. It's my most used sketch for Arduino. For those of you whose 1602 won't work with I2C, I tracked it down to the internal pull up resistors of the UNO (30-60k) being too weak for reliable I2C. DISABLE_PULLUP is also set in the sample Makefile.h, so the I don't think the internal pull up is even used. Spec recommends 4.7k or 10k external pull up on SDA (A4) and SCL (A5) to Vcc (5v). I'm guessing the people who got it working had I2C boards that had built in pull up resistors. The other issue I had with a 16x2 display is that this line should be commented out in Makefie.h instead of set to 0, as the code tests using "ifdef WITH_MENU", instead of "if WITH_MENU > 0". #define WITH_MENU 0


3 years ago

Hi plouc68000 - thanks for this port to Arduino. I wanted to build the project and I had a spare Arduino Nano Every, but unfortunately the Every has really big differences in the low level programming for the PWM and ADC. I started to work on modifying the code but the low level pin programming is scattered everywhere in the code. I would love to refactor this so that anything low level is separated out into one file, which would then make it a lot easier to port this to different boards, including being able to use external high precision ADC/DAC and MCUs like the ESP8266 and ESP32, which have Arduino ports. In a similar way, the display code could be refactored further out further so that low level display routines are encapsulated inside a class. Have you thought about this or do you have any plans in this direction? Many thanks

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I think plouc68000 did a great job porting and maintaining the project, but it seems like they won't do that anymore. I think I understand how difficult it must be to make changes in the code without any VCS (like git). I think we should move this project to e.g. GitHub so changes to the code are under control and other people can contribute to the development. There are multiple people failing to make some changes in the comment section. I spent a couple of hours trying to add support for another graphical display, but gave up after odd display problems. This code is already on GitHub uploaded by someone (see, but it doesn't seem like they care about the project much (see the issue I created on there). So we could upload it again on GitHub (so at least one of us is a maintainer and can accept changes of other people) and slowly start refactoring the project (fix line breaks, fix indents, remove commented lines, remove unused variables, simplify, add more features). Testing all the displays would be difficult thought, one would have to have a couple of displays and also a couple of Arduino variants. What do you think? Do you have any GitHub experience?


3 years ago

Of course, thank you for resurrecting and sharing this historic project. I made a version with a stand alone ATMega328P and a 1602 display, it works quite well but I have a couple of questions: 1) Measurement of capacities: The number of the first test terminal is duplicated immediately after the second terminal: as shown in the attached image, by connecting a capacitor between T1 and T2 after the "2" "1" is repeated. If I connect the capacitor between T2 and T3 after 3 the number "2" is repeated. In the code I could not find where the second terminal is printed to try to understand what the error could be. 2) Where is it possible to enter the correction values ​​to carry out the calibration of the resistance and capacitor values ​​using precision components measured with a bench multimeter? 3) I could not get the 1602 display connected via I2C to work, and reading the other answers it seems to be a common problem for many. Can you explain what are the parameters to modify in the Makefile.h file to correctly configure the display via I2C? Thanks for the replies PS Maybe someone can be useful, at the following links you will find the PCB in 1: 1 scale and the arrangement of the parts.


a year ago

Hello, it's been 2 years but I found a solution to this. To fix the problem of showing the 1st pin again next to the 2nd pin number in the capacitor measurement. Search for GetESR.ino and find lcd_testpin(lopin); and close this line, and add to the bottom line lcd_data(' '); 1602 I2c LCD setting for Uno or Nano #define WITH_MENU 0 in Makefile.h All other lines up to are turned comment and only these are uncomment lines. #define ARDUINO_UNO #define NO_FREQ_COUNTER #define WITH_1602_I2C #define LCD_I2C_ADDR 0x27 For your Lcd, ADDR can be 0x27, 0x20, 0x21, 0x22, 0x23, 0x24, 0x25, 0x26. You can scan it with I2C Address Scanner and find the correct one. Also, try turning the pot on the back of the screen for contrast setting.

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Hello plouc68000, Iam thinking to work in a new version of this tester not using an AVR MCU but ARM MCU instead. I think nowadays we have much more powerfull and cheap modules and microprocessor such STM32F103C6T8. What do you think about that ? Do you have plans to work in some new ARM MCU version of tester ? Thanks, Antonio


2 years ago

Hey AntonioTesta, The best way we could do this is to refactor the code so that it is pure Arduino instead of an AVR port. This way it would open up any MCU that has an Arduino core, such as the ESP8266, ESP32, and the Arduino Every, which I am stuck with right now.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Sorry but STM32F103CBT6 would be a right way, good choice since it has 128Kb of flash memory that can be used for both program and data. The STM32 basic routines has libraries to handle flash memory as EEPROM...Besides the big 128K flash memory it has 72MHz speed, 12 bits ADC, a lot of I/O pins, low price, and so on... I really do not know why someones still using the jurassic ATmega328

Anonymous user

2 years ago

* STM32F103C8T6


2 years ago

wrong Way, bad choice ! Your STM32 has no EEPROM on Board to store the calibration Data.


4 years ago

How to fix ardutester problems: Capacity measured on empty entry. Do not store configurations.

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hi plouc68000! Thanks for the nice project. I have a question is can it use the same code with a MEGA2560 controller? Or which section should be change? Also, the files size is kind of large, possibly to simplify a little? Thanks Adam


4 years ago

Fix for the "Not Calibrated" Message..... replace code section by this one in file ArduTester_more.ino search on "//measure Zero offset for Capacity measurement" to find where... Then verify, upload and enter Calibrate mode by shorting TP1,TP2,TP3 and Test. After successfull Calibrate, the message "not Calibrated" will disappear. //measure Zero offset for Capacity measurement PartFound = PART_NONE; lcd_clear(); lcd_MEM_string(C0_str); //output "C0 " do { ReadCapacity(TP3, TP1); adcmv[5] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw; } while ((adcmv[5] > 190) || (adcmv[5] < 10)); // add some filtering debug JLG do { ReadCapacity(TP3, TP2); adcmv[6] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw; //save capacity value of empty Pin 2:3 } while ((adcmv[6] > 190) || (adcmv[6] < 10)); // add some filtering do { ReadCapacity(TP2, TP1); adcmv[2] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw; //save capacity value of empty Pin 1:2 } while ((adcmv[2] > 190) || (adcmv[2] < 10)); // add some filtering do { ReadCapacity(TP1, TP3); adcmv[1] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw; //save capacity value of empty Pin 3:1 } while ((adcmv[1] > 190) || (adcmv[1] < 10)); // add some filtering do { ReadCapacity(TP2, TP3); adcmv[4] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw; //save capacity value of empty Pin 3:2 } while ((adcmv[4] > 190) || (adcmv[4] < 10)); // add some filtering do { ReadCapacity(TP1, TP2); adcmv[0] = (unsigned int) cap.cval_uncorrected.dw; //save capacity value of empty Pin 2:1 } while ((adcmv[0] > 190) || (adcmv[0] < 10)); // add some filtering

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hello plouc68000! Thank you very much for this beautiful and useful project. I made it (on Arduino Uno board) and even the previous version It works fine, but there is one problem with measuring small resistance less then 10 or 8 Ohms. Firstly, after connection power supply, it works well, but after 2-3 measurements, when the tester is already in [RL] mode, it writes non-senses. With resistors 10 Ohm and higher there is no any problem. You can see this problem on video (problem is in 1:24 min. of this recording) The problem was with both ArduTester_1_13 and ArduTester_more sketches. There is probably sw problem, isn't it? Is there any way to repair it?

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hey plouc68000, Thanks for the super simple to use Arduino component tester. It is exactly what I've been looking for for ages! I am currently using it as part of my final year project at University. Was hoping to also be able to run my own scripts on the same Arduino Mega and call the component tester to output the type and properties of the component back to my main script. (either through serial or a variable) I have written my own library file that I can use, but when placing it in with your script, it will never run in the loop and obviously only runs once if I put it in the void setup above the rest of your code. I was wondering if you had any suggestions on how to combat this, or maybe have a version of this as a library that I can query with my own simple sketch? Cheers, Jack


4 years ago

Compile error for Arduino Uno board. I am getting the message

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Buenas maestros, gracias por este tipo de ayuda, tengo un arduino uno R3 y pantalla LCD 16x2, he intentado instalarlo en el arduino pero siempre me aprece esto: wiring.c.o (symbol from plugin): In function `__vector_16': (.text+0x0): multiple definition of `__vector_16' C:\\Users\\Wilfredo\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\arduino_build_171922\\sketch\\ArduTester_more.ino.cpp.o (symbol from plugin):(.text+0x0): first defined here collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status Usando librería Wire con versión 1.0 en la carpeta: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Arduino\\hardware\\arduino\\avr\\libraries\\Wire Usando librería SPI con versión 1.0 en la carpeta: C:\\Program Files (x86)\\Arduino\\hardware\\arduino\\avr\\libraries\\SPI no se que hacer, me podrian ayudar.


2 years ago

This is the typical error message if you try to enable the FreQ. Counter with the UNO..... The raison is very simple, alltrough you can have the Freq. Counter with the AVR Assembler Code, YOU CANNOT HAVE IT with the Arduino UNO System, means with the .ino files, because these Timer ressources are taken from the Arduino System. If You follow the Makefile:h instructions for the UNO given above for the Millenium Project, you will not get this error...😃 in particular the line #define NO_FREQ_COUNTER // uncomment when UNO Board , FREQ counter function only with MEGA 2560 Board should not be commented out.😦 If you comment out this line with the UNO, you will get this error In function __vector_16': (.text+0x0): multiple definition of__vector_16' To have the FreQ. Counter with the ArduTester .ino software running under Arduino System , you MUST use the MEGA Board. 😃


4 years ago

Okay, I tried a normal 2004 LCD with parallel interface and everything works fine. I²C seems buggy.


4 years ago

Hi! What a great and usefull project! I've built it with an UNO and a 2004 I²C Display and it works fine, except for the Test button on pin A3. It does nothing. I tried switching to the internal pullup, I switched the logic from pullup to pulldown and I tried shorting pin A3 directly to GND. Nothing worked. The jumper wire is fine and I also changed the UNO to verify its working. It simply restarts in the "Selection menu" after a few seconds after the measurement. What did I wrong?


2 years ago

sorry, I was testing it again, it works with Test button on A3 as described ( + a 10K pullup resistor ). Beware of the pinout of the button, from the 4 pins, 2 are wired together, its easy to make a mistake with the Button wiring......check with a multimeter the voltage on pin A3 while the Button Connected, its 5V and must go to 0V when Pressed..... Here the code configured for UNO, 2004 I2C

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hi All, Did anyone did any work on implementation of current and voltage sensor(like INA219) so we can use it as complete measuring solution ?

Anonymous user

4 years ago

I'm trying to connect an 1306 SPI display on a Mega256, i'm struggling to find the correct pinout for this. Please help.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Display Connection The original document didn't state clearly how to connect an 1306 SPI OLED, so I found in the code what the correct pins on Mega256 need to be for the display to work. 1306 OLED I2C Pin connection SDA = 20 SCL = 21 1306 OLED SPI Pin Connection RST (Reset) = 22 SCL (Clock) = 24 DC (Data Command) = 23 MOSI (Data Signal) = 25 CS/CE (Chip Enable) = 27

Anonymous user

4 years ago

I have the same problem. I do the calibration but the settings are not saved. I get a warning all the time saying it's not calibrated.


4 years ago

Hi plouc68000! Excellent work!... I need your help, when i use the selftest option to autocalibrate it, all the tests finished but i still can see the label: "Not calibrated". I don't know why the program don't save the changes. I use a Atmega328P for the proyect. I hope you can help me.

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hello , thanks in generall for doing this and sharing it with us. But Somehow i have difficulties to wire the Millenium Edition with an Arduino Uno and a 1602 L2C Display (Configuration 2). I figured out how the express wiring works for the Display so far. But no the part for "TP1..3 - A0..A2, RL..RH - D8..D13, Test - A3". And i cant find a wiring diagram like in the 1.13 Version you made. Help with this would be highly appreciated. Thank you


2 years ago

But no the part for "TP1..3 - A0..A2, RL..RH - D8..D13, Test - A3 ? means: TP1 = A0 TP2 = A1 TP3 = A2 Test Button = A3 ( add a 10K pullup ) RL1 = D8 ( D8 connected to 680 Ohm, the R Low, and the other end of RL1 to TP1 ) RH1 = D9 ( D9 connected to 470 kOhm, the R High, and the other end of RH1 to TP1 ) RL2 = D10 ( D10 connected to 680 Ohm, the R Low, and the other end of RL2 to TP2 ) RH2 = D11 ( D11 connected to 470 kOhm, the R High, and the other end of RH2 to TP2 ) RL3 = D12 ( D12 connected to 680 Ohm, the R Low, and the other end of RL3 to TP3 ) RH3 = D13 ( D13 connected to 470 kOhm, the R High, and the other end of RH3 to TP3 ) A0, A1, A2, A3 is printed on the UNO connector Analog D8 .. D13 is printed on the UNO connector Digital

Anonymous user

5 years ago

Hi, plouc68000 Is there a way to use the OLED SSD1306 I2C with UNO? Kind Regards.


2 years ago

you must reduce the code size in order to fit into 32K of the UNO For this, disable the Menu by commenting out the line #define WITH_MENU 0 in the file Makefile.h

Anonymous user

2 years ago

plouc68000, I first would like to thank you for all of the amazing work and effort you have put into this tester, and your V1.13, your work is truly appreciated. I have also put an OLED IIC display on an UNO, however I noticed that the code simply cycles through and there is hardly a chance to read the data of what I'm testing. Is this because I had to comment out #define WITH_MENU 0 or is this a separate issue. As I am still getting familiar with your program I haven't been able to find a spot to insert a delay so that I can read the data. I have thought about adding a longer delay or simply requiring me to reset the board each time I want to retest. If I was to go with the second option, how would I prevent the program from cycling between testing and display?

Anonymous user

5 years ago

sir it not working with i2c lcd but serial monitor is working how can i solve this ??


5 years ago

Now that I have finally managed to load the sketch I am trying a 7565 display, not a 7735, but I can't get it to work. ttester.pdf Table 2.9 pag 34 2560 - ST 7565 SPI pin 22 -PA0 LCD-D4 LCD-REST pin 23 -PA1 LCD-D5 LCD-RS rotary encoder 2 pin 24 -PA2 LCD-D6 LCD-SCLK pin 25 -PA3 LCD-D7 LCD-SI rotary encoder 1 pin 27 -PA5 LCD-E LCD-EN pin 28 -PA7 key signal makefile.h #define FOUR_LINE_LCD 0 #define WITH_LCD_ST7565 1 #define LCD_ST_TYPE 7565 #define LCD_ST7565_RESISTOR_RATIO 4 #define FONT_8X12thin #define ICON_TYPE 2 #define LCD_INTERFACE_MODE MODE_SPI #define VOLUME_VALUE 25 #define DLCD_ST7565_V_FLIP 1 #define DLCD_ST7565_H_FLIP 1 #define DLCD_ST7565_H_OFFSET 4 Of course I tried the display with a test on the same pins and it works. My display in ST7565 not 7735 ttester.pdf table 4.1 pag 50 Display-Type Interface WITH LCD ST7565 LCD INTERFACE MODE Graphic ST7565 4-Bit SPI 1 or 7565 disabled (4) Or do you recommend a display of at least 3 inches? Thanks Vittorio edit: if I add #USE_EEPROM the display shows the characters, but the contrast is at maximum even if I put #VOLUME_VALUE from 25 to zero. At this point I have to believe that it is a contrast problem that I can't regulate.


2 years ago

Excuse me my writing error, key signal is in pin 29, the button works, but it is the contrast that always remains high even with any value of #define VOLUME_VALUE


2 years ago

you wrote pin 28 -PA7 key signal key signal is pin 29 if you leave pin 29 open, nothing may work.....


2 years ago

There is a item Contrast in the menu ( Long Press Key to access the menu ).

Anonymous user

2 years ago

sorry for being too desperate sir ... it works succesfully compiled for arduino uno uploaded also but nothing will show up on lcd its nt black it shows my previous programm i checked i2c adress its right will u pls suggest what could be the problem??? Thank You


5 years ago

Hello plouc68000! Is there a way to use the OLED 1106 128x64 I2C instead of the OLED1306 I2C? Is there a complete circuit diagram with Rotary encoder etc. or where do I have to set it? Kind Regards kwalter

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I have a working Ardutester, on a Mega 2560 board, and would like to add a rotary encoder, but I'm struggling. I have added #define WITH_ROTARY_SWITCH 4 to the Makefile.h, as suggested by plouc68000,and tried all the number from 1 - 5, without success. I am connecting the switch outlets from the encoder to SDA20 and TX1 18 on the Ardunio board.The other connections on the encoder are the same as those made to the push switch and that part of the encoder works i.e short press to initiate test and long press to enter the menu. There is an item in the menu called rotary encoder, do I need to do anything with that? Has anyone made a working tester with an encoder? Thanks

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I have been struggling with the Rotary Encoder connection on the Mega256. PD1 and PD3 (pins 20 and 18 respectively). Have not had any success yet. Can you advise which Pins would work?


2 years ago

You said : Is there a way to use the OLED 1106 128x64 I2C instead of the OLED1306 I2C? Have you tried ? I believe its less effort to try then to write here... Probably it works, Millenium is not using silly libraries from Adafruit, LOL For the Rotary Encoder, the Millenium Software for Arduino is the same as the Original TTester, ( I haven't rewritten it )... so please look in the Original TTester Documentation here: Page 13 to 15 , its about Rotary Switch To enable the Rotary Switch, add this line to the Makefile.h ( anywhere in the file and verify and Upload ). #define WITH_ROTARY_SWITCH 4 I have no rotary switch, I tried with the Push Button Up-Down, thats why I use number 4 and it works ! With a Real Rotary Switch, choose the number 1 to 5 as described in the Doc. The Switch 1 of Rotary Encoder is connected to PD3, or where Pin DB7 of parallel LCD Display is. ( with 10kOhm Pull-up ). The Switch 2 f Rotary Encoder is connected to PD1, or where Pin DB5 of parallel LCD Display is. ( with 10kOhm Pull-up ). The Test switch ( Press rotary Switch ) is connected as described in the Millenium above ( A3 of UNO or 29 of MEGA ). Want more testing ?, please send me a real Rotary Switch ! Contact me for the Postal Address. So Guys, try harder, LOL.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Tengo el mismo problema no logre hacer funcionar el ROTARY_SWITCH con mega 2560, lcd y ic2 Alguien puede ayudar gracias

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Tengo el mismo problema no logre hacer funcionar el ROTARY_SWITCH con MEGA con 1602 con interfaz I2C Alguien que pueda ayudar gracias

Anonymous user

5 years ago

Hello! I use Arduino UNO + LCD 1602 I2C. The following error occurs during compilation: Arduino: 1.8.12 (Windows 10), Плата:"Arduino Uno" wiring.c.o (symbol from plugin): In function `__vector_16': (.text+0x0): multiple definition of `__vector_16' sketch\\ArduTester_more.ino.cpp.o (symbol from plugin):(.text+0x0): first defined here collect2.exe: error: ld returned 1 exit status exit status 1 Ошибка компиляции для платы Arduino Uno.


2 years ago

This is the typical error message if you try to enable the FreQ. Counter with the UNO..... The raison is very simple, alltrough you can have the Freq. Counter with the AVR Assembler Code, YOU CANNOT HAVE IT with the Arduino UNO System, means with the .ino files, because these Timer ressources are taken from the Arduino System. If You follow the Makefile:h instructions for the UNO given above for the Millenium Project, you will not get this error...:-) in particular the line #define NO_FREQ_COUNTER // uncomment when UNO Board , FREQ counter function only with MEGA 2560 Board should not be commented out.:-( If you comment out this line with the UNO, you will get this error In function `__vector_16': (.text+0x0): multiple definition of `__vector_16' To have the FreQ. Counter with the ArduTester .ino software running under Arduino System , you MUST use the MEGA Board. :-) But dont worry, there are countless other Benefits using the Arduino System rather then the AVR Assembly Code...:-) , starting by not having to get Headache with the AVR Studio Software and the fuses config..:-)..and other Pitfalls...Like using Linux for the AVR Studio and so on...

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Thank! Earned! :)


5 years ago

Today I tried to load ArduTester_more on a mega 2560 rev.3 board, but it gives me an error avrdude: stk500_v2 (): timeout. If instead I try to load ardutester 1.8.12 , same card and same computer, it loads it correctly without errors. I also tried with other sketches and they all load perfectly. My computer is windows10 and arduino IDE is 1.8.12. Of course I had changed the references to mega 2560 in both sketches to makefile.h. Thanks for any response. Kind Regards Vittorio . p.s. I can only load the sketch if I choose Serial Monitor or 1602 display the card is completely disconnected from everything.


2 years ago

I had seen that tread before. it is really very strange, the error stk500_v2 () Timeout gives it to me even if I try Arduino WEB Editor. However, if I comment the #define LCD_ST_TYPE line, of any type of display in the Makefile.h, file the sketch is loaded, but I don't know if it works at this point. All the other sketches I load on the MEGA 2560 boards, I have two, load regularly. I will try again thank you for your patience. Kind regards Vittorio


2 years ago

Fixed it was the fault of the corrupt bootloader on the mega 2560. Thanks Vittorio


2 years ago

I dont think this is a ArduTester Problem... Please submit your Problem to Google and check the solutions

Anonymous user

2 years ago

PLs Share I2c Lcd Code Ur Given code is not working


5 years ago

Hallo, Mehrere Bibliotheken wurden für "Wire.h" gefunden Benutzt: C:\\Program Nicht benutzt: C:\\Program Mehrere Bibliotheken wurden für "SPI.h" gefunden Benutzt: C:\\Program Nicht benutzt: C:\\Program exit status 1 Fehler beim Kompilieren für das Board Arduino/Genuino Uno. Finde leider keine Lösung dafür... Grüße aus Deutschland ;-)


2 years ago

Ihre Arduino Installation ist wahrscheinlich Problematisch... Alles Deinstallieren, Loeschen und neu installieren, Auch "meine Dateien", "Dokumente" (den Arduino Ordner Loeschen ). Oder das Online Tool "Arduino Create" benutzen...zum Edit, Verify, Upload ( Clicken auf OPEN CODE )...

Anonymous user

5 years ago

With Oled working.Great job!Thank You!

Anonymous user

5 years ago

Hi!I use I2C display and on it nothing.Need I make changes in Makefile.h


5 years ago

what is the difference between this "UNO with 1602 LCD Parallel interface" version and the old 1.13?


2 years ago

none, the Millenium edition has the same features for you, its a 1.13 Software with more Display options. Millenium is addressing people with I2C LCD display and Graphical OLED Display and explaining UNO and MEGA Version selection.

Anonymous user

2 years ago


Anonymous user

5 years ago

Hello plouc68000! Many thanks for this project. It's really new life of ArduTester. You did really cool job. I will try to install new version and report my success. Can I ask you, do you have plans to port Markus Reschke version ( to Arduino sketch? I would be nice because this version in active development state right now and this version has some advantages and additional features.


2 years ago

Sorry, I have red their Documentation of the ctester 1.38, they are going the wrong way not using standard Arduino MEGA boards and IDE and all the Arduino libraries and ecosystem available... I smile when I see they are adding 2.6.5 Communication with PC 2.6.6 Serial Output 2.6.7 Automation 2.6.8 VT100 Output which is all included with Arduino Serial Monitor. There is no need to make a PCB with a MEGA when you can have Arduino MEGA from the shell and clones for little money. And you have a standardized solution with the full Arduino ecosystem, you can easy repair and find spare parts and expand, means you can go WiFi, Bluetooth, Modbus, TCP...everything you may imagine... And the simplicity of the Verify , Upload from Arduino, why should beginners fight with a AVR development system and a lot of details they even want not to hear about ? Further, there is no raison to expand the ArduTester to a Component Tester testing I2C Sensors like BMP 180, 280, DHT 11, DHT 22, etc.. , 1-Bit Sensors and other Smart things... Why ? Because the Guy which has the Ardutester takes his Arduino Board ( you can wire the ArduTester in 5 minutes to a BreadBoard you keep with the 6 + 1 Resistors and the push Button ), so this Guy takes his Arduino and wires the xyz Sensor to it, take the Example.ino from the Sensor Library, AND HIS SENSOR is TESTED ! Its really a DIFFERENT Approach to Testing if you use Standard Arduino Boards !!... Sorry for them, but that battle of going with a Proprietary Board is lost from the beginning...

Anonymous user

2 years ago

im banging my head on this sketch for streight 5days Still not working for i2c lcd ALSO NOT GETTING REPLY FROM ANYONE THIS IS WHAT YOU SAY SIMPLE TO USE JUST VERIFY AND UPLOAD

Anonymous user

2 years ago