Car with a Robotic Arm and a Web-Based Remote Control

ESP32 microprocessor, L293D H-bridge for controlling 4 servos SG90 and 4 motors controlled via a Html webpage using WebSocket.

Apr 18, 2020


1 respects

Components and supplies


Adafruit HUZZAH32 – ESP32 Feather Board


Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L293D


DC motor (generic)


SG90 Micro-servo motor

Project description


Vehicle Main Controller + HTML Remote Control

Main file: This main code should be uploaded with Arduino IDE to the ESP32. There's a bit of set up of ESP32 in your Arduino IDE, if you are using it for the first time. Html file: WebSocket - here are 2 videos I followed on how to use WebSocket. There you have it explained how to install a tool which will handle uploading of the html page into ESP32. In order to work, the html page needs to be stored in the 'data' folder which sits in the same folder as the main controller file.


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Vehicle Main Controller + HTML Remote Control

Main file: This main code should be uploaded with Arduino IDE to the ESP32. There's a bit of set up of ESP32 in your Arduino IDE, if you are using it for the first time. Html file: WebSocket - here are 2 videos I followed on how to use WebSocket. There you have it explained how to install a tool which will handle uploading of the html page into ESP32. In order to work, the html page needs to be stored in the 'data' folder which sits in the same folder as the main controller file.


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Downloadable files

Wiring Scheme

Apologies for a bit messy scheme. But in general it is rather simple: Battery - a nice thing with this wiring is that you can use just a single 5V battery to power ESP32 as well as the motors. (Be careful if using a powerbank like I do. Many of them are set up not to supply power if the current draw is too small. I need to press the button on the powerbank for example) Servos - get plugged to power and one of the logic pins on ESP32 Motors - to save pins and use only a single motor controller, the front left and back right motors are plugged together as well as front right with back left. L-Bridge (L293D) - you can google the datasheet or wiring of L-bridge which is quite standard IMPORTANT - I really don't remember (doing this scheme after a few months) why I plugged one side of the L-bridge to 3V from ESP32... but it works (somehow). I would recommend you to test plugging it to 5V battery which should be correct.

Wiring Scheme


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