Components and supplies
Arduino UNO
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
LED (generic)
Apps and platforms
Arduino Web Editor
Project description
The code of Car Parking Sensor
The code of Car Parking Sensor
Downloadable files
The second schematic
Here is the other schematic. This schematic is the same as the first one, I wanted to add one more schematic to show you better.
The second schematic
The photo about how it looks like in real.
This is a screenshot from TinkerCan you can inspect.
The photo about how it looks like in real.
The photo about how it looks like in real.
This is a screenshot from TinkerCan you can inspect.
The photo about how it looks like in real.
The second schematic
Here is the other schematic. This schematic is the same as the first one, I wanted to add one more schematic to show you better.
The second schematic
The first schematic
You can inspect the way I built my arduino with buzzer, distance sensor and led.
The first schematic
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