Components and supplies
SparkFun Soil Moisture Sensor (with Screw Terminals)
Male/Female Jumper Wires
9V battery (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Resistor 220 ohm
Mini Breadboard
10 mm Heat Shrink
9V Battery Clip
Tools and machines
Laser cutter (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Apps and platforms
PlatformIO IDE
Project description
Soil Moisture Sensor code
This was made with Platform IO, and therefore the user-declared functions are put first.
Soil Moisture Sensor code
This was made with Platform IO, and therefore the user-declared functions are put first.
Downloadable files
Wiring Diagram
This is the wiring diagram for the circuitry, made with Fritzing, which by the way now costs $12 AUD :(
Wiring Diagram
Wiring Diagram
This is the wiring diagram for the circuitry, made with Fritzing, which by the way now costs $12 AUD :(
Wiring Diagram
this is the casing model, made on tinker cad. I don't suggest 3D printing
Step By Step Instruction on how to make the casing.
Illustrated instruction manual, for building the casing.
Step By Step Instruction on how to make the casing.
Laser-Cutting File - Adobe Illustrator
Laser-Cutting File - Adobe Illustrator
Step By Step Instruction on how to make the casing.
Illustrated instruction manual, for building the casing.
Step By Step Instruction on how to make the casing.
this is the casing model, made on tinker cad. I don't suggest 3D printing
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