Arduino Inputs Outputs on PC

VB6 app to connect Arduino Uno ports to Windows PC

Aug 12, 2017


7 respects

Components and supplies


Arduino UNO

Apps and platforms


Arduino IO

Project description


arduino to PC


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Anonymous user

2 years ago

hi, mate, can I ask you something? How to use the A4-A5 inputs used in this software with analog inputs A0-A3? I used the GY-30 sensor was the SDA-SCL problem. what should i do thank you

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Dear sir please send me arduino wiring diagram for this project

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I like the way this is displayed instead of just seeing a small amount of data on the segment display. It is probably way beyond my capabilities but i am going to try this. would this program also be able to log the data? I am running an endurance test on a microprocessor and want to log the inputs and outputs, and display it on a pc. I would appreciate any pointers

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Thank you very much Moty by charing this project with us. Very kind from you.


4 years ago

I like the way this is displayed instead of just seeing a small amount of data on the segment display. It is probably way beyond my capabilities but i am going to try this. would this program also be able to log the data? I am running an endurance test on a microprocessor and want to log the inputs and outputs, and display it on a pc. I would appreciate any pointers


5 years ago

Thank you very much Moty by charing this project with us. Very kind from you.

Anonymous user

5 years ago

Dear sir.....can you given sample program for arduino that how to write value data from vb6 then send to arduino counter address. Thanks,

Anonymous user

6 years ago

Dear sir please send me arduino wiring diagram for this project

Anonymous user

6 years ago

hi, mate, can I ask you something? How to use the A4-A5 inputs used in this software with analog inputs A0-A3? I used the GY-30 sensor was the SDA-SCL problem. what should i do thank you