Components and supplies
Adressable WS2812B RGB LED light strip
Arduino Nano
micro switch
10kOhm potentiometer
Push Button
Resistor 10k
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Soldering kit
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Project description
Code vu
1/* 2********************************************************************** 3* Stereo VU Meter for 1 or 2 LED rings or strips build by ericBcreator 4* Designed to be used with an Arduino UNO, Nano or compatible device. 5********************************************************************** 6* Notice: search for @EB in the Sketch for important variables to set 7* for the Sketch to work with your setup. 8********************************************************************** 9* Last updated 20180202 by ericBcreator 10* 11* This code is free for personal use, not for commercial purposes. 12* Please leave this header intact. 13* 14* contact: 15********************************************************************** 16*/ 17#include <Adafruit_NeoPixel.h> 18#define nonLinearLogAudio 19 20//#define led_strip_60 //uncomment this if you are using a single 60 LED strip (Center to sides mode) 21#define led_2_strip_60 //uncomment this if you are using two 60 LED strips (Left-Right bottom to top mode) 22 23//#define led_strip_30 //uncomment this if you are using a single 30 LED strip 24//#define led_2_strip_30 //uncomment this if you are using two 30 LED strips 25 26//#define led_strip_144 //uncomment this if you are using a single 144 LED strip 27//#define led_2_strip_144 //uncomment this if you are using two 144 LED strips 28 29const int useSensorValues = true; // @EB 30 31 32// 33// setup pins 34// 35 36int leftPin = A0, rightPin = A1; // left audio in on analog 0, right on analog 1 37int brightnessPin = A4, sensitivityPin = A5; // potentiometers for brightness and sensitivity on analog 4 and 5 38int leftStripPin = 5; // DIN of left led strip on digital pin 5 39int rightStripPin = 6; // DIN of right led strip on digital pin 6 40int showPeaksPin = 7; // switch to toggle peaks on or off on digital pin 7 (7, 9 for box version) 41int showPeaksMomentarySwitch = false; // set false for an on/off toggle switch 42int reverseShowPeaks = true; // reverses the on/off setting in case you made a wiring mistake ;-) @EB 43int selectButton1Pin = 8; // push button for changing settings on digital pin 8 44int useSelectButton1 = true; // set to false if no push button1 for selecting the color scheme is connected @EB 45int selectButton2Pin = 9; // push button for changing settings on digital pin 9 46int useSelectButton2 = true; // set to false if no push button2 is connected @EB 47 48 49#if defined (led_strip_60) 50 //settings for a 60 led strip 51 52 int stripNumOfLeds = 60; // the total number of leds 53 int stripsOn2Pins = false; // set to true if the LED strips or rings are connected to 2 input pins 54 uint32_t stripColor[31]; // half of the number of leds + 1 55 int displayMiddleLed = true; // display the middle led (blue). set to true for one strip, false for two strips or rings 56 int splitStrip = false; // set to true when using 2 strips or rings, false for one strip 57 int middleOffset = 1; // offset for the middle led when using one strip 58 int startupAnimationDelay = 6; // delay for the startup animation 59 int orangeLimitAmount = 0; // limit the amount of green of the middle LEDs to make them more orange 60 int swapLeftRight = false; // swap the left and right input values or not 61 62 int dropDelay = 5; // hold time before dropping the leds 63 float dropFactor = .94; // value for dropping the leds 64 65 int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250; // peak hold time when not dropping the peaks (when droppingPeak is false) 66 int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 70; // peak hold time when dropping the first peak 67 int peakTimeDropDelay = 7; // peak hold time when dropping the rest of the peaks 68 float peakDropFactor = .94; // value for dropping the peaks 69 int droppingPeakFade = false; // display the dropping peak fading to black or not 70 71 int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 6; // how many leds to bounce up (max) 72 int bouncingPeaksNumOfLedsMin = 3; // how many leds to bounce up (min) when using dynamicBouncingPeaks 73 int bouncingPeakDelay = 4; // delay between peak bounce updates 74 int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 10; // increase counter for each bounce update. note: it uses a 0-180 sin function for the bouncing 75 76#elif defined (led_2_strip_60) 77 //settings for 2 60 led strips 78 79 int stripNumOfLeds = 60; 80 int stripsOn2Pins = true; 81 uint32_t stripColor[61]; 82 int displayMiddleLed = false; 83 int splitStrip = true; 84 int middleOffset = 0; 85 int startupAnimationDelay = 1; 86 int orangeLimitAmount = 0; 87 int swapLeftRight = false; 88 89 int dropDelay = 5; 90 float dropFactor = .94; 91 92 int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250; 93 int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 70; 94 int peakTimeDropDelay = 7; 95 float peakDropFactor = .94; 96 int droppingPeakFade = false; 97 98 int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 12; 99 int bouncingPeaksNumOfLedsMin = 4; 100 int bouncingPeakDelay = 4; 101 int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 10; 102 103#elif defined (led_strip_30) 104 //settings for a 30 led strip 105 106 int stripNumOfLeds = 30; // the total number of leds 107 int stripsOn2Pins = false; // set to true if the LED strips or rings are connected to 2 input pins 108 uint32_t stripColor[16]; // half of the number of leds + 1 109 int displayMiddleLed = true; // display the middle led (blue). set to true for one strip, false for two strips or rings 110 int splitStrip = false; // set to true when using 2 strips or rings, false for one strip 111 int middleOffset = 1; // offset for the middle led when using one strip 112 int startupAnimationDelay = 10; // delay for the startup animation 113 int orangeLimitAmount = 0; // limit the amount of green of the middle LEDs to make them more orange 114 int swapLeftRight = false; // swap the left and right input values or not 115 116 int dropDelay = 10; // hold time before dropping the leds 117 float dropFactor = .9; // value for dropping the leds 118 119 int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250; // peak hold time when not dropping the peaks (set droppingPeak true or false) 120 int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 150; // peak hold time when dropping the first peak 121 int peakTimeDropDelay = 15; // peak hold time when dropping the rest of the peaks 122 float peakDropFactor = .94; // value for dropping the peaks 123 int droppingPeakFade = false; // display the dropping peak fading to black or not 124 125 int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 4; // how many leds to bounce up (max) 126 int bouncingPeaksNumOfLedsMin = 2; // how many leds to bounce up (min) when using dynamicBouncingPeaks 127 int bouncingPeakDelay = 4; // delay between peak bounce updates 128 int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 9; // increase counter for each bounce update. note: it uses a 0-180 sin function for the bouncing 129 130#elif defined (led_2_strip_30) 131 //settings for 2 30 led strips 132 133 int stripNumOfLeds = 30; 134 int stripsOn2Pins = true; 135 uint32_t stripColor[31]; 136 int displayMiddleLed = false; 137 int splitStrip = true; 138 int middleOffset = 0; 139 int startupAnimationDelay = 1; 140 int orangeLimitAmount = 0; 141 int swapLeftRight = false; 142 143 int dropDelay = 5; 144 float dropFactor = .94; 145 146 int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250; 147 int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 70; 148 int peakTimeDropDelay = 7; 149 float peakDropFactor = .94; 150 int droppingPeakFade = false; 151 152 int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 12; 153 int bouncingPeaksNumOfLedsMin = 4; 154 int bouncingPeakDelay = 4; 155 int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 10; 156 157#elif defined (led_strip_144) 158 //settings for a 144 led strip 159 160 int stripNumOfLeds = 145; 161 int stripsOn2Pins = false; 162 uint32_t stripColor[73]; 163 int displayMiddleLed = true; 164 int splitStrip = false; 165 int middleOffset = 1; 166 int startupAnimationDelay = 1; 167 int orangeLimitAmount = 0; 168 int swapLeftRight = false; 169 170 int dropDelay = 4; 171 float dropFactor = .92; 172 173 int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250; 174 int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 100; 175 int peakTimeDropDelay = 5; 176 float peakDropFactor = .94; 177 int droppingPeakFade = false; 178 179 int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 10; 180 int bouncingPeaksNumOfLedsMin = 4; 181 int bouncingPeakDelay = 2; 182 int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 10; 183 184#elif defined (led_2_strip_144) 185 //settings for 2 144 led strips 186 187 int stripNumOfLeds = 144; 188 int stripsOn2Pins = true; 189 uint32_t stripColor[145]; 190 int displayMiddleLed = false; 191 int splitStrip = true; 192 int middleOffset = 0; 193 int startupAnimationDelay = 1; 194 int orangeLimitAmount = 0; 195 int swapLeftRight = false; 196 197 int dropDelay = 5; 198 float dropFactor = .94; 199 200 int peakTimeNoDropDelay = 250; 201 int peakTimeFirstDropDelay = 70; 202 int peakTimeDropDelay = 7; 203 float peakDropFactor = .94; 204 int droppingPeakFade = false; 205 206 int bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 12; 207 int bouncingPeaksNumOfLedsMin = 4; 208 int bouncingPeakDelay = 4; 209 int bouncingPeakCounterInc = 10; 210 211#endif 212// 213// setup other user variables 214// 215 216// basic settings 217int pulsing = false; // pulsing will display from the middle of each strip or ring @EB 218 219int spinCircle = false; // spin the animation. will not work with stripsOn2Pins @EB 220 221int animType = 0; // startup animation selection (1 looks nice for 1 ring) @EB 222int colorScheme = 10; // 0: green-red, 1: blue-green, 2: blue-red, 3: red-blue, 4: green-blue, 5: red-green, 6: blue-white-red 223 // 7: red-white-blue, 8: green-white-red, 9: green-white-blue, 10: color wheel, 11: spinning color wheel, 224 // 12: as 11 but spread with factor colorScheme12Factor @EB 225int maxColorScheme = 12; // used for looping through the color schemes with the switch button 226int colorScheme11SpinDelay = stripNumOfLeds / 4 ; // delay for spinning scheme 11 227int colorScheme12Factor = 3; // wheel spread factor for scheme 12 @EB 228 229int minValue = 10; // min analog input value 230int sensitivityValue = 110; // 0 - 255, initial value (value read from the potentiometer if useSensorValues = true) 231 232#ifdef highLevelInput 233 int maxValue = 700; // max analog input value (0-1023 equals 0-5V). try 300 for low level input, 700 for high 234 int maxSensitivity = 2 * 255; // set to a higher setting to amplify low input levels. try 4 * 255 for low level input, 2 * 255 for high 235#else 236 int maxValue = 300; // max analog input value (0-1023 equals 0-5V). try 300 for low level input, 700 for high 237 int maxSensitivity = 4 * 255; // set to a higher setting to amplify low input levels. try 4 * 255 for low level input, 2 * 255 for high 238#endif 239 240int ledBrightness = 30; // 0 - 255, initial value (value read from the potentiometer if useSensorValues = true) 241int sensorDeviationBrightness = 3; // eliminate fluctuating values 242int overflowDelay = 10; // overflow hold time 243 244// peak settings @EB 245int displayPeaks = false; // value will be set by the switch if useSensorValues = true 246int displayTopAsPeak = true; // always display the top LED in peak color 247int droppingPeak = true; // display dropping peaks or not. note: displayPeaks has to be true 248int bouncingPeaks = false; // display bouncing peaks or not. note: displayPeaks has to be true 249int dynamicBouncingPeaks = false; // bounce less with lower peaks. note: bouncingPeaks has to be true 250 251// 252// initialize other variables 253// 254 255int numOfSegments, halfNumOfSegments, stripMiddle, maxDisplaySegments; 256float sensitivityFactor; 257float nonLinearResponseFactor; 258 259int brightnessValue, prevBrightnessValue; 260float ledFactor, ledFactor_div_numOfSegments; 261 262uint32_t stripMiddleColor, stripOverflowColor, stripHoldColor; 263uint32_t colorValue; 264 265int leftValue = 0, rightValue = 0, maxReadValue = 0; 266int leftValueN = 0, rightValueN = 0; 267int leftAnalogValue = 0, rightAnalogValue = 0; 268float log10MaxDisplaySegments; 269 270int prevLeftValue = 0, prevRightValue = 0; 271int prevLeftAnalogValue = 0, prevRightAnalogValue = 0; 272 273int selectButton1PinState = 0, prevSelectButton1PinState = 0; 274int selectButton2PinState = 0, prevSelectButton2PinState = 0; 275 276int selectButton1PinSetting = colorScheme; 277int selectButton2PinSetting = 0; 278 279int i, j; 280int dropLeft, dropRight; 281int leftDropTime, rightDropTime; 282 283int leftPeak = 0, rightPeak = 0; 284int leftPeakTime = 0, rightPeakTime = 0; 285int leftFirstPeak = true, rightFirstPeak = true; 286int showPeaksPinSetting, prevShowPeaksPinSetting; 287 288int stripPulseMiddle = 0; 289int halfLeftValue, halfRightValue, halfPrevLeftValue, halfPrevRightValue; 290 291int leftPeakBouncing = false, rightPeakBouncing = false; 292int leftPeakBounce = 0, rightPeakBounce = 0; 293int prevLeftPeakBounce = 0, prevRightPeakBounce = 0; 294int leftPeakBounceCounter = 0, rightPeakBounceCounter = 0; 295int leftPeakBounceDelayCounter = 0, rightPeakBounceDelayCounter = 0; 296int leftBouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 0, rightBouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 0; 297float bounceFactor; 298 299int colorScheme11SpinValue = 0, colorScheme11SpinDelayValue = 0; 300int colorSchemeFactor = 1; 301long selectButton1Timer; 302 303int spinDelayCounter = 0, spinCounter = 0, spinTurnsCounter = 0, spinTurnsMax = 0, spinTurnsDelay = 0, spinTurnsDelayMax = 0; 304int spinCounterInc = 1; 305int spinDelay = 0; 306// 307// initialize the strip or rings 308// 309 310Adafruit_NeoPixel left_strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(stripNumOfLeds, leftStripPin, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); 311Adafruit_NeoPixel right_strip = Adafruit_NeoPixel(stripNumOfLeds, rightStripPin, NEO_GRB + NEO_KHZ800); 312 313// 314// setup 315// 316 317void setup() { 318 #ifdef DEBUG 319 Serial.begin(9600); 320 #endif 321 322 randomSeed(analogRead(2)); 323 324 if (stripsOn2Pins) { 325 numOfSegments = stripNumOfLeds; 326 maxDisplaySegments = numOfSegments - 1; 327 328 stripMiddle = stripNumOfLeds; 329 stripPulseMiddle = stripMiddle / 2; 330 spinCircle = false; 331 } 332 else { 333 numOfSegments = stripNumOfLeds / 2; 334 stripMiddle = stripNumOfLeds / 2; 335 maxDisplaySegments = stripMiddle - 1; 336 337 stripPulseMiddle = stripMiddle / 2; 338 } 339 340 halfNumOfSegments = numOfSegments / 2; 341 bounceFactor = (float) bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds / (maxDisplaySegments - bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds); 342 nonLinearResponseFactor = 90 / (float) maxDisplaySegments; 343 log10MaxDisplaySegments = log10(maxDisplaySegments); 344 345 pinMode(showPeaksPin, INPUT); 346 347 if (useSelectButton1) 348 pinMode(selectButton1Pin, INPUT); 349 350 left_strip.begin(); 351 if (stripsOn2Pins) 352 right_strip.begin(); 353 354 if (useSensorValues) { 355 readSensorValues(); 356 setInitialDisplayPeaks(); 357 } 358 else { 359 setStripColors(); 360 setSensitivityFactor(); 361 } 362 363 #ifdef DEBUG_TEST_LEDS 364 displayTest(); 365 #endif 366 367 startupAnimation(); 368} 369 370// 371// main loop 372// 373 374void loop() { 375 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_LOOP_TIME 376 long time = millis(); 377 #endif 378 379 380 if (useSensorValues) 381 readSensorValues(); 382 383 readValues(); 384 385 #if defined (DEBUG_NO_PEAKS) 386 displayPeaks = false; 387 #endif 388 389 #if defined (DEBUG_PEAKS) 390 displayPeaks = true; 391 #endif 392 393 if (pulsing) { 394 drawPulsingValues(); 395 } 396 else { 397 drawValues(); 398 if (displayPeaks) { 399 getPeaks(); 400 drawPeaks(); 401 } 402 } 403 404; 405 if (stripsOn2Pins) 406; 407 408 storePrevValues(); 409 410 checkSpinCircle(); 411 412 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_LOOP_TIME 413 time = millis() - time; 414 Serial.println(time); 415 #endif 416} 417 418// 419// functions 420// 421 422void setInitialDisplayPeaks() { 423 #if !defined (DEBUG_NO_PEAK_SWITCH) 424 showPeaksPinSetting = digitalRead(showPeaksPin); 425 426 if (showPeaksPinSetting == HIGH) 427 displayPeaks = false; 428 #endif 429 430 if (reverseShowPeaks) { 431 if (!displayPeaks) 432 displayPeaks = true; 433 else 434 displayPeaks = false; 435 } 436 437 prevShowPeaksPinSetting = showPeaksPinSetting; 438} 439 440void readSensorValues() { 441 // 442 // peaks pin 443 // 444 445 #if !defined (DEBUG_NO_PEAK_SWITCH) 446 showPeaksPinSetting = digitalRead(showPeaksPin); 447 448 if (showPeaksMomentarySwitch) { 449 if (showPeaksPinSetting == LOW && prevShowPeaksPinSetting == HIGH) { 450 if (displayPeaks == true) { 451 displayPeaks = false; 452 clearLeftPeak(); 453 clearRightPeak(); 454 if (showPeaksMomentarySwitch) 455 while (digitalRead(showPeaksPin) == LOW) {} 456 } 457 else { 458 displayPeaks = true; 459 } 460 } 461 } 462 else { 463 if (reverseShowPeaks) { 464 if (showPeaksPinSetting == HIGH && prevShowPeaksPinSetting == LOW) 465 displayPeaks = true; 466 else if (showPeaksPinSetting == LOW && prevShowPeaksPinSetting == HIGH) { 467 displayPeaks = false; 468 clearLeftPeak(); 469 clearRightPeak(); 470 } 471 } 472 else { 473 if (showPeaksPinSetting == LOW && prevShowPeaksPinSetting == HIGH) 474 displayPeaks = true; 475 else if (showPeaksPinSetting == HIGH && prevShowPeaksPinSetting == LOW) { 476 displayPeaks = false; 477 clearLeftPeak(); 478 clearRightPeak(); 479 } 480 } 481 } 482 if (pulsing) { 483 if (displayPeaks) 484 displayTopAsPeak = true; 485 else 486 displayTopAsPeak = false; 487 } 488 489 prevShowPeaksPinSetting = showPeaksPinSetting; 490 #endif 491 492 493 // 494 // selectButtonPin 1 and 2 495 // 496 if (useSelectButton1) { 497 selectButton1PinState = digitalRead(selectButton1Pin); 498 499 if (selectButton1PinState == HIGH && prevSelectButton1PinState == LOW) 500 selectButton1Timer = millis(); 501 502 if (selectButton1PinState == HIGH && prevSelectButton1PinState == HIGH) { 503 if ((millis() - selectButton1Timer) > 1000) { 504 pulsing = !pulsing; 505 setStripColors(); 506 displayNumber(colorScheme, 250); 507 508 while (digitalRead(selectButton1Pin) == HIGH) {} 509 selectButton1PinState = LOW; 510 clearValues(); 511 } 512 } 513 else if (selectButton1PinState == LOW && prevSelectButton1PinState == HIGH) { 514 selectButton1PinSetting++; 515 if (selectButton1PinSetting > maxColorScheme) { 516 selectButton1PinSetting = 0; 517 } 518 colorScheme = selectButton1PinSetting; 519 520 if (colorScheme == 12) 521 colorScheme11SpinValue = (colorScheme11SpinValue * colorScheme12Factor); 522 523 setStripColors(); 524 displayNumber(colorScheme, 250); 525 } 526 prevSelectButton1PinState = selectButton1PinState; 527 } 528 529 if (useSelectButton2) { 530 selectButton2PinState = digitalRead(selectButton2Pin); 531 532 if (selectButton2PinState == HIGH && prevSelectButton2PinState == LOW) { 533 selectButton2PinSetting++; 534 535 switch(selectButton2PinSetting) { 536 case 0: 537 case 1: { 538 pulsing = true; 539 spinCircle = false; 540 break; 541 } 542 case 2: { 543 pulsing = true; 544 spinCircle = true; 545 break; 546 } 547 case 3: { 548 pulsing = false; 549 spinCircle = false; 550 selectButton2PinSetting = 0; 551 break; 552 } 553 } 554 555 setStripColors(); 556 displayNumber(colorScheme, 250); 557 } 558 559 prevSelectButton2PinState = selectButton2PinState; 560 } 561 562 // 563 // brightness 564 // 565 brightnessValue = analogRead(brightnessPin); 566 brightnessValue = map(brightnessValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255); 567 568 if (abs(brightnessValue - prevBrightnessValue) > sensorDeviationBrightness) { 569 ledBrightness = brightnessValue; 570 setStripColors(); 571 prevBrightnessValue = brightnessValue; 572 } 573 574 // 575 // colorscheme 11 spinning wheel 576 // 577 578 if (colorScheme == 11 || colorScheme == 12) { 579 colorScheme11SpinDelayValue++; 580 if (colorScheme11SpinDelayValue == colorScheme11SpinDelay) { 581 colorScheme11SpinDelayValue = 0; 582 colorScheme11SpinValue++; 583 if (colorScheme11SpinValue > maxDisplaySegments * colorSchemeFactor) 584 colorScheme11SpinValue = 0; 585 setStripColors(); 586 } 587 } 588 589 // 590 // sensitivity 591 // 592 sensitivityValue = analogRead(sensitivityPin); 593 sensitivityValue = map(sensitivityValue, 0, 1023, 0, 255); 594 setSensitivityFactor(); 595} 596 597void setSensitivityFactor() { 598 //sensitivityValue_div_numOfSegments = sensitivityValue / numOfSegments; 599 sensitivityFactor = ((float) sensitivityValue / 255 * (float) maxSensitivity / 255); 600} 601 602void readValues() { 603 #ifdef averageReadings 604 leftAnalogValue = 0; 605 rightAnalogValue = 0; 606 607 for (i = 0; i <= averageNumOfReadings; i++) { 608 leftAnalogValue += analogRead(leftPin); 609 rightAnalogValue += analogRead(rightPin); 610 } 611 612 leftAnalogValue /= averageNumOfReadings; 613 rightAnalogValue /= averageNumOfReadings; 614 615 #else 616 leftAnalogValue = analogRead(leftPin); 617 rightAnalogValue = analogRead(rightPin); 618 #endif 619 620 if (swapLeftRight) { 621 int tempValue = leftAnalogValue; 622 leftAnalogValue = rightAnalogValue; 623 rightAnalogValue = tempValue; 624 } 625 626 if (leftAnalogValue < prevLeftAnalogValue) { 627 leftDropTime++; 628 if (leftDropTime > dropDelay) { 629 leftAnalogValue = prevLeftAnalogValue * dropFactor; 630 leftDropTime = 0; 631 } 632 else 633 leftAnalogValue = prevLeftAnalogValue; 634 } 635 636 if (rightAnalogValue < prevRightAnalogValue) { 637 rightDropTime++; 638 if (rightDropTime > dropDelay) { 639 rightAnalogValue = prevRightAnalogValue * dropFactor; 640 rightDropTime = 0; 641 } 642 else 643 rightAnalogValue = prevRightAnalogValue; 644 } 645 646 #ifdef DEBUG_PRINT_ANALOGVALUES 647 Serial.print(leftAnalogValue); 648 Serial.print(" "); 649 Serial.println(rightAnalogValue); 650 #endif 651 652 // map values 653 leftValue = map(leftAnalogValue * sensitivityFactor, minValue, maxValue, 0, maxDisplaySegments); 654 rightValue = map(rightAnalogValue * sensitivityFactor, minValue, maxValue, 0, maxDisplaySegments); 655 656 // if defined, convert to (reverse) non linear response 657 boolean flagNonLinear = false; 658 659 #if defined (nonLinearSinAudio) 660 flagNonLinear = true; 661 leftValueN = ((sin(((leftValue * nonLinearResponseFactor) + 270) * 0.0174533) + 1) * maxDisplaySegments); 662 rightValueN = ((sin(((rightValue * nonLinearResponseFactor) + 270) * 0.0174533) + 1) * maxDisplaySegments); 663 664 #elif defined (nonLinearReverseSinAudio) 665 flagNonLinear = true; 666 leftValueN = ((sin(((leftValue * nonLinearResponseFactor)) * 0.0174533)) * maxDisplaySegments); 667 rightValueN = ((sin(((rightValue * nonLinearResponseFactor)) * 0.0174533)) * maxDisplaySegments); 668 669 #elif defined (nonLinearLogAudio) 670 flagNonLinear = true; 671 leftValueN = ((log10(leftValue + 1) / log10MaxDisplaySegments * maxDisplaySegments)); 672 rightValueN = ((log10(rightValue + 1) / log10MaxDisplaySegments * maxDisplaySegments)); 673 674 #endif 675 676 if (flagNonLinear == true) { 677 #if defined (nonLinearAvr2) 678 leftValue = (leftValue + leftValueN) / 2; 679 rightValue = (rightValue + rightValueN) / 2; 680 #else 681 leftValue = leftValueN; 682 rightValue = rightValueN; 683 #endif 684 } 685 686// @EB_DEBUG 687 688 #ifdef displayOverflow 689 #ifdef compressOverflowPeaks 690 for (i = 1; i <= compressOverflowNumOfTimes; i++) { 691 if (leftValue > maxDisplaySegments) { 692// Serial.print(i); 693// Serial.print(" "); 694// Serial.print(leftValue); 695// Serial.print(" "); 696 leftValue = leftValue - leftValue * compressOverflowFactor * i; 697// Serial.print(leftValue); 698// Serial.print(" "); 699// Serial.println(maxDisplaySegments); 700 } 701 } 702 #endif 703 #endif 704 705 if (leftValue > maxDisplaySegments) { 706 leftValue = maxDisplaySegments; 707 #ifdef displayOverflow 708 drawOverflow(); 709 #endif 710 } 711 712 #ifdef displayOverflow 713 #ifdef compressOverflowPeaks 714 if (rightValue > maxDisplaySegments) 715 rightValue = rightValue - rightValue * compressOverflowFactor; 716 #endif 717 #endif 718 719 if (rightValue > maxDisplaySegments) { 720 rightValue = maxDisplaySegments; 721 #ifdef displayOverflow 722 drawOverflow(); 723 #endif 724 } 725} 726 727void storePrevValues() { 728 prevLeftAnalogValue = leftAnalogValue; 729 prevRightAnalogValue = rightAnalogValue; 730 731 prevLeftValue = leftValue; 732 prevRightValue = rightValue; 733} 734 735void getPeaks() { 736 if (leftValue > leftPeak) { 737 if (dynamicBouncingPeaks || prevLeftPeakBounce > 0) 738 clearLeftBouncePeak(); 739 740 leftPeak = leftValue; 741 leftPeakTime = 0; 742 leftFirstPeak = true; 743 744 if (bouncingPeaks) { 745 leftPeakBouncing = true; 746 leftPeakBounceCounter = 0; 747 leftPeakBounceDelayCounter = 0; 748 749 if (dynamicBouncingPeaks) 750 leftBouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = max(bouncingPeaksNumOfLedsMin, (leftPeak * bounceFactor)); 751 else 752 leftBouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds; 753 } 754 } 755 else { 756 leftPeakTime++; 757 if (droppingPeak) { 758 if (leftFirstPeak) { 759 if (leftPeakTime > peakTimeFirstDropDelay) { 760 clearLeftPeak(); 761 leftFirstPeak = false; 762 } 763 } 764 else { 765 if (leftPeakTime > peakTimeDropDelay) { 766 clearLeftPeak(); 767 } 768 } 769 } 770 else { 771 if (leftPeakTime > peakTimeNoDropDelay) { 772 clearLeftPeak(); 773 } 774 } 775 } 776 777 if (leftPeakBouncing) { 778 if (leftFirstPeak) { 779 leftPeakBounceDelayCounter++; 780 if (leftPeakBounceDelayCounter >= bouncingPeakDelay) { 781 leftPeakBounceDelayCounter = 0; 782 leftPeakBounceCounter += bouncingPeakCounterInc; 783 if (leftPeakBounceCounter >= 180) { 784 clearLeftBouncePeak(); 785 clearLeftBounce(); 786 } 787 else { 788 leftPeakBounce = min((sin(leftPeakBounceCounter * 0.0174533) * leftBouncingPeaksNumOfLeds), (maxDisplaySegments - leftPeak)); 789 if (leftPeakBounce != prevLeftPeakBounce) { 790 clearLeftBouncePeak(); 791 } 792 prevLeftPeakBounce = leftPeakBounce; 793 } 794 } 795 } 796 } 797 798 if (rightValue > rightPeak) { 799 if (dynamicBouncingPeaks || prevRightPeakBounce > 0) 800 clearRightBouncePeak(); 801 802 rightPeak = rightValue; 803 rightPeakTime = 0; 804 rightFirstPeak = true; 805 806 if (bouncingPeaks) { 807 rightPeakBouncing = true; 808 rightPeakBounceCounter = 0; 809 rightPeakBounceDelayCounter = 0; 810 811 if (dynamicBouncingPeaks) 812 rightBouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = max(bouncingPeaksNumOfLedsMin, (rightPeak * bounceFactor)); 813 else 814 rightBouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = bouncingPeaksNumOfLeds; 815 } 816 } 817 else { 818 rightPeakTime++; 819 if (droppingPeak) { 820 if (rightFirstPeak) { 821 if (rightPeakTime > peakTimeFirstDropDelay) { 822 clearRightPeak(); 823 rightFirstPeak = false; 824 } 825 } 826 else { 827 if (rightPeakTime > peakTimeDropDelay) 828 clearRightPeak(); 829 } 830 } 831 else { 832 if (rightPeakTime > peakTimeNoDropDelay) 833 clearRightPeak(); 834 } 835 } 836 837 if (rightPeakBouncing) { 838 if (rightFirstPeak) { 839 rightPeakBounceDelayCounter++; 840 if (rightPeakBounceDelayCounter >= bouncingPeakDelay) { 841 rightPeakBounceDelayCounter = 0; 842 rightPeakBounceCounter += bouncingPeakCounterInc; 843 844 if (rightPeakBounceCounter >= 180) { 845 clearRightBouncePeak(); 846 clearRightBounce(); 847 } 848 else { 849 rightPeakBounce = min((sin(rightPeakBounceCounter * 0.0174533) * rightBouncingPeaksNumOfLeds), (maxDisplaySegments - rightPeak)); 850 if (rightPeakBounce != prevRightPeakBounce) { 851 clearRightBouncePeak(); 852 } 853 prevRightPeakBounce = rightPeakBounce; 854 } 855 } 856 } 857 } 858} 859 860void checkSpinCircle () { 861 if (spinCircle) { 862 if (spinTurnsMax == 0) { 863 spinTurnsMax = random(stripNumOfLeds / 4, stripNumOfLeds * 3); // spin at least a quarter turn, max 3 turns 864 865 if (random(10) > 4) 866 spinCounterInc = -spinCounterInc; 867 868 spinTurnsDelayMax = random(100, 1000); // @EB_DEBUG 869 870 spinDelay = random(20, 75); // @EB_DEBUG 871 } 872 873 if (spinTurnsCounter == spinTurnsMax) { 874 spinTurnsDelay++; 875 if (spinTurnsDelay == spinTurnsDelayMax) { 876 spinTurnsDelay = 0; 877 spinTurnsCounter = 0; 878 spinTurnsMax = 0; 879 } 880 } 881 else { 882 spinDelayCounter++; 883 884 if (spinDelayCounter > spinDelay) { 885 clearZeroAndPeaks(); 886 887 spinCounter += spinCounterInc; 888 if (spinCounter > stripNumOfLeds) 889 spinCounter = 0; 890 else if (spinCounter < 0) 891 spinCounter = stripNumOfLeds; 892 893 spinTurnsCounter++; 894 spinDelayCounter = 0; 895 } 896 } 897 } 898} 899 900int getSpinCircleValue(int value) { 901 if (!spinCircle) 902 return value; 903 else { 904 int calcValue = value + spinCounter; 905 if (calcValue >= stripNumOfLeds) 906 calcValue -= stripNumOfLeds; 907 return calcValue; 908 } 909} 910 911void drawValues() { 912 if (splitStrip) { 913 for (i = middleOffset; i < leftValue; i++) 914 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(i), stripColor[i]); 915 916 if (!displayPeaks && displayTopAsPeak) 917 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(leftValue), stripHoldColor); 918 919 for (i = prevLeftValue; i >= leftValue; i--) 920 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(i), 0); 921 922 if (stripsOn2Pins) { 923 for (i = middleOffset; i < rightValue; i++) 924 right_strip.setPixelColor(i, stripColor[i]); 925 926 if (!displayPeaks && displayTopAsPeak) 927 right_strip.setPixelColor(rightValue, stripHoldColor); 928 929 for (i = prevRightValue; i >= rightValue; i--) 930 right_strip.setPixelColor(i, 0); 931 } 932 else { 933 for (i = middleOffset; i < rightValue; i++) 934 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + i), stripColor[i]); 935 936 if (!displayPeaks && displayTopAsPeak) 937 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + rightValue), stripHoldColor); 938 939 for (i = prevRightValue; i >= rightValue; i--) 940 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + i), 0); 941 } 942 } 943 else { 944 for (i = middleOffset; i < leftValue; i++) 945 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + i), stripColor[i]); 946 947 if (!displayPeaks && displayTopAsPeak) 948 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + leftValue), stripHoldColor); 949 950 for (i = prevLeftValue; i >= leftValue; i--) 951 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + i), 0); 952 953 for (i = middleOffset; i < rightValue; i++) 954 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - i), stripColor[i]); 955 956 if (!displayPeaks && displayTopAsPeak) 957 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - rightValue), stripHoldColor); 958 959 for (i = prevRightValue; i >= rightValue; i--) 960 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - i), 0); 961 } 962 963 if (displayMiddleLed) 964 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle), stripMiddleColor); 965} 966 967void drawPulsingValues() { 968 halfLeftValue = (leftValue + 1) / 2; 969 halfRightValue = (rightValue + 1) / 2; 970 halfPrevLeftValue = (prevLeftValue + 1)/ 2; 971 halfPrevRightValue = (prevRightValue + 1) / 2; 972 973 if (splitStrip) { 974 for (i = 0; i < halfLeftValue; i++) { 975 colorValue = stripColor[i * 2]; 976 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripPulseMiddle + i), colorValue); 977 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripPulseMiddle - i), colorValue); 978 } 979 980 if (displayTopAsPeak) { 981 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripPulseMiddle + halfLeftValue), stripHoldColor); 982 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripPulseMiddle - halfLeftValue), stripHoldColor); 983 } 984 985 for (i = halfPrevLeftValue; i >= halfLeftValue; i--) { 986 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripPulseMiddle + i), 0); 987 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripPulseMiddle - i), 0); 988 } 989 990 if (stripsOn2Pins) { 991 for (i = 0; i < halfRightValue; i++) { 992 colorValue = stripColor[i * 2]; 993 right_strip.setPixelColor((stripPulseMiddle + i), colorValue); 994 right_strip.setPixelColor((stripPulseMiddle - i), colorValue); 995 } 996 997 if (displayTopAsPeak) { 998 right_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripPulseMiddle + halfRightValue), stripHoldColor); 999 right_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripPulseMiddle - halfRightValue), stripHoldColor); 1000 } 1001 1002 for (i = halfPrevRightValue; i >= halfRightValue; i--) { 1003 right_strip.setPixelColor((stripPulseMiddle + i), 0); 1004 right_strip.setPixelColor((stripPulseMiddle - i), 0); 1005 } 1006 } 1007 else { 1008 for (i = 0; i < halfRightValue; i++) { 1009 colorValue = colorValue = stripColor[i * 2]; 1010 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle + i), colorValue); 1011 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle - i), colorValue); 1012 } 1013 1014 if (displayTopAsPeak) { 1015 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle + halfRightValue), stripHoldColor); 1016 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle - halfRightValue), stripHoldColor); 1017 } 1018 1019 for (i = halfPrevRightValue; i >= halfRightValue; i--) { 1020 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle + i), 0); 1021 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle - i), 0); 1022 } 1023 } 1024 } 1025 else { 1026 for (i = 0; i < halfLeftValue; i++) { 1027 colorValue = colorValue = stripColor[i * 2]; 1028 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle + i), colorValue); 1029 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle - i), colorValue); 1030 } 1031 1032 if (displayTopAsPeak) { 1033 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle + halfLeftValue), stripHoldColor); 1034 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle - halfLeftValue), stripHoldColor); 1035 } 1036 1037 for (i = halfPrevLeftValue; i >= halfLeftValue; i--) { 1038 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle + i), 0); 1039 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle - i), 0); 1040 } 1041 1042 for (i = 0; i < halfRightValue; i++) { 1043 colorValue = colorValue = stripColor[i * 2]; 1044 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - (stripPulseMiddle + i)), colorValue); 1045 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - (stripPulseMiddle - i)), colorValue); 1046 } 1047 1048 if (displayTopAsPeak) { 1049 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - (stripPulseMiddle + halfRightValue)), stripHoldColor); 1050 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - (stripPulseMiddle - halfRightValue)), stripHoldColor); 1051 } 1052 1053 for (i = halfPrevRightValue; i >= halfRightValue; i--) { 1054 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - (stripPulseMiddle + i)), 0); 1055 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - (stripPulseMiddle - i)), 0); 1056 } 1057 } 1058 1059 if (displayMiddleLed) { 1060 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - stripPulseMiddle), stripMiddleColor); 1061 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle), stripMiddleColor); 1062 } 1063} 1064 1065void clearZeroAndPeaks() { 1066 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(middleOffset), 0); 1067 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle), 0); 1068 1069 if (displayTopAsPeak) { 1070 if (splitStrip) { 1071 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripPulseMiddle + halfLeftValue), 0); 1072 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripPulseMiddle - halfLeftValue), 0); 1073 1074 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle + halfRightValue), 0); 1075 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle - halfRightValue), 0); 1076 } 1077 else { 1078 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle + halfLeftValue), 0); 1079 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + stripPulseMiddle - halfLeftValue), 0); 1080 1081 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - (stripPulseMiddle + halfRightValue)), 0); 1082 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - (stripPulseMiddle - halfRightValue)), 0); 1083 } 1084 } 1085} 1086 1087void drawPeaks() { 1088 if (leftPeak > 0) { 1089 if (droppingPeakFade && leftPeakBouncing == false) 1090 stripHoldColor = left_strip.Color(max(1, (255 * leftPeak * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments)), 0, 0); 1091 else 1092 stripHoldColor = stripColor[numOfSegments]; 1093 1094 if (splitStrip) 1095 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(leftPeak + leftPeakBounce), stripHoldColor); 1096 else 1097 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + (leftPeak + leftPeakBounce)), stripHoldColor); 1098 } 1099 1100 if (rightPeak > 0) { 1101 if (droppingPeakFade && rightPeakBouncing == false) 1102 stripHoldColor = left_strip.Color(max(1, (255 * rightPeak * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments)), 0, 0); 1103 else 1104 stripHoldColor = stripColor[numOfSegments]; 1105 1106 if (splitStrip) { 1107 if (stripsOn2Pins) { 1108 right_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(rightPeak + rightPeakBounce), stripHoldColor); 1109 } 1110 else { 1111 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + rightPeak + rightPeakBounce), stripHoldColor); 1112 } 1113 } 1114 else { 1115 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - (rightPeak + rightPeakBounce)), stripHoldColor); 1116 } 1117 } 1118 1119 //if (leftPeak > 0 || rightPeak > 0) 1120 //; 1121} 1122 1123void clearLeftPeak() { 1124 if (splitStrip) 1125 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(leftPeak + prevLeftPeakBounce), 0); 1126 else 1127 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + (leftPeak + prevLeftPeakBounce)), 0); 1128 1129 if (droppingPeak) 1130 leftPeak = leftPeak * peakDropFactor; 1131 else 1132 leftPeak = 0; 1133 leftPeakTime = 0; 1134} 1135 1136void clearRightPeak() { 1137 if (splitStrip) { 1138 if( stripsOn2Pins) { 1139 right_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(rightPeak + prevRightPeakBounce), 0); 1140 } 1141 else { 1142 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + rightPeak + prevRightPeakBounce), 0); 1143 } 1144 } 1145 else { 1146 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - (rightPeak + prevRightPeakBounce)), 0); 1147 } 1148 1149 if (droppingPeak) 1150 rightPeak = rightPeak * peakDropFactor; 1151 else 1152 rightPeak = 0; 1153 rightPeakTime = 0; 1154} 1155 1156void clearLeftBouncePeak() { 1157 if (splitStrip) 1158 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(leftPeak + prevLeftPeakBounce), 0); 1159 else 1160 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + (leftPeak + prevLeftPeakBounce)), 0); 1161} 1162 1163void clearRightBouncePeak() { 1164 if (splitStrip) { 1165 if (stripsOn2Pins) { 1166 right_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(rightPeak + prevRightPeakBounce), 0); 1167 } 1168 else { 1169 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue((stripMiddle + rightPeak + prevRightPeakBounce)), 0); 1170 } 1171 } 1172 else { 1173 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - (rightPeak + prevRightPeakBounce)), 0); 1174 } 1175} 1176 1177void clearLeftBounce() { 1178 leftPeakBouncing = false; 1179 leftPeakBounceCounter = 0; 1180 leftPeakBounce = 0; 1181 prevLeftPeakBounce = 0; 1182 leftBouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 0; 1183} 1184 1185void clearRightBounce() { 1186 rightPeakBouncing = false; 1187 rightPeakBounceCounter = 0; 1188 rightPeakBounce = 0; 1189 prevRightPeakBounce = 0; 1190 leftBouncingPeaksNumOfLeds = 0; 1191} 1192 1193void clearValues() { 1194 leftAnalogValue = 0; 1195 rightAnalogValue = 0; 1196 prevLeftAnalogValue = 0; 1197 prevRightAnalogValue = 0; 1198 leftPeak = 0; 1199 rightPeak = 0; 1200} 1201 1202 1203void drawOverflow() { 1204 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1205 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - i), stripOverflowColor); 1206 if (stripsOn2Pins) { 1207 right_strip.setPixelColor(i, stripOverflowColor); 1208 } 1209 else { 1210 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + i), stripOverflowColor); 1211 } 1212 } 1213; 1214 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1215; 1216 1217 delay(overflowDelay); 1218 1219 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1220 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle - i), 0); 1221 if (stripsOn2Pins) { 1222 right_strip.setPixelColor(i, 0); 1223 } 1224 else { 1225 left_strip.setPixelColor(getSpinCircleValue(stripMiddle + i), 0); 1226 } 1227 } 1228; 1229 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1230; 1231} 1232 1233void setStripColors() { 1234 int r, g, b; 1235 int p1, p2; 1236 1237 ledFactor = (float) ledBrightness / 255; 1238 ledFactor_div_numOfSegments = (float) ledFactor / (float) numOfSegments; 1239 stripMiddleColor = left_strip.Color(0, 0, 255 * ledFactor); 1240 1241 switch (colorScheme) { 1242 case 0: { 1243 int orangeLimit; 1244 float orangeFactor = orangeLimitAmount / halfNumOfSegments; 1245 1246 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1247 if (i <= halfNumOfSegments) 1248 orangeLimit = (i * orangeFactor); 1249 else 1250 orangeLimit = ((numOfSegments - i) * orangeFactor); 1251 1252 stripColor[i] = left_strip.Color((255 * i * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments), ((255 - orangeLimit) * (numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments), 0); 1253 } 1254 break; 1255 } 1256 1257 case 1: { 1258 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1259 stripColor[i] = left_strip.Color(0, (255 * i * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments), (255 * (numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments)); 1260 } 1261 break; 1262 } 1263 1264 case 2: { 1265 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1266 stripColor[i] = left_strip.Color((255 * i * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments), 0, (255 * (numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments)); 1267 } 1268 break; 1269 } 1270 1271 case 3: { 1272 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1273 stripColor[i] = left_strip.Color((255 * (numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments), 0, (255 * i * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments)); 1274 } 1275 break; 1276 } 1277 1278 case 4: { 1279 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1280 stripColor[i] = left_strip.Color(0, (255 * (numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments), (255 * i * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments)); 1281 } 1282 break; 1283 } 1284 1285 case 5: { 1286 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1287 stripColor[i] = left_strip.Color((255 * (numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments), (255 * i * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments), 0); 1288 } 1289 break; 1290 } 1291 1292 case 6: { 1293 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1294 r = (255 * i * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments); 1295 g = (255 * min(i, numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments); 1296 b = (200 * (numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments); 1297 stripColor[i] = left_strip.Color(r, g, b); 1298 } 1299 break; 1300 } 1301 1302 case 7: { 1303 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1304 b = (255 * i * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments); 1305 g = (255 * min(i, numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments); 1306 r = (255 * (numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments); 1307 stripColor[i] = left_strip.Color(r, g, b); 1308 } 1309 break; 1310 } 1311 1312 case 8: { 1313 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1314 r = (255 * i * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments); 1315 b = (255 * min(i, numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments); 1316 g = (255 * (numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments); 1317 stripColor[i] = left_strip.Color(r, g, b); 1318 } 1319 break; 1320 } 1321 1322 case 9: { 1323 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1324 b = (255 * i * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments); 1325 r = (255 * min(i, numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments); 1326 g = (255 * (numOfSegments - i) * ledFactor_div_numOfSegments); 1327 stripColor[i] = left_strip.Color(r, g, b); 1328 } 1329 break; 1330 } 1331 1332 case 10: 1333 colorScheme11SpinValue = 0; 1334 1335 case 11: 1336 1337 case 12: { 1338 p1 = (85 * numOfSegments / 255); 1339 p2 = (170 * numOfSegments / 255); 1340 int wheel; 1341 1342 if (colorScheme == 12) 1343 colorSchemeFactor = colorScheme12Factor; 1344 else 1345 colorSchemeFactor = 1; 1346 1347 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1348 //wheel = int(float(i + colorScheme11SpinValue) / colorSchemeFactor) % numOfSegments; // reverse wheel 1349 1350 wheel = int(float(i - colorScheme11SpinValue) / colorSchemeFactor + numOfSegments) % numOfSegments; 1351 1352 if (wheel < p1) { 1353 wheel = map(wheel, 0, p1, 0, 255); 1354 r = (wheel * ledFactor); 1355 g = ((255 - wheel) * ledFactor); 1356 b = 0; 1357 } 1358 else if (wheel < p2) { 1359 wheel = map(wheel, p1, p2, 0, 255); 1360 r = ((255 - wheel) * ledFactor); 1361 g = 0; 1362 b = (wheel * ledFactor); 1363 } 1364 else { 1365 wheel = map(wheel, p2, numOfSegments, 0, 255); 1366 r = 0; 1367 g = (wheel * ledFactor); 1368 b = ((255 - wheel) * ledFactor); 1369 } 1370 1371 stripColor[i] = left_strip.Color(r, g, b); 1372 } 1373 break; 1374 } 1375 } 1376 1377 if (colorScheme >= 10) 1378 stripHoldColor = left_strip.Color(255 * ledFactor, 0, 0); // set to red for the color wheels 1379 else 1380 stripHoldColor = stripColor[numOfSegments]; 1381 1382 stripOverflowColor = stripHoldColor; // left_strip.Color(min(255, 255 * ledFactor * 1.5), 0, 0); 1383} 1384 1385void startupAnimation() { 1386 for (j = 0; j < 2; j++) { 1387 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1388 if (animType == 1) 1389 left_strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - (numOfSegments - i), stripColor[i]); 1390 else 1391 left_strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - i, stripColor[i]); 1392 1393 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1394 right_strip.setPixelColor(i, stripColor[i]); 1395 else 1396 left_strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + i, stripColor[i]); 1397 1398; 1399 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1400; 1401 1402 delay(startupAnimationDelay); 1403 } 1404 1405 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1406 if (animType == 1) 1407 left_strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - (numOfSegments - i), 0); 1408 else 1409 left_strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - i, 0); 1410 1411 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1412 right_strip.setPixelColor(i, 0); 1413 else 1414 left_strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + i, 0); 1415 1416; 1417 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1418; 1419 1420 delay(startupAnimationDelay); 1421 } 1422 } 1423} 1424 1425void displayNumber (int number, int displayDelay) { 1426 left_strip.clear(); 1427 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1428 right_strip.clear(); 1429 1430 number++; // @EB_DEBUG : display value 0 at led 1 1431 1432 for (i = 0; i <= number; i++) { 1433 if (i % 5 == 0) 1434 colorValue = stripMiddleColor; 1435 else 1436 colorValue = stripColor[0]; 1437 1438 left_strip.setPixelColor(middleOffset + i, colorValue); 1439 1440 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1441 right_strip.setPixelColor(middleOffset + i, colorValue); 1442 else 1443 left_strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + middleOffset + i, colorValue); 1444 1445 delay(45 - number * 3); // @EB_DEBUG 1446 1447; 1448 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1449; 1450 } 1451 1452 if (pulsing) { 1453 left_strip.setPixelColor(middleOffset + maxDisplaySegments, stripMiddleColor); 1454 1455 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1456 right_strip.setPixelColor(maxDisplaySegments, stripMiddleColor); 1457 else 1458 left_strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + maxDisplaySegments, stripMiddleColor); 1459 1460; 1461 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1462; 1463 } 1464 1465 delay(displayDelay); 1466 1467 left_strip.clear(); 1468 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1469 right_strip.clear(); 1470} 1471 1472 1473// 1474// for debugging 1475// 1476 1477#ifdef DEBUG_TEST_LEDS 1478 void displayTest() { 1479 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1480 left_strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - i, stripColor[i]); 1481 1482 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1483 right_strip.setPixelColor(i, stripColor[i]); 1484 else 1485 left_strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + i, stripColor[i]); 1486 1487; 1488 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1489; 1490 1491 delay(50); 1492 } 1493 delay(5000); 1494 1495 for (i = 0; i <= numOfSegments; i++) { 1496 left_strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle - i, 0); 1497 1498 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1499 right_strip.setPixelColor(i, 0); 1500 else 1501 left_strip.setPixelColor(stripMiddle + i, 0); 1502 1503; 1504 if (stripsOn2Pins) 1505; 1506 } 1507 } 1508 1509 void serialDisplayRGB(int r, int g, int b) { 1510 Serial.print(i); 1511 Serial.print(" "); 1512 Serial.print(r); 1513 Serial.print(" "); 1514 Serial.print(g); 1515 Serial.print(" "); 1516 Serial.println(b); 1517 } 1518#endif
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