Components and supplies
9V Battery Clip
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Arduino UNO
9V battery (generic)
Male/Female Jumper Wires
Jumper wires (generic)
Qunqi L298N Motor Drive Controller Board Module Dual H Bridge DC Stepper For Arduino
Tools and machines
Soldering iron (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Apps and platforms
Arduino IDE
Project description
Here is the code, put this in your Arduino software and upload it and the project should work!
Here is the code, put this in your Arduino software and upload it and the project should work!
Downloadable files
Here is the schematic for the project. This will help a lot!
Only logged in users can leave comments
4 months ago
awesome! spent half a day on the base so it looks awesome! thanks for the cool project!
a year ago
Hi! I'm new to Arduino and I have a couple doubts. Regarding the code, I was wondering how does it work on the analog pins if the DDRC and PORTC registers are used to control the Port C pins (PC0 to PC7) which are digital pins - maybe im understanding the code incorrectly? Also, regarding the circuit, do I need to take the jumper off in the H-bridge, and is the 5V power pin from the Arduino recieving current from the H-bridge or sending it into it? Finally, would this work the same on the Arduino MEGA 2560? Thanks in advance :)
a year ago
Here is the setup in a nutshell, The Arduino outputs a very high frequency sound to the motor driver, and the motor driver boosts the frequency coming from the Arduino (because the sound coming from the Arduino alone isn't strong enough for acoustic levitation). Then it's wired to the sensors, there is a transmitter and a receiver. Turn on the circuit and you should be able to levitate small objects between the sensors! I hope this helps!
2 years ago
I really do not know much about sound, but I can tell you everything I've gathered from the internet, videos, and similar projects. The sound coming from the speakers is 40kHz, the L298N H-bridge is a standard motor driver, but in this case the code allows the motor driver to amplify the signals coming from the Arduino, The project uses a 9v battery at first, but if you are having trouble levitating objects swap the battery with a 12v power supply and it should work a little bit better, the code is pretty simple, all it does is make a frequency of 40kHz which is Ultrasonic, the sound is such a high pitch it is out of hearing range, but for pets and animals they might hear it. That is all I know about this project for now...
2 years ago
hi, now I'm trying to graduate from my school it is called bachelor of engineering and I have a presentation about ultrasonic levitation , I need to know more about levitation theory and also I need the program of ultrasonic levitation , Please I need your help
2 years ago
2 years ago
Hey, Really nice project, So i was asking how to put the pieces between the transducers to levitate? thanks..
2 years ago
You can use Tweezers to insert the foam pieces into the nodes (aka, the spaces between the transducers in which objects can levitate) You can do it by hand, but it's a bit difficult. You can also use a small piece of paper to scoop the foam into the nodes. I'd just use tweezers if it is an available option. but really, any way should work.
2 years ago
Great job!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hey nice and amazing projects ! I have some questions, do we know the wavelength produced and can the distance between the two speakers be changed ?
2 years ago
Sorry but I have no idea what wavelength of sound is produced when its on but I think it's around 40kHz of sound coming from the speakers and it can lift small objects of course hence the name Ultrasonic levitation.
2 years ago
Hello there! I am really hoping to get some comments from this project. It's really simple and as you can see it works very well. Feel free to leave a comment and respect the project and try to duplicate this for your own needs. 👍😀
2 years ago
So did anyone get the project to work? I am curious because this type of project is hard for some people. Trust me I've seen other projects about Ultra-sonic levitation and people say in the comments that it does not work. So I'm hoping people can do this project easily. 👍
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Done! and thank u very much, I've trying to levitate 6, 7 of them by increasing the voltage and power and the distance between these two transducers, and also I got 5 of them levitating with my idea, once more thanks !
2 years ago
glad it works for you! Enjoy your very own Acoustic levitator!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Fungovala by voda místo polystyrenu??
2 years ago
2 years ago
Thank you, did you try it for yourself? glad you have an interest with this project, and have a good day. 😃
3 years ago
2 years ago
Thank you, did you try it for yourself? glad you have an interest with this project, and have a good day. 😃
3 years ago
Nice one! I've been really searching for projects like these, thanks man! I really appreciate this
2 years ago
No problem! I have another project by me you can follow at --->
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Hey nice and amazing projects ! I have some questions, do we know the wavelength produced and can the distance between the two speakers be changed ?
2 years ago
Sound travels at 340 m/s, so at 40 kHz, the wave length is 8.5 mm and the standing wave is 4.25 mm. So that's probably the distance between the levitating styrofoam crumbs. It would be cool to adjust the frequency with a potentiometer and to get two styrofoam crumbs travel up and down a mm or two.
2 years ago
Sorry but I have no idea what wavelength of sound is produced when its on but I think it's around 40kHz of sound coming from the speakers and it can lift small objects of course hence the name Ultrasonic levitation.
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Fungovala by voda místo polystyrenu??
3 years ago
So did anyone get the project to work? I am curious because this type of project is hard for some people. Trust me I've seen other projects about Ultra-sonic levitation and people say in the comments that it does not work. So I'm hoping people can do this project easily. 👍
2 years ago
Done! and thank u very much, I've trying to levitate 6, 7 of them by increasing the voltage and power and the distance between these two transducers, and also I got 5 of them levitating with my idea, once more thanks !
2 years ago
glad it works for you! Enjoy your very own Acoustic levitator!
3 years ago
Great job!
3 years ago
Hello there! I am really hoping to get some comments from this project. It's really simple and as you can see it works very well. Feel free to leave a comment and respect the project and try to duplicate this for your own needs. 👍😀
Ultrasonic Levitation | Acoustic Levitation Experiment | Arduino Project Hub
5 days ago
Revisando el proyecto creo que se puede usar los parlantes de ultra sonido de un nebulizador en vez del sensor de ultrasonido. Son más económicos y soportan más potencia. Lo pongo en practica y les comento.