Components and supplies
Jumper wires (generic)
Capacitor 10 µF
4xAA battery holder
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Robotic car kit
Pushbutton Switch, Momentary
Resistor 10k ohm
Slide Switch
AA Batteries
SparkFun Full-Bridge Motor Driver Breakout - L298N
Arduino UNO
Tools and machines
Multitool, Screwdriver
Tape, Electrical
Hot glue gun (generic)
Project description
1//Authors: Gonçalo Azinheira and João Castro, students at University of the Algarve(Ualg); 2//Project: Mazemaster3000; 3//Subject: A finite state machine-powered maze solver. The starting point of the maze must be in one of the left corners and the ending must be in one of the right corners. 4 5//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 6 7const int pingt = 7; //the same trigger is used by all sensors 8const int pinge2 = 6; //front ultrassonic sensor 9const int pinge1 = 8; //right ultrassonic sensor 10const int pinge3 = 9; //left ultrassonic sensor 11int rec[50]; 12int a; 13int In1 = A5; //right 14int In2 = A4; //right 15int In3 = A3; //left 16int In4 = A2; //left 17int EnA = 10; //right 18int EnB = 11; //left 19int dir; 20int esqdist; 21int dirdist; 22int fdist; 23boolean button=0; 24 25void B_ISR(){ //The button is activated by an Interrupt System Routine 26 button=1; 27 } 28 29void setup() { 30Serial.begin(9600); 31//button=0; 32pinMode(button, INPUT); 33attachInterrupt(0,B_ISR,RISING); 34 35pinMode(pingt, OUTPUT); 36pinMode(pinge1, INPUT); 37pinMode(pinge2, INPUT); 38pinMode(pinge3, INPUT); 39a=0; 40pinMode(In1, OUTPUT); 41pinMode(In2, OUTPUT); 42pinMode(In3, OUTPUT); 43pinMode(In4, OUTPUT); 44pinMode(EnA, OUTPUT); 45pinMode(EnB, OUTPUT); 46pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); 47analogWrite(EnA, 200); 48 analogWrite(EnB, 200); 49} 50 51 52//****************************************** 53//--------------------------------------------------- 54int ping (int pinge){ 55 long duration, cm; 56 int x,xmed; 57 int dela=25; 58 int MAX = 1500; 59 int num = 0; 60 int sum=0; 61 62 for(int i=0;i<=5;i++){ 63 digitalWrite(pingt, LOW); 64 delayMicroseconds(2); 65 digitalWrite(pingt, HIGH); 66 delayMicroseconds(5); 67 digitalWrite(pingt, LOW); 68 duration = pulseIn(pinge, HIGH); 69 x = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration); 70 if(x<MAX){ 71 num ++; 72 } 73 else{x=0;} 74 sum+=x; 75 76 delay(dela); 77 } 78 79 xmed=sum/num; 80 return xmed; 81 } 82 83 84 85 long microsecondsToCentimeters(long microseconds) { 86 // The speed of sound is 340 m/s or 29 microseconds per centimeter. 87 // The ping travels out and back, so to find the distance of the object we 88 // take half of the distance travelled. 89 return microseconds / 29 / 2; 90} 91 92//----------------------------------------------- 93//********************************** 94//Each funcion uses different values in the analogWrite and delay. That's because the motors aren't exactly the same and the battery will slightly lose power. 95 96 97void walk(int wtime) //Makes the cars go straight 98{ 99 analogWrite(EnA, 173); 100 analogWrite(EnB, 171); 101 digitalWrite(In1, HIGH); 102 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 103 digitalWrite(In3, HIGH); 104 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 105 delay(wtime*1.8); 106 digitalWrite(In1, LOW); 107 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 108 digitalWrite(In3, LOW); 109 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 110 delay(5); 111} 112 113 114 115 void turnR(int wtime) //Makes the car turn right and then go straight 116 { 117 analogWrite(EnA, 192); 118 analogWrite(EnB, 172); 119 digitalWrite(In1, LOW); 120 digitalWrite(In2, HIGH); 121 digitalWrite(In3, HIGH); 122 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 123 delay(wtime-141); 124 analogWrite(EnA, 170); 125 analogWrite(EnB, 170); 126 digitalWrite(In1, HIGH); 127 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 128 digitalWrite(In3, HIGH); 129 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 130 delay(wtime*2+50); 131 digitalWrite(In1, LOW); 132 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 133 digitalWrite(In3, LOW); 134 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 135 delay(5); 136 } 137 138 void turnL(int wtime) //Makes the car turn left and then go straight 139 { 140 analogWrite(EnA, 170); 141 analogWrite(EnB, 170); 142 digitalWrite(In1, HIGH); 143 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 144 digitalWrite(In3, LOW); 145 digitalWrite(In4, HIGH); 146 delay(wtime-130); 147 analogWrite(EnA, 170); 148 analogWrite(EnB, 170); 149 digitalWrite(In1, HIGH); 150 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 151 digitalWrite(In3, HIGH); 152 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 153 delay(wtime*2+30); 154 digitalWrite(In1, LOW); 155 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 156 digitalWrite(In3, LOW); 157 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 158 delay(5); 159 } 160 161 void back(int wtime) //Makes the car turn around 180. This happens when the sensor detect obstacles in all directions. 162 { 163 analogWrite(EnA, 170); 164 analogWrite(EnB, 170); 165 digitalWrite(In1, LOW); 166 digitalWrite(In2, HIGH); 167 digitalWrite(In3, HIGH); 168 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 169 delay(wtime+220); 170 digitalWrite(In1, LOW); 171 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 172 digitalWrite(In3, LOW); 173 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 174 delay(5); 175 } 176 177//********************************** 178//----------------------------------------------- 179 180//This is the implementation of the finit state machine shown in the picture. It starts always in state -1 and stays there until the button is pressed. After that, it will go to state 0 181//and measures the distances using the ultrassonic sensors using the pings() function. According to what it measured, the finite state machine will go to the corresponding state using the 182//dir value (the meaning of this variable is explained below in the pings() function). The states 1 to 4 are responsible for making the car turn right, go straight, turn left or turn around respectively. 183//At each of those states, the first thing that is done is record a value in the array rec []. This value is equal to the the present state of the machine. For example, if the car is going 184//straight ahead, it is in state 2 and the value recored in the array will be also 2. In other words, the array stores the actions done by the car to be written in the function Recb(). 185//The cars reaches to the end if it does 3 lefts in a row and to do so, it needs to go to state 3, state 8 and 5 consecutively. So state 8 represents the 2nd left and state 5 represents the 186//3rd left. After reaching to the end of the maze, it goes from state 5 to 6. By this point, the finite state machine will be always moving from state 6 to 7 and vice-versa. 187//State 6 turns on the arduino's builtin LED and state 7 turns it off. Regardless of if it is in 6 or 7, it waits for the button to be pressed to print the log. 188 189void MazeMaster_FSM(){ 190static int state=-1; //The initial state is always -1 until the button is pressed. 191const int D = 20; //This is the reference distance, in cm, for the car to consider the obstacles. If the sensor detects something below this distance, it will consider as an obstacle. 192const int wtime = 500; //Time used on each action(right, straight, left or turn around). 193 194 195 196 switch(state){ 197 198 case -1: 199 if(button==1) 200 {button=0; 201 state=0;} 202 break; 203 204 case 0: 205 dir=pings(); 206 state=dir; 207 break; 208 209 case 1: 210 Serial.print("state = "); 211 Serial.println(state); 212 rec[a]=1; 213 a++; 214 turnR(wtime); 215 216 dir=pings(); 217 state=dir; 218 break; 219 220 case 2: 221 Serial.print("state = "); 222 Serial.println(state); 223 rec[a]=2; 224 a++; 225 Serial.print("a2 = "); 226 Serial.println(a); 227 walk(wtime); 228 229 dir=pings(); 230 state=dir; 231 break; 232 233 case 3: 234 Serial.print("state = "); 235 Serial.println(state); 236 rec[a]=3; 237 a++; 238 turnL(wtime); 239 240 dir=pings(); 241 if(dir==3)state=8; 242 else state=dir; 243 break; 244 245 case 4: 246 Serial.print("state = "); 247 Serial.println(state); 248 rec[a]=4; 249 a++; 250 Serial.print("a4 = "); 251 Serial.println(a); 252 back(wtime); 253 254 255 dir=pings(); 256 state=dir; 257 break; 258 259 case 5: 260 Serial.print("state = "); 261 Serial.println(state); 262 rec[a]=3; 263 a++; 264 turnL(wtime); 265 Serial.println("I HAVE ARRIVED! "); 266 rec[a]=5; 267 state=6; 268 break; 269 270 case 6: 271 digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,HIGH); 272 if(button==1) 273 {Recb(); 274 button==0;} 275 delay(500); 276 state=7; 277 break; 278 279 case 7: 280 digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,LOW); 281 282 if(button==1) 283 {Recb(); 284 button==0;} 285 delay(500); 286 state=6; 287 break; 288 289 case 8: 290 Serial.print("state = "); 291 Serial.println(state); 292 rec[a]=3; 293 a++; 294 turnL(wtime); 295 296 dir=pings(); 297 if(dir==3)state=5; 298 else state=dir; 299 break; 300 301 302 } 303 304} 305//------------------------------ 306 307void Recb(){ 308 Serial.print("start -> "); 309 for(int i=0;i<=a;i++) 310 {Serial.println(rec[i]);} 311 button=0; 312 } 313 //--------------------------- 314 315//This is the function that measures the distances using the ultrassonic sensors. 316//As the ending of the maze is always in the right corner, the function will give priority the right . It will only start measuring the front distance 317//if the right sensor detects an obstacle (values below 20cm). The same goes for the left sensor, it will only start measuring if the right and front sensors detect an obstacle. 318//This type of functioning prevents the car to waste time in measuring distances that aren't be necessary. 319//The function pings() returns a value, called dir, between 1 and 4. 1 - No obstacle on the right, 2 - Obstacle on the right, 3 - Obstacles in front and right and 4 - Obstacles in all directions. 320 321int pings(){ 322const int D = 20; 323 324 dirdist = ping(pinge1); 325 Serial.print("distance at right(->) = "); 326 Serial.println(dirdist); 327 if(dirdist>D){dir=1;} 328 else{ 329 fdist = ping(pinge2); 330 Serial.print("distance at front(^) = "); 331 Serial.println(fdist); 332 if(fdist>D){dir=2;} 333 else{ 334 esqdist = ping(pinge3); 335 Serial.print("distance at left(<-) = "); 336 Serial.println(esqdist); 337 if(esqdist>D){dir=3;} 338 else {dir=4;} 339 } 340 } 341return dir; 342} 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 //--------------------------- 350 351void loop() { 352MazeMaster_FSM(); 353} 354 355 356
1//Authors: Gonçalo Azinheira and João Castro, students at University of 2 the Algarve(Ualg); 3//Project: Mazemaster3000; 4//Subject: A finite state machine-powered 5 maze solver. The starting point of the maze must be in one of the left corners and 6 the ending must be in one of the right corners. 7 8//---------------------------------------------------------------------------- 9 10const 11 int pingt = 7; //the same trigger is used by all sensors 12const int pinge2 = 6; 13 //front ultrassonic sensor 14const int pinge1 = 8; //right ultrassonic sensor 15const 16 int pinge3 = 9; //left ultrassonic sensor 17int rec[50]; 18int a; 19int In1 = 20 A5; //right 21int In2 = A4; //right 22int In3 = A3; //left 23int In4 = A2; //left 24int 25 EnA = 10; //right 26int EnB = 11; //left 27int dir; 28int esqdist; 29int dirdist; 30int 31 fdist; 32boolean button=0; 33 34void B_ISR(){ //The button is activated by an 35 Interrupt System Routine 36 button=1; 37 } 38 39void setup() { 40Serial.begin(9600); 41//button=0; 42pinMode(button, 43 INPUT); 44attachInterrupt(0,B_ISR,RISING); 45 46pinMode(pingt, OUTPUT); 47pinMode(pinge1, 48 INPUT); 49pinMode(pinge2, INPUT); 50pinMode(pinge3, INPUT); 51a=0; 52pinMode(In1, 53 OUTPUT); 54pinMode(In2, OUTPUT); 55pinMode(In3, OUTPUT); 56pinMode(In4, OUTPUT); 57pinMode(EnA, 58 OUTPUT); 59pinMode(EnB, OUTPUT); 60pinMode(LED_BUILTIN, OUTPUT); 61analogWrite(EnA, 62 200); 63 analogWrite(EnB, 200); 64} 65 66 67//****************************************** 68//--------------------------------------------------- 69int 70 ping (int pinge){ 71 long duration, cm; 72 int x,xmed; 73 int dela=25; 74 75 int MAX = 1500; 76 int num = 0; 77 int sum=0; 78 79 for(int i=0;i<=5;i++){ 80 81 digitalWrite(pingt, LOW); 82 delayMicroseconds(2); 83 digitalWrite(pingt, 84 HIGH); 85 delayMicroseconds(5); 86 digitalWrite(pingt, LOW); 87 duration = 88 pulseIn(pinge, HIGH); 89 x = microsecondsToCentimeters(duration); 90 if(x<MAX){ 91 92 num ++; 93 } 94 else{x=0;} 95 sum+=x; 96 97 delay(dela); 98 } 99 100 101 xmed=sum/num; 102 return xmed; 103 } 104 105 106 107 long microsecondsToCentimeters(long 108 microseconds) { 109 // The speed of sound is 340 m/s or 29 microseconds per centimeter. 110 111 // The ping travels out and back, so to find the distance of the object we 112 113 // take half of the distance travelled. 114 return microseconds / 29 / 2; 115} 116 117//----------------------------------------------- 118//********************************** 119//Each 120 funcion uses different values in the analogWrite and delay. That's because the motors 121 aren't exactly the same and the battery will slightly lose power. 122 123 124void 125 walk(int wtime) //Makes the cars go straight 126{ 127 analogWrite(EnA, 173); 128 129 analogWrite(EnB, 171); 130 digitalWrite(In1, HIGH); 131 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 132 133 digitalWrite(In3, HIGH); 134 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 135 delay(wtime*1.8); 136 137 digitalWrite(In1, LOW); 138 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 139 digitalWrite(In3, LOW); 140 141 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 142 delay(5); 143} 144 145 146 147 void turnR(int wtime) 148 //Makes the car turn right and then go straight 149 { 150 analogWrite(EnA, 192); 151 152 analogWrite(EnB, 172); 153 digitalWrite(In1, LOW); 154 digitalWrite(In2, HIGH); 155 156 digitalWrite(In3, HIGH); 157 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 158 delay(wtime-141); 159 160 analogWrite(EnA, 170); 161 analogWrite(EnB, 170); 162 digitalWrite(In1, HIGH); 163 164 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 165 digitalWrite(In3, HIGH); 166 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 167 168 delay(wtime*2+50); 169 digitalWrite(In1, LOW); 170 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 171 172 digitalWrite(In3, LOW); 173 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 174 delay(5); 175 } 176 177 178 void turnL(int wtime) //Makes the car turn left and then go straight 179 { 180 181 analogWrite(EnA, 170); 182 analogWrite(EnB, 170); 183 digitalWrite(In1, HIGH); 184 185 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 186 digitalWrite(In3, LOW); 187 digitalWrite(In4, HIGH); 188 189 delay(wtime-130); 190 analogWrite(EnA, 170); 191 analogWrite(EnB, 170); 192 193 digitalWrite(In1, HIGH); 194 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 195 digitalWrite(In3, HIGH); 196 197 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 198 delay(wtime*2+30); 199 digitalWrite(In1, LOW); 200 201 digitalWrite(In2, LOW); 202 digitalWrite(In3, LOW); 203 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 204 205 delay(5); 206 } 207 208 void back(int wtime) //Makes the car turn around 209 180. This happens when the sensor detect obstacles in all directions. 210 { 211 212 analogWrite(EnA, 170); 213 analogWrite(EnB, 170); 214 digitalWrite(In1, LOW); 215 216 digitalWrite(In2, HIGH); 217 digitalWrite(In3, HIGH); 218 digitalWrite(In4, 219 LOW); 220 delay(wtime+220); 221 digitalWrite(In1, LOW); 222 digitalWrite(In2, 223 LOW); 224 digitalWrite(In3, LOW); 225 digitalWrite(In4, LOW); 226 delay(5); 227 228 } 229 230//********************************** 231//----------------------------------------------- 232 233//This 234 is the implementation of the finit state machine shown in the picture. It starts 235 always in state -1 and stays there until the button is pressed. After that, it will 236 go to state 0 237//and measures the distances using the ultrassonic sensors using 238 the pings() function. According to what it measured, the finite state machine will 239 go to the corresponding state using the 240//dir value (the meaning of this variable 241 is explained below in the pings() function). The states 1 to 4 are responsible for 242 making the car turn right, go straight, turn left or turn around respectively. 243//At 244 each of those states, the first thing that is done is record a value in the array 245 rec []. This value is equal to the the present state of the machine. For example, 246 if the car is going 247//straight ahead, it is in state 2 and the value recored 248 in the array will be also 2. In other words, the array stores the actions done by 249 the car to be written in the function Recb(). 250//The cars reaches to the end if 251 it does 3 lefts in a row and to do so, it needs to go to state 3, state 8 and 5 252 consecutively. So state 8 represents the 2nd left and state 5 represents the 253//3rd 254 left. After reaching to the end of the maze, it goes from state 5 to 6. By this 255 point, the finite state machine will be always moving from state 6 to 7 and vice-versa. 256//State 257 6 turns on the arduino's builtin LED and state 7 turns it off. Regardless of if 258 it is in 6 or 7, it waits for the button to be pressed to print the log. 259 260void 261 MazeMaster_FSM(){ 262static int state=-1; //The initial state is always -1 until 263 the button is pressed. 264const int D = 20; //This is the reference distance, in 265 cm, for the car to consider the obstacles. If the sensor detects something below 266 this distance, it will consider as an obstacle. 267const int wtime = 500; //Time 268 used on each action(right, straight, left or turn around). 269 270 271 272 switch(state){ 273 274 275 case -1: 276 if(button==1) 277 {button=0; 278 state=0;} 279 break; 280 281 282 case 0: 283 dir=pings(); 284 state=dir; 285 break; 286 287 case 288 1: 289 Serial.print("state = "); 290 Serial.println(state); 291 rec[a]=1; 292 293 a++; 294 turnR(wtime); 295 296 dir=pings(); 297 state=dir; 298 break; 299 300 301 case 2: 302 Serial.print("state = "); 303 Serial.println(state); 304 305 rec[a]=2; 306 a++; 307 Serial.print("a2 = "); 308 Serial.println(a); 309 310 walk(wtime); 311 312 dir=pings(); 313 state=dir; 314 break; 315 316 317 case 3: 318 Serial.print("state = "); 319 Serial.println(state); 320 321 rec[a]=3; 322 a++; 323 turnL(wtime); 324 325 dir=pings(); 326 if(dir==3)state=8; 327 328 else state=dir; 329 break; 330 331 case 4: 332 Serial.print("state 333 = "); 334 Serial.println(state); 335 rec[a]=4; 336 a++; 337 Serial.print("a4 338 = "); 339 Serial.println(a); 340 back(wtime); 341 342 343 dir=pings(); 344 345 state=dir; 346 break; 347 348 case 5: 349 Serial.print("state = "); 350 351 Serial.println(state); 352 rec[a]=3; 353 a++; 354 turnL(wtime); 355 356 Serial.println("I HAVE ARRIVED! "); 357 rec[a]=5; 358 state=6; 359 break; 360 361 362 case 6: 363 digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,HIGH); 364 if(button==1) 365 366 {Recb(); 367 button==0;} 368 delay(500); 369 state=7; 370 break; 371 372 373 case 7: 374 digitalWrite(LED_BUILTIN,LOW); 375 376 if(button==1) 377 378 {Recb(); 379 button==0;} 380 delay(500); 381 state=6; 382 break; 383 384 385 case 8: 386 Serial.print("state = "); 387 Serial.println(state); 388 389 rec[a]=3; 390 a++; 391 turnL(wtime); 392 393 dir=pings(); 394 if(dir==3)state=5; 395 396 else state=dir; 397 break; 398 399 400 } 401 402} 403//------------------------------ 404 405void 406 Recb(){ 407 Serial.print("start -> "); 408 for(int i=0;i<=a;i++) 409 {Serial.println(rec[i]);} 410 411 button=0; 412 } 413 //--------------------------- 414 415//This is the function 416 that measures the distances using the ultrassonic sensors. 417//As the ending of 418 the maze is always in the right corner, the function will give priority the right 419 . It will only start measuring the front distance 420//if the right sensor detects 421 an obstacle (values below 20cm). The same goes for the left sensor, it will only 422 start measuring if the right and front sensors detect an obstacle. 423//This type 424 of functioning prevents the car to waste time in measuring distances that aren't 425 be necessary. 426//The function pings() returns a value, called dir, between 1 and 427 4. 1 - No obstacle on the right, 2 - Obstacle on the right, 3 - Obstacles in front 428 and right and 4 - Obstacles in all directions. 429 430int pings(){ 431const 432 int D = 20; 433 434 dirdist = ping(pinge1); 435 Serial.print("distance 436 at right(->) = "); 437 Serial.println(dirdist); 438 if(dirdist>D){dir=1;} 439 440 else{ 441 fdist = ping(pinge2); 442 Serial.print("distance at front(^) 443 = "); 444 Serial.println(fdist); 445 if(fdist>D){dir=2;} 446 else{ 447 448 esqdist = ping(pinge3); 449 Serial.print("distance at left(<-) = "); 450 451 Serial.println(esqdist); 452 if(esqdist>D){dir=3;} 453 else {dir=4;} 454 455 } 456 } 457return dir; 458} 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 //--------------------------- 466 467void 468 loop() { 469MazeMaster_FSM(); 470} 471 472 473
Downloadable files
Part of the schematics
To finish you should take the L298N, remove the jumpers in EnA and EnB and connect 5V to Arduino Vin, GND to Arduino GND, OUT1 & 2 to each of the poles of motor A(right) and OUT3&4 to each of the poles of motor B(left) EnA and EnB should be on Arduino digital pins 10 and 11 respectively. They MUST be on pwm pins and 10 and 11 have the same frequency, so this shouldn't be tinkered with. In1, 2, 3 and 4 should be on Arduino ANALOG PINS 5, 4, 3 and 2 respectively. WARNING:The capacitor connection to ground MUST be disconnected when uploading or it will NOT upload. Connect BEFORE connecting to the computer after the Arduino's BUILTIN LED starts blinking (after 3 lefts).
Part of the schematics
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