Components and supplies
Stepper motor driver board A4988
V3 Engraver 3D Printer CNC Shield Expansion Board A4988 Driver
PS2 mouse
Servo Motor
Stepper motor
Arduino UNO
Tools and machines
REES52 Breadboard Jumper Cables Kit, Set of 120 (Multicolor)
Soldering iron (generic)
Hot glue gun (generic)
Photron Precision Magnetic ScrewDriver 31 in 1 Repairing Tool Set Kit Replaceable Straight Screw-Driver MultiTool Hand Tool
Apps and platforms
Windows 10
Arduino IDE
Project description
We can also introduce any of the curve smoothing algorithm to smooth the curve.As I am using the Arduino UNO so I did't use the mentioned method.We have to use Arduino Mega to implement that for more processing power.
We can also introduce any of the curve smoothing algorithm to smooth the curve.As I am using the Arduino UNO so I did't use the mentioned method.We have to use Arduino Mega to implement that for more processing power.
Downloadable files
Motion Sensing Pen
Extracting the PS2 mouse circuit and incorporate it to a pen
Motion Sensing Pen
Motion Sensing Pen
Extracting the PS2 mouse circuit and incorporate it to a pen
Motion Sensing Pen
Overall circuit diagram
Communication of all components with arduino
Overall circuit diagram
Custom Built PCB
Custom Built PCB to hold the arduino and CNC shield together
Custom Built PCB
Custom Built PCB
Custom Built PCB to hold the arduino and CNC shield together
Custom Built PCB
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2 years ago
Yaaa I appreciate ur thinking.... I m still working on it to make the pen wireless and to rebuild the pen .....This project needs to be replaced by Arduino Mega for better processing power and to use one curve smoothing algorithm... Anyway tnx for ur advice 😊
Anonymous user
7 years ago
iiiuuuggghh ugliest project ever, get rid of you glue gun and get some 3d printed parts or at least some wood and screws. Lot of things to improve so cheer up and keep working, regards.