Components and supplies
Capacitor 1000 µF
Resistor 100k ohm
Resistor 10k ohm
Capacitor 100 nF
Resistor 4.75k ohm
Pushbutton switch 12mm
4x6 cm multihole protototype board
Arduino Nano R3
Through Hole Resistor, 390 ohm
Tools and machines
3,5 mm Jack splitter cable
Soldering iron (generic)
Project description
Downloadable files
Eagle Project
Eagle Project
Circuit board sample
Circuit board sample
Circuit board sample
Circuit board sample
Eagle Schematic sample picture
Eagle Schematic sample picture
Eagle Project
Eagle Project
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Anonymous user
2 years ago
bonjour, je vient de finir votre montage, Visualiseur de spectre audio RVB 32 bandes , tout marche bien toute mais félicitation je voudrez savoir c'il vous été possible de rajouté un switch ou potentiomètre pour le réglage de la lumière , car comme par Default il et a 32 et pour autre valeur il faut a chaque fois reprogrammé pas pratique .. merci pour votre réponse . Cordialement franck
2 years ago
Hi Franck, thanks for the appreciation of my project. Look at my other project called "FHT Audio Spectrum Visualizer" as well as changing the code to greatly speed up the responsiveness of the LEDs I added a button to adjust the brightness and the function that saves the settings in the Arduino EEPROM. Unfortunately it is not possible to use a potentiometer to adjust the brightness because during the sampling the reading of the analog pins is disabled. To make conversations comprehensible to everyone, it is preferable to write in English on this site. You can use Google Translate like I do. :) Hello.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
I have a 32x64 rgb matrix, do i just need to adjust the code in order to use this or would i have to write my own?
2 years ago
Sorry for the huge delay. I don't think you can use a 32x64 matrix that is 2048 led. Arduino does not have the amount of memory needed to create the arrays needed by the FFT library for sampling. You should port to an STM32 Blue Pill which has a lot more ram. I leave the fun of trying it to you. :)
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi Janux, This is an awesome project. I want to adapt this project to a WS2812B LED Strip (1 x 60) (2x30 pixels/m). Would you have any advice on how to adapt this to that? The only thing I see is changing code to reflect the new dimensions (xres and yres) Thank you!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hallo Janux, mir gefällt deine Umsetzung sehr gut. Ist Sie auch dafür geeignet um eine Matrix mit 10 Strip a: 100 LED (10x100) zu betreiben? Ich habe wenig Ahnung Arduino, kannst du von deiner Platine Bilder Posten von Rückseite und von der Draufsicht. Ich würde das gern mit einer größeren Matrix nachbauen. Danke.
2 years ago
Write in English please.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hello janux, the project looks really cool and I love it. I tried to implement it for an 8x8 WS2812B matrix with an arduino mega (clone). Do I need to change anything else like the x-resolution? I have the same problem as some guys from the shajeeb project. I tried to apply different songs from laptop output (arduino is also powered via usb from same device) and only one column (the left one) lights up. I am not sure, if this is caused by using the mega instead of nano or by the reduced x-res. Thanks a lot.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Codes is fake
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Code not work
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Code not work
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Codes is fake
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Hi can you please assist me for the part of Aux,is 4.7K ohm is not too small to detect the out put of an Aux?
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Hi Janux, This is an awesome project. I want to adapt this project to a WS2812B LED Strip (1 x 60) (2x30 pixels/m). Would you have any advice on how to adapt this to that? The only thing I see is changing code to reflect the new dimensions (xres and yres) Thank you!
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Hallo Janux, mir gefällt deine Umsetzung sehr gut. Ist Sie auch dafür geeignet um eine Matrix mit 10 Strip a: 100 LED (10x100) zu betreiben? Ich habe wenig Ahnung Arduino, kannst du von deiner Platine Bilder Posten von Rückseite und von der Draufsicht. Ich würde das gern mit einer größeren Matrix nachbauen. Danke.
2 years ago
Write in English please.
Anonymous user
4 years ago
I have a 32x64 rgb matrix, do i just need to adjust the code in order to use this or would i have to write my own?
2 years ago
Sorry for the huge delay. I don't think you can use a 32x64 matrix that is 2048 led. Arduino does not have the amount of memory needed to create the arrays needed by the FFT library for sampling. You should port to an STM32 Blue Pill which has a lot more ram. I leave the fun of trying it to you. :)
Anonymous user
5 years ago
Hello janux, the project looks really cool and I love it. I tried to implement it for an 8x8 WS2812B matrix with an arduino mega (clone). Do I need to change anything else like the x-resolution? I have the same problem as some guys from the shajeeb project. I tried to apply different songs from laptop output (arduino is also powered via usb from same device) and only one column (the left one) lights up. I am not sure, if this is caused by using the mega instead of nano or by the reduced x-res. Thanks a lot.
Anonymous user
5 years ago
bonjour, je vient de finir votre montage, Visualiseur de spectre audio RVB 32 bandes , tout marche bien toute mais félicitation je voudrez savoir c'il vous été possible de rajouté un switch ou potentiomètre pour le réglage de la lumière , car comme par Default il et a 32 et pour autre valeur il faut a chaque fois reprogrammé pas pratique .. merci pour votre réponse . Cordialement franck
2 years ago
Hi Franck, thanks for the appreciation of my project. Look at my other project called "FHT Audio Spectrum Visualizer" as well as changing the code to greatly speed up the responsiveness of the LEDs I added a button to adjust the brightness and the function that saves the settings in the Arduino EEPROM. Unfortunately it is not possible to use a potentiometer to adjust the brightness because during the sampling the reading of the analog pins is disabled. To make conversations comprehensible to everyone, it is preferable to write in English on this site. You can use Google Translate like I do. :) Hello.
a year ago
Hi Janux, Is there an opportunity to use an generic Microphone, those with two pins, instead of using the female audio jack? Thanks!