
An interpreter for batch computation akin to 1940s-1960s mainframes, running on ATtiny85/Arduino UNO/MEGA2560/DUE... ESP8266, and Java & C.

Jul 17, 2020


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Components and supplies


USB-A to B Cable


Arduino UNO

Project description


1V0 repository on GitHub

In the repository, you find the systems for microcontrollers to be indicated by a corresponding name - for Arduino UNO, e.g. pick 1V0_20200709_reduced_EEPROM_UNO.ino or 1V0_20200709_EEPROM_UNO.ino . Copy the file's contents into your own Arduino IDE, save the project and flash it onto your board, as you would with any other sketch. Then, open the Serial Monitor and press enter. The system prompt will appear. Note the sixty pages manual 1V0_documentation_20200713.pdf .

Downloadable files

Just the Arduino UNO

You just need the board and the USB connection. Nothing else.

Just the Arduino UNO

Just the Arduino UNO

You just need the board and the USB connection. Nothing else.

Just the Arduino UNO


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