Components and supplies
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
Solderless Breadboard Full Size
Arduino UNO
LED (generic)
Tools and machines
Tape, Scotch
Apps and platforms
Arduino IDE
Project description
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it is in the C/C++ language
Downloadable files
the schematic
first the ultrasonic sensor 2 buzzer Led should be attached to breadboard then we should connect these components to arduino by wires after that the circuit should be attached to a stick with a tape
the schematic
the schematic
first the ultrasonic sensor 2 buzzer Led should be attached to breadboard then we should connect these components to arduino by wires after that the circuit should be attached to a stick with a tape
the schematic
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Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi, may I have the full report of this project?(include abstract, scope, problem statement, introduction, literature review and others) I use this for my final year project, this report will help me a lot. anyone can help me? thanks a lot ya
Anonymous user
2 years ago
can i use arduino Yun for this project?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
can u email me the procedure?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can i buy yr project with that stick u have made as I need it for college project
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi! I'm trying to make this for a school project, but the buzzers don't make any noise. How can I fix it? Everything is connected just as the image and the code is the same Please help
2 years ago
yes and i used this code to my project and it had a succes
2 years ago
check the buzzers if they are not broken or try switching them i used this project as a school project and had a success i wish you the best
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Check the "+" and "-" if are connected the right way....and if you are using an active buzzer
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hey, is there any way I can see the procedure for this project?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Why 2 buzzers are used
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Im using this project as my mini project in college. Please help me out with this.
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Can i buy yr project with that stick u have made as I need it for college project
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Hi Hadi, May I request for the full documentation of this project? I would love to use your project and use as a sample project in our class
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Hi, may I have the full report of this project?(include abstract, scope, problem statement, introduction, literature review and others) I use this for my final year project, this report will help me a lot. anyone can help me? thanks a lot ya
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Im using this project as my mini project in college. Please help me out with this.
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Why 2 buzzers are used
Anonymous user
6 years ago
can i use arduino Yun for this project?
Anonymous user
6 years ago
can u email me the procedure?
6 years ago
Hi! I'm trying to make this for a school project, but the buzzers don't make any noise. How can I fix it? Everything is connected just as the image and the code is the same Please help
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hey, is there any way I can see the procedure for this project?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Check the "+" and "-" if are connected the right way....and if you are using an active buzzer
2 years ago
check the buzzers if they are not broken or try switching them i used this project as a school project and had a success i wish you the best
2 years ago
yes and i used this code to my project and it had a succes
Arduino Blind Stick | Arduino Project Hub
5 months ago
I want full projects description and components required, circuit diagram