Components and supplies
Breadboard (generic)
MAX7219 32x8 LED Matrix
DS3231MPMB1 Peripheral Module
Pushbutton switch 12mm
Jumper wires (generic)
Capacitor 1000 µF
LDR, 5 Mohm
ESP8266 ESP-01
ESP-01 Adapter board
Arduino Nano R3
Apps and platforms
Arduino IDE 2.0 (beta)
Project description
Downloadable files
Breadbaord layout
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Anonymous user
3 years ago
Hello Doodles I was trying out the same without much success. In the post above, the modified arduino code has been taken down. Will highly appreciate for reposting the arduino code. thanks. SB
2 years ago
Hey SB, I should check in more often, thanks for the heads up. Link to Arduino on-line editor somehow broke, not sure why / how. Anyhow have manually attached code to the project