DIY Nixie clock on perfboard!

How can you resist the glow of a nixie tube? You don't have to, make your own the easy way!

Sep 11, 2021


3 respects


Components and supplies


Arduino Mega 2560

Tools and machines


Soldering iron (generic)

Apps and platforms


Arduino IDE

Project description




The sketch with the code of the project. I'm an amateur programmer as well so some things might appear a little spaghetti-like. I tried to comment everything.

Downloadable files

Bottom layer components schematic

This is a components schematic of the bottom layer of the clock. The components that have the "placeholder" marking are not the actual components, just something similar I found.

Bottom layer components schematic

Table with all the pin connections

This is a table that has all the pin connections that exist on the clock - what connects to what, simple and easy.

Table with all the pin connections

Perfboard schematic

This is the schematic of the perfboard - it a real world schematic not an engineering one, meaning that the cable lines are as they will be in the real perfboard - even the ground.

Perfboard schematic

Perfboard components placement schematic

This is a schematic of the components and there place on the perfboard - Designing this helped a lot with figuring out what can fit where.

Perfboard components placement schematic

Perfboard components placement schematic

This is a schematic of the components and there place on the perfboard - Designing this helped a lot with figuring out what can fit where.

Perfboard components placement schematic

Perfboard schematic

This is the schematic of the perfboard - it a real world schematic not an engineering one, meaning that the cable lines are as they will be in the real perfboard - even the ground.

Perfboard schematic

Table with all the pin connections

This is a table that has all the pin connections that exist on the clock - what connects to what, simple and easy.

Table with all the pin connections


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