Components and supplies
Terminal strip block
Male/Female Jumper Wires
2S LiPo battery 300-1000 mah (XT-60 connector)
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
A plastic box with detachable lid
Breadboard (generic)
Heat Shrink Tubing
3 AAA enclosed battery case
XT-60 LiPo connector
Wire Cable - By the Foot
Male/Male Jumper Wires
0.25 mm Nichrome wire
RobotGeek Relay
Arduino Pro Mini 328 - 5V/16MHz
Tools and machines
Wire stripper
Wire cutter
Soldering flux
Usb to TTL adapter
Soldering iron (generic)
Project description
The code that should be uploaded th the pro mini
The code establishes a software serial connection (for HC-05) bluetooth module. Then in the loop it listens to the serial connection for incoming communication (from the phone or tablet). When something is received it will be checked for validity in the isPinNrValid function ( it should a pin number from 3 to 9), and then it toggles the pin on for "igniteTime". Ignite time is a constant initially defined by me for 2500 ms, you can change that to whatever you like, i've found out that my fireworks would ignite successfully given that interval.
The code that should be uploaded th the pro mini
The code establishes a software serial connection (for HC-05) bluetooth module. Then in the loop it listens to the serial connection for incoming communication (from the phone or tablet). When something is received it will be checked for validity in the isPinNrValid function ( it should a pin number from 3 to 9), and then it toggles the pin on for "igniteTime". Ignite time is a constant initially defined by me for 2500 ms, you can change that to whatever you like, i've found out that my fireworks would ignite successfully given that interval.
Downloadable files
The circuit schematic
The circuit schematic
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