Start Motorbike with NFC Hand Implant

I implemented an Arduino NFC reader inside my motorbike so I'm able to start and stop it just with the implant in my hand.

Jul 16, 2019


18 respects

Components and supplies


Arduino Micro


RFID reader (generic)


Relay Module (Generic)


DC-DC (Step Down) Regulator, Adjustable

Tools and machines


Soldering iron (generic)

Project description







Latest commit to the master branch on 03-04-2024

Downloadable files

NFC reader

Standard connection for NFC reader

NFC reader

NFC reader

Standard connection for NFC reader

NFC reader


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Anonymous user

2 years ago

Good work! Glad to see others are making use of their implants. I made a similar device to unlock my car by interfacing a spare remote with an arduino and MFRC522 reader. I found that there was still a slight risk of running the battery low if it was left unused for a couple of weeks so added a low power capacitance touch switch which triggered a logic mosfet to power up the device when my hand was near the reader. As it was behind glass I also had to enhance the range by uprating a couple of the inductors and overvolting the reader a bit. It now runs fine for months on end from an independent battery (actually a poundshop powerbank). I'm thinking about trying to make use of password protected area of the NTAG 216 to provide better security, but quite honestly I doubt anyone wants my car that much!


5 years ago

Good work! Glad to see others are making use of their implants. I made a similar device to unlock my car by interfacing a spare remote with an arduino and MFRC522 reader. I found that there was still a slight risk of running the battery low if it was left unused for a couple of weeks so added a low power capacitance touch switch which triggered a logic mosfet to power up the device when my hand was near the reader. As it was behind glass I also had to enhance the range by uprating a couple of the inductors and overvolting the reader a bit. It now runs fine for months on end from an independent battery (actually a poundshop powerbank). I'm thinking about trying to make use of password protected area of the NTAG 216 to provide better security, but quite honestly I doubt anyone wants my car that much!


5 years ago

Congratulations, i made a project with my motorcycle similar, but i used one sensor finger: Case the chip break, have the risk of cheers?