Components and supplies
Arduino UNO
Waterproofed Servo
Kinect Sensor
Adafruit 16-Channel 12-bit PWM/Servo Driver - I2C interface - PCA9685
Apps and platforms
Arduino IDE
Project description
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2 years ago
Good point, I added this project rather hastily a couple years ago, sorry about that. I'll update it in a bit, but to answer the questions you asked in this post: We used a kinect depth camera to see the visitor's silhouette and then analysed it in Max/MSP to change it to a black and white image of around 600 pixels total, with the silhouette being white pixels. This pixel data was sent to the Arduino Uno, which was connected to 38 daisy-chained servo boards. The black water was filled with ~600 servos with floating pieces of plastic attached. A black pixel meant the corresponding servo would pull the piece of plastic below the water, while a white pixel meant the plastic was allowed to float to the top and become visible.
2 years ago
It should be a lot more informative now :]
2 years ago
Definitely, thank you for the information :)
Anonymous user
2 years ago
I agree and the link didn't work for me
•3 Projects
Work attribution
6 years ago
It's a pity you do not give more technical information about the project. I doubt there is a way to capture and process movements from a camera with an ATMega328, so I assume there are more modules involved. It also looks like you have more than 16 servos included to display the plastic "pixels".