MIDIfication of Church Organ Pedal Board

IR-sensors detect motion of pedal keys and Arduino Due generates MIDI messages.

Apr 12, 2022


1 respects

Components and supplies


Arduino Due

Apps and platforms


Arduino IDE

Project description


MIDi signals from a pedal board


This code will turn an Arduino Due into a MIDI USB host, that will translate IR-sensor signals into MIDI note events.


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2 years ago

hey this is assume my dad had a similar project 20 or so years a go. keep up the good work from noah

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello admin, can I have the Photo where Arduino Due wirings, i can't find any photo how to pin those inputs.. I hope You noticed me. Thank You

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Magnetic reeds is what most people use. They are cheap as well and more reliable. I think the only advantage of using IR sensors is that they are not just switches. If you put them under the pedals they might also measure pedal distance that can be used for volume control.

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Hello admin, can I have the Photo where Arduino Due wirings, i can't find any photo how to pin those inputs.. I hope You noticed me. Thank You


3 years ago

hey this is assume my dad had a similar project 20 or so years a go. keep up the good work from noah