Components and supplies
Arduino UNO
5 mm LED: Red
HC-05 Bluetooth Module
5 mm LED: Green
Resistor 1k ohm
Resistor 221 ohm
IR receiver (generic)
Breadboard (generic)
Jumper wires (generic)
Resistor 10k ohm
Grove - Gas Sensor(MQ2)
Apps and platforms
Arduino IDE
MIT App Inventor 2
Project description
The Code
The Code
Downloadable files
The Circuit
I couldn't find a MQ 2 fritzing diagram so i used a MQ 9 instead which has a similar pin out. Don't forget to disconnect the Rx and TX pins from the Bluetooth module before uploading your code else you will have issues uploading your code
The Circuit
The apk
The apk
The apk
The apk
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9 months ago
Hi , I urgently need to contact you about project , can you please help me . Please email me , so I can contact you and I need your help urgently My email is
9 months ago
Hi Ayan Could you send me the complete code? I need it for a school project. My email adress is: Thank you very much!!
10 months ago
Hi Ayan Could you send me the complete code? I need it for a school project. My email address is: Thank you very much!!
a year ago
Hi i found your project outstanding. it got me wondering on how can i create my own app and link it to the Arduino project?. my email thanks
a year ago
Hi Ayan, Could you send the complete code to me? Thank you so much! My email address is
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hey Ayan, Is there anyway u can send me the code for this project, in regards to the MIT-APP INVENTOR? My email is Thank You
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hello fellow programmer, I would like to know if you have the possibility of sending me the complete code of the fire alarm system
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Is there anyway to send me the codes?? Please bro This is my email: Thank you very much!!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hey Ayan Can you tell me the steps regarding how to make my own fire alarm app
2 years ago
Fire alarm is neccessary and It's a good idea to use HC 05 bluetooth module to turn on and off the device,I will follow your instructions to make another one,but my question is how does the bluetooth work with Uno because there's no bluetooth communication approach in your ino code,furthermore, I want to push alarm notification to my smart phone in long distance,maybe adding GSM module?much appreciate for any suggestion.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hey Ayan, Is there anyway u can send me the code for this project, in regards to the MIT-APP INVENTOR? My email is Thank You
2 years ago
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can send me the code for this project, in regards to the MIT-APP INVENTOR? My email is Thank You
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hey Ayan, Can send me the code for this project, in regards to the MIT-APP INVENTOR? My email is Thank You
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can you send me this project please ?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
U can send project code at my e-mail? Please My email is:
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi , I urgently need to contact you about project , can you please help me . Please email me , so I can contact you and I need your help urgently My email is-
Anonymous user
2 years ago
can u send project code at my e-mail? Please My email is: THANK YOU SO MUCH :)
Anonymous user
2 years ago
how reliable is this MQ2 sensor? can it be used for commercial purposes like installing at home, cafe or offices etc?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hey Ayan, Is there anyway u can send me the code for this project, in regards to the MIT-APP INVENTOR? My email is Thank you!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
can you send me the full code for this project. this is my email : thank you
2 years ago
Please can you share the app code To my email
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can you email me the project code? Please I can be reached at
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Hello fellow programmer, I would like to know if you have the possibility of sending me the complete code of the fire alarm system
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Hey Ayan, Can send me the code for this project, in regards to the MIT-APP INVENTOR? My email is Thank You
3 years ago
Fire alarm is neccessary and It's a good idea to use HC 05 bluetooth module to turn on and off the device,I will follow your instructions to make another one,but my question is how does the bluetooth work with Uno because there's no bluetooth communication approach in your ino code,furthermore, I want to push alarm notification to my smart phone in long distance,maybe adding GSM module?much appreciate for any suggestion.
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Hi , I urgently need to contact you about project , can you please help me . Please email me , so I can contact you and I need your help urgently My email is-
3 years ago
can u send project code at my e-mail? Please My email is: THANK YOU SO MUCH :)
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Can you send me this project please ?
4 years ago
Hi, I want to ask, is this code usable?
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Hey Ayan Can you tell me the steps regarding how to make my own fire alarm app
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Hey Ayan, Is there anyway u can send me the code for this project, in regards to the MIT-APP INVENTOR? My email is Thank You
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Is there anyway to send me the codes?? Please bro This is my email: Thank you very much!!
Anonymous user
4 years ago
how reliable is this MQ2 sensor? can it be used for commercial purposes like installing at home, cafe or offices etc?
4 years ago
U can send project code at my e-mail? Please My email is:
4 years ago
Hey Ayan, Is there anyway u can send me the code for this project, in regards to the MIT-APP INVENTOR? My email is Thank You
2 years ago
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can send me the code for this project, in regards to the MIT-APP INVENTOR? My email is Thank You
2 months ago
Hi Ayan Could you send me the complete code? I urgently need it for a school project. My email adress is: Thank you very much!