Components and supplies
ESP8266 ESP-01
NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board
Arduino UNO
Micro-USB to USB Cable (Generic)
UTSOURCE Electronic Parts
Apps and platforms
Arduino IDE
Project description
IP Address Check_Code
IP Address Check_Code
Downloadable files
NodeMCU Pinout
NodeMCU Pinout
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3 years ago
Hello great project ! I have some questions i am kind of new to this arduino project things but i have project to make street lighting that uses couple of sensors ( ldr , PIR , sound sensor , and frog sensor) and it has to be connected to the internet there there is an option where the system gets controlled automatically and there is a mode where the user can control the light Brightness with an app after a couple of research i cam across 2 way that arduino can connect with internet is by the shield via ethernet or by the esp8266 via wifi but doing my research i learned the sensors can be used with esp8266 no need of arduino uno so right now i need an opinion should i use arduino uno + esp8266 or just esp8266 cant it be done just buy the esp8266 thank you in advance