Components and supplies
Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L293D
Arduino UNO
Apps and platforms
Arduino IDE
Project description
Arduino Library for Bipolar Stepper motor
The library controls RPM, direction, revolutions, rotating angle of all types of bipolar stepper motor with 95% accuracy
Downloadable files
Bipolar Stepper Motor Controller using Arduino
This circuit drives and controls RPM, direction, rotating angle, number of revolutions of bipolar stepper motor
Bipolar Stepper Motor Controller using Arduino
Bipolar Stepper Motor Controller using Arduino
This circuit drives and controls RPM, direction, rotating angle, number of revolutions of bipolar stepper motor
Bipolar Stepper Motor Controller using Arduino
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Anonymous user
2 years ago
I like this; I have a project where I need to control 20 tiny steppers with L293D and I was looking for some code solution to control them all. This I think will work nicely!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can I use a Elegoo Mega 2560 R3 for this project? I am wanting to drive a Minebea PG20L-D20-GZPOA motor and to drive a Hayden Kerk 15000 series. I want to test each motor individually and would need code for this. Any help would be appreciated
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hello, Actually I had a project in which I do have a bipolar stepper motor and an adruino uno board. All hardware connections are done but in my project I want the stepper motor to take number of revolutions as per the number provided in serial monitor. For example if input in serial monitor is one stepper motor should take one revolution. For the same I need the code. Hope you can provide me.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
I want to use 2 pin stepper motor so may I know what this 4 pins (bi_polar_Stepper my_step_motor(8, 9, 10, 11);) are for? I want to use only 2 pins one for direction and 2nd one for step.
Anonymous user
4 years ago
I have this code: // Motor rotates clockwise my_step_motor.rotate_one_rev(1); delay(1000); // Motor rotates counter-clockwise my_step_motor.rotate_one_rev(0); delay(1000); The motor rotates always one direction, rather than back and forth, My oscilloscope confirms that the two phases are actually the same for both directions called for. Can you advise me? Thanks, John
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Can I use a Elegoo Mega 2560 R3 for this project? I am wanting to drive a Minebea PG20L-D20-GZPOA motor and to drive a Hayden Kerk 15000 series. I want to test each motor individually and would need code for this. Any help would be appreciated
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Nice work! Unfortunately, I am getting an error. It looks like the 'my_step_motor' was not included in the library. I am getting that it "was not declared in this scope" error.
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Hello, Actually I had a project in which I do have a bipolar stepper motor and an adruino uno board. All hardware connections are done but in my project I want the stepper motor to take number of revolutions as per the number provided in serial monitor. For example if input in serial monitor is one stepper motor should take one revolution. For the same I need the code. Hope you can provide me.
5 years ago
I like this; I have a project where I need to control 20 tiny steppers with L293D and I was looking for some code solution to control them all. This I think will work nicely!
Bipolar Stepper Motor Library | Arduino Project Hub
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Nice work! Unfortunately, I am getting an error. It looks like the 'my_step_motor' was not included in the library. I am getting that it "was not declared in this scope" error.