Bluetooth Controlled Obstacle Avoidance Robot

This project uses mobile phone to communicate with a robot via bluetooth. It also senses obstacles and stops to avoid collision.

May 1, 2020


17 respects

Components and supplies


Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)


Male/Female Jumper Wires


DC Motor, 12 V


Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298


Resistor 330 ohm


Arduino Nano R3


SparkFun Breadboard Power Supply Stick 5V/3.3V


SparkFun Logic Level Converter - Bi-Directional


RGB Diffused Common Anode


HC-05 Bluetooth Module


Breadboard (generic)

Apps and platforms


Arduino BlueControl


Arduino IDE

Project description


Bluetooth Controlled Robot_Arduino Code.


Bluetooth Controlled Robot_Arduino Code.


Downloadable files

Circuit Diagram.

Circuit diagram of the robot.

Circuit Diagram.


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Anonymous user

4 years ago

This project is possible to make in proteus with arduino uno instead of arduino nano?


4 years ago

Which software you have to used...To make the Arduino BlueControl App. And also another one thing is to Project design have really nice...I am a beginner

Anonymous user

5 years ago

Hi I loved your project it inspired me to make my own so juts wanted to ask you which power source are you using


2 years ago

Thanks for liking my project. I have used a breadboard power supply that has 5.0v and 3.3v supply voltage outputs.

Anonymous user

5 years ago

I really liked the project. I dont know much about the electronics subject, but i want to study about it after seeing your project. Can you please tell me what type of codding language and electronics background is needed so that i can as well create my own project. I am new to this world, Please consider me as a begineer Thank you


2 years ago

Thanks for liking my project. You can start with basic electronics. Once you have developed a good understanding of the subject, you can build circuits and develop projects. I hope you have some basics in C language programming. Embedded-C is used for programming microcontrollers for creating microcontroller based projects. All the best.


5 years ago

I really like your project. I am a beginner and I am in the middle of doing the same one. I find difficulties in understanding the code because I used the Arduino Uno Rev3 board and the Motor Shield Rev3 motor drive. Do you think I can post my code for you to highlight my errors? My robot of course doesn't move!! >D


2 years ago

Thanks for liking my project. I hope you are doing well with your project and have set-up the hardware correctly. If your hardware circuit is set-up correctly, the code should work. You can share your code so that i can have a look at it. I am sure it will definitely move. :-)

Anonymous user

5 years ago

Really cool project, been trying to develop some semi-independent bots recently. What type of wheel is that you have at the front keeping the balance?


2 years ago

Thank you. The wheel at the front is a ball castor wheel.