Weather Forecast Displayer

Weather forecast for 7 days and current (local) weather data displayer using the Arduino Opla IoT Kit

Mar 10, 2021


7 respects

Components and supplies


Arduino Oplà IoT Kit

Apps and platforms


Arduino IDE

Project description


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10 months ago

super! Thank you

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I have tried your project as my first approach to Arduino Oplá IoT KIT. Just entered my WiFi data, using mi own Smartphone as WiFi AP. Just download, verify and upload to the board. Now I can personalize the parameters like de location. Thank you very much.


2 years ago

Thank you for your feedback! I am glad that it worked very smoothly! If you will add some features on top, I would be interested to see them. Feel free to contribute to the GitHub repository! I am looking forward to seeing your ideas!


3 years ago

Hi @alexandrucohal, I also tried out your project and it worked smoothly on my Opla IoT Kit as well, with just adjusting for my coordinates. I have been trying to find out how to use HTTP Get as an API request with latitude/longitude information to get solar position data, and your project provides a very helpful example. Thank you for sharing your project!


4 years ago

I have tried your project as my first approach to Arduino Oplá IoT KIT. Just entered my WiFi data, using mi own Smartphone as WiFi AP. Just download, verify and upload to the board. Now I can personalize the parameters like de location. Thank you very much.


2 years ago

Thank you for your feedback! I am glad that it worked very smoothly! If you will add some features on top, I would be interested to see them. Feel free to contribute to the GitHub repository! I am looking forward to seeing your ideas!