Arduino DIY Potentiometer Value Display on LCD 16x2

This project is going to tell How to display the potentiometer Value on LCD.

Jun 11, 2022


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Components and supplies


Arduino UNO


Rotary potentiometer (generic)


Jumper wires (generic)


Breadboard (generic)


Alphanumeric LCD, 16 x 2

Apps and platforms


Arduino IDE


LiquidCrystal.h Library

Project description




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Circuit Diagram

Connection of LCD Connect the First pin from the left of LCD (GND pin) with GND pin of Arduino. Connect the Second pin from the left of LCD (VCC pin) with VCC pin of Arduino. Connect the Third pin from the left of LCD (V0 pin) with GND pin of Arduino. Connect the Fourth pin from the left of LCD (RS pin) with 11 pin of Arduino. Connect the Fifth pin from the left of LCD (R/W pin) with GND pin of Arduino. Connect the Sixth pin from the left of LCD (E pin) with 10 pin of Arduino. Connect the Eleventh pin from the left of LCD (D4 pin) with 5 pin of Arduino. Connect the Twelveth pin from the left of LCD (D5 pin) with 4 pin of Arduino. Connect the Thirteen pin from the left of LCD (D6 pin) with 3 pin of Arduino. Connect the Fourteenth pin from the left of LCD (D7 pin) with 2 pin of Arduino. Connect the Fifteenth pin from the left of LCD (5V pin) with 1 K Resistor with 2 pin of Arduino. Connect the Last pin from the left of LCD (GND pin) with GND pin of Arduino. Connection of Potentiometer Connect the first pin from the left of Potentiometer (GND Pin) with GND Pin of Arduino Connect the middle pin from of Potentiometer (Output) with GND Pin of Arduino Connect the last pin from the left of Potentiometer (5V Pin) with 5V Pin of Arduino

Circuit Diagram

Circuit Diagram

Connection of LCD Connect the First pin from the left of LCD (GND pin) with GND pin of Arduino. Connect the Second pin from the left of LCD (VCC pin) with VCC pin of Arduino. Connect the Third pin from the left of LCD (V0 pin) with GND pin of Arduino. Connect the Fourth pin from the left of LCD (RS pin) with 11 pin of Arduino. Connect the Fifth pin from the left of LCD (R/W pin) with GND pin of Arduino. Connect the Sixth pin from the left of LCD (E pin) with 10 pin of Arduino. Connect the Eleventh pin from the left of LCD (D4 pin) with 5 pin of Arduino. Connect the Twelveth pin from the left of LCD (D5 pin) with 4 pin of Arduino. Connect the Thirteen pin from the left of LCD (D6 pin) with 3 pin of Arduino. Connect the Fourteenth pin from the left of LCD (D7 pin) with 2 pin of Arduino. Connect the Fifteenth pin from the left of LCD (5V pin) with 1 K Resistor with 2 pin of Arduino. Connect the Last pin from the left of LCD (GND pin) with GND pin of Arduino. Connection of Potentiometer Connect the first pin from the left of Potentiometer (GND Pin) with GND Pin of Arduino Connect the middle pin from of Potentiometer (Output) with GND Pin of Arduino Connect the last pin from the left of Potentiometer (5V Pin) with 5V Pin of Arduino

Circuit Diagram


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