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Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3
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2-D Boundary Layer Finite Difference Implicit Solver with Arduino
1// Code to Solve the 2D Boundary Layer problem with Finite Difference Implicit Solver for Arduino Project Hub 2// 3//Written by Adrianos Botis: 4// 5//Use at your own and change the parameters: nx,ny,fh,Rel to change the fluid and grid properties 6// Keep in mind that the space discretization is kept low to avoid memory problems on the arduino board 7// 8 9#include "Plotter.h" 10 11const int nx = 25; 12const int ny = 25; 13float nxc = 25; 14float nyc = 25; 15float fh = 0.097; 16float Rel = 6062.0; 17float v[nx][ny]; 18float u[nx][ny]; 19float Su[ny]; 20float CN[ny]; 21float CP[ny]; 22float CS[ny]; 23float x[nx]; 24float y[ny]; 25float Rex[nx]; 26float dx = 1.0; 27float dy = 1.0; 28float uvel = 0.0; 29float xcord = 0.0; 30Plotter p; // create plotter 31void setup() { 32 33 p.Begin(); // start plotter 34 35 p.AddXYGraph( "U velocity profile at different X positions", 1500, "Uvel [m/s]", uvel, "y coordinate", xcord); // Add XY plot 36} 37 38void loop() { 39 //----------------------------------------- 40 // Defitiniton of Grid Parameters 41 42 dx = 1.0/(nxc-1.0); 43 x[1] = 0.0; 44 Rex[1] = 0.0; 45 for (int i = 2; i <= nx; i++) { 46 x[i] = x[i-1]+dx; 47 Rex[i]=Rel*x[i]; 48 } 49 50 dy=fh/(nyc-1.0); 51 y[1]=0.0; 52 for (int i = 2; i <= ny; i++) { 53 y[i]=y[i-1]+dy; 54 } 55 //--------------------------------------- 56 57 // Definition of Boundary Conditions 58 for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++){ 59 for (int j = 1; j <= ny; j++){ 60 u[i][j] = 0.0; 61 v[i][j] = 0.0; 62 } 63 } 64 65 for (int j = 1; j <= ny; j++) { 66 u[1][j]=1.0; // Set horizontal Velocity at the grid with y=0 equal to 1 (inflow) 67 } 68 69 for (int i = 1; i <= nx; i++) { // Set No slip boundary condition to the fluid/plate interface 70 v[i][1]=0.0; 71 u[i][1]=0.0; 72 } 73 //--------------------------------------- 74 75 // Iterations to Solve the 2D Equations 76 float val; 77 for (int i = 2; i <= nx; i++) { // Iterating through all X/Y grid points 78 for (int j = 2; j <= nx-1; j++) { // Calculate coefficients 79 CN[j] = -1.0/(Rel*(dy*dy)) - v[i-1][j]/(2*dy); 80 CP[j] = (u[i-1][j]/dx)+(2.0/(Rel*(dy*dy))); 81 CS[j] = (v[i-1][j]/(2*dy)) - (1.0/(Rel*((dy*dy)))); 82 val = u[i-1][j]; 83 Su[j] = (val*val)/dx; 84 } 85 86 CP[1] = 1.0; 87 CS[1] = 0.0; 88 Su[1] = 0.0; 89 CN[ny] = 0.0; 90 CP[ny] = 1.0; 91 Su[ny] = 1.0; 92 93 // Solve Tridiagonal Problem 94 float Q; 95 for (int I = 2; I <= ny; I++){ 96 Q = CN[I]/CP[I - 1]; 97 CP[I] = CP[I] - CS[I - 1]*Q; 98 Su[I] = Su[I] - Su[I - 1]*Q; 99 } 100 101 Q = Su[ny]/CP[ny]; 102 u[i][ny] = Q; 103 for (int I = ny-1; I >=1; I--){ 104 Q = (Su[I] - CS[I]*Q)/CP[I]; 105 u[i][I] = Q; 106 } 107 // Calculate vertical velocity component 108 for (int j=2; j <= ny; j++){ 109 v[i][j]=(dy/dx)*(u[i-1][j]-u[i][j]) + v[i][j-1]; 110 } 111 } 112 // ----------------------------------------------------- 113 114 // Perform Plotting 115 p.Plot(); 116 117 for (int kk = 1; kk <= nx; kk++){ 118 for (int k = ny; k >= 1; k--){ 119 uvel = u[kk][k]; 120 xcord = y[k]; 121 p.Plot(); 122 delay(10); 123 } 124} 125} 126 127// END of code!
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