RGB with Arduino

Program the RGB value of the LED.

Apr 27, 2019


2 respects

Components and supplies


Resistor 220 ohm


RGB Diffused Common Anode


Arduino UNO


I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD Display Module


Tactile Switch, Top Actuated

Apps and platforms


Arduino IDE

Project description


Untitled file


Press the value buttons to choose the red value, press the next button to switch to green, and then to blue. when done, press the ok button. If you have a mistake, press the reset key.

Untitled file


Press the value buttons to choose the red value, press the next button to switch to green, and then to blue. when done, press the ok button. If you have a mistake, press the reset key.

Downloadable files



Fritziong Schematic

Fritziong Schematic




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Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi TE_Tatan, I downloaded the code and tried to verify it before uploading it into my Arduino Uno. Unfortunately, I got the following error message; it highlighted this line of code: led.init(); and read "within this context" in the orange error line at the bottom of the sketch. Hence, I am unable to upload the code. Any idea what this is about? I have an Apple Desktop computer, running macOS High Sierra, v.10.13.6 and am using Arduino v.1.8.9 IDE. Also, is it possible to show the wiring of the components using the Fritzing.app? I think some of us (me included have some trouble reading the schematic). It's easier to understand if it is shown with Fritzing. I'm most confused with how the buttons are arranged. Thanks for any help you can provide. Dan


2 years ago

try to write lcd.init(); twice, like this: //lcd setup lcd.init(); lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); I will add the fritzing schematic

Anonymous user

6 years ago

Hi TE_Tatan, I downloaded the code and tried to verify it before uploading it into my Arduino Uno. Unfortunately, I got the following error message; it highlighted this line of code: led.init(); and read "within this context" in the orange error line at the bottom of the sketch. Hence, I am unable to upload the code. Any idea what this is about? I have an Apple Desktop computer, running macOS High Sierra, v.10.13.6 and am using Arduino v.1.8.9 IDE. Also, is it possible to show the wiring of the components using the Fritzing.app? I think some of us (me included have some trouble reading the schematic). It's easier to understand if it is shown with Fritzing. I'm most confused with how the buttons are arranged. Thanks for any help you can provide. Dan


2 years ago

try to write lcd.init(); twice, like this: //lcd setup lcd.init(); lcd.init(); lcd.backlight(); lcd.setCursor(0, 0); I will add the fritzing schematic

Anonymous user

6 years ago

did u make a video how it works in actual? also you marked it as 'full instructions provided' but there is no explanation of scheamtics and code


2 years ago

Well, I didn't make a video. For the schematics, all resistances are 220 ohm, there are buttons, an i2c display and an rgb led. And for the code I will make it more understandable for everyone.