Components and supplies
Adafruit OLED 128x32
MAX30102 High-Sensitivity Pulse Oximeter and Heart-Rate Sensor for Wearable Health
Arduino UNO
Project description
Modified from the SparkFun MAX3010x library
SparkFun MAX3010x library
Adafruit SSD1306
Adafruit GFX library
SparkFun MAX3010x library
Adafruit SSD1306
Adafruit GFX library
Downloadable files
Both modules have i²c interface, if you're using a 2 pin buzzer (-) with GND and (+) with a resistor then D3
Both modules have i²c interface, if you're using a 2 pin buzzer (-) with GND and (+) with a resistor then D3
Only logged in users can leave comments
a year ago
In file included from C:\Users\24048\AppData\Local\Temp\.arduinoIDE-unsaved2024027-25920-81pkxo.6dhen\sketch_jan27a\sketch_jan27a.ino:8:0: C:\Users\24048\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Adafruit_GFX_Library/Adafruit_GFX.h:12:10: fatal error: Adafruit_I2CDevice.h: No such file or directory #include <Adafruit_I2CDevice.h> ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. exit status 1 Compilation error: exit status 1 How to get the Adafruit_I2CDevice.h library? Adafruit BusIO <- You need to add this library which is not in the downloadable files.
a year ago
C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\.arduinoIDE-unsaved20231127-4020-h03ybo.7xg99\sketch_dec27a\sketch_dec27a.ino:8:10: fatal error: Adafruit_GFX.h: No such file or directory #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> //OLED libraries ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. exit status 1 Compilation error: Adafruit_GFX.h: No such file or directory THIS IS THE ERROR I AM GETING
a year ago
C:\Users\admin\AppData\Local\Temp\.arduinoIDE-unsaved20231127-4020-h03ybo.7xg99\sketch_dec27a\sketch_dec27a.ino:8:10: fatal error: Adafruit_GFX.h: No such file or directory #include <Adafruit_GFX.h> //OLED libraries ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ compilation terminated. exit status 1 Compilation error: Adafruit_GFX.h: No such file or directory THIS IS THE ERROR I AM GETING
a year ago
Have you added the library at the bottom?
a year ago
Do I need to download all the libraries? And how do I install them?
a year ago
a year ago
what are components names in tinkerCAD to connect this circuit
a year ago
In the code it says Max30105 but the board is Max30102 is this a problem in your code or is it meant to be Max30105 in the code?
a year ago
In the code it says Max30105 but the board is Max30102
a year ago
Can we use max30100 instead of max30102?
2 years ago
It's a good project. I'll give it a try too. Thank you/
2 years ago
Can I simulate max30102 sensor in proteus? What possible components for alternatives instead of finger?
2 years ago
Hello. Ho seen and realized your heartbeat meter and it works perfectly, my question is it possible to make a printed circuit board to be able to insert it in a container without flying wires. Thank you
2 years ago
Hello, I have a OLED 128*64 1.3 What changes should I make to the code?
2 years ago
I cant find the heartRate.h file can you list all the required h files like as a download please?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Would it be possible to change the code and configuration to use two sensors and create an average of the two on the screen? If so how would you go about doing this? Also can a larger nexion 7 inch screen be used to display the heart rate value
2 years ago
If you want to use two same sensors, I think it will be very tricky because they'll have the same i²c address (0x57), you should add an i²c multiplexer like "TCA9548A", now you'll find that address is also fixed on the library, I think you can set it from the code in the line: particleSensor.begin(Wire, I2C_SPEED_FAST); and make it particleSensor.begin(Wire, I2C_SPEED_FAST, i2caddress1); particleSensor2.begin(Wire, I2C_SPEED_FAST, i2caddress2); Then make the double of the variables used and add a few lines to to the average, For the nextion screen I think it should work just don't forget about the storage space in an Arduino UNO, this code alone takes 54% ... Those are just suggestions I didn't try them.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
HI, Please could you tell me if instead of Aduino Uno could be use an Arduino Nano of course with necessarily pins number changes Many thanks, Ion
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Anychance you could supply your bitmap files please???
2 years ago
Hello, sorry I've just seen your comment
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Great project , I have a problem : I get 0 all the time I have "please place findger" on the display and them I get 0 BPM when I touch the max30102 what could be the problem ? (I can see both devices on the i2c-scanner ) 0x57 - max30102 0x3c - Oled display
Anonymous user
2 years ago
My KOOBOOK MAX30102 Oximiter module had unreliable communications because of the on board pull up resistors to 1.8V. See the post I made here with more details. Hope this helps.
2 years ago
can u help me i dont have the heartRate.h or the wire.h files
2 years ago
HI Working with Arduino: 1.8.15 Hourly Build 2021/05/19 12:33 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Uno" I keep getting the following error when trying to compile the code. Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire, OLED_RESET); //Declaring the display name (display) The above line is highlighted in pink. Error = [no matching function for call to 'adafruit_SSD1306::adafruit_SSD1306(int,int,TwoWire*,int)' Why is this happening, and how can I fix it ? Any help is much appreciated.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
The project looks great - looking forward to trying it. The link to the sensor part shows only 1000 piece prices. Where can I buy only a couple of them, and at what price?
2 years ago
Hi, thanks I bought it for 3$ from aliexpress, you can order it there or from SparkFun, there are some variations but the important is the MAX30102 chip, there's also MAX30105, I think it can work with this library and these codes.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Where l spo2 measured and what is the code for it!
2 years ago
Hello as I mentionned, it wasn't possible to upload both codes and show them on the OLED, so the SpO² I used it with the Serial monitor only, and you can check the code in the library example.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Sensor max30102 how i know that it is working? How we use it we done the code and connection but the sensor not working?? Help us Pleasee
2 years ago
Hello, to know that the device is working just wire it and use the "i²c scanner code" and check if a device is detected, then you can try to measure your BPM using the example, sit down and relax, if you're in a healty condition you should be within a range around 60, it depends on many things...
Anonymous user
2 years ago
I need help with the products
Anonymous user
2 years ago
hi Why heart rate is not correct when using both (heart rate and oxygen saturation). For example, 150 or 230
2 years ago
That's probably due to a different setup of the sensor, I couldn't try both at the same time, but if you check the code for SpO2 and the one of BPM they have different setup (initialize)
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi You can run with both heart rate and spo2 code in Oled 128*64 . Please
2 years ago
Hello, as I mentionned in the video, I couldn't run both codes, I was missing memory space on the UNO, I tried to modify (shrink) the code, but I failed... you can try maybe or try using MEGA instead
Anonymous user
2 years ago
I got my audrino kit 3 month's ago or more. Unfortunately, it looks like I'll never be able to use it. I was So excited to try this For The first time, and start learning. But I can't even download the software. Firewall issues, and plugins. Hoping to find someone who lives near me to help me out. Loved this video, and I would give ANYTHING to get started Hope to join everyone some day. It was a MAJOR disappointment not being able to get started !
2 years ago
This can get you started: If you can't download the IDE, try the web editor, and the perfect example to start is "Blink", you'll need only Arduino board and usb cable.
2 years ago
Very relevant project during this pandemic scenario. I hope this project will help one make a 24x7 SPO2 monitor, which is usually difficult to monitor with a commercial pulse oxymeter. I though have a generic questions on the MAX10302 IC based modules. Are they reliable and medically approved? I mean is there any guarantee that if the IC is same, no matter if the module is the original sparkfun one or not, the readings will be consistent and accurate? Any information in this regard, specifically from any Medical Instrumentation expert is highly appreciated.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Please share heartrate.h library
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hey! I am doing the same thing but just without the external display. My output readings are highly fluctuating. Is there any way to minimize the fluctuations? Please help.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hey where is the SpO2 code??
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Health for your labor, It was a very good project. Can the codes of this project be updated for the microchip pic series microcontroller? Another question is, can max30100 be used interchangeably with max30102? Thank you.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hello, I am trying to follow this project with the same MAX30102 but trying to display the SPO2 output on an LCD 16x2 on a separate breadboard. I am running out of memory and cant seem to get the LCD to display because of it. what are your suggestions on adjusting the size of the file and sampling rate?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Could you share where you got the Fritzing part for the MAX30102? thanks!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
How do you insert a PNG into a fritzing project?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Where can I find it?
2 years ago
That was just a png.
2 years ago
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Here's an alternate link to the MAX30102 page:
Anonymous user
2 years ago
The alternate link did not work for me so, i found another link :[](
2 years ago
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Could you please help me? I used slightly different components than you, and ended up with an OLED with VCC instead of 3.3V. If I connect it up the same way, will there be any difference? Also, I found a buzzer in my arduino starter kit, but it only has 2 inputs. Could you please tell me where I am supposed to connect it to? Thanks PS. Please help soon I really need it for a school project
Anonymous user
2 years ago
I just found out that one of the inputs for the buzzer is to be connected to the ground and the other one should be connected to a digital output on the arduino.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
#include heart rate.h and compile
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Please send me the library heart rate.h
Anonymous user
2 years ago
What is use of buzzer in this
Anonymous user
2 years ago
It beeps when heart beat is detected. Use and LED & Resistor for same effect.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can I simulate it in proteus? What possible components for the alternatives instead of finger?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can I use Arduino NANOv3 instead of Arduino UNO?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can I use any kind of OLED Display?
2 years ago
This one is a 128*32 i²c you can use 128*64 i²c just modify the dimmension,if you're using an SPI you have to modify the code
Anonymous user
2 years ago
please could you tell me, did you find all these components on fritzing during simulation? especially the max30102
Anonymous user
2 years ago
I believe the MAX30102 is not on Fritzing, but I am not 100% sure.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
On which software , You designed this circuit?? Please help
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hallo, ich arbeite mit ein max30101, Esp8266 und den oled display. Bitte können Sie mir helfen. Es ist dringend danke.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Sir after downloading code and adding the all libraries given with code, I face problem that is when I verify or compile the code it gives error that is "exit status 1 Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno" kindly guide how to fix this problem and why this problem occurred? looking forwad for ypour swift reply
Anonymous user
2 years ago
could you do this to know if you are feeling stressed?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
hi.. how are you? I stucked in a project where used this sensor. this sensor gives me data accurately when i use Library heart rate sensor. but not working after modified. actually I wanted to use this sensor with arduino D1 to monitor heart rate on online. with blynk app. can you help me please.. how to solve this issue? .
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi, my max30102 red light won't turn on. I've checked all the wiring and I've tried both power supply (3.3 and 5). the red light will turn on if I connecting ird or rd pin to the ground. and the program stuck on initializing
Anonymous user
2 years ago
My KOOBOOK MAX30102 Oximiter module had unreliable communications because of the on board pull up resistors to 1.8V. See the post I made here with more details. Hope this helps.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
have anyone experience the same problem or have any solution or suggestion?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
From where can I get the oled screen and buzzer like you attached with circuit, Plz let me know I'm making this as my final year project. Thanks for the video
Anonymous user
2 years ago
20210803 This was very helpful and a lot of fun. I purchased a KOOBOOK 1Pcs MAX30102 Oximeter Heart Rate Beat Pulse Sensor Monitor Module from Amazon which did not work reliably because there are two pull up resistors on the I2C bus to 1.8V which squashes the bus. Here is the feedback I left to the vendor and which will help persons here who want to use the KOOBOOK module: ------------***********************************------------ Worked with Arduino on 5V I2C Bus After I Removed Two I2C Pull Up Resistors! I interfaced to this device with an Arduino UNO using project information I found at: It failed to communicate reliable at first. The module at this project note must have had pull up resistors to 5V but this KOOBOOK has pull up to 1.8V The result is that the I2C voltages to not get high enough for the Arduino logic levels. I simply removed the two 4.7K pullup resistors on the SCL and SDA lines and then the Arduino bus pull ups operated the part just fine. This module is obviously intended to be used with a microcontoller interface of 1.8V Note the Maxium part is specified for pin input voltage of VCC + 6V so it is OK to make the modification I did. See: If I want more pulse oximeters I would buy this module understanding that I will have to warm up a soldering iron (or two) to remove two resistors. Hope this helps. Forrest Erickson Amused Scientist.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
could you please clarify i have the same problem should i remove 2 resistors?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Good job, Keep it up
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Would this work with an I2C 1602A LCD or do I need different code?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
If I wanted to do everything you did except without the OLED screen or buzzer and have the BPM results show up on my computer like you did in the video, would I use the same code that was used for the OLED and Buzzer model? or is there a different code.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can i mix this project with with diy heart sensor?
2 years ago
Anonymous user
2 years ago
What the code will be if i mix the 2 projects can you help me??
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Just completed this project, but it appears to be taking quite some time to begin reading the finger pulse. When it eventually does, it is floating up and down from say, 60BPM suddenly back down to 30 or so. it never seems to stabilize onto a steady reading.Tried it on several different people, same result. Not too sure whet the issue could be. Any ideas would be a great help. Cheers. Geoff
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can you share me the heartrate.h library
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can I use Arduino Pro Mini Atmega 328p instead of Arduino UNO
2 years ago
Yes, you can.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Good Morning :) I Like this Project . If Project will continue to make professional LCD Display . What The Project feel and gather data of body ? If any other capacity will in to dashboard to measure health ? Greetings
2 years ago
Hi if you want to improve this project, it's better to use a better board first, because the module's library takes a lot of memory space....
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hey there I need your assistance sir please. Literally I am very poor In coding.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
where is your SP02
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi,can u send me the fritzing part of this max30102 module? cause i have been searching long time,but still couldn't fint this module in fzz files
Anonymous user
2 years ago
could I do this project using a max30100 instead of a max30102 with the same code?
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi,if i used arduino mega what arduino pins will be connected to sda ,scl pins of sensor?
Anonymous user
3 years ago
hi.. how are you? I stucked in a project where used this sensor. this sensor gives me data accurately when i use Library heart rate sensor. but not working after modified. actually I wanted to use this sensor with arduino D1 to monitor heart rate on online. with blynk app. can you help me please.. how to solve this issue? .
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Please share heartrate.h library
Anonymous user
3 years ago
#include heart rate.h and compile
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Please send me the library heart rate.h
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Hey! I am doing the same thing but just without the external display. My output readings are highly fluctuating. Is there any way to minimize the fluctuations? Please help.
Anonymous user
3 years ago
On which software , You designed this circuit?? Please help
3 years ago
Good job, Keep it up
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Just completed this project, but it appears to be taking quite some time to begin reading the finger pulse. When it eventually does, it is floating up and down from say, 60BPM suddenly back down to 30 or so. it never seems to stabilize onto a steady reading.Tried it on several different people, same result. Not too sure whet the issue could be. Any ideas would be a great help. Cheers. Geoff
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Can you share me the heartrate.h library
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Hey there I need your assistance sir please. Literally I am very poor In coding.
Anonymous user
3 years ago
Hallo, ich arbeite mit ein max30101, Esp8266 und den oled display. Bitte können Sie mir helfen. Es ist dringend danke.
3 years ago
Very relevant project during this pandemic scenario. I hope this project will help one make a 24x7 SPO2 monitor, which is usually difficult to monitor with a commercial pulse oxymeter. I though have a generic questions on the MAX10302 IC based modules. Are they reliable and medically approved? I mean is there any guarantee that if the IC is same, no matter if the module is the original sparkfun one or not, the readings will be consistent and accurate? Any information in this regard, specifically from any Medical Instrumentation expert is highly appreciated.
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Hi,can u send me the fritzing part of this max30102 module? cause i have been searching long time,but still couldn't fint this module in fzz files
Anonymous user
4 years ago
20210803 This was very helpful and a lot of fun. I purchased a KOOBOOK 1Pcs MAX30102 Oximeter Heart Rate Beat Pulse Sensor Monitor Module from Amazon which did not work reliably because there are two pull up resistors on the I2C bus to 1.8V which squashes the bus. Here is the feedback I left to the vendor and which will help persons here who want to use the KOOBOOK module: ------------***********************************------------ Worked with Arduino on 5V I2C Bus After I Removed Two I2C Pull Up Resistors! I interfaced to this device with an Arduino UNO using project information I found at: It failed to communicate reliable at first. The module at this project note must have had pull up resistors to 5V but this KOOBOOK has pull up to 1.8V The result is that the I2C voltages to not get high enough for the Arduino logic levels. I simply removed the two 4.7K pullup resistors on the SCL and SDA lines and then the Arduino bus pull ups operated the part just fine. This module is obviously intended to be used with a microcontoller interface of 1.8V Note the Maxium part is specified for pin input voltage of VCC + 6V so it is OK to make the modification I did. See: If I want more pulse oximeters I would buy this module understanding that I will have to warm up a soldering iron (or two) to remove two resistors. Hope this helps. Forrest Erickson Amused Scientist.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
could you please clarify i have the same problem should i remove 2 resistors?
Anonymous user
4 years ago
could I do this project using a max30100 instead of a max30102 with the same code?
Anonymous user
4 years ago
where is your SP02
Anonymous user
4 years ago
What is use of buzzer in this
Anonymous user
2 years ago
It beeps when heart beat is detected. Use and LED & Resistor for same effect.
4 years ago
Hi Great Project, but your Wiring_MAX30102_OLED_Buzzer drawing is wrong. Signal goes to pin 3 of the Arduino board, not the positive line. essentially the S and + pins on the buzzer need to be swapped in order for this to work correctly.
4 years ago
HI Working with Arduino: 1.8.15 Hourly Build 2021/05/19 12:33 (Windows 7), Board: "Arduino Uno" I keep getting the following error when trying to compile the code. Adafruit_SSD1306 display(SCREEN_WIDTH, SCREEN_HEIGHT, &Wire, OLED_RESET); //Declaring the display name (display) The above line is highlighted in pink. Error = [no matching function for call to 'adafruit_SSD1306::adafruit_SSD1306(int,int,TwoWire*,int)' Why is this happening, and how can I fix it ? Any help is much appreciated.
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Health for your labor, It was a very good project. Can the codes of this project be updated for the microchip pic series microcontroller? Another question is, can max30100 be used interchangeably with max30102? Thank you.
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Hey where is the SpO2 code??
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Hi,if i used arduino mega what arduino pins will be connected to sda ,scl pins of sensor?
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Can I simulate it in proteus? What possible components for the alternatives instead of finger?
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Hello, I am trying to follow this project with the same MAX30102 but trying to display the SPO2 output on an LCD 16x2 on a separate breadboard. I am running out of memory and cant seem to get the LCD to display because of it. what are your suggestions on adjusting the size of the file and sampling rate?
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Sir after downloading code and adding the all libraries given with code, I face problem that is when I verify or compile the code it gives error that is "exit status 1 Error compiling for board Arduino/Genuino Uno" kindly guide how to fix this problem and why this problem occurred? looking forwad for ypour swift reply
4 years ago
could you do this to know if you are feeling stressed?
Anonymous user
4 years ago
I need help with the products
Anonymous user
4 years ago
please could you tell me, did you find all these components on fritzing during simulation? especially the max30102
Anonymous user
2 years ago
I believe the MAX30102 is not on Fritzing, but I am not 100% sure.
Anonymous user
4 years ago
Great project , I have a problem : I get 0 all the time I have "please place findger" on the display and them I get 0 BPM when I touch the max30102 what could be the problem ? (I can see both devices on the i2c-scanner ) 0x57 - max30102 0x3c - Oled display
Anonymous user
2 years ago
My KOOBOOK MAX30102 Oximiter module had unreliable communications because of the on board pull up resistors to 1.8V. See the post I made here with more details. Hope this helps.
Anonymous user
5 years ago
HI, Please could you tell me if instead of Aduino Uno could be use an Arduino Nano of course with necessarily pins number changes Many thanks, Ion
Anonymous user
5 years ago
Can I use Arduino NANOv3 instead of Arduino UNO?
Anonymous user
5 years ago
From where can I get the oled screen and buzzer like you attached with circuit, Plz let me know I'm making this as my final year project. Thanks for the video
Anonymous user
5 years ago
Would this work with an I2C 1602A LCD or do I need different code?
Anonymous user
5 years ago
Hi, my max30102 red light won't turn on. I've checked all the wiring and I've tried both power supply (3.3 and 5). the red light will turn on if I connecting ird or rd pin to the ground. and the program stuck on initializing
Anonymous user
2 years ago
My KOOBOOK MAX30102 Oximiter module had unreliable communications because of the on board pull up resistors to 1.8V. See the post I made here with more details. Hope this helps.
Anonymous user
2 years ago
have anyone experience the same problem or have any solution or suggestion?
5 years ago
Could you please help me? I used slightly different components than you, and ended up with an OLED with VCC instead of 3.3V. If I connect it up the same way, will there be any difference? Also, I found a buzzer in my arduino starter kit, but it only has 2 inputs. Could you please tell me where I am supposed to connect it to? Thanks PS. Please help soon I really need it for a school project
2 years ago
I just found out that one of the inputs for the buzzer is to be connected to the ground and the other one should be connected to a digital output on the arduino.
5 years ago
If I wanted to do everything you did except without the OLED screen or buzzer and have the BPM results show up on my computer like you did in the video, would I use the same code that was used for the OLED and Buzzer model? or is there a different code.
Anonymous user
5 years ago
Could you share where you got the Fritzing part for the MAX30102? thanks!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
How do you insert a PNG into a fritzing project?
2 years ago
That was just a png.
2 years ago
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Where can I find it?
Anonymous user
6 years ago
hi Why heart rate is not correct when using both (heart rate and oxygen saturation). For example, 150 or 230
2 years ago
That's probably due to a different setup of the sensor, I couldn't try both at the same time, but if you check the code for SpO2 and the one of BPM they have different setup (initialize)
Anonymous user
6 years ago
Sensor max30102 how i know that it is working? How we use it we done the code and connection but the sensor not working?? Help us Pleasee
2 years ago
Hello, to know that the device is working just wire it and use the "i²c scanner code" and check if a device is detected, then you can try to measure your BPM using the example, sit down and relax, if you're in a healty condition you should be within a range around 60, it depends on many things...
Anonymous user
6 years ago
Hi You can run with both heart rate and spo2 code in Oled 128*64 . Please
2 years ago
Hello, as I mentionned in the video, I couldn't run both codes, I was missing memory space on the UNO, I tried to modify (shrink) the code, but I failed... you can try maybe or try using MEGA instead
Anonymous user
6 years ago
Anychance you could supply your bitmap files please???
2 years ago
Hello, sorry I've just seen your comment
6 years ago
Can I use any kind of OLED Display?
2 years ago
This one is a 128*32 i²c you can use 128*64 i²c just modify the dimmension,if you're using an SPI you have to modify the code
Anonymous user
6 years ago
What the code will be if i mix the 2 projects can you help me??
Anonymous user
6 years ago
Can i mix this project with with diy heart sensor?
2 years ago
Anonymous user
6 years ago
Where l spo2 measured and what is the code for it!
2 years ago
Hello as I mentionned, it wasn't possible to upload both codes and show them on the OLED, so the SpO² I used it with the Serial monitor only, and you can check the code in the library example.
Anonymous user
6 years ago
Would it be possible to change the code and configuration to use two sensors and create an average of the two on the screen? If so how would you go about doing this? Also can a larger nexion 7 inch screen be used to display the heart rate value
2 years ago
If you want to use two same sensors, I think it will be very tricky because they'll have the same i²c address (0x57), you should add an i²c multiplexer like "TCA9548A", now you'll find that address is also fixed on the library, I think you can set it from the code in the line: particleSensor.begin(Wire, I2C_SPEED_FAST); and make it particleSensor.begin(Wire, I2C_SPEED_FAST, i2caddress1); particleSensor2.begin(Wire, I2C_SPEED_FAST, i2caddress2); Then make the double of the variables used and add a few lines to to the average, For the nextion screen I think it should work just don't forget about the storage space in an Arduino UNO, this code alone takes 54% ... Those are just suggestions I didn't try them.
Anonymous user
6 years ago
Can I use Arduino Pro Mini Atmega 328p instead of Arduino UNO
2 years ago
Yes, you can.
Anonymous user
6 years ago
The project looks great - looking forward to trying it. The link to the sensor part shows only 1000 piece prices. Where can I buy only a couple of them, and at what price?
2 years ago
Hi, thanks I bought it for 3$ from aliexpress, you can order it there or from SparkFun, there are some variations but the important is the MAX30102 chip, there's also MAX30105, I think it can work with this library and these codes.
Anonymous user
6 years ago
I got my audrino kit 3 month's ago or more. Unfortunately, it looks like I'll never be able to use it. I was So excited to try this For The first time, and start learning. But I can't even download the software. Firewall issues, and plugins. Hoping to find someone who lives near me to help me out. Loved this video, and I would give ANYTHING to get started Hope to join everyone some day. It was a MAJOR disappointment not being able to get started !
2 years ago
This can get you started: If you can't download the IDE, try the web editor, and the perfect example to start is "Blink", you'll need only Arduino board and usb cable.
6 years ago
Good Morning :) I Like this Project . If Project will continue to make professional LCD Display . What The Project feel and gather data of body ? If any other capacity will in to dashboard to measure health ? Greetings
2 years ago
Hi if you want to improve this project, it's better to use a better board first, because the module's library takes a lot of memory space....
Anonymous user
6 years ago
Here's an alternate link to the MAX30102 page:
Anonymous user
2 years ago
The alternate link did not work for me so, i found another link :[](
2 years ago
•14 Projects
Measure Heart Rate and SpO2 with MAX30102 | Arduino Project Hub
3 months ago
I cannot get my red light to come on on the sensor. Any suggestions?