Components and supplies
resistor 2k ohm
5V 2.5A Switching Power Supply
grounded power cable
Resistor 10k ohm
yellow wire nuts
Alphanumeric LCD, 16 x 2
Arduino Nano R3
Decora 2-Gang Midway Nylon Wall Plate - White
decora duplex outlet, white
Jumper wires (generic)
2-Gang 47 cu. in. PVC New/Old Work Electrical Box (B249B)
Grove - 2-Channel SPDT Relay
DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor (3 pins)
Tools and machines
Soldering iron (generic)
Project description
Humidity controller code
code for operating the humidity controller
1//HUMIDITY CONTROLLER 1.1 2//written for NANO 3 4//controls and displays relative humidity 5//sesnor used is DHT11 6//uses active-low relay module to control live lines for 2 standard electrical outlets 7//uses i2c lcd to display humidity and humidity setting 8//turns display off during inactivity 9//setting is adjustable from 10%-90% using 2 buttons 10//backlight of LCD is controlled by pin 4, connected to top LED jumper pin on i2c backpack 11//serial communications to monitor to ensure all code is working. 12 13//added: "system off" function - allows both outlets to be turned off 14 15// █ G █ L █ O █ B █ A █ L █ S █ 16#include <Wire.h> 17#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> 18#include <dht.h> 19 20// set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display 21LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); 22 23dht DHT; 24 25#define DHT11_PIN A2 26 27//buttons and variables to adjust calibration 28int calupbtn = A0; 29int calup; 30int caldownbtn = A1; 31int caldown; 32 33//i2c PINS A4, A5 34 35//pin for turning on humidifier relay 36int humidifier = 3; 37//pin for turning on the fan relay 38int fan = 2; 39//pin for turning on LCD backlights 40int lcdlight = 4; 41 42//calibration variable 43int setpoint = 50; //feedback setpoint. 44bool calstate = false; //enables calibration adjustments only when LCD is ON. 45 46//backlight timing variables 47int displtime = 12000; //amount of time the display is to be on before turning off 48unsigned long displtimeon; //last recorded time display timer was reset 49int calunlock = 0; //loop counter for unlocking calibration 50 51//sensor timing variables 52unsigned long lastcheck; //last time DHT was read 53long interval = 30000; //time between DHT readings 54 55//system variables 56bool syson = true; //reference for system on/off. 57byte systog = 2; //even number toggles on, odds toggle off 58int syslock = 0; //loop counter for unlocking system toggle 59 60// █ S █ E █ T █ U █ P █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ 61void setup(){ 62 63 Serial.begin(9600); //serial communication used to ensure code is working correctly. 64 65 lcd.init(); //initialize LCD 66 lcd.backlight(); //enable LCD backlight, but doesn't turn it on 67 68 lastcheck = 0; 69 digitalWrite(lcdlight, HIGH); 70 Serial.println("STARTING"); 71 lcd.print(" STARTING"); 72 73 //pin assignments 74 pinMode(calupbtn, INPUT); 75 pinMode(caldownbtn, INPUT); 76 pinMode(humidifier, OUTPUT); 77 pinMode(fan, OUTPUT); 78 pinMode(lcdlight, OUTPUT); 79 delay(1000); 80 81 82 //test fan 83 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 84 lcd.print("<FAN> HMDFR "); 85 digitalWrite(fan, LOW); 86 digitalWrite(humidifier, HIGH); 87 delay(6000); 88 //test humidifier 89 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 90 lcd.print(" FAN <HMDFR> "); 91 digitalWrite(fan, HIGH); 92 digitalWrite(humidifier, LOW); 93 delay(6000); 94 //stop startup test 95 digitalWrite(humidifier, HIGH); 96 digitalWrite(fan, HIGH); 97 lcd.clear(); 98 99 displtimeon = millis(); 100 101 int chk = DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN); 102 lastcheck = millis(); 103 104 lcd.setCursor(0,0); 105 lcd.print("Humidity: "); 106 lcd.setCursor(13,0); 107 lcd.print(DHT.humidity); 108 lcd.setCursor(15,0); 109 lcd.print("% "); 110 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 111 lcd.print("setting: "); 112 lcd.setCursor(13,1); 113 lcd.print(setpoint); 114 lcd.setCursor(15,1); 115 lcd.print("% "); 116 delay(100); 117} 118 119// █ L █ O █ O █ P █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ 120void loop(){ 121 122 //check calibration buttons 123 calup = digitalRead(calupbtn); 124 caldown = digitalRead(caldownbtn); 125 126 if(calup == HIGH and caldown == HIGH){ //--------SYSTEM TOGGLE 127 syslock ++; 128 Serial.println(syslock); 129 if(syslock == 20){ //if both buttons held down for this many loops 130 systog++; 131 if(systog % 2 == 1){ //--------SYSTEM OFF 132 syson = false; 133 digitalWrite(fan, HIGH); 134 digitalWrite(humidifier, HIGH); 135 digitalWrite(lcdlight, HIGH); 136 Serial.println("SYSTEM TURNED OFF"); 137 lcd.clear(); 138 lcd.print(" SYSTEM OFF"); 139 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 140 lcd.print(" hold both btns"); 141 delay(2000); 142 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 143 lcd.print(" to turn on "); 144 displtimeon = millis(); 145 } 146 if(systog % 2 == 0){ //--------SYSTEM ON 147 syson = true; 148 Serial.println("SYSTEM TURNED ON"); 149 digitalWrite(lcdlight, HIGH); 150 lcd.clear(); 151 lcd.print(" SYSTEM ON"); 152 delay(2000); 153 lcd.clear(); 154 displtimeon = millis(); 155 } 156 syslock = 0; 157 } 158 } 159 else(syslock = 0); 160 161 //read humidity at appropriate intervals 162 if(millis() > lastcheck + interval and syson == true){ //read the DHT humidity 163 int chk = DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN); 164 lastcheck = millis(); 165 Serial.print("DHT read = "); 166 Serial.print(DHT.humidity); 167 Serial.print("%"); 168 Serial.println(" "); 169 } 170 171 //turn on the led lights when calibration buttons are pressed 172 if(calup == HIGH xor caldown == HIGH){ 173 digitalWrite(lcdlight, HIGH); 174 calstate = true; 175 displtimeon = millis(); //set display timer 176 Serial.println("cal btn ACTIVE"); 177 if(syson == false){ 178 digitalWrite(lcdlight, HIGH); 179 lcd.clear(); 180 lcd.print(" SYSTEM OFF"); 181 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 182 lcd.print(" hold both btns"); 183 delay(3000); 184 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 185 lcd.print(" to turn on "); 186 displtimeon = millis(); 187 } 188 } 189 190 if(calstate == true and syson == true){ //--------DISPLAY ROUTINE 191 Serial.println("printing display"); 192 //display variables on LCD 193 lcd.setCursor(0,0); 194 lcd.print("Humidity: "); 195 lcd.setCursor(13,0); 196 lcd.print(DHT.humidity); 197 lcd.setCursor(15,0); 198 lcd.print("% "); 199 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 200 lcd.print("setting: "); 201 lcd.setCursor(13,1); 202 lcd.print(setpoint); 203 lcd.setCursor(15,1); 204 lcd.print("% "); 205 delay(100); 206 207 calunlock ++; 208 //keeps calibration locked until display cycles 5 times after initially turned on 209 //prevents adjustments on initial button press. 210 } 211 212//--------CALIBRATION ADJUSTMENTS 213 if(calup == HIGH and caldown == LOW and calstate == true and syson == true){ 214 if(setpoint < 90 and calunlock > 5){ 215 setpoint = setpoint + 5; //increase setpoint 216 Serial.println("adj setpoint up"); 217 } 218 Serial.println(setpoint); 219 delay(100); 220 displtimeon = millis(); //reset backlight timeout 221 } 222 223 if(caldown == HIGH and calup == LOW and calstate == true and syson == true){ 224 if(setpoint > 10 and calunlock > 5){ 225 setpoint = setpoint - 5; //decrease setpoint 226 Serial.println("adj setpoint dn"); 227 } 228 Serial.println(setpoint); 229 delay(100); 230 displtimeon = millis(); //reset backlight timeout 231 } 232 233 if(millis() > displtimeon + displtime){ //-----------------BACKLIGHT TIMEOUT 234 digitalWrite(lcdlight, LOW); //turn off the screen 235 calstate = false; 236 Serial.println("displ + backlights off"); 237 lcd.clear(); 238 calunlock = 0; //lock calibration 239 } 240 241 if(millis() < lastcheck){ 242 lastcheck = millis(); //reset timers in a millisecond rollover 243 } 244 245 //--------SETPOINT ERROR PROCEDURE 246 if(setpoint > 91 or setpoint < 9){ //in case setpoint is ever out of bounds 247 Serial.println("O/B ERROR"); 248 digitalWrite(lcdlight, HIGH); 249 lcd.clear(); 250 lcd.print("O/B ERROR"); //display error message on lcd 251 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 252 lcd.print("RESETTING"); 253 delay(1000); 254 for(int count = 9; count >= 0; count = count - 1){ 255 lcd.setCursor(15,1); 256 lcd.print(count); //count down from 10 257 delay(1000); 258 } 259 setpoint = 50; //reset setpoint at 50. 260 displtimeon = millis(); 261 } 262 263 //turn on humidifier relay if below setpoint --------RELAY CONTROL 264 //RELAY MODULE IS ACTIVE LOW 265 if(DHT.humidity <= setpoint - 3 and syson == true){ //if humidity is 3% lower than setpoint 266 Serial.println("humidifier ON, fan OFF"); 267 digitalWrite(humidifier, LOW); //turn on humidifier 268 digitalWrite(fan, HIGH); 269 } 270 else if(DHT.humidity >= setpoint + 3 and syson == true){ //if humidity is 3% above setpoint 271 Serial.println("humidifier OFF, fan ON"); 272 digitalWrite(humidifier, HIGH); //turn on fan 273 digitalWrite(fan, LOW); 274 } 275 else{ 276 Serial.println("all off"); //if humidity is within 3% of setpoint 277 digitalWrite(humidifier, HIGH); //turn both off 278 digitalWrite(fan, HIGH); 279 } 280 //delay(700); //un-comment for serial debugging 281 282 Serial.print("setpoint = "); 283 Serial.println(setpoint); 284 285 //delay(700); //un-comment for serial debugging 286} 287 288/* WIRING DIAGRAMS 289 290 */
Humidity controller code
code for operating the humidity controller
1//HUMIDITY CONTROLLER 1.1 2//written for NANO 3 4//controls and displays relative humidity 5//sesnor used is DHT11 6//uses active-low relay module to control live lines for 2 standard electrical outlets 7//uses i2c lcd to display humidity and humidity setting 8//turns display off during inactivity 9//setting is adjustable from 10%-90% using 2 buttons 10//backlight of LCD is controlled by pin 4, connected to top LED jumper pin on i2c backpack 11//serial communications to monitor to ensure all code is working. 12 13//added: "system off" function - allows both outlets to be turned off 14 15// █ G █ L █ O █ B █ A █ L █ S █ 16#include <Wire.h> 17#include <LiquidCrystal_I2C.h> 18#include <dht.h> 19 20// set the LCD address to 0x27 for a 16 chars and 2 line display 21LiquidCrystal_I2C lcd(0x27, 16, 2); 22 23dht DHT; 24 25#define DHT11_PIN A2 26 27//buttons and variables to adjust calibration 28int calupbtn = A0; 29int calup; 30int caldownbtn = A1; 31int caldown; 32 33//i2c PINS A4, A5 34 35//pin for turning on humidifier relay 36int humidifier = 3; 37//pin for turning on the fan relay 38int fan = 2; 39//pin for turning on LCD backlights 40int lcdlight = 4; 41 42//calibration variable 43int setpoint = 50; //feedback setpoint. 44bool calstate = false; //enables calibration adjustments only when LCD is ON. 45 46//backlight timing variables 47int displtime = 12000; //amount of time the display is to be on before turning off 48unsigned long displtimeon; //last recorded time display timer was reset 49int calunlock = 0; //loop counter for unlocking calibration 50 51//sensor timing variables 52unsigned long lastcheck; //last time DHT was read 53long interval = 30000; //time between DHT readings 54 55//system variables 56bool syson = true; //reference for system on/off. 57byte systog = 2; //even number toggles on, odds toggle off 58int syslock = 0; //loop counter for unlocking system toggle 59 60// █ S █ E █ T █ U █ P █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ + █ 61void setup(){ 62 63 Serial.begin(9600); //serial communication used to ensure code is working correctly. 64 65 lcd.init(); //initialize LCD 66 lcd.backlight(); //enable LCD backlight, but doesn't turn it on 67 68 lastcheck = 0; 69 digitalWrite(lcdlight, HIGH); 70 Serial.println("STARTING"); 71 lcd.print(" STARTING"); 72 73 //pin assignments 74 pinMode(calupbtn, INPUT); 75 pinMode(caldownbtn, INPUT); 76 pinMode(humidifier, OUTPUT); 77 pinMode(fan, OUTPUT); 78 pinMode(lcdlight, OUTPUT); 79 delay(1000); 80 81 82 //test fan 83 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 84 lcd.print("<FAN> HMDFR "); 85 digitalWrite(fan, LOW); 86 digitalWrite(humidifier, HIGH); 87 delay(6000); 88 //test humidifier 89 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 90 lcd.print(" FAN <HMDFR> "); 91 digitalWrite(fan, HIGH); 92 digitalWrite(humidifier, LOW); 93 delay(6000); 94 //stop startup test 95 digitalWrite(humidifier, HIGH); 96 digitalWrite(fan, HIGH); 97 lcd.clear(); 98 99 displtimeon = millis(); 100 101 int chk = DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN); 102 lastcheck = millis(); 103 104 lcd.setCursor(0,0); 105 lcd.print("Humidity: "); 106 lcd.setCursor(13,0); 107 lcd.print(DHT.humidity); 108 lcd.setCursor(15,0); 109 lcd.print("% "); 110 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 111 lcd.print("setting: "); 112 lcd.setCursor(13,1); 113 lcd.print(setpoint); 114 lcd.setCursor(15,1); 115 lcd.print("% "); 116 delay(100); 117} 118 119// █ L █ O █ O █ P █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ = █ 120void loop(){ 121 122 //check calibration buttons 123 calup = digitalRead(calupbtn); 124 caldown = digitalRead(caldownbtn); 125 126 if(calup == HIGH and caldown == HIGH){ //--------SYSTEM TOGGLE 127 syslock ++; 128 Serial.println(syslock); 129 if(syslock == 20){ //if both buttons held down for this many loops 130 systog++; 131 if(systog % 2 == 1){ //--------SYSTEM OFF 132 syson = false; 133 digitalWrite(fan, HIGH); 134 digitalWrite(humidifier, HIGH); 135 digitalWrite(lcdlight, HIGH); 136 Serial.println("SYSTEM TURNED OFF"); 137 lcd.clear(); 138 lcd.print(" SYSTEM OFF"); 139 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 140 lcd.print(" hold both btns"); 141 delay(2000); 142 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 143 lcd.print(" to turn on "); 144 displtimeon = millis(); 145 } 146 if(systog % 2 == 0){ //--------SYSTEM ON 147 syson = true; 148 Serial.println("SYSTEM TURNED ON"); 149 digitalWrite(lcdlight, HIGH); 150 lcd.clear(); 151 lcd.print(" SYSTEM ON"); 152 delay(2000); 153 lcd.clear(); 154 displtimeon = millis(); 155 } 156 syslock = 0; 157 } 158 } 159 else(syslock = 0); 160 161 //read humidity at appropriate intervals 162 if(millis() > lastcheck + interval and syson == true){ //read the DHT humidity 163 int chk = DHT.read11(DHT11_PIN); 164 lastcheck = millis(); 165 Serial.print("DHT read = "); 166 Serial.print(DHT.humidity); 167 Serial.print("%"); 168 Serial.println(" "); 169 } 170 171 //turn on the led lights when calibration buttons are pressed 172 if(calup == HIGH xor caldown == HIGH){ 173 digitalWrite(lcdlight, HIGH); 174 calstate = true; 175 displtimeon = millis(); //set display timer 176 Serial.println("cal btn ACTIVE"); 177 if(syson == false){ 178 digitalWrite(lcdlight, HIGH); 179 lcd.clear(); 180 lcd.print(" SYSTEM OFF"); 181 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 182 lcd.print(" hold both btns"); 183 delay(3000); 184 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 185 lcd.print(" to turn on "); 186 displtimeon = millis(); 187 } 188 } 189 190 if(calstate == true and syson == true){ //--------DISPLAY ROUTINE 191 Serial.println("printing display"); 192 //display variables on LCD 193 lcd.setCursor(0,0); 194 lcd.print("Humidity: "); 195 lcd.setCursor(13,0); 196 lcd.print(DHT.humidity); 197 lcd.setCursor(15,0); 198 lcd.print("% "); 199 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 200 lcd.print("setting: "); 201 lcd.setCursor(13,1); 202 lcd.print(setpoint); 203 lcd.setCursor(15,1); 204 lcd.print("% "); 205 delay(100); 206 207 calunlock ++; 208 //keeps calibration locked until display cycles 5 times after initially turned on 209 //prevents adjustments on initial button press. 210 } 211 212//--------CALIBRATION ADJUSTMENTS 213 if(calup == HIGH and caldown == LOW and calstate == true and syson == true){ 214 if(setpoint < 90 and calunlock > 5){ 215 setpoint = setpoint + 5; //increase setpoint 216 Serial.println("adj setpoint up"); 217 } 218 Serial.println(setpoint); 219 delay(100); 220 displtimeon = millis(); //reset backlight timeout 221 } 222 223 if(caldown == HIGH and calup == LOW and calstate == true and syson == true){ 224 if(setpoint > 10 and calunlock > 5){ 225 setpoint = setpoint - 5; //decrease setpoint 226 Serial.println("adj setpoint dn"); 227 } 228 Serial.println(setpoint); 229 delay(100); 230 displtimeon = millis(); //reset backlight timeout 231 } 232 233 if(millis() > displtimeon + displtime){ //-----------------BACKLIGHT TIMEOUT 234 digitalWrite(lcdlight, LOW); //turn off the screen 235 calstate = false; 236 Serial.println("displ + backlights off"); 237 lcd.clear(); 238 calunlock = 0; //lock calibration 239 } 240 241 if(millis() < lastcheck){ 242 lastcheck = millis(); //reset timers in a millisecond rollover 243 } 244 245 //--------SETPOINT ERROR PROCEDURE 246 if(setpoint > 91 or setpoint < 9){ //in case setpoint is ever out of bounds 247 Serial.println("O/B ERROR"); 248 digitalWrite(lcdlight, HIGH); 249 lcd.clear(); 250 lcd.print("O/B ERROR"); //display error message on lcd 251 lcd.setCursor(0,1); 252 lcd.print("RESETTING"); 253 delay(1000); 254 for(int count = 9; count >= 0; count = count - 1){ 255 lcd.setCursor(15,1); 256 lcd.print(count); //count down from 10 257 delay(1000); 258 } 259 setpoint = 50; //reset setpoint at 50. 260 displtimeon = millis(); 261 } 262 263 //turn on humidifier relay if below setpoint --------RELAY CONTROL 264 //RELAY MODULE IS ACTIVE LOW 265 if(DHT.humidity <= setpoint - 3 and syson == true){ //if humidity is 3% lower than setpoint 266 Serial.println("humidifier ON, fan OFF"); 267 digitalWrite(humidifier, LOW); //turn on humidifier 268 digitalWrite(fan, HIGH); 269 } 270 else if(DHT.humidity >= setpoint + 3 and syson == true){ //if humidity is 3% above setpoint 271 Serial.println("humidifier OFF, fan ON"); 272 digitalWrite(humidifier, HIGH); //turn on fan 273 digitalWrite(fan, LOW); 274 } 275 else{ 276 Serial.println("all off"); //if humidity is within 3% of setpoint 277 digitalWrite(humidifier, HIGH); //turn both off 278 digitalWrite(fan, HIGH); 279 } 280 //delay(700); //un-comment for serial debugging 281 282 Serial.print("setpoint = "); 283 Serial.println(setpoint); 284 285 //delay(700); //un-comment for serial debugging 286} 287 288/* WIRING DIAGRAMS 289 290 */
Downloadable files
wiring diagram
wiring diagram
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Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hey , i install dht.h library but i see always dht.h: No such file or directory
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Will try this fall. Im in engineering school and not only have music instruments to take care of, i think this is brilliant! Please share other ideas ....
4 years ago
Will try this fall. Im in engineering school and not only have music instruments to take care of, i think this is brilliant! Please share other ideas ....
5 years ago
Thanks for sharing this project - just what I need to look after my mushroom growing cabinet :-) It won't compile in 1.81, I'm getting three errors....first error in the listing seems to be lower case on line 18 #include <dht.h> then on compiling it stops here on line 23 with 'dht does not name a type' (fair enough maybe, so changed for DHT DHT_sens(10, DHT11); from a listing that DOES work. Its a type DHT11 and its on digital pin 10. Then it stops on line 270 } else if(DHT.humidity >= setpoint + 3 and syson == true){ //if humidity is 3% above setpoint Serial.println("humidifier OFF, fan ON"); digitalWrite(humidifier, HIGH); //turn on fan digitalWrite(fan, LOW); } else{ Serial.println("all off"); //if humidity is within 3% of setpoint digitalWrite(humidifier, HIGH); //turn both off digitalWrite(fan, HIGH); } //delay(700); //un-comment for serial debugging Serial.print("setpoint = "); Serial.println(setpoint); //delay(700); //un-comment for serial debugging } UNQUOTE with the message "expected primary-expression before '.' token". Not sure why really. I'm sure I've downloaded and checked the various libraries as both my LCD and DH11 work with separate test programs. Any ideas?
2 years ago
I've tried the listing in the on-line compiler and it fails in the same manner and same messages as above. How did you get it to work?
Anonymous user
6 years ago
Hey , i install dht.h library but i see always dht.h: No such file or directory
3 months ago
Thanks for sharing this project. I'm a student of electronic engineering. I'm really interested in learning more from it. I was wondering if it would be possible for me to take a look at your PCB schematic diagram? It would be of great help for my studies.