Cheap portable Cocktail maker Barbot with App!

Grate to have and envoy with friends. Made compact so you take it with you on the go.

Jun 7, 2020


68 respects

Components and supplies


Arduino UNO


Wires in the colors red and black 0,75mm²


Pump 12V DC


0,1qF capicitators


Male/Female Jumper Wires


Bluetooth module HC-05


Breadboard (generic)


Relay module 8 Channel 5V


6m of silicone hose 6x9mm


Resistor 1k ohm


Through Hole Resistor, 2 kohm


Jumper wires (generic)

Tools and machines


Soldering iron (generic)


Drill / Driver, 20V


Solder Wire, Lead Free


Wire Stripper & Cutter, 18-10 AWG / 0.75-4mm² Capacity Wires


Multitool, Screwdriver


Drill bit for wood 28mm diameters

Apps and platforms


MIT App Inventor 2

Project description


App source file (not needed for build)


This is an AIA file that you can upload in MIT app inventor. Please note that I'm new to app inventor so maybe some things are not that well written but it work :-).

App source file (not needed for build)


This is an AIA file that you can upload in MIT app inventor. Please note that I'm new to app inventor so maybe some things are not that well written but it work :-).

Arduino cocktailmaker with Bluetooth


To connect over bluetooth and let the cocktailmaker make you drinks.

Downloadable files

App made wit MIT app inventor 2

You have to install this on your phone to connect the cocktailmaker and send commands to make drinks.

App made wit MIT app inventor 2

Schematic Cocktailmaker 8 pumps

Use this to solder/connect the wires

Schematic Cocktailmaker 8 pumps

Schematic Cocktailmaker 8 pumps

Use this to solder/connect the wires

Schematic Cocktailmaker 8 pumps

App made wit MIT app inventor 2

You have to install this on your phone to connect the cocktailmaker and send commands to make drinks.

App made wit MIT app inventor 2


Only logged in users can leave comments


a year ago

Can you share the demensions of the pump? because the link of the pump doens't exist anymore.


a year ago

Hi Great Project. I would love to see the logic behind your App so i can adjust to my project but i am having trouble installing your app on my Mac. Is there a way around it? Thanks.


2 years ago

Hi this is great. I’m in the process of making one now. And would like to extend the number of relays. But I’m having trouble with the MIT App inventor. I have downloaded your app but would like to open it in the computer and try and make some changes. Could you send me the code please?


2 years ago

hello i have a question , what do you mean of qF ? i don't understand

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Awesome Project.. How to make some screen confirmation for less sugar or no sugar?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

There is any way to edit the app? I would like to translate into my native language and do some modifications on drinks. Congratulations on the project!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

have you tested how the pump handles carbonated drinks, such as "pepsi", "coca cola"?


2 years ago

Yes, it works fine.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi I'm looking for something same like this project. Please can you share any email for more details?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I just wanted to know that like how the pipes are connected to the motors . Can You please post the video about the pipe management. Like how the pipes are connected to the motor

Anonymous user

2 years ago

hi is it possible to change from milleseconds to Ounces?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello can also post the tutorial on how didto program the MIT for cocktail maker.. I would to create with a different type of drinks..thanks

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I want to know how the Programming(Software) of the Adriano changes if i use Buttons instead of the Bluetooth device. Also i Need to know how to wire the Buttons to the arduino (Hardware). I hope you can help me. Thank you :)

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hallo Zusammen, ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Lösung! Ist es möglich die Pumpen gleichzeitig einschalten und abhängig von der Zeit auszuschalten? Somit würde sich die Mix Zeit verkürzen! Gruß Sven

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello i tried to do it myself and i connected everything same as you. I changed the Arduino Program and the MIT App so that it works for my BarBot but it doesnt work. I can connect with the App, it says im connected, but when i press something it doesnt start at all. Heres my App and my arduino code, can you look over it?


2 years ago

If it does not work with the Bluetooth terminal app or my app we can say it will be the bluetooth module or the code for the Bluetooth module. This is good! we isolated the problem! I had also issues in the past when prototyping this. The code you uploaded to dropbox is not correct because you put library's in comments (using //). I would recommend that you follow this tutorial to get familiar with the Bluetooth module: Try to upload the code provided by the tutorial and test it out. Afterwards you can change the code to work for you. You are almost there! :-)


2 years ago

First of all, I checked your code and why is //#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //SoftwareSerial EEBlue(0, 1); // RX | TX in comments ("//")? In the app I made it so that you have to press a button for a long time (1s). If you did not change you may have to press the button longer. Step1 Check if you are actually connected with the bluetooth module. If so the lights stops flashing of the Bluetooth module. Step2 If the lights stop flashing of the bluetooth module: Connect the Arduino to a PC or Laptop and open the serial communication. Then press a button and see if the Arduino is picking op something. If so let me know what you pick-up. So try those two things and we will go further from there. You could also try downloading my original app and press a button and see if you can read it on your Arduino to make sure the connection is OK. I will check this blog tomorrow.


2 years ago

- Check the wiring (it can be confusing with the TX connected with the RX and such). - Make sure you are connected to the bluetooth module. - Download Bluetooth Terminal app on your phone and send "a" character to the connected bluetooth module. If this works there is something wrong in the app. Let me know what your find (it is hard to troubleshoot from a distance...) Good luck!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello, so i figured out something was wrong with my power supply and i fixed that, but when i try to start your arduino-code and your app nothing is being sent to the serial monitor in the serial monitor i only see that text with bluetooth-gates are open...

Anonymous user

2 years ago

So i did what you said and in the terminal app it said bluetooth device connected and the lights stopped flashing, i wrote an 1 or an a and an 97 i didnt get a respond. i also saw when i restart the arduino for 1sec the light for tx next to the light for on/off blinked for 1sec but the light for rx didnt blink. i also tried to switch the connections between tx and rx but it was the same

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Ok i will try what you said and i will write what happened in the next days

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Ok, so when i press a in the seria monitor it does a vodka sprite but when i press the button in your MIT-app nothing happens, thats the only issue

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I know this whole post is about building your own. Im really new to this and have no idea where to start. Are you willing to build one for someone to purchase. Iam looking for the everything you have set up including the app. I can run the hoses myself.


2 years ago

Hello, I'm not a company in any way but you could maybe ask a school to build it for you. I live in Belgium and I think the shipping would be expensive and it is fragile. I think you are better of buying all the components and look for somebody to assist you. sorry for the late reply :-)

Anonymous user

2 years ago

_Hello! I am new to projects and I only have 1k ohm and 10k ohm can I use one of these instead of the Through Hole Resistor, 2k ohm?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

You can use 2 2k ohm resistors in series to make a 2k resistor. If you mean you haven only 1 1k resistor and 1 10k resistor you can not make the voltage divider. If you want to learn more about this topic you should google "voltager devider" and you will learn more what it does. Good luck!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

great project, i am tryin to build it, after all the wiring done i went to connect power up, all the pump turn on. the bluetooth is conecting with the app but is not doing anything else. what could be wrong?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

what are the parameters to make the code selectable for like "pour XX ounces " and the XX is selected on the app??

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello i know this is kinda late but i can you explane how that if (state == 'a') works i mean what is the "a".

Anonymous user

2 years ago

hello my friend i have a problem with this project , i copy de code in arduinoand I enter the app I give any button and nothing happens, I do not enter , chek the code and the conections and and everything is fine please help me


2 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. I don't get email notification for some reason. Did you resolve the issue?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

the capacitors are stated 1qF - is that 1 uF?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Can I edit the app? It would be to translate into my native language. Congratulations on the project!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi, first of all, sorry for my english, i speak french. I was looking for something like this but all the other project i've found looks really complicated to do. I've never work with adruino, it will all be new to me. I will order my part but i would like to know if we could had more bottle to the project by adding another relay module or linking some kit together ? If yes, i'm not asking to do everything for me, i need and want to learn but if someone could point me a starting point to be able to link more kit together or add relay module to this project it will be appreciated. At the end, i'd like to have all my alcohol bottle link in this system. Thanks a lot. Eric


2 years ago

You should buy the 16 relay modules. Just make sure the work on 5V. An example: => select 16 relay module and "5V". Also the Arduino Uno has not enough outputs for 16 relays so you have to get the Arduino Mega instead of the Arduino Uno. I maybe would recommend buying a starting kit for Arduino and do some tutorials because you will have to write your own code to add some drinks. You also have to add some buttons to the App inventor app so you have to learn a litlle bit about app inventor. The first real project I did was making this cocktailmaker : So 16 bottles is no problem... :-)

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello. Great Project ! Can you give us a link where to get the same pumps ?


2 years ago

9 months late but here you go: ttps:// :-)

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Awesome project! Is there a way this project can be build using ESP32(to avoid buying the Bluetooth module)? I tried to convert your CODE with no luck. Any help will be much appreciated.


2 years ago

Hello , Sorry , I write in German. Haben Sie noch die Datei für die App von .appinventor? Ich würde die gerne auf deutsch übersetzen wollen. Baue grade was sehr Ähnliches. Tolles Projekt, gefällt mir sehr gut. Gruß Referent


2 years ago

I have a Question. In the Block is the Bluetooth , there are a box with "call bluetooth send 1byte. what is the number 97,98,99,100 and so long? Anddddd , my APP is ready. Greets Referent


2 years ago

Thank you very much. It helps me a lot. When my Projekt is finished, i send you a link to look. greets Referent


2 years ago

Das Video habe ich , verstehe es nur noch nicht so mit der Bluetoothverbindung und mit den einzelnen Ansteuerungen zum Arduino. Deshalb wollte ich gern die AIA haben , um daraus zu lernen. Habe die App schon fast fertig , noch 4 std ca. , dann ist sie soweit.


2 years ago

Thank you very much , I see it ASCII say "a" and it is Number 97 . It is so good to learn with my 46 Years ;) Your Projekt is so awesome . Next step by me is the Code for Arduino. I take an Arduino mega because I want to make more cocktails and want to add other different things like LEDs, for which I need more digital ports. I've finished the APP, can I show it to you? Your idea is really great and very brilliant. Thank you very much for all of your help. here in germany there are not so many people are helping. And I'm learning a little bit of English again greetings and stay healthy Referent My Projekt (First Steps)


2 years ago

Hello , I make with MIT APPinventor an APP for me. But i need very much Help. Your AIA-File can help me a LOT to build my own app. Please can you share the File with me? Greetings Referent.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Ascii Code Table

Anonymous user

2 years ago In den Kommentaren findest du alles was du brauchst.


2 years ago

This are indeed the letters the Arduino will receive. In the Arduino code you can find the letters. for example 'c' which is the letter needed to make a cosmo. MIT send it in Ascii so like Ketelkadabre mentioned. you can find the number for each letter in the table.


2 years ago

Hello, I added the code to the project so you can download the AIA file. It is not well documented but if you worked with MIT app inventor before you will understand it after some searching. I wish you good luck!


2 years ago

Hello, Seafox_c , i have a Problem. I want to copy the sketch and Arduino says " there is a Error". I have a Screenshot on my side with the Error . I have no Idea , what is it. Can you help me a little? Greets Lars


2 years ago

Hallo , hab es jetzt Public gemacht. Jetzt kann man kommentieren. Habe dann auch denn Fehler mit den 10 Angaben gefunden. Sketch ist drauf und ohne Fehler. Nun kommt das nächste Problem, dazu aber auf meiner Seite mehr. Gruß Referent.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Moin, kann auf deiner Seite irgendwie nicht kommentieren.. Jedenfalls hast du beim Mixen der Cocktails einen Wert vergessen. Dort sind nämlich nur 10, statt den sicherlich gewollten 11 Werten angegeben. Beim Set-Up sind die jedoch vollständig. Denn sollte es eigentlich funktionieren. LG

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I missed some notifications? Did you solve the problem?


2 years ago

Hello Seafox_C , yeah , after a long Time of other Things , im back to get this Project ready. I have a new Code from very good Friends and Helper in the Forum. Now i have to build the Maker. I have not so much Time to build , but Step by Step i come Closer to Finish. Have you seee my Side? In the near Future i update it. I have also a 16 Relay Board to mix . Greetings from Germany , Referent


2 years ago

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Im 13 and Im Mclovin the idea. Would you buy me the alcohol and thwen ill [pay you afterfwards no betrayal brothers for life

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi! Awesome project! My intention would be to build this project, but I would add one function; The machine would detect (e.g. with a microswitch) that the glass is on the base and the stepper motor would raise the base so that the top edge of the glass would always be at the same height regardless of the height of the glass. The upper limit would be either a microswitch or an ir sensor (?). The base would descend back down when the drink is ready. For myself, that programming is still in its infancy, but would you give a tip for programming that platform ...? :)

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello, could you send me the file so I can change the names of the drinks in the app?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I want to make this project but need to know how the carbonated drinks stay carbonated as the escaping co2 means the drinks go flat quick with the pump valves open. My idea for this project is to make it like the coca cola freestyle machine. I have already designed the android app in app inventor ready to connect but want to ensure that the carbonation is sealed with the pumps? Thanks and great project! Mike

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello i have a question. Which Unit do you mean with 1 "q"F ?


2 years ago

i've never seen it written that way, but there's nothing else similar that it could mean, so i have to assume he means micro Farad. normally, you would use uF, but the actual letter isn't a u, it's like a cross between a u and a q.

Anonymous user

3 years ago

I want to know how the Programming(Software) of the Adriano changes if i use Buttons instead of the Bluetooth device. Also i Need to know how to wire the Buttons to the arduino (Hardware). I hope you can help me. Thank you :)

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Hello can also post the tutorial on how didto program the MIT for cocktail maker.. I would to create with a different type of drinks..thanks

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Awesome Project.. How to make some screen confirmation for less sugar or no sugar?


3 years ago

Hello Seafox_C , yeah , after a long Time of other Things , im back to get this Project ready. I have a new Code from very good Friends and Helper in the Forum. Now i have to build the Maker. I have not so much Time to build , but Step by Step i come Closer to Finish. Have you seee my Side? In the near Future i update it. I have also a 16 Relay Board to mix . Greetings from Germany , Referent


2 years ago

For your Cocktailmixer on the Video Above i have a §D-File for your Bottle. Greets Referent


2 years ago

Anonymous user

3 years ago

great project, i am tryin to build it, after all the wiring done i went to connect power up, all the pump turn on. the bluetooth is conecting with the app but is not doing anything else. what could be wrong?

Anonymous user

3 years ago

There is any way to edit the app? I would like to translate into my native language and do some modifications on drinks. Congratulations on the project!

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Awesome project! Is there a way this project can be build using ESP32(to avoid buying the Bluetooth module)? I tried to convert your CODE with no luck. Any help will be much appreciated.

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Can I edit the app? It would be to translate into my native language. Congratulations on the project!


3 years ago

Hi! Awesome project! My intention would be to build this project, but I would add one function; The machine would detect (e.g. with a microswitch) that the glass is on the base and the stepper motor would raise the base so that the top edge of the glass would always be at the same height regardless of the height of the glass. The upper limit would be either a microswitch or an ir sensor (?). The base would descend back down when the drink is ready. For myself, that programming is still in its infancy, but would you give a tip for programming that platform ...? :)

Anonymous user

4 years ago

hello my friend i have a problem with this project , i copy de code in arduinoand I enter the app I give any button and nothing happens, I do not enter , chek the code and the conections and and everything is fine please help me


2 years ago

Sorry for the late reply. I don't get email notification for some reason. Did you resolve the issue?


4 years ago

Im 13 and Im Mclovin the idea. Would you buy me the alcohol and thwen ill [pay you afterfwards no betrayal brothers for life

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hallo Zusammen, ich bin auf der Suche nach einer Lösung! Ist es möglich die Pumpen gleichzeitig einschalten und abhängig von der Zeit auszuschalten? Somit würde sich die Mix Zeit verkürzen! Gruß Sven

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hello i tried to do it myself and i connected everything same as you. I changed the Arduino Program and the MIT App so that it works for my BarBot but it doesnt work. I can connect with the App, it says im connected, but when i press something it doesnt start at all. Heres my App and my arduino code, can you look over it?


2 years ago

First of all, I checked your code and why is //#include <SoftwareSerial.h> //SoftwareSerial EEBlue(0, 1); // RX | TX in comments ("//")? In the app I made it so that you have to press a button for a long time (1s). If you did not change you may have to press the button longer. Step1 Check if you are actually connected with the bluetooth module. If so the lights stops flashing of the Bluetooth module. Step2 If the lights stop flashing of the bluetooth module: Connect the Arduino to a PC or Laptop and open the serial communication. Then press a button and see if the Arduino is picking op something. If so let me know what you pick-up. So try those two things and we will go further from there. You could also try downloading my original app and press a button and see if you can read it on your Arduino to make sure the connection is OK. I will check this blog tomorrow.


2 years ago

If it does not work with the Bluetooth terminal app or my app we can say it will be the bluetooth module or the code for the Bluetooth module. This is good! we isolated the problem! I had also issues in the past when prototyping this. The code you uploaded to dropbox is not correct because you put library's in comments (using //). I would recommend that you follow this tutorial to get familiar with the Bluetooth module: Try to upload the code provided by the tutorial and test it out. Afterwards you can change the code to work for you. You are almost there! :-)


2 years ago

- Check the wiring (it can be confusing with the TX connected with the RX and such). - Make sure you are connected to the bluetooth module. - Download Bluetooth Terminal app on your phone and send "a" character to the connected bluetooth module. If this works there is something wrong in the app. Let me know what your find (it is hard to troubleshoot from a distance...) Good luck!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Ok, so when i press a in the seria monitor it does a vodka sprite but when i press the button in your MIT-app nothing happens, thats the only issue

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Ok i will try what you said and i will write what happened in the next days

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello, so i figured out something was wrong with my power supply and i fixed that, but when i try to start your arduino-code and your app nothing is being sent to the serial monitor in the serial monitor i only see that text with bluetooth-gates are open...

Anonymous user

2 years ago

So i did what you said and in the terminal app it said bluetooth device connected and the lights stopped flashing, i wrote an 1 or an a and an 97 i didnt get a respond. i also saw when i restart the arduino for 1sec the light for tx next to the light for on/off blinked for 1sec but the light for rx didnt blink. i also tried to switch the connections between tx and rx but it was the same

Anonymous user

4 years ago

the capacitors are stated 1qF - is that 1 uF?

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hello i know this is kinda late but i can you explane how that if (state == 'a') works i mean what is the "a".

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hi, first of all, sorry for my english, i speak french. I was looking for something like this but all the other project i've found looks really complicated to do. I've never work with adruino, it will all be new to me. I will order my part but i would like to know if we could had more bottle to the project by adding another relay module or linking some kit together ? If yes, i'm not asking to do everything for me, i need and want to learn but if someone could point me a starting point to be able to link more kit together or add relay module to this project it will be appreciated. At the end, i'd like to have all my alcohol bottle link in this system. Thanks a lot. Eric


2 years ago

You should buy the 16 relay modules. Just make sure the work on 5V. An example: => select 16 relay module and "5V". Also the Arduino Uno has not enough outputs for 16 relays so you have to get the Arduino Mega instead of the Arduino Uno. I maybe would recommend buying a starting kit for Arduino and do some tutorials because you will have to write your own code to add some drinks. You also have to add some buttons to the App inventor app so you have to learn a litlle bit about app inventor. The first real project I did was making this cocktailmaker : So 16 bottles is no problem... :-)

Anonymous user

4 years ago

what are the parameters to make the code selectable for like "pour XX ounces " and the XX is selected on the app??

Anonymous user

4 years ago

hi is it possible to change from milleseconds to Ounces?

Anonymous user

4 years ago

_Hello! I am new to projects and I only have 1k ohm and 10k ohm can I use one of these instead of the Through Hole Resistor, 2k ohm?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

You can use 2 2k ohm resistors in series to make a 2k resistor. If you mean you haven only 1 1k resistor and 1 10k resistor you can not make the voltage divider. If you want to learn more about this topic you should google "voltager devider" and you will learn more what it does. Good luck!


4 years ago

Hello, Seafox_c , i have a Problem. I want to copy the sketch and Arduino says " there is a Error". I have a Screenshot on my side with the Error . I have no Idea , what is it. Can you help me a little? Greets Lars

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I missed some notifications? Did you solve the problem?


2 years ago

Hallo , hab es jetzt Public gemacht. Jetzt kann man kommentieren. Habe dann auch denn Fehler mit den 10 Angaben gefunden. Sketch ist drauf und ohne Fehler. Nun kommt das nächste Problem, dazu aber auf meiner Seite mehr. Gruß Referent.


2 years ago

Moin, kann auf deiner Seite irgendwie nicht kommentieren.. Jedenfalls hast du beim Mixen der Cocktails einen Wert vergessen. Dort sind nämlich nur 10, statt den sicherlich gewollten 11 Werten angegeben. Beim Set-Up sind die jedoch vollständig. Denn sollte es eigentlich funktionieren. LG


4 years ago

Hello , Sorry , I write in German. Haben Sie noch die Datei für die App von .appinventor? Ich würde die gerne auf deutsch übersetzen wollen. Baue grade was sehr Ähnliches. Tolles Projekt, gefällt mir sehr gut. Gruß Referent


2 years ago In den Kommentaren findest du alles was du brauchst.


2 years ago

Hello, I added the code to the project so you can download the AIA file. It is not well documented but if you worked with MIT app inventor before you will understand it after some searching. I wish you good luck!


2 years ago

This are indeed the letters the Arduino will receive. In the Arduino code you can find the letters. for example 'c' which is the letter needed to make a cosmo. MIT send it in Ascii so like Ketelkadabre mentioned. you can find the number for each letter in the table.


2 years ago

Thank you very much. It helps me a lot. When my Projekt is finished, i send you a link to look. greets Referent


2 years ago

I have a Question. In the Block is the Bluetooth , there are a box with "call bluetooth send 1byte. what is the number 97,98,99,100 and so long? Anddddd , my APP is ready. Greets Referent


2 years ago

Hello , I make with MIT APPinventor an APP for me. But i need very much Help. Your AIA-File can help me a LOT to build my own app. Please can you share the File with me? Greetings Referent.


2 years ago

Das Video habe ich , verstehe es nur noch nicht so mit der Bluetoothverbindung und mit den einzelnen Ansteuerungen zum Arduino. Deshalb wollte ich gern die AIA haben , um daraus zu lernen. Habe die App schon fast fertig , noch 4 std ca. , dann ist sie soweit.


2 years ago

Thank you very much , I see it ASCII say "a" and it is Number 97 . It is so good to learn with my 46 Years ;) Your Projekt is so awesome . Next step by me is the Code for Arduino. I take an Arduino mega because I want to make more cocktails and want to add other different things like LEDs, for which I need more digital ports. I've finished the APP, can I show it to you? Your idea is really great and very brilliant. Thank you very much for all of your help. here in germany there are not so many people are helping. And I'm learning a little bit of English again greetings and stay healthy Referent My Projekt (First Steps)


2 years ago

Ascii Code Table

Anonymous user

4 years ago

I know this whole post is about building your own. Im really new to this and have no idea where to start. Are you willing to build one for someone to purchase. Iam looking for the everything you have set up including the app. I can run the hoses myself.


2 years ago

Hello, I'm not a company in any way but you could maybe ask a school to build it for you. I live in Belgium and I think the shipping would be expensive and it is fragile. I think you are better of buying all the components and look for somebody to assist you. sorry for the late reply :-)

Anonymous user

5 years ago

Hello. Great Project ! Can you give us a link where to get the same pumps ?


2 years ago

9 months late but here you go: ttps:// :-)

Anonymous user

5 years ago

have you tested how the pump handles carbonated drinks, such as "pepsi", "coca cola"?


2 years ago

Yes, it works fine.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I just wanted to know that like how the pipes are connected to the motors . Can You please post the video about the pipe management. Like how the pipes are connected to the motor

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi I'm looking for something same like this project. Please can you share any email for more details?