Components and supplies
Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298
6V NiMh 2000mAh rechargeable battery
Robot Chassis
Painter's stick
DC motor (generic)
Solderless Breadboard Half Size
Electrical tape
9V battery (generic)
9V Battery Clip
Jumper wires (generic)
Arduino UNO
Caster wheel
IR Sensors
Angle Bracket
Project description
PID Line Follower Robot Code
Downloadable files
PID Line Follower Robot Schematic
Sorry if this is not the best diagram/schematic, and if you have any questions about the IR sensor wiring I'd be happy to help. The reason for this is I had trouble finding IR sensor modules on Fritzing.
PID Line Follower Robot Schematic
PID Line Follower Robot Schematic
Sorry if this is not the best diagram/schematic, and if you have any questions about the IR sensor wiring I'd be happy to help. The reason for this is I had trouble finding IR sensor modules on Fritzing.
PID Line Follower Robot Schematic
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Anonymous user
2 years ago
The complete schematic available! Please!
2 years ago
Please Send complete schematic Crazyyyy Man
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Wow! outstanding!
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Please provide the complete schematics ...
5 years ago
Please Send complete schematic Crazyyyy Man
Anonymous user
7 years ago
hello, i have some problem with my project. I have to make an autonomous car with nvidia Tk1 and arduino uno, i must to set PID controller. Can you have me? confirm if you can. My email is: Thank you so much!
Anonymous user
7 years ago
Please provide the complete schematics ...
Anonymous user
8 years ago
complete schematics please, or the configuration of the ir input puts from left to right
Anonymous user
8 years ago
The complete schematic available! Please!
8 years ago
Wow! outstanding!
•0 Projects
Elliot the Line Follower Robot | Arduino Project Hub
Anonymous user
2 years ago
complete schematics please, or the configuration of the ir input puts from left to right