Programming 4 Digit 7 Segment LED Display

Writing in a 4 digit 7 segment LED display.

Feb 14, 2017


215 respects

Components and supplies


Arduino UNO


Jumper wires (generic)


4 digit 7 Segment Led display

Project description




What we do in This code is called multiplexing ( I recommend you watch the video t understand it better). the point is that in A, B, C, ... when it says they´re HIGH they´re off an when it says they´re LOW they´re on. Usually its the other way around but not today. Good Luck

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a year ago

Yes I agree no limiting current resistors to each segment which will ruin the arduino board. Just add a limiting resistors to each digit will help.


a year ago

Hi everyone, I made a simple library that you can use to write numbers on a display:


a year ago

There's no current limiting resistors. It's recommended to use transistors to switch the digits as it's very easy to overload your Arduino pins. They are rated at 20mA, 40mA absolute maximum BUT there is a current limit for each port and the entire chip (200mA) going anywhere near this risks the magic smoke or bonding wire failure. You can multiplex from the Arduino directly but you are really limited to 3mA per segment or less which, unless you are using a high efficiency display will result in a very dim display especially with multiplexing. In the above circuit, assuming current limiting resistors are selected for 5mA of current per segment (around 750 ohms) 40mA can flow through the digit common, damaging the Arduino. Use a PNP transistor (Common Anode) or NPN (Common Cathode) to switch the digits. A better idea is to use a power shift register such as the TPIC6B595 to drive the segments as you can increase the current to prevent a dim display. With multiplexing only one digit is on for x number of total digits thus reducing brightness. You need to increase the current to compensate but always refer to datasheets to ensure current limits are not exceeded. A rough guide for a 4 digit display using modern, high efficiency displays is to have 20mA of segment current giving an average of 5mA depending on the duty cycle. A danger of multiplexing if the program stops it can leave some segments lit and can blow the LED display depending on the current selected. Anyway I have rambled on long enough. But as Grumpy_Mike said and others this circuit will damage your Arduino and / or LED displays if used as-is. With suitable current limiting resistors it *could* work. But the display will be dim.


2 years ago

Sorry but that circuit is absolute rubbish. There are no current limiting resistors, nor drivers for the common, anode or cathode display. You no not even specify what sort of display, common, anode or cathode to use.

Like so many misguided guides you assume that the act of multiplexing will some how protect the Arduino pins from being overloaded. It does NOT.

The peak current of a multiplexed display is not diminished in any way. I suggest this project is either removed from here, or updated to remove the errors in it.


2 years ago

me to


2 years ago

me to


2 years ago

me to


2 years ago

me to


a year ago

This same schematic is on other guide sites. It won't work as you say and ideally transistors should be used to switch the digit common pins. I've posted my own opinions on it separately.


2 years ago

Design an arduino based system to interface 7 segment display and switch to implement a display system which will work as when switch is on display E and when switch is off display 0


2 years ago

Hello sir I need your exprience and help and ask you about control devices by relays and gsm800L and the feedback as message in mobil can I measure the loads and the message feed back to my mobil as agauge or curve and what is the program that I used to help me in this project

Anonymous user

2 years ago

TWO WARNINGS: this project and code DOESN'T WORK and may it DAMAGE your Arduino and/or display! PLEASE @SAnwandter1, please fix this project to save many people hours of troubleshooting or worse; expense in damaged hardware! ——————————————————————————————————— . The wiring diagram doesn't include RESISTORS which means it may burn out your LEDs and/or Arduino. . The project's code outputs RUBBISH to the screen! See the comment and code by Maverick1701 — however even this code doesn't have the right digit code to output proper numbers! . The following code is working for me… displaying "0123" on the display. - /* A --- F | | B | G | --- E | | C | | --- D // This example code is in the public domain. // USE RESISTORS on the SEGMENT wires! (Arduino pins 2 to 8) */ // int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; // // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { digitalWrite(D1, LOW); // NOTE that LOW denotes the active DIGIT digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //0 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); // NOTE that HIGH denotes an active SEGMENT digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for one millisecond digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); // NOTE that LOW denotes the active digit digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //1 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); // NOTE that HIGH denotes an active SEGMENT digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for one millisecond digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); // NOTE that LOW denotes the active DIGIT digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //2 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); // NOTE that HIGH denotes an active SEGMENT digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1); // wait for one millisecond digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); // NOTE that LOW denotes the active DIGIT //3 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); // NOTE that HIGH denotes an active SEGMENT digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1); // wait for one millisecond // I've only include digits 0123 – I'm sure if you've got this far you can work out the rest. } -

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Im currently using Arduino and a 4 digit 7 segment display for an escape room timer. Instead of a traditional timer, that counts down from some number to zero, my timer is going to display the voltage of a battery (not actual but its going to keep the game moving as the voltage drops). The game will be a failure if the participants can not solve the room within the allotted time (I'm thinking 20-30 min) and the voltage will start dropping from 12.5V, 12.4, 12.3, 12.2... until when if falls below 11.5V the game is over. Thanks for the info, now I have a good place to start!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

You could additionally create two variables one called `high` and another one called `low` to fix the issue with `HIGH` and `LOW` on `D1`, `D2`, `D3`, and `D4` like so: > _Place this on top of your code before `setup()` and `loop()`:_ ``` #define high = 0x0 #define LOW = 0x1 ``` It should work as C's variables are case-sensitive, which means `HIGH` isn't the same as `high` and `low` isn't the same as `LOW`.


2 years ago

How to make a timer of the same wiring from this project?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

The millis() returns the time since the code started. You can take the output to turn into numbers.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello, I don't think the schematic used in this post is correct because the connections don't match the pin assignments in the code. The datasheet shows that pin 1 of the LED display (the pink wire connecting pin 6 on Arduino in the schematic used here) is for Digit 1 but the variable D1 (the blue wire connection to pin 9 of Arduino in the schematic) indicating digit 1 of LED in the code is connected to pin 16 of the display. Please take a note of this! Also, the pin numbering vary with the LED display. Make sure to check the datasheet for the right configuration. Link to the datasheet of the sparkfun seven segment LED used in this post -

Anonymous user

2 years ago

How can I do to put 10 or 11 or 12 or 24?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Your settings for the delay in your code is incorrect for the first 3-4 characters. You have delay(1) and it should be delay(1000). (for those wondering why it may not be working). Also, your code was incorrect for 0 through 3. Given your diagram of the digits at the top of the code... "HIGH" means "OFF". That being the case, "ZERO" should have "G" set as HIGH and the rest set to LOW. This will make the middle line "G" turn off and the rest A,B,C,D,E,F to LOW in which will turn on the lights needed. I have also noted in the code // to show what code "Moves" to the next digit until finaly staying on the last. GOOD WORK and the effort is MUCH appreciated! // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { // THIS MOVES BELOW CODE TO THE NEXT LCD BLOCK digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //THIS ENDS THE MOVEMENT AND REMAINS ON THE LAST BLOCK FOR THE FOLLOWING DIGITS //0 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second // THIS MOVES BELOW CODE TO THE NEXT LCD BLOCK digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //THIS ENDS THE MOVEMENT AND REMAINS ON THE LAST BLOCK FOR THE FOLLOWING DIGITS //1 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second // THIS MOVES BELOW CODE TO THE NEXT LCD BLOCK digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //THIS ENDS THE MOVEMENT AND REMAINS ON THE LAST BLOCK FOR THE FOLLOWING DIGITS //2 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second // THIS MOVES BELOW CODE TO THE NEXT LCD BLOCK digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //THIS ENDS THE MOVEMENT AND REMAINS ON THE LAST BLOCK FOR THE FOLLOWING DIGITS //3 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //4 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //5 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //6 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //7 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //8 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //9 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second }


2 years ago

Thanks for your contribution and for pointing out that mistake, I'll try to fix it. Glad you liked it!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

no resistor needed?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Yes a resistor is needed on every anode. If you just have one on the cathode then the brightness will change depending on how many segments are on at the same time. This circuit will damage your Arduino.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

that is true,i had to get another auruino cuz the oter one was acting strange:<

Anonymous user

2 years ago

hi, i have a problem, my 0 looks like 5, 2 is A, and 3 is something like this /¨¨/ anyone has a problem like that?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

So, I followed this tutorial and in reality - my 4th digit started to burn out. Brightness decreased. But I found another tutorial that instead added 220 ohm resistors on pin 2-8. So be careful if you are going to do this tutorial and add 8x 220 ohm resistors

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Thanks for this - the video was the simplest + clearest explanation of how to control the 7-segment display. I'd just not understood it from the other projects I'd seen but this made it simple. I like your tidy garage/workshop too. All my stuff's in a heap on the kitchen table.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

my display showed this,"9999" what is wrong? ;)

Anonymous user

2 years ago


Anonymous user

2 years ago


Anonymous user

2 years ago


Anonymous user

2 years ago

My code makes this: _ _ _ _ I_I I_I _I I I _ I_ I_ I_

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Thanks. I've made nice thermometer with your help..


2 years ago

Wow! You should show people how to make that! That is really cool!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

how do you code 1/4 at a time? all digits are the same and i can't make them different

Anonymous user

2 years ago

What if you want it to count a button press what do you do then?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello, Thank you for doing this project. I have set up my wiring on my half-size breadboard just like your schematic says, and I also copied the code with the link provided, into my Arduino program and uploaded to my Arduino UNO. However, I'm not displaying the number correctly like you show... I posted a link in a forum with pictures here Thanks for your help and time.


2 years ago

Did you watch the video for the connections?? If you did than it might be that your LED display is different than mine. It's a little hard to explain through chat, thanks for asking, sorry for the inconvenients


2 years ago

Don;t we have to put resistors?


2 years ago

great project for beginners . thanks alot


2 years ago

Good idea, try to update the project by adding a LCD to make a sort of visual display. (Try making it a game)


2 years ago

How to make countdown using this code sir?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Nice detailed project. For controllers with more limited I/O, the SPI bus is a good alternative. There is an SPI-controlled backpack with 4 7-segement digits at

Anonymous user

2 years ago

No current limiting resistors for the LEDs?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

JUST HAD TO LOG IN TO SAY A MASSIVE THANKS FOR SHARING !!!!!! HJGE Thanks for also keeping projects like this Open-Source and free for learning and getting people into the Arduino coding world, keep inspiring folks, well done and again - a "Large & in-Charge" Thanks ! PS; oh also, i had found an IC that can be hooked up to an arduino to save on pins, but its an SMD type component, the MAX7219 - i havent yet hooked it up to an Arduino yet but will endeavour to do so soon with the help of an adapter PCB to convert it to TH (Through-hole) so it can be bread-boarded easier, im sure there are better ones out there that are TH but i dont know of any as im always buying SMD parts, plus if you ever need any help making a PCB, gimmi a shout :)


2 years ago

This is a basic, 4-digit 7-segment display - blue in color. It has a common anode. The display features one decimal point per digit, and individually controllable apostrophe and colon points. The LEDs have a forward voltage of 3.4VDC and a max forward current of 20mA.


2 years ago

Hi, try this code: /* Showing number 0-9 on a Common Anode 7-segment LED display Displays the numbers 0-9 on the display, with one second inbetween. A --- F | | B | G | --- E | | C | | --- D This example code is in the public domain. */ // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //0 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //1 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //2 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //3 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //4 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //5 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //6 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //7 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //8 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //9 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second }

Anonymous user

2 years ago

int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); } //NUMBERS: //0 void n0(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //1 void n1(){ digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //2 void n2(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //3 void n3(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //4 void n4(){ digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //5 void n5(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //6 void n6(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //7 void n7(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //8 void n8(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //9 void n9(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } void s1(){ digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); } void s2(){ digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); } void s3(){ digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); } void s4(){ digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { s1(); n0(); s2(); n1(); s3(); n2(); s4(); n3(); s3(); n4(); s2(); n5(); s1(); n6(); s2(); n7(); s3(); n8(); s4(); n9(); }

Anonymous user

2 years ago

:) can also make with "for int i" loop.. :)

Anonymous user

2 years ago

/* Showing number 0-9 on a Common Anode 7-segment LED display Displays the numbers 0-9 on the display, with one second inbetween. A --- F | | B | G | --- E | | C | | --- D This example code is in the public domain. */ // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //0 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 1); digitalWrite(pinF, 1); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); delay(1000); digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //1 digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //2 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 1); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //3 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB,1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //4 digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 1); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //5 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 1); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //6 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 1); digitalWrite(pinF, 1); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //7 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //8 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 1); digitalWrite(pinF, 1); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //9 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 1); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); }

Anonymous user

2 years ago

this thing does not work at all

Anonymous user

2 years ago

remember that a second is 100 milliseconds and the delay function uses milliseconds

Anonymous user

2 years ago


Anonymous user

2 years ago

I guess this setup is too complicated to use as a 2 player scorer.. ? D1 + D2 digits for Player 1, D3 + D4 digits for Player 2 /with two buttons Though there is only the Analog 13 for one button, so that's the first problem, i guess.. where does the 2nd button go into? Then programming it, you'd have to change D2 or D4 depending on the button that is pressed, at least for the first 9 times, though its not a matter of just changing an integer. Each time you'd have to change what is displayed by either digit. const int buttonPin1 = 13; const int buttonPin2 = ?; void setup() { pinMode(buttonPin1, INPUT); pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT); digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW) digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); } void press1() { if (buttonState == HIGH) { digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW) void press2(); } } void press2() { if (buttonState == HIGH) { ... ... .. .. void press3(); } } Something like that? Though there has to be any easier way to go about it? I guess it might be easier with a backpack?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi Gorebert, I did a project like that in the past, I used a library saying that there were two 2 digits displays. I pass you all the programming

Anonymous user

2 years ago


Anonymous user

2 years ago

//0 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for a second Are you sure this is 0?

Anonymous user

2 years ago the code you wrote it is 0 but it is 5/S.and 2 is A

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Yeah but he was thinking it corresponded to the 0 caracter

Anonymous user

2 years ago

//0 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1); // wait for a second This is 0. I tested. Good luck :D


2 years ago

Yes I'm sure. Everything in arduino language, if a line has this // it completely neutralizes what it's saying, that's why it's in gray


2 years ago

Yes, and?? I made it say santi because it's an abbreviation of my name but you can change it. In the code there is an example of a 7 segment number an it has all the letters you can simply change the code according to what you want to write

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I mean this code draws something like this — |_ _ |

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Just odered my first adruino - looking forward to learning. This looks like a good project to get my feet wet, make sure I can compile etc... kind of a "Hello, World" of embedded projects :-)


2 years ago

I second this. On my first try, I tried making it countdown from 9 to 0, and left it for a while to do other stuff. When I came back, the display was kind of hot

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Put some resistors between the Arduino and the 4 Digit pins or (not and) on the 8 segment lines. Pro tip I used back in the day, use a potentiometer on a lit segment and when you have it at the right level of dim then use an ohm meter on the pot and replace it with a resister as close as you can.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

If you are going to do that, make the illusion of scrolling. Also add resistors for the digit (pin 2-8), otherwise your display might burn out

Anonymous user

2 years ago

There should be a current limiting resistor of at least 100 ohms attached to the ground lead on this LED array to keep it from burning up.


2 years ago

thx for this Arduino project tutorial!


2 years ago

cool project

Anonymous user

2 years ago

do u really think it's the right code? it's using 4digit 7segments but i think the code is for 1x4 7segments

Anonymous user

2 years ago

thanku so much


2 years ago

it is not working f***.............!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

wrong pins:*


2 years ago

CREATO IL NOME DI MIO FIGLIO ERSI LA MIA PRIMA PROGRAMMAZIONE Showing number 0-9 on a Common Anode 7-segment LED display Displays the numbers 0-9 on the display, with one second inbetween. A --- F | | B | G | --- E | | C | | --- D This example code is in the public domain. */ // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; int D5 = 13; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); pinMode(D5, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { digitalWrite(D1, LOW); //SESIONI 1 digitalWrite(D2, LOW); //SESIONI 1 digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); //SESIONI 1 digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //SESIONI 1 digitalWrite(D5, LOW); //SESIONI 1 //0 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE LART digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE LARTE DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE POSHT DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE POSHT digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS POSHTE digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS SIPER digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE NE MES delay(1); // wait for a second digitalWrite(D1, LOW); //SEIONI 2 KUADRATI 1 digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); //SEIONI 2 KUADRATI 2 digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); //SEIONI 2 KUARATI 3 digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //SEIONI 2 KUADRATI4 //1 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE LART digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE LARTE DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE POSHT DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE POSHT digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS POSHTE digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS SIPER digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE NE MES delay(1); // wait for a second digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); // SESIONI 3 KUADRATI 1 digitalWrite(D2, LOW); // SESIONI 3 KUADRATI 2 digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); // SESIONI 3 KUADRATI 3 digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //SESIONI 3 KUADRATI 4 //2 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE LART digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE LARTE DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE POSHT DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE POSHT digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS POSHTE digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS SIPER digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE NE MES delay(1); // wait for a second digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); // KUADRATI 1 SESIONI4 digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); // KUADRATI 2 SESIONI 4 digitalWrite(D3, LOW); // KUADRATI 3 SESIONI 4 digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); // KUADRATI 4 SESIONI4 //3 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE LART digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE LARTE DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE POSHT DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE POSHT digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS POSHTE digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS SIPER digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE NE MES delay(1); // wait for a second /*

Anonymous user

2 years ago

This was my very first project. Learnt heaps, made mistakes, proud of the finished product. Thank you:)

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Would it be possible to control this with the remote included in the elegoo super starter kit? If so how?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

To anyone who just sees random stuff showing up, switch every D1 - D4 pin to the opposite high or low. If that changes something, do the same for every individual LED. here's my modified code : /* Showing number 0-9 on a Common Anode 7-segment LED display Displays the numbers 0-9 on the display, with one second in between. A --- F | | B | G | --- E | | C | | --- D This example code is in the public domain. */ // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //0 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for a second digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //1 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for a second digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //2 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for a second digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //3 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for a second /* //4 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //5 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //6 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //7 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //8 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //9 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second */ }

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Thanks, it was a great explanation!!! I'm new to arduino and used this as a start to create a scoreboard. The explanation of pins work great. For those complaining the code doesn't work, you should check how the wires are connected. And yes, you should add some resistors for the Digits, pretty simple to do if you look at any other video that uses them. I tried to clean up the code a little bit by moving away the logic for number printing, but wanted to keep the code legible for non coders, here's the working code (WARNING, check the PIN numbers at the top and how you connected them to your arduino): /* Showing number 0-9 on a Common Anode 7-segment LED display Displays the numbers 0-9 on the display, with one second in between. A --- F | | B | G | --- E | | C | | --- D This example code is in the public domain. High == ON LOW == OFF */ // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. (check the numbers besides each pin with the way you connected the wires). int pinA = 6; int pinB = 8; int pinC = 12; int pinD = 10; int pinE = 9; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 13; int D1 = 2; int D2 = 3; int D3 = 4; int D4 = 5; int dot = 11; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); pinMode(dot, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); digitalWrite(dot, LOW); printZero(); delay(500); printOne(); delay(500); printTwo(); delay(500); printThree(); delay(500); printFour(); delay(500); printFive(); delay(500); printSix(); delay(500); printSeven(); delay(500); printEight(); delay(500); printNine(); delay(500); } void printZero() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); } void printOne() { digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); } void printTwo() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); } void printThree() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); } void printFour() { digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); } void printFive() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); } void printSix() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); } void printSeven() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); } void printEight() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); } void printNine() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); }


2 years ago

this is cool I want to make this


2 years ago

don't work like this _ | | _

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I want to know how can i put DHT11 readings to show the temperature on the screen

Anonymous user

2 years ago

For people interested, I wrote this code to simplify all this (same connections). const int zero[7] = {HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, LOW}; const int one[7] = {LOW, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, LOW, LOW, LOW}; const int two[7] = {HIGH, HIGH, LOW, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, HIGH}; const int three[7] = {HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, LOW, HIGH}; const int four[7] = {LOW, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, LOW, HIGH, HIGH}; const int five[7] = {HIGH, LOW, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, HIGH, HIGH}; const int six[7] = {HIGH, LOW, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH}; const int seven[7] = {HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, LOW, LOW, LOW}; const int eight[7] = {HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH}; const int nine[7] = {HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, LOW, HIGH, HIGH}; const int* digits[10] = {zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine}; const int firstSegmentPin = 2; const int lastSegmentPin = 8; const int firstMuxPin = 9; const int lastMuxPin = 12; const int displayDigitCount = 4; void resetDisplay() { for (int i = firstMuxPin; i <= lastMuxPin; ++i) { digitalWrite(i, HIGH); } } void writeDisplayDigit(int value, int index) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { digitalWrite(i + firstSegmentPin, digits[value][i]); } digitalWrite(index + firstMuxPin, LOW); } void writeDisplay(int values[displayDigitCount]) { for (int i = 0; i < displayDigitCount; ++i) { resetDisplay(); writeDisplayDigit(values[i], i); delay(1); } } // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { for (int i = firstSegmentPin; i <= lastMuxPin; ++i) { pinMode(i, OUTPUT); // initialize the digital pins as outputs. } resetDisplay(); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { int values[4] = {1,3,3,7}; writeDisplay(values); }


2 years ago

hi i want to , integrate the 4 digit 7 segment display with ultrasonic sensor, can someone help me, i just write the code for ultrasonic sensor and buzzer, when a object is in the range of sensor the the buzzer make sound, but i dont able to show on display the cm of distance to the object

Anonymous user

3 years ago

do u really think it's the right code? it's using 4digit 7segments but i think the code is for 1x4 7segments

Anonymous user

3 years ago

how do you code 1/4 at a time? all digits are the same and i can't make them different

Anonymous user

3 years ago

Hello, I don't think the schematic used in this post is correct because the connections don't match the pin assignments in the code. The datasheet shows that pin 1 of the LED display (the pink wire connecting pin 6 on Arduino in the schematic used here) is for Digit 1 but the variable D1 (the blue wire connection to pin 9 of Arduino in the schematic) indicating digit 1 of LED in the code is connected to pin 16 of the display. Please take a note of this! Also, the pin numbering vary with the LED display. Make sure to check the datasheet for the right configuration. Link to the datasheet of the sparkfun seven segment LED used in this post -

Anonymous user

3 years ago

What if you want it to count a button press what do you do then?


3 years ago

CREATO IL NOME DI MIO FIGLIO ERSI LA MIA PRIMA PROGRAMMAZIONE Showing number 0-9 on a Common Anode 7-segment LED display Displays the numbers 0-9 on the display, with one second inbetween. A --- F | | B | G | --- E | | C | | --- D This example code is in the public domain. */ // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; int D5 = 13; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); pinMode(D5, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { digitalWrite(D1, LOW); //SESIONI 1 digitalWrite(D2, LOW); //SESIONI 1 digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); //SESIONI 1 digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //SESIONI 1 digitalWrite(D5, LOW); //SESIONI 1 //0 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE LART digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE LARTE DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE POSHT DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE POSHT digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS POSHTE digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS SIPER digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE NE MES delay(1); // wait for a second digitalWrite(D1, LOW); //SEIONI 2 KUADRATI 1 digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); //SEIONI 2 KUADRATI 2 digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); //SEIONI 2 KUARATI 3 digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //SEIONI 2 KUADRATI4 //1 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE LART digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE LARTE DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE POSHT DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE POSHT digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS POSHTE digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS SIPER digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE NE MES delay(1); // wait for a second digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); // SESIONI 3 KUADRATI 1 digitalWrite(D2, LOW); // SESIONI 3 KUADRATI 2 digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); // SESIONI 3 KUADRATI 3 digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //SESIONI 3 KUADRATI 4 //2 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE LART digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE LARTE DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE POSHT DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE POSHT digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS POSHTE digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS SIPER digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE NE MES delay(1); // wait for a second digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); // KUADRATI 1 SESIONI4 digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); // KUADRATI 2 SESIONI 4 digitalWrite(D3, LOW); // KUADRATI 3 SESIONI 4 digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); // KUADRATI 4 SESIONI4 //3 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE LART digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE LARTE DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE POSHT DJATHTAS digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE POSHT digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); // NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS POSHTE digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT VERTIKALE MAJTAS SIPER digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); //NDIZEN TE KATRA BARRAT HORIZONTALE NE MES delay(1); // wait for a second /*


3 years ago

Thanks, it was a great explanation!!! I'm new to arduino and used this as a start to create a scoreboard. The explanation of pins work great. For those complaining the code doesn't work, you should check how the wires are connected. And yes, you should add some resistors for the Digits, pretty simple to do if you look at any other video that uses them. I tried to clean up the code a little bit by moving away the logic for number printing, but wanted to keep the code legible for non coders, here's the working code (WARNING, check the PIN numbers at the top and how you connected them to your arduino): /* Showing number 0-9 on a Common Anode 7-segment LED display Displays the numbers 0-9 on the display, with one second in between. A --- F | | B | G | --- E | | C | | --- D This example code is in the public domain. High == ON LOW == OFF */ // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. (check the numbers besides each pin with the way you connected the wires). int pinA = 6; int pinB = 8; int pinC = 12; int pinD = 10; int pinE = 9; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 13; int D1 = 2; int D2 = 3; int D3 = 4; int D4 = 5; int dot = 11; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); pinMode(dot, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); digitalWrite(dot, LOW); printZero(); delay(500); printOne(); delay(500); printTwo(); delay(500); printThree(); delay(500); printFour(); delay(500); printFive(); delay(500); printSix(); delay(500); printSeven(); delay(500); printEight(); delay(500); printNine(); delay(500); } void printZero() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); } void printOne() { digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); } void printTwo() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); } void printThree() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); } void printFour() { digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); } void printFive() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); } void printSix() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); } void printSeven() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); } void printEight() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); } void printNine() { digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); }

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Would it be possible to control this with the remote included in the elegoo super starter kit? If so how?

Anonymous user

4 years ago

For people interested, I wrote this code to simplify all this (same connections). const int zero[7] = {HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, LOW}; const int one[7] = {LOW, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, LOW, LOW, LOW}; const int two[7] = {HIGH, HIGH, LOW, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, HIGH}; const int three[7] = {HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, LOW, HIGH}; const int four[7] = {LOW, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, LOW, HIGH, HIGH}; const int five[7] = {HIGH, LOW, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, HIGH, HIGH}; const int six[7] = {HIGH, LOW, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH}; const int seven[7] = {HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, LOW, LOW, LOW}; const int eight[7] = {HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, HIGH}; const int nine[7] = {HIGH, HIGH, HIGH, LOW, LOW, HIGH, HIGH}; const int* digits[10] = {zero, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine}; const int firstSegmentPin = 2; const int lastSegmentPin = 8; const int firstMuxPin = 9; const int lastMuxPin = 12; const int displayDigitCount = 4; void resetDisplay() { for (int i = firstMuxPin; i <= lastMuxPin; ++i) { digitalWrite(i, HIGH); } } void writeDisplayDigit(int value, int index) { for (int i = 0; i < 7; ++i) { digitalWrite(i + firstSegmentPin, digits[value][i]); } digitalWrite(index + firstMuxPin, LOW); } void writeDisplay(int values[displayDigitCount]) { for (int i = 0; i < displayDigitCount; ++i) { resetDisplay(); writeDisplayDigit(values[i], i); delay(1); } } // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { for (int i = firstSegmentPin; i <= lastMuxPin; ++i) { pinMode(i, OUTPUT); // initialize the digital pins as outputs. } resetDisplay(); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { int values[4] = {1,3,3,7}; writeDisplay(values); }

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Would I be able to int time = millis () time == [w,x,y,z] and then somehow input those time array values into the int values [4] to create some sort of clock?


4 years ago

thx for this Arduino project tutorial!

Anonymous user

4 years ago


Anonymous user

4 years ago

TWO WARNINGS: this project and code DOESN'T WORK and may it DAMAGE your Arduino and/or display! PLEASE @SAnwandter1, please fix this project to save many people hours of troubleshooting or worse; expense in damaged hardware! ——————————————————————————————————— . The wiring diagram doesn't include RESISTORS which means it may burn out your LEDs and/or Arduino. . The project's code outputs RUBBISH to the screen! See the comment and code by Maverick1701 — however even this code doesn't have the right digit code to output proper numbers! . The following code is working for me… displaying "0123" on the display. - /* A --- F | | B | G | --- E | | C | | --- D // This example code is in the public domain. // USE RESISTORS on the SEGMENT wires! (Arduino pins 2 to 8) */ // int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; // // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { digitalWrite(D1, LOW); // NOTE that LOW denotes the active DIGIT digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //0 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); // NOTE that HIGH denotes an active SEGMENT digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for one millisecond digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); // NOTE that LOW denotes the active digit digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //1 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); // NOTE that HIGH denotes an active SEGMENT digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for one millisecond digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); // NOTE that LOW denotes the active DIGIT digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //2 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); // NOTE that HIGH denotes an active SEGMENT digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1); // wait for one millisecond digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); // NOTE that LOW denotes the active DIGIT //3 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); // NOTE that HIGH denotes an active SEGMENT digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1); // wait for one millisecond // I've only include digits 0123 – I'm sure if you've got this far you can work out the rest. } -

Anonymous user

4 years ago

You could additionally create two variables one called `high` and another one called `low` to fix the issue with `HIGH` and `LOW` on `D1`, `D2`, `D3`, and `D4` like so: > _Place this on top of your code before `setup()` and `loop()`:_ ``` #define high = 0x0 #define LOW = 0x1 ``` It should work as C's variables are case-sensitive, which means `HIGH` isn't the same as `high` and `low` isn't the same as `LOW`.


4 years ago

thanku so much


4 years ago

this is cool I want to make this


5 years ago

Good idea, try to update the project by adding a LCD to make a sort of visual display. (Try making it a game)


5 years ago

Don;t we have to put resistors?


5 years ago

great project for beginners . thanks alot

Anonymous user

5 years ago

So, I followed this tutorial and in reality - my 4th digit started to burn out. Brightness decreased. But I found another tutorial that instead added 220 ohm resistors on pin 2-8. So be careful if you are going to do this tutorial and add 8x 220 ohm resistors

Anonymous user

5 years ago

Im currently using Arduino and a 4 digit 7 segment display for an escape room timer. Instead of a traditional timer, that counts down from some number to zero, my timer is going to display the voltage of a battery (not actual but its going to keep the game moving as the voltage drops). The game will be a failure if the participants can not solve the room within the allotted time (I'm thinking 20-30 min) and the voltage will start dropping from 12.5V, 12.4, 12.3, 12.2... until when if falls below 11.5V the game is over. Thanks for the info, now I have a good place to start!

Anonymous user

5 years ago

I want to know how can i put DHT11 readings to show the temperature on the screen

Anonymous user

5 years ago

/* Showing number 0-9 on a Common Anode 7-segment LED display Displays the numbers 0-9 on the display, with one second inbetween. A --- F | | B | G | --- E | | C | | --- D This example code is in the public domain. */ // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //0 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 1); digitalWrite(pinF, 1); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); delay(1000); digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //1 digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //2 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 1); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //3 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB,1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //4 digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 1); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //5 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 1); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //6 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 1); digitalWrite(pinF, 1); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //7 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //8 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 1); digitalWrite(pinF, 1); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); //9 digitalWrite(pinA, 1); digitalWrite(pinB, 1); digitalWrite(pinC, 1); digitalWrite(pinD, 1); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 1); digitalWrite(pinG, 1); delay(1000); // wait for a second digitalWrite(pinA, 0); digitalWrite(pinB, 0); digitalWrite(pinC, 0); digitalWrite(pinD, 0); digitalWrite(pinE, 0); digitalWrite(pinF, 0); digitalWrite(pinG, 0); }

Anonymous user

5 years ago

Nice detailed project. For controllers with more limited I/O, the SPI bus is a good alternative. There is an SPI-controlled backpack with 4 7-segement digits at

Anonymous user

5 years ago

hi, i have a problem, my 0 looks like 5, 2 is A, and 3 is something like this /¨¨/ anyone has a problem like that?

Anonymous user

5 years ago

my display showed this,"9999" what is wrong? ;)

Anonymous user

2 years ago


Anonymous user

2 years ago



5 years ago

don't work like this _ | | _


6 years ago

it is not working f***.............!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

wrong pins:*


6 years ago

this thing does not work at all


6 years ago

remember that a second is 100 milliseconds and the delay function uses milliseconds

Anonymous user

6 years ago

My code makes this: _ _ _ _ I_I I_I _I I I _ I_ I_ I_

Anonymous user

6 years ago

no resistor needed?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

that is true,i had to get another auruino cuz the oter one was acting strange:<

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Yes a resistor is needed on every anode. If you just have one on the cathode then the brightness will change depending on how many segments are on at the same time. This circuit will damage your Arduino.

Anonymous user

6 years ago

Thanks. I've made nice thermometer with your help..

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Wow! You should show people how to make that! That is really cool!

Anonymous user

6 years ago

There should be a current limiting resistor of at least 100 ohms attached to the ground lead on this LED array to keep it from burning up.

Anonymous user

6 years ago

JUST HAD TO LOG IN TO SAY A MASSIVE THANKS FOR SHARING !!!!!! HJGE Thanks for also keeping projects like this Open-Source and free for learning and getting people into the Arduino coding world, keep inspiring folks, well done and again - a "Large & in-Charge" Thanks ! PS; oh also, i had found an IC that can be hooked up to an arduino to save on pins, but its an SMD type component, the MAX7219 - i havent yet hooked it up to an Arduino yet but will endeavour to do so soon with the help of an adapter PCB to convert it to TH (Through-hole) so it can be bread-boarded easier, im sure there are better ones out there that are TH but i dont know of any as im always buying SMD parts, plus if you ever need any help making a PCB, gimmi a shout :)

Anonymous user

6 years ago

I guess this setup is too complicated to use as a 2 player scorer.. ? D1 + D2 digits for Player 1, D3 + D4 digits for Player 2 /with two buttons Though there is only the Analog 13 for one button, so that's the first problem, i guess.. where does the 2nd button go into? Then programming it, you'd have to change D2 or D4 depending on the button that is pressed, at least for the first 9 times, though its not a matter of just changing an integer. Each time you'd have to change what is displayed by either digit. const int buttonPin1 = 13; const int buttonPin2 = ?; void setup() { pinMode(buttonPin1, INPUT); pinMode(buttonPin2, INPUT); digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW) digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); } void press1() { if (buttonState == HIGH) { digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW) void press2(); } } void press2() { if (buttonState == HIGH) { ... ... .. .. void press3(); } } Something like that? Though there has to be any easier way to go about it? I guess it might be easier with a backpack?

Anonymous user

2 years ago


Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi Gorebert, I did a project like that in the past, I used a library saying that there were two 2 digits displays. I pass you all the programming

Anonymous user

7 years ago

No current limiting resistors for the LEDs?


7 years ago

cool project

Anonymous user

7 years ago

Thanks for this - the video was the simplest + clearest explanation of how to control the 7-segment display. I'd just not understood it from the other projects I'd seen but this made it simple. I like your tidy garage/workshop too. All my stuff's in a heap on the kitchen table.


7 years ago

How to make countdown using this code sir?


7 years ago

Hi, try this code: /* Showing number 0-9 on a Common Anode 7-segment LED display Displays the numbers 0-9 on the display, with one second inbetween. A --- F | | B | G | --- E | | C | | --- D This example code is in the public domain. */ // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //0 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //1 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //2 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //3 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //4 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //5 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //6 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //7 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //8 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //9 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second }

Anonymous user

2 years ago

:) can also make with "for int i" loop.. :)

Anonymous user

2 years ago

int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); } //NUMBERS: //0 void n0(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //1 void n1(){ digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //2 void n2(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //3 void n3(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //4 void n4(){ digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //5 void n5(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //6 void n6(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //7 void n7(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //8 void n8(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } //9 void n9(){ digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second } void s1(){ digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); } void s2(){ digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); } void s3(){ digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); } void s4(){ digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { s1(); n0(); s2(); n1(); s3(); n2(); s4(); n3(); s3(); n4(); s2(); n5(); s1(); n6(); s2(); n7(); s3(); n8(); s4(); n9(); }

Anonymous user

7 years ago

How can I do to put 10 or 11 or 12 or 24?

Anonymous user

7 years ago

To anyone who just sees random stuff showing up, switch every D1 - D4 pin to the opposite high or low. If that changes something, do the same for every individual LED. here's my modified code : /* Showing number 0-9 on a Common Anode 7-segment LED display Displays the numbers 0-9 on the display, with one second in between. A --- F | | B | G | --- E | | C | | --- D This example code is in the public domain. */ // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //0 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for a second digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //1 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for a second digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //2 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for a second digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //3 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for a second /* //4 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //5 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //6 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //7 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //8 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //9 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second */ }


7 years ago

How to make a timer of the same wiring from this project?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

The millis() returns the time since the code started. You can take the output to turn into numbers.

Anonymous user

7 years ago

Your settings for the delay in your code is incorrect for the first 3-4 characters. You have delay(1) and it should be delay(1000). (for those wondering why it may not be working). Also, your code was incorrect for 0 through 3. Given your diagram of the digits at the top of the code... "HIGH" means "OFF". That being the case, "ZERO" should have "G" set as HIGH and the rest set to LOW. This will make the middle line "G" turn off and the rest A,B,C,D,E,F to LOW in which will turn on the lights needed. I have also noted in the code // to show what code "Moves" to the next digit until finaly staying on the last. GOOD WORK and the effort is MUCH appreciated! // Pin 2-8 is connected to the 7 segments of the display. int pinA = 2; int pinB = 3; int pinC = 4; int pinD = 5; int pinE = 6; int pinF = 7; int pinG = 8; int D1 = 9; int D2 = 10; int D3 = 11; int D4 = 12; // the setup routine runs once when you press reset: void setup() { // initialize the digital pins as outputs. pinMode(pinA, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinB, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinC, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinD, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinE, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinF, OUTPUT); pinMode(pinG, OUTPUT); pinMode(D1, OUTPUT); pinMode(D2, OUTPUT); pinMode(D3, OUTPUT); pinMode(D4, OUTPUT); } // the loop routine runs over and over again forever: void loop() { // THIS MOVES BELOW CODE TO THE NEXT LCD BLOCK digitalWrite(D1, HIGH); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //THIS ENDS THE MOVEMENT AND REMAINS ON THE LAST BLOCK FOR THE FOLLOWING DIGITS //0 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second // THIS MOVES BELOW CODE TO THE NEXT LCD BLOCK digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, HIGH); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //THIS ENDS THE MOVEMENT AND REMAINS ON THE LAST BLOCK FOR THE FOLLOWING DIGITS //1 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second // THIS MOVES BELOW CODE TO THE NEXT LCD BLOCK digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, HIGH); digitalWrite(D4, LOW); //THIS ENDS THE MOVEMENT AND REMAINS ON THE LAST BLOCK FOR THE FOLLOWING DIGITS //2 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second // THIS MOVES BELOW CODE TO THE NEXT LCD BLOCK digitalWrite(D1, LOW); digitalWrite(D2, LOW); digitalWrite(D3, LOW); digitalWrite(D4, HIGH); //THIS ENDS THE MOVEMENT AND REMAINS ON THE LAST BLOCK FOR THE FOLLOWING DIGITS //3 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //4 digitalWrite(pinA, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //5 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //6 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //7 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1000); // wait for a second //8 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second //9 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1000); // wait for a second }


2 years ago

Thanks for your contribution and for pointing out that mistake, I'll try to fix it. Glad you liked it!

Anonymous user

7 years ago

Hello, Thank you for doing this project. I have set up my wiring on my half-size breadboard just like your schematic says, and I also copied the code with the link provided, into my Arduino program and uploaded to my Arduino UNO. However, I'm not displaying the number correctly like you show... I posted a link in a forum with pictures here Thanks for your help and time.


2 years ago

Did you watch the video for the connections?? If you did than it might be that your LED display is different than mine. It's a little hard to explain through chat, thanks for asking, sorry for the inconvenients


8 years ago

This was my very first project. Learnt heaps, made mistakes, proud of the finished product. Thank you:)


8 years ago

//0 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, HIGH); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, LOW); delay(1); // wait for a second Are you sure this is 0?


2 years ago

Yeah but he was thinking it corresponded to the 0 caracter


2 years ago

Yes, and?? I made it say santi because it's an abbreviation of my name but you can change it. In the code there is an example of a 7 segment number an it has all the letters you can simply change the code according to what you want to write


2 years ago

Yes I'm sure. Everything in arduino language, if a line has this // it completely neutralizes what it's saying, that's why it's in gray


2 years ago

I mean this code draws something like this — |_ _ |

Anonymous user

2 years ago the code you wrote it is 0 but it is 5/S.and 2 is A

Anonymous user

2 years ago

//0 digitalWrite(pinA, LOW); digitalWrite(pinB, LOW); digitalWrite(pinC, LOW); digitalWrite(pinD, LOW); digitalWrite(pinE, LOW); digitalWrite(pinF, LOW); digitalWrite(pinG, HIGH); delay(1); // wait for a second This is 0. I tested. Good luck :D


8 years ago

Just odered my first adruino - looking forward to learning. This looks like a good project to get my feet wet, make sure I can compile etc... kind of a "Hello, World" of embedded projects :-)

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Put some resistors between the Arduino and the 4 Digit pins or (not and) on the 8 segment lines. Pro tip I used back in the day, use a potentiometer on a lit segment and when you have it at the right level of dim then use an ohm meter on the pot and replace it with a resister as close as you can.


2 years ago

I second this. On my first try, I tried making it countdown from 9 to 0, and left it for a while to do other stuff. When I came back, the display was kind of hot

Anonymous user

2 years ago

If you are going to do that, make the illusion of scrolling. Also add resistors for the digit (pin 2-8), otherwise your display might burn out