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Arduino Nano R3
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2 years ago
Maybe another, newer version of a library?? I'll test it to compile with actually libs. Thanks for your reply
2 years ago
You are right. A newer version of Lib "LCDmenuLib2" fixes a bug (bad name of function). Simply write ... tmp->checkCondition() instead of ... tmp->checkCondetion() in file LCDML_disp I will upload a fixed version today. :)
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Thanks for fixing the issue, I'm going to put your c64-controller inside my c64 breadbin :-)
Anonymous user
2 years ago
That is exactly what I am searching for. Great Project and many thanks for sharing. I am an absolutely Arduino noob. Now I can use my Nano and my Displays which I have bought long ago. By the way. Amongst Other things I am also selling different hardware from Henning including reprom64. Every Body ist Welcome at restore-store.
5 years ago
That is exactly what I am searching for. Great Project and many thanks for sharing. I am an absolutely Arduino noob. Now I can use my Nano and my Displays which I have bought long ago. By the way. Amongst Other things I am also selling different hardware from Henning including reprom64. Every Body ist Welcome at restore-store.
Anonymous user
6 years ago
There could be some small explanation how it is used, or video demonstrating it. I was looking some descriptition how user is selecting between all kernel, charset roms, device numbers etc, before accepting combination and sending it to SD2IEC and REPROM64. Also is made selection remembered? Stored in Arduino EEPROM, or does SD2IEC / reproM remembers last selection. And when restarting, is Arduino starting fast enought to send latest settigns to these boards before the boot up....or is that a stupid question? Br, Marko
2 years ago
Hi Marko The current selection is always stored in EEPROM of the Arduino nano. After reboot or power up always the last settings are restored automatically. On power up the Arduino starts very fast and it will set last settings and reset the C64, so it is always safe. The C64 Controller has two working modes: - Display Mode (shows current settings) - Input Mode (allow changing current settings) In Display Mode you will see current settings at the OLED display. Any movement at the input device (rotary switch) will change to Input Mode In Input Mode you will see a menue which allow changes of the settings. After a few seconds of inactivity it will change to Display Mode. USAGE: For example - changing current kernal: - turn input device up to the menue point for kernal settings - press input device (click) - turn input device to choose the kernal - press input device (click) - C64 does a reset and start with selected kernal - OLED display will show top menue - after a few seconds inactivity it changes to Display Mode For example - changing SD2IEC device number: - turn input device up to the menue point for SD2IEC device# settings - press input device (click) - turn input device to choose the device# - press input device (click) - SD2IEC will set to new device number (you have to reset or restart the SD2IEC) - OLED display will show top menue - after a few seconds inactivity it changes to Display Mode
2 years ago
Maybe it will be a good improvement to Control reset line of the SD2IEC also by an IO of the Nano. So it would be possible to reset SD2IEC automatically after a device# Change.
Anonymous user
7 years ago
Hi, compliment for the great project! I have encountered an error during compiling process that show: // check if a menu element has a condetion and if the condetion be true if (tmp->checkCondetion()) I have before installed all necessary library :) Some suggestions to fix my problem? Regards Matteo
2 years ago
You are right. A newer version of Lib "LCDmenuLib2" fixes a bug (bad name of function). Simply write ... tmp->checkCondition() instead of ... tmp->checkCondetion() in file LCDML_disp I will upload a fixed version today. :)
2 years ago
Maybe another, newer version of a library?? I'll test it to compile with actually libs. Thanks for your reply
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Thanks for fixing the issue, I'm going to put your c64-controller inside my c64 breadbin :-)
Anonymous user
2 years ago
Hi, compliment for the great project! I have encountered an error during compiling process that show: // check if a menu element has a condetion and if the condetion be true if (tmp->checkCondetion()) I have before installed all necessary library :) Some suggestions to fix my problem? Regards Matteo