Components and supplies
5 mm LED: Red
Keypad (4x4)
SPST Switch
IR Remote
SG90 Micro-servo motor
Jumper wires (generic)
NodeMCU ESP8266 Breakout Board
5 mm LED: Green
I2C 16x2 Arduino LCD Display Module
High Bright Leds
Ultrasonic Sensor - HC-SR04 (Generic)
9V battery (generic)
Graphic OLED, 128 x 64
IR receiver (generic)
DHT22 temperature-humidity sensor
Wires (Single Stand Wires)
Resistor 10k ohm
Arduino Nano R3
Arduino UNO
Tools and machines
Wire Stripper & Cutter, 18-10 AWG / 0.75-4mm² Capacity Wires
Hot glue gun (generic)
Soldering iron (generic)
Apps and platforms
Arduino IDE
Project description
Adafruit GFX Library
MLX90614 Library
LCD I2C Library
Arduino Uno-1
Main Door System
Keypad-Master Library
Blynk Library
SSD Library
DHT Library
Arduino Nano
Water Level Indicator System
Adafruit Sensor Master
Arduino Uno-2
LEDs Controlling System
BUSIO (I2C) Library
LCD I2C Library
Keypad-Master Library
MLX90614 Library
Adafruit GFX Library
Adafruit Sensor Master
DHT Library
Adafruit_BusIO Library
IR Remote Library
SSD Library
BUSIO (I2C) Library
Blynk Library
Downloadable files
Arduino Uno-1
Main Door System: Interfaced MLX90614, Keypad (4x4), LCD I2c (16x2), Servo Motor, DHT22 & OLED (128x64)
Arduino Uno-1
Arduino Uno-2
LEDs Controlling System: 1. Interfaced manual switches for manual mode operation. 2. Interfaced IR Receiver for IR mode operation. 3. Interfaced Node_Mcu for blynk mode operation. (IOT Application)
Arduino Uno-2
Arduino Nano
Water Level Indicator: Interfaced Ultrasonic sensor & LEDs.
Arduino Nano
Arduino Nano
Water Level Indicator: Interfaced Ultrasonic sensor & LEDs.
Arduino Nano
Arduino Nano
Water Level Indicator: Interfaced Ultrasonic sensor & LEDs.
Arduino Nano
Arduino Uno-1
Main Door System: Interfaced MLX90614, Keypad (4x4), LCD I2c (16x2), Servo Motor, DHT22 & OLED (128x64)
Arduino Uno-1
Arduino Uno-1
Main Door System: Interfaced MLX90614, Keypad (4x4), LCD I2c (16x2), Servo Motor, DHT22 & OLED (128x64)
Arduino Uno-1
Arduino Uno-2
LEDs Controlling System: 1. Interfaced manual switches for manual mode operation. 2. Interfaced IR Receiver for IR mode operation. 3. Interfaced Node_Mcu for blynk mode operation. (IOT Application)
Arduino Uno-2
Arduino Uno-2
LEDs Controlling System: 1. Interfaced manual switches for manual mode operation. 2. Interfaced IR Receiver for IR mode operation. 3. Interfaced Node_Mcu for blynk mode operation. (IOT Application)
Arduino Uno-2
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3 years ago
Good work bro! Project and explanation is so good.
3 years ago
great work brother!
Home Automation | Arduino Project Hub
Anonymous user
2 years ago
great work brother!