Components and supplies
1.5mm metal rod
dupont connectors
heatshrink tubing
2.1x5.5mm jack plug
resistors 330Ω
resistors 680Ω
20mm rubber band
M2x10 self taping screws
Arduino Nano R3
FR207 rectifier diode
M5*20 countersunk screw
RFP30N06LE mosfet
9V power supply (2.5 amps minimum)
HC-05 Bluetooth module
MG-90s servos
resistors 10kΩ
LM2596 buck converter
type 130 dc motors
Tools and machines
3D printer
soldering iron
wire stripper
crimping tool
Apps and platforms
Windows 10
Project description
Arduino code
code to upload to the arduino . The code remain the same whether you choose to control the turret via the android app or a PC .
python files
The executable and android app can be found here :
Arduino code
code to upload to the arduino . The code remain the same whether you choose to control the turret via the android app or a PC .
python files
The executable and android app can be found here :
Downloadable files
HC-05 Bluetooth module wiring
Here is the HC-05 Bluetooth wiring . This piece of wiring include a voltage divider to allow the 5V coming out of the arduino to be stepped down to about 3.3V for the HC-05 Receiver pin .
HC-05 Bluetooth module wiring
wiring main diagram
Here is the main wiring diagram . The wiring is divided small sectionS linked together using dupont connectors . This is for ease of assembly .
wiring main diagram
HC-05 Bluetooth module wiring
Here is the HC-05 Bluetooth wiring . This piece of wiring include a voltage divider to allow the 5V coming out of the arduino to be stepped down to about 3.3V for the HC-05 Receiver pin .
HC-05 Bluetooth module wiring
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