
A Lego arachnid controlled by your smartphone.

Feb 14, 2017


48 respects

Components and supplies


4S lipo battery


DC motor (generic)


Dual H-Bridge motor drivers L298


SparkFun Bluetooth Modem - BlueSMiRF Silver


Arduino Nano R3

Project description




This is the core of the Android application. It uses a virtual Joystick library (zerokol's JoystickView).

Nano Code


Upload it to the Nano, it reads the Android orders incomming by bluetooth.



This is the core of the Android application. It uses a virtual Joystick library (zerokol's JoystickView).

Nano Code


Upload it to the Nano, it reads the Android orders incomming by bluetooth.

Downloadable files


Connect your Arduino to the Dual Bridge motor controller and to the bluetooth module.


Inner gears.

The gear in the middle is the one driving the four other gears of the left side (same thing goes on the right side). to connect it to the motor, I had to cut a bit of the piece and glue it to the motor shaft. Then, you connect the legs to the gears, asynchronously (each on a gear hole) and tadam: silly walk.

Inner gears.

Inner gears.

The gear in the middle is the one driving the four other gears of the left side (same thing goes on the right side). to connect it to the motor, I had to cut a bit of the piece and glue it to the motor shaft. Then, you connect the legs to the gears, asynchronously (each on a gear hole) and tadam: silly walk.

Inner gears.

How it walks

How to assemble the Lego bricks and gears in order to create that silly walk. Each motor drives 4 legs.

How it walks


Connect your Arduino to the Dual Bridge motor controller and to the bluetooth module.



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a year ago

Hello, the Bluetooth module provided has been discontinued, is it possible to use a different bluetooth hc-05, also is it possible to specify the gears you used and the actual build, are they 3d printed? if so is there a file for them?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Wow, super! Could you provide more detailed pics on construction?


2 years ago

Hi, thanks! I didn't take much pictures, the project was done pretty quickly and not really documented. I added a pic (Inner Gears) with its comment that might help.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Thank you for the extra pic, I would respect this twice if I could!

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Also, I see that there are two different codes. I understand one is downloded onto the nano but what about the other? I don't completely understand their use.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

cool! could you tell me the link to little toy you saw on a Chinese website. thanks.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi was trying to re-create this cool project! I am having trouble with the coding aspect. How do I launch the Java code onto my Android smartphone and access the bluetooth connection. Any guide or steps would be greatly appreciated!


2 years ago

Hi! Well, if it's your first app, I'd recommend you check this ; https://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/index.html But I know an app already exist that sends bluetooth orders : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.jahnestacado.arduinorc&hl=fr You only would have to edit the arduino code to listen to the right orders.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

How you connect the gear to motors, could you show a pic?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Apparently, you can't buy the C.H.I.P approved 3.7 V battery anymore (or I'm too stupid to find them). Do you know of any alternatives?


2 years ago

I use mostly Lipo batteries for their weight/ power ratio. For this setup I'd recommend 2S (7.4v) Lipo battery which wouldn't harm too much the 6v motors , but you'll need a Lipo charger. Any 4x AA case would do too.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Cool Project !!! I want to build it together with my son. But how can I run the Android code on my Android Smartphone ? Do I need to compile it (if yes, how can I do this ?), or do I need a special App to run it ?


2 years ago

Oh, yes, you would have to. With Android Studio, it's Google's official and free IDE. If I find the time, I'll add a "list Bluetooth apparels" functionality so the application would not use an hard coded address and I'd share the app to install.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

There is an cool Android App which might be suitable to control the Spideruino... It is called "Arduino bluetooth controller". I allready tried to use this App with my Spideruino, but I can´t figure out, which commands I have to send via bluetooth. Maybe you could give it a try ?


2 years ago

Well, you can check the Arduino studio code, there are 8 functions launched by the different directions of the joystick.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

cool! could you tell me the link to little toy you saw on a Chinese website. thanks.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

cool! could you tell me the link to little toy you saw on a Chinese website. thanks.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

This is a very cool looking project. I'm going to try to build it with my nephew. Can you recommend a lego kit for the spider frame? I don't own any legos, so I have to start from scratch!. Thanks!


2 years ago

Hi! Thanks a lot. Really, no Lego Set would feature all the required pieces. You would have to buy several, picking pieces from each which is not optimal. I recommend you check BrickLink or such websites. Basically it's a peer to peer eBay for Lego parts. You should be able to shop all needed parts for less than 30$ , delivery cost included.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Great work. Could you provide more information about how the motor was interfaced with the gears?


2 years ago

Hi! Thanks! Well, I needed to cut a bit of plastic at the gear's center, and then I glued the plastic shaft adaptator (not round) of the motor, inside the gear. Said motor: http://www.banggood.com/5Pcs-DC-3V-6V-Dual-Axis-Gear-Reducer-Motor-For-Arduino-Smart-Car-p-949555.html But you can find better ones.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Could you please upload the apk? I am lost with Android Studio so I can't compile the code. Thank you.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi! This looks really amazing. I want to do this for a school term project. I'm at a very beginner level in programming, will this be doable for me to make in 2 weeks? Also, would the code work on an iphone?

Anonymous user

3 years ago

How you connect the gear to motors, could you show a pic?

Anonymous user

7 years ago

cool! could you tell me the link to little toy you saw on a Chinese website. thanks.

Anonymous user

8 years ago

Could you please upload the apk? I am lost with Android Studio so I can't compile the code. Thank you.

Anonymous user

8 years ago

Hi! I left a comment a couple weeks ago and was hoping you could get back to me! :)


2 years ago

Hi, sorry for the delay! About making it with few skills in programming, it depends on how fast you learn... The code is here, you "just" have to compile it in Android Studio. Basically, you download the IDE, create a new blank android application, install the virtual joystick library I used, recreate the missing layout with the right IDs (ex: button names, text field names...), copy the android code in your main activity and compile. If you never built an android app, it might be tight to learn all that stuff in 2 weeks WHILE actually building the robot. But I know an app already exist that sends bluetooth orders : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.jahnestacado.arduinorc&hl=fr You only would have to edit the arduino code to listen to the right orders.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Thank you so much! I really appreciate it. I have a couple other questions and me and my friend are super interested in your project. I was wondering if you could give me ur email so i could contact you there and ask a few other questions? If not, I am just wondering about the actual building of the robot and if a lot of debugging was required to actually get the robot to move.. let me know, thanks :)

Anonymous user

8 years ago

Hi was trying to re-create this cool project! I am having trouble with the coding aspect. How do I launch the Java code onto my Android smartphone and access the bluetooth connection. Any guide or steps would be greatly appreciated!


2 years ago

Hi! Well, if it's your first app, I'd recommend you check this ; https://developer.android.com/training/basics/firstapp/index.html But I know an app already exist that sends bluetooth orders : https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=eu.jahnestacado.arduinorc&hl=fr You only would have to edit the arduino code to listen to the right orders.

Anonymous user

8 years ago

Also, I see that there are two different codes. I understand one is downloded onto the nano but what about the other? I don't completely understand their use.

Anonymous user

8 years ago

Hi! This looks really amazing. I want to do this for a school term project. I'm at a very beginner level in programming, will this be doable for me to make in 2 weeks? Also, would the code work on an iphone?

Anonymous user

8 years ago

There is an cool Android App which might be suitable to control the Spideruino... It is called "Arduino bluetooth controller". I allready tried to use this App with my Spideruino, but I can´t figure out, which commands I have to send via bluetooth. Maybe you could give it a try ?


2 years ago

Well, you can check the Arduino studio code, there are 8 functions launched by the different directions of the joystick.

Anonymous user

8 years ago

Cool Project !!! I want to build it together with my son. But how can I run the Android code on my Android Smartphone ? Do I need to compile it (if yes, how can I do this ?), or do I need a special App to run it ?


2 years ago

Oh, yes, you would have to. With Android Studio, it's Google's official and free IDE. If I find the time, I'll add a "list Bluetooth apparels" functionality so the application would not use an hard coded address and I'd share the app to install.

Anonymous user

8 years ago

Apparently, you can't buy the C.H.I.P approved 3.7 V battery anymore (or I'm too stupid to find them). Do you know of any alternatives?


2 years ago

I use mostly Lipo batteries for their weight/ power ratio. For this setup I'd recommend 2S (7.4v) Lipo battery which wouldn't harm too much the 6v motors , but you'll need a Lipo charger. Any 4x AA case would do too.

Anonymous user

8 years ago

This is a very cool looking project. I'm going to try to build it with my nephew. Can you recommend a lego kit for the spider frame? I don't own any legos, so I have to start from scratch!. Thanks!


2 years ago

Hi! Thanks a lot. Really, no Lego Set would feature all the required pieces. You would have to buy several, picking pieces from each which is not optimal. I recommend you check BrickLink or such websites. Basically it's a peer to peer eBay for Lego parts. You should be able to shop all needed parts for less than 30$ , delivery cost included.

Anonymous user

8 years ago

Great work. Could you provide more information about how the motor was interfaced with the gears?


2 years ago

Hi! Thanks! Well, I needed to cut a bit of plastic at the gear's center, and then I glued the plastic shaft adaptator (not round) of the motor, inside the gear. Said motor: http://www.banggood.com/5Pcs-DC-3V-6V-Dual-Axis-Gear-Reducer-Motor-For-Arduino-Smart-Car-p-949555.html But you can find better ones.

Anonymous user

8 years ago

Wow, super! Could you provide more detailed pics on construction?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Thank you for the extra pic, I would respect this twice if I could!


2 years ago

Hi, thanks! I didn't take much pictures, the project was done pretty quickly and not really documented. I added a pic (Inner Gears) with its comment that might help.