Decoder and Encoder

This project requires no wiring and is really cool it is able to decode and encode a language that i made up called HEX and Binary.

Feb 9, 2018


4 respects

Components and supplies


Arduino UNO

Apps and platforms


Arduino IDE

Project description


Binary and Hex encoder and decoder


This is a binary and hex a language that I made up encoder and decoder. This requires no wiring and all that you have to do is open up the serial monitor and experiment....HAVE FUN!

Binary and Hex encoder and decoder


This is a binary and hex a language that I made up encoder and decoder. This requires no wiring and all that you have to do is open up the serial monitor and experiment....HAVE FUN!

Downloadable files

Encoder and Decoder for Binary and Secret language

Decoder and Encoder for binary and my own secret language that I made up which is HEX

Encoder and Decoder for Binary and Secret language


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