Temperature Streaming with Arduino + Big Data Tools

Platform for processing of streaming temperature data using Arduino, DHT sensor, ESP8266 module and Big Data / Hadoop ecosystem tools.

Nov 29, 2017


18 respects

Components and supplies


Resistor 10k ohm


Arduino UNO


Resistor 1k ohm


ESP8266 ESP-01


DHT11 Temperature & Humidity Sensor (4 pins)

Apps and platforms


Apache Zeppelin


Apache Kafka


Apache Hive


Arduino IDE


Apache NiFi




Apache Spark

Project description


Arduino temperature streaming demo

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Arduino temperature streaming demo

Original project source.


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Pinout diagram of the Arduino components (Flash Mode)

Pinout diagram of Arduino components. This pin structures enables to init the ESP8266 module in Flash Mode to load code. The upper section of the breadboard is dedicated to the ESP8266 module pins, which is powered by a 3.3V voltage and uses a 10k resistor. The voltage flow to the WiFi module is controlled by the green pin connected to the breadboard in the last column of the positive charge row. The lower section of the breadboard is almost completely dedicated to the DHT temperature sensor. This sensor works with a voltage of 5V and a resistance of 1k.

Pinout diagram of the Arduino components (Flash Mode)

Pinout diagram of the ESP8266 module

Pinout diagram of the ESP8266 ESP-01 WiFi module.

Pinout diagram of the ESP8266 module

Pinout diagram of the Arduino components (Boot Mode)

Pinout diagram of Arduino components. This pin structures enables to init the ESP8266 module in Boot Mode, executing the loaded code and sending data. After the instructions have been loaded, connect the GPIO0 pin (white) of the ESP8266 module to the voltage across the resistor. In this way, the ESP8266 module will not enter the Flash Mode the next time the Arduino platform is started, allowing it to execute the loaded code as soon as it receives power. Besides, the DHT sensor blue pin transfers the output signals, which must be captured by the WiFi module through the GPIO2 pin (blue).

Pinout diagram of the Arduino components (Boot Mode)

Pinout diagram of the DHT11 sensor

Pinout diagram of the DHT11 temperature/humidiy sensor.

Pinout diagram of the DHT11 sensor

Pinout diagram of the Arduino components (Boot Mode)

Pinout diagram of Arduino components. This pin structures enables to init the ESP8266 module in Boot Mode, executing the loaded code and sending data. After the instructions have been loaded, connect the GPIO0 pin (white) of the ESP8266 module to the voltage across the resistor. In this way, the ESP8266 module will not enter the Flash Mode the next time the Arduino platform is started, allowing it to execute the loaded code as soon as it receives power. Besides, the DHT sensor blue pin transfers the output signals, which must be captured by the WiFi module through the GPIO2 pin (blue).

Pinout diagram of the Arduino components (Boot Mode)

Pinout diagram of the Arduino components (Flash Mode)

Pinout diagram of Arduino components. This pin structures enables to init the ESP8266 module in Flash Mode to load code. The upper section of the breadboard is dedicated to the ESP8266 module pins, which is powered by a 3.3V voltage and uses a 10k resistor. The voltage flow to the WiFi module is controlled by the green pin connected to the breadboard in the last column of the positive charge row. The lower section of the breadboard is almost completely dedicated to the DHT temperature sensor. This sensor works with a voltage of 5V and a resistance of 1k.

Pinout diagram of the Arduino components (Flash Mode)

Pinout diagram of the ESP8266 module

Pinout diagram of the ESP8266 ESP-01 WiFi module.

Pinout diagram of the ESP8266 module


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