Digital Wall Clock

Making a big digital wall clock using Arduino Mega 2560, 5054 LED strip, DS3231 RTC, IRFZ44N MOSFET transistor, and aluminum profile.

Jan 15, 2019


21 respects

Components and supplies


Power MOSFET N-Channel


DS3231M - ±5ppm, I2C Real-Time Clock


LED (generic)


Arduino Mega 2560

Tools and machines


Soldering iron (generic)

Apps and platforms


Arduino IDE

Project description




Digital Wall Clock code

Downloadable files

Schematic connection

Schematic connection of clock

Schematic connection

Schematic connection

Schematic connection of clock

Schematic connection


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Anonymous user

2 years ago

But what the part of power. how to power the led strips because arduino can't do that we should use transistor but in how? Thanks I am waiting for your answer


2 years ago

Hi. Sorry but I did not exactly understood your question. But in schematic each led strip powering with N type power mosfet which controlling by Arduino. Spend a little bit more time to reading schematic. You will get it

Anonymous user

2 years ago

How many power mosfet did you use ?


2 years ago

30 for segments + dots. 1 for brightness control

Anonymous user

2 years ago

hi sir i made the same clock project it is a beatiful project. but there is numbers showing every minute like 17.75,18.00,20.00 what are they suppose to mean and is the clock gives the date (year,month,day) and how to maintain it thank you

Anonymous user

2 years ago

thank you sir for answering my question i will do as you instructed


2 years ago

Hello, It is a DS3231 board temperature. I wrote it above. "Also clock displays the DS3231 board temperature between 30-32 seconds of each minute." May be you did not pay attention. It starts from line 218 If you want to deactivate it, just delete "if" operand at line 218-220 and related "else" 241-250 starting from "else" And it will not show the board temperature

Anonymous user

2 years ago

hi sir can i change the clock system from 24 hours to 12 hours. and which line in the code i need to channge .thank you


2 years ago

Hi. You need to set bit6 ON 02h register of DS3231. 1. Go to the ../Arduino/libraries/Sodaq_DS3231/src/Sodaq_DS3231.cpp 2. Open Sodaq_DS3231.cpp file. 3. Go to the line 223 4. Change the hrReg &= 0b10111111; to -> hrReg &= 0b11111111; 5. Save and exit. 6. Restart the project in Arduino IDE

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Is it possible to add 2 more digits for seconds? Or are there no more outputs available?

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Is it possible to add 2 more digits for seconds? Or are there no more outputs available?

Anonymous user

4 years ago

How many power mosfet did you use ?


2 years ago

30 for segments + dots. 1 for brightness control

Anonymous user

5 years ago

But what the part of power. how to power the led strips because arduino can't do that we should use transistor but in how? Thanks I am waiting for your answer


2 years ago

Hi. Sorry but I did not exactly understood your question. But in schematic each led strip powering with N type power mosfet which controlling by Arduino. Spend a little bit more time to reading schematic. You will get it


6 years ago

hi sir can i change the clock system from 24 hours to 12 hours. and which line in the code i need to channge .thank you


2 years ago

Hi. You need to set bit6 ON 02h register of DS3231. 1. Go to the ../Arduino/libraries/Sodaq_DS3231/src/Sodaq_DS3231.cpp 2. Open Sodaq_DS3231.cpp file. 3. Go to the line 223 4. Change the hrReg &= 0b10111111; to -> hrReg &= 0b11111111; 5. Save and exit. 6. Restart the project in Arduino IDE


6 years ago

hi sir i made the same clock project it is a beatiful project. but there is numbers showing every minute like 17.75,18.00,20.00 what are they suppose to mean and is the clock gives the date (year,month,day) and how to maintain it thank you


2 years ago

thank you sir for answering my question i will do as you instructed

Anonymous user

2 years ago

How many power mosfet did you use in your project


2 years ago

Hello, It is a DS3231 board temperature. I wrote it above. "Also clock displays the DS3231 board temperature between 30-32 seconds of each minute." May be you did not pay attention. It starts from line 218 If you want to deactivate it, just delete "if" operand at line 218-220 and related "else" 241-250 starting from "else" And it will not show the board temperature