How to Make a Mini Oscilloscope at Home Using Arduino Nano

Make your own mini oscilloscope at home. It’s simple and easy to do!

Aug 16, 2019


34 respects

Components and supplies


1N4148 – General Purpose Fast Switching


Tactile Switch, Top Actuated


Arduino Nano R3


0.96" OLED 64x128 Display Module

Apps and platforms


Arduino IDE

Project description




Downloadable files






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Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi.great project. Please can you help me how to ajust position?thank you

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hello PMGOHARIAN, I have built your project. It is great ! Congratulations. The problem I have is about the accuracy. The showned values is far from the actual values. I suspect the resistors R1, R2, R3 are responsable for that, since in generally they do NOT have exactly the nominal impedance values, i.e. R1=508,5k (not 510k), R2=106k (not 120k), R3=9,8k (not 12k)... So, would you please post wich criteria did you use to calculate lsb5V, lsb50V and others constants in your control software ? Thanks a lot

Anonymous user

2 years ago

If you know the values, you should be able to recalculate the proper constants in the program according to those values.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

How is lsb5V = 0.0055549 calculated?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I am joining. I also want to know how these values are calculated.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Of curse I know the values. The problem is how calculate the constants ?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

I have compiled this code on arduino ide version 13 but showing error msg that can not compile for arduino uno please help what can I do.

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hi , Im trying to build a similar oscilloscope, unfortunately i have a SPI oled, i tried couple of days to modify the code to make it work for SPI but im quite new to arduino. Do you know if its easy to adapt the code for SPI ilo of I2C? Some guidance will be welcome:) Many thanks Cosmin


2 years ago

i make it, work great thank's

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Hallo, respect for your project! What kind of measurements you can do with this DSO? How much Voltage and DIVs has this DSO? Greetings from Germany ;-)

Anonymous user

3 years ago

I have compiled this code on arduino ide version 13 but showing error msg that can not compile for arduino uno please help what can I do.


4 years ago

i make it, work great thank's

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hi.great project. Please can you help me how to ajust position?thank you

Anonymous user

4 years ago

Hi , Im trying to build a similar oscilloscope, unfortunately i have a SPI oled, i tried couple of days to modify the code to make it work for SPI but im quite new to arduino. Do you know if its easy to adapt the code for SPI ilo of I2C? Some guidance will be welcome:) Many thanks Cosmin

Anonymous user

5 years ago

Dear PMGOHARIAN, I am literally here to thank you for this cheap crude oscilloscope with nearly all necessary inbuilt functions that could be possible with such a cheap Microcontroller and I made it as per your tutorial, and it's working absolutely fine. Further I made changes by adding a clamper unit made by using a Diode IN4007, and a ceramic capacitor of 0.1uF, so as to observe hoti 50Volts AC waveforms as well. Later on I hooked one end of the AC side to the clamper input while feeding another end to the +Vcc(5v) of the Microcontroller side so as to shift the waveform little up in the middle, thereby clipping a very small part of the waveform which is OK for such a small crude Oscilloscope. Later on, a slide switch was incorporated, parallel to the 0.1uF cap of the Clamper Unit, for DC Coupling. Later on, I replaced 12k with 10k, 120k with 100k, and 510k with 1M(I would soon replace it with something near to 900K so as to maintain 1:10 ratio), that gave me nearly exact values(divided by 10) on the screen, thereby maintaining same ratio of 1:10 at the input side along with AC and DC coupling. In the last I would thank you again for this awesome project, as being a student we generally don't have enough money to buy those high end oscilloscope. Wish I could upload the image of completed prototype, but it's not possible here in the comments section. Thank you again.


5 years ago

Hallo, respect for your project! What kind of measurements you can do with this DSO? How much Voltage and DIVs has this DSO? Greetings from Germany ;-)

Anonymous user

6 years ago

Hello PMGOHARIAN, I have built your project. It is great ! Congratulations. The problem I have is about the accuracy. The showned values is far from the actual values. I suspect the resistors R1, R2, R3 are responsable for that, since in generally they do NOT have exactly the nominal impedance values, i.e. R1=508,5k (not 510k), R2=106k (not 120k), R3=9,8k (not 12k)... So, would you please post wich criteria did you use to calculate lsb5V, lsb50V and others constants in your control software ? Thanks a lot

Anonymous user

2 years ago

If you know the values, you should be able to recalculate the proper constants in the program according to those values.


2 years ago

I am joining. I also want to know how these values are calculated.


2 years ago

How is lsb5V = 0.0055549 calculated?

Anonymous user

2 years ago

Of curse I know the values. The problem is how calculate the constants ?