Components and supplies
Arduino MKR IoT Bundle
Apps and platforms
Project description
Downloadable files
2 mm cardboard
PDF case
PDF case
PDF case
PDF case
2 mm cardboard
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6 years ago
what library is used in this project? please tell me how, I am very difficult to do it
Anonymous user
6 years ago
Do you happen to have a video of how to do this? I'm a teacher beyond my knowledge and I want to try to help my students. Thanks
7 years ago
Hey, there is an error in the schematics: the Light transistor is connected to A0 instead of A6, buzzer should be on 8, servo on 7 Also the comment in the code needs to be updated myservo.attach(7); // attaches the servo on pin 6 to the servo object :)
2 years ago
code fixed! thanks for your report
Pavlov's Cat | Arduino Project Hub
Anonymous user
5 years ago
Hello, my friends! I have spent the better part of the day connecting everything and following the instructions (for the most part). The only thing that moves at this point is the motor! There is no sound on the buzzer. The MKR 1000 kit IOT bundle comes with this default buzzer, and has no indication of polarity. There is no (+) nor (-). There is no red or black leads coming out of the device. There is only two shiny unsheathed prongs. While I would consider this a definite success. It would be greatly appreciated if there could be more explanation as to how to use the components that come with the MKR IOT bundle. I will go ahead and use some components from the elegoo kit I purchased separately (although they are not listed as the components above). Thank you! I'll get back to you on this project in process very soon! An avid Arduino fan, and Electrical Engineering student, -Donald Adams